MS Thesis R. Hager - Hawaii National Marine Renewable Energy ...

MS Thesis R. Hager - Hawaii National Marine Renewable Energy ... MS Thesis R. Hager - Hawaii National Marine Renewable Energy ...
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P I Iw dS (70)tnSIf the column moves with a constant velocity along the x-axis, the power flux of the incidentwave across a fixed control surface is:tIcosh( k(z d )) Agcos( kx t)cosh( kd )xIAgkcosh( k(z d))cos( kx t)cosh( kd )Thus:2 2gA kPw122 cosh ( kd)d02cosh ( k(z d))dz (71)Note higher order terms are neglected, and thus, the power of the wave is integrated from -dto 0 with respect to the z-axis.P w2 2 g A tanh( kd) 2kd 12 2 sinh(2kd)Pw22gAgH Cg C (72)g2 83.7 Absorbed Wave PowerThe time-averaged wave power absorbed for a single, heaving body is 2 (Evans, 1976):PTitit(X F ) e Ue 1T ro0dt (73) 3where,U U e oitThus,2 The superimposed bar indicates a complex conjugate3 < > indicates a time averaged term52

(1P X F r) U o2As previously defined:F ( BU MU) or(P 1 X ( BUo MU o)) U2ooU o U o 0Thus,P1 21XUoBUoUo2PXXB8B U2 oXB2UoXB2(74)The real interest is to optimize the power, thus the latter term should go to zero so that Pis maximized. Therefore, the maximum absorbed power is:PX2i8Bmax (75)ijMaximum power absorption occurs at:UjX2Bi (76)ijMaximum power absorbed for a two-dimensional, heaving bodyRecallgCBijg 2 22 XigACgi 2Thus,53

(1P X F r) U o2As previously defined:F ( BU MU) or(P 1 X ( BUo MU o)) U2ooU o U o 0Thus,P1 21XUoBUoUo2PXXB8B U2 oXB2UoXB2(74)The real interest is to optimize the power, thus the latter term should go to zero so that Pis maximized. Therefore, the maximum absorbed power is:PX2i8Bmax (75)ijMaximum power absorption occurs at:UjX2Bi (76)ijMaximum power absorbed for a two-dimensional, heaving bodyRecallgCBijg 2 22 XigACgi 2Thus,53

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