MS Thesis R. Hager - Hawaii National Marine Renewable Energy ...

MS Thesis R. Hager - Hawaii National Marine Renewable Energy ... MS Thesis R. Hager - Hawaii National Marine Renewable Energy ...
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI would like to begin by saying how truly grateful I am for all those that have helped me along the way. ToProfessor Teng for her constant guidance and support. Professor Ertekin and Professor Nihous who havetaken hours of their lives to teach me about waves. To Nelson Fernandez who has been my partner on theexperimental side since the beginning, and Ame Masutomi who greatly contributed in the final stages of theexperiment. A special thank you to Richard Carter who has been a mentor for me in both the theoretical andexperimental aspects of this project. He has not only been a patient teacher, but an amazing friend. Ingeneral all those in the Hydraulics lab I would like to thank for their contributions to my project in the pasttwo years. On the experimental aspect of the project I am thankful to Mitch Pinkerton, Austin Rogers, andBrian Kodama for not only their aid in setting up the experiment, but for their indispensable advice. On thenumerical side of the project a very special thank you goes to Danny Lee and Dylan Hunt for their hourshelping me with computer problems, without either of them the numerical work would never have evenbegun. I would like to thank Janis Kusatsu and Amy Fujishige for their great work. Thank you to the REISprogram, in particular Professor Kuh and Robert McGehee for their continuous support. Additionally thankyou to Dr. Luis Vega and the Hawaiian National Marine Renewable Energy Center for their continuoussupport.In general, thank you to all my friends for their support and kindness. Thank you to Professor Chin Wu atthe University of Wisconsin-Madison for his past advice and knowledge. A special thank you to Alvina Lutu-Perelini who has made me feel that I not only have a best friend in Honolulu, but a family. Finally, I wouldlike to dedicate this thesis to my family; mother, Roberta Hager; father, Michael Hager; and brother, TomHager. There are not even words to show how grateful I am that they are in my life, but thank you.2

ABSTRACTNumerical simulations are carried out to study the effects of body geometry on maximum powerabsorption efficiency. Diffraction theory is used to study two-dimensional, single, surface-piercing,heaving bodies impinged by regular, harmonic, linear waves. The complex amplitude of theexcitation force in the heave direction is calculated numerically using AQWA. Additionally, a waveflume experiment is proposed to measure the complex amplitude of the excitation force in the heavedirection, in order to study the maximum power absorption efficiency.From the complex amplitude of the excitation force (X i ), the radiated wave amplitudes at positiveinfinity (α + ) and negative infinity (α - ) are calculated using:2AgCgiXiThe maximum power absorption efficiency for a given frequency is then calculated using:22 2The radiated wave amplitude at positive infinity is calculated from the amplitude of the excitationforce as a wave impinges the curved face of the body. Rotating the body 180° and measuring theamplitude of the excitation force yields the radiated wave amplitude at negative infinity.Results indicate concave bodies experience the greatest excitation force and convex bodies yield thehigher maximum power absorption efficiency, under the condition that the wavelength is relativelyshort and the draft and waterline cross-sectional area remain constant. For long waves, thegeometric effect becomes insignificant.3

ABSTRACTNumerical simulations are carried out to study the effects of body geometry on maximum powerabsorption efficiency. Diffraction theory is used to study two-dimensional, single, surface-piercing,heaving bodies impinged by regular, harmonic, linear waves. The complex amplitude of theexcitation force in the heave direction is calculated numerically using AQWA. Additionally, a waveflume experiment is proposed to measure the complex amplitude of the excitation force in the heavedirection, in order to study the maximum power absorption efficiency.From the complex amplitude of the excitation force (X i ), the radiated wave amplitudes at positiveinfinity (α + ) and negative infinity (α - ) are calculated using:2AgCgiXiThe maximum power absorption efficiency for a given frequency is then calculated using:22 2The radiated wave amplitude at positive infinity is calculated from the amplitude of the excitationforce as a wave impinges the curved face of the body. Rotating the body 180° and measuring theamplitude of the excitation force yields the radiated wave amplitude at negative infinity.Results indicate concave bodies experience the greatest excitation force and convex bodies yield thehigher maximum power absorption efficiency, under the condition that the wavelength is relativelyshort and the draft and waterline cross-sectional area remain constant. For long waves, thegeometric effect becomes insignificant.3

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