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PoliciesCOURSE REPETITION(District Policy)Grade Alleviation: A student who has earned a gradeof D, F, NC or NP in a credit course at any college inthe San Mateo County Community <strong>College</strong> District mayrepeat the course two times for the purpose of grade alleviation.See additional circumstances below that mayallow an additional repetition.Special Circumstances: Under special educationallyjustifiable circumstances, repetition of credit coursesother than those for which substandard work has beenrecorded may be permitted. See information below.Note: A petition to repeat is not required if a studenthas up to two substandard grades (D, F, NC or NP). Youcan register on WebSMART unless you are on academicdismissal.A petition to repeat is required for the reasons below:Reason to repeat1. Student received an A, B, C,CR, or P and wants toimprove grade2. Student received a D, F, NC,or NP after taking a class amaximum of three timesWill petition be approved?No, unless reasons #3, 4 or5 apply.No, unless reason #6 applies.2. IMPORTANT WITHDRAWAL/DROP TIMELINES:Drop with a refundSemester-lengthCoursesFirst 2 weeks of instructionShort Courses First 10% of instructionDrop without notation of the enrollmentshown on recordSemester-lengthCoursesFirst 4 weeks of instructionShort Courses Prior to completion of the first30% of instructionWithdrawal with the notation of “W”shown on recordSemester-length After the 4th week of instructionCoursesand before the last day of the14th week of instructionShort Courses Prior to completion of the first75% of instruction3. The academic record of a student who remains in classbeyond the last day to withdraw will reflect a grade. Astudent who does not attend class and follow theestablished Withdrawal procedures may be assigned afailing grade of “F” by the professor.4. No more than four (4) withdrawals may be pro -cessed for a single course.3. Course is mandated fortraining requirements as acondition of continued paidor volunteer employment4. Class content has changedsubstantially5. Most recent course wascompleted more than threeyears ago6. Extenuating Circumstances –accident, illness, evidenceof caretaking responsibilities,job change, death inimmediate family, or adocumented disabilityWITHDRAWAL/DROPYes; student can repeatan unlimited number of times.Student must provide statementfrom employer mandating thecourse for training.Yes, for students with standard(A, B, C, CR, P) and substandardgrades (D, F, NC, NP).Yes, for students with standardand substandard grades.Yes, for students with substandardgrades. Documentationis required to support circumstancesthat specifically relateto the date of the course.1. Withdrawal from a class MUST be initiated by the studentthrough WebSMART. Students who are blockedfrom withdrawal due to Academic Standing may withdrawin-person at the Office of Admissions andRecords.STUDENT RIGHT TO KNOW ANDCAMPUS SECURITY ACT<strong>College</strong>s are required to publish and make availablecertain crime statistics and completion rates. For crimestatistics, contact the Public Safety Office, Building 6, orcall 738-4199, or check online at www.skylinecollege.edu/facstaff/HealthSafety/publicsafetysecurity/statistic.html. For completion or graduation rates, contactthe Public Information Office, Building 4, Room 329,or call 738-4324.STUDENT RECORDSPrivacy Rights of StudentsThe Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (Section438, Public Law 93-380), as amended, requires educationalinstitutions to provide access to official educationalrecords directly related to the student and an opportunityfor a hearing to challenge such records on the groundsthat they are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwiseinappro priate. These rights extend to present and formerstudents of the college. The college must obtain thewritten consent of the student before releasing personallyidentifiable information, except to those persons or agenciesspecified in the Act. For more detailed information,consult the <strong>College</strong> Catalog or contact the Admissionsand Records Office.P O L I C I E S2 012 S P R I N G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u123

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