CENSUSI I POPULLSISË - United Nations Statistics Division

CENSUSI I POPULLSISË - United Nations Statistics Division

CENSUSI I POPULLSISË - United Nations Statistics Division

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Tab. 4: Ndërtesat, njësitë ekonomike familjare, banesat dhe popullsia banuese*sipas Bashkive dhe Komunave me mbi 10,000 banorë - 2011 rezultate paraprakeBuildings, households, dwellings and usually resident population* for Municipalitiesand Communes with more then 10,000 inhabitants - 2011 preliminary resultsBashki./KomuneMunic./CommuneNdertesaBuildingsBanesaDwellingsNj.e.f.HouseholdsPersonaPersonsMeshkujMalesFemraFemalesTiranë 46,401 154,788 123,689 421,286 207,391 213,895Durrës 23,496 54,496 31,979 115,550 57,643 57,907Vlorë 17,352 40,674 23,169 79,948 40,024 39,924Elbasan 13,161 28,661 22,765 79,810 39,753 40,057Shkodër 12,204 25,923 21,236 74,876 37,043 37,833Kamëz 12,623 16,015 14,888 67,301 34,145 33,156Fier 8,752 23,957 16,954 57,198 28,519 28,679Korçë 8,106 20,626 15,869 51,683 25,478 26,205Kashar 6,498 21,238 11,999 45,742 23,022 22,720Paskuqan 7,733 8,974 8,204 37,313 19,079 18,234Berat 5,926 13,948 10,716 36,467 18,274 18,193Lushnje 5,444 12,131 9,071 31,424 15,795 15,629Rrashbull 6,886 12,703 5,751 23,997 12,191 11,806Farkë 3,641 9,889 5,811 22,713 11,546 11,167Rrethinat 5,556 6,173 5,296 22,545 11,345 11,200Dajt 3,382 8,664 5,140 20,935 10,651 10,284Pogradec 2,900 9,096 6,098 20,912 10,484 10,428Kavajë 4,840 8,805 5,746 20,312 10,079 10,233Gjirokastër 3,555 8,218 5,771 19,570 9,778 9,792Fushë krujë 4,861 5,810 4,143 18,024 9,179 8,845* In this table the usually resident population does not include persons living in collective livingquarters (16,161 persons), since these data are not available at the level of Municipality/Communefor the preliminary results. This can lead in some cases to some differences, if compared with thefinal results.Laç 2,675 5,657 4,315 17,588 8,700 8,888Sarandë 3,170 11,658 5,256 17,587 9,001 8,586Kukës 1,364 4,277 3,548 16,765 8,406 8,359Sukth 4,360 6,102 4,046 16,516 8,248 8,268Mamurras 3,937 4,667 3,685 15,884 8,016 7,868Patos 3,843 6,432 4,462 15,765 7,948 7,817Buçimas 4,089 5,122 3,823 15,701 8,005 7,696Lezhë 2,337 6,379 4,240 15,644 7,725 7,919Bushat 4,508 4,902 3,534 14,093 7,049 7,044Peshkopi 1,258 3,772 3,030 13,227 6,715 6,512Kuçovë 1,889 5,458 4,028 12,602 6,117 6,485Shënkoll 3,386 3,738 2,806 12,289 6,191 6,098Kodër thumanë 3,130 3,580 2,867 12,254 6,231 6,023Vorë 3,215 4,264 2,947 12,135 6,160 5,975Xhafzotaj 3,693 3,848 2,958 11,789 5,887 5,902Cakran 3,881 4,501 2,775 11,677 6,040 5,637Krujë 2,479 3,656 2,959 11,642 5,986 5,656Burrel 956 3,314 2,882 10,895 5,460 5,435Pojan 3,700 3,804 2,829 10,720 5,466 5,254Maqellarë 2,733 2,796 2,159 10,577 5,436 5,141Bradashesh 2,923 3,073 2,446 10,548 5,442 5,106Katund i ri 3,315 3,543 2,354 10,209 5,094 5,115Tërbuf 2,654 3,441 2,441 10,192 5,216 4,976*Në këtë tabelë popullsia banuese nuk përfshin personat që jetojnë në banesat kolektive (16,161persona), sepse këto të dhëna nuk janë disponibël në nivel Bashkie/Komune për rezultatet paraprake.Në disa raste kjo mund të sjellë disa diferenca me rezultatet finale.20Otllak 3,525 3,748 2,618 10,128 5,030 5,098

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