MPLC® Tactical Line Charge - Ensign-Bickford Aerospace ...

MPLC® Tactical Line Charge - Ensign-Bickford Aerospace ...

MPLC® Tactical Line Charge - Ensign-Bickford Aerospace ...


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MPLC ® <strong>Tactical</strong> <strong>Line</strong> <strong>Charge</strong><br />



The MPLC ® <strong>Tactical</strong> <strong>Line</strong> <strong>Charge</strong> is a lightweight, man portable,<br />

rocket launched explosive system. The MPLC ® provides tactical<br />

units with the ability to conduct clearing operations in urban and<br />

complex environments from a covered or concealed position.<br />

The MPLC ® <strong>Tactical</strong> <strong>Line</strong> <strong>Charge</strong> system is self-contained in a<br />

lightweight backpack designed for carry and quick deployment<br />

by one soldier. Once the system is in firing position, a shock<br />

tube device, the skIN-PaCk ® Detonator assembly, will initiate<br />

the rocket and detonate the line charge.<br />


• Rapid deployment<br />

• Improves Information Operations (IO)<br />

• Improves Freedom of Movement (FoM)<br />

for civilians and coalition forces<br />

• Allows for soldier mobility<br />

• Low system weight (

MPLC ® <strong>Tactical</strong> <strong>Line</strong> <strong>Charge</strong><br />



OvERALL<br />


(NOmINAL)<br />

SYSTEm<br />

ExPLOSIvE WEIghT<br />

(NOmINAL)<br />

ShOCK TUBE<br />

LENgTh<br />

(NOmINAL)<br />

Ex-pending<br />

Rockets, with bursting charge, UN0180<br />

1.1F<br />


LENgTh<br />

(NOmINAL)<br />

lb kg lb kg ft m ft m<br />

28 13 14 6 100 30 82 25<br />

The MPLC ® <strong>Tactical</strong> <strong>Line</strong> <strong>Charge</strong> provides troops conducting dismounted<br />

operations the capability to counter trip-wire and mined antipersonnel<br />

obstacles that restrict tactical movement to selected targets. The MPLC ®<br />

<strong>Tactical</strong> <strong>Line</strong> <strong>Charge</strong> is designed to assist in the clearing of a narrow<br />

footpath to a target by exposing, disrupting or neutralizing trigger<br />

mechanisms, while minimizing collateral effects on non-combatant<br />

personnel, structures and property.<br />


640 HOPMEADOW STREET, P.O. BOX 429, SIMSBURY, CT 06070, USA www.EBA-D.com<br />

MPLC ® is a registered trademark of EBA&D. SKIN-PACK ® is a registered trademark of EBA&D.<br />


This product and its components are protected under U.S. Patent Numbers 7,650,993 / 7,490,554 / 5,522,318 and 5,631,440.<br />

640 HOPMEADOW STREET, P.O. BOX 429, SIMSBURY, CT 06070, USA www.EBA-D.com<br />

Attention: The information and recommendations described in this brochure cannot possibly cover every application of the products or variation of conditions under which the products are used.<br />

The recommendations Attention: The herein information are based and on recommendations the manufacturer’s described experience, in this research brochure and cannot testing. possibly They are cover believed every to application be accurate, of the but products no warranties or variation are made, of conditions express or under implied. which In addition, the products the specifications<br />

are used. The<br />

contained herein recommendations are all nominal herein which are represent based on our the current manufacturer’s production. experience, The products research described and testing. may be They subject are believed to change. to be Please accurate, feel free but to no contact warranties <strong>Ensign</strong>-<strong>Bickford</strong> are made, express <strong>Aerospace</strong> or implied. & Defense In addition, Company the for specifications verification.<br />

No Warranties contained or Liabilities: herein THE are PRODUCTS all nominal DESCRIBED which represent HEREIN our are current sold “AS production. IS” and without The products any warranty described or guaranty, may be subject express, to change. or implied, Please arising feel by free law to or contact otherwise <strong>Ensign</strong>-<strong>Bickford</strong> including without <strong>Aerospace</strong> limitation & Defense any warranty Company of merchantability<br />

for verification.<br />

or fitness No Warranties for a particular or Liabilities: purpose. THE Buyer PRODUCTS and user DESCRIBED agree further HEREIN to release are sold and “AS discharge IS” and without seller from any any warranty and all or liabilities guaranty, whatsoever express, or arising implied, out arising of the by purchase law or otherwise or use of any including product without described limitation herein any whether warranty or not of merchantability<br />

such liability is<br />

or fitness for occasioned a particular by purpose. seller’s Buyer negligence and user or based agrees upon further strict to release products and liability discharge or upon seller principles from any of and indemnity all liabilities or contribution. whatsoever Content©2012 arising out of the <strong>Ensign</strong>-<strong>Bickford</strong> purchase or use <strong>Aerospace</strong> of any product & Defense described Company, herein whether Simsbury, or not CT such 06070, liability U.S.A. is<br />

occasioned by seller’s negligence or based upon strict products liability or upon principles of indemnity or contribution.<br />

Cleared for<br />

Content©2011<br />

Open Publication<br />

<strong>Ensign</strong>-<strong>Bickford</strong><br />

by the Office of Security<br />

<strong>Aerospace</strong><br />

Review,<br />

& Defense<br />

Department<br />

Company,<br />

of Defense<br />

Simsbury,<br />

4/26/2012<br />

CT 06070,<br />

12-S-1673<br />


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