MS Thesis R. Hager - Hawaii National Marine Renewable Energy ...

MS Thesis R. Hager - Hawaii National Marine Renewable Energy ... MS Thesis R. Hager - Hawaii National Marine Renewable Energy ...
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BIBILIOGRAPHYANSYS. (n.d.). ANSYS AQWA User’s Manual. Canonsburg, PA: ANSYS Inc., 2010.ANSYS. (n.d.). ANSYS Workbench User’s Manual. Canonsburg, PA: ANSYS Inc., 2010.ANSYS. (n.d.). AQWQ LINE Manual United Kingdom: ANSYS Inc., 2010.Backer, G. D. (2009). Hydrodynamic Design Optimization of Wave <strong>Energy</strong> ConvertersConsisting of Heaving Point Absorbers Ph.D. <strong>Thesis</strong>. University of Ghent.Bedard, R. a. (n.d.). Offshore Wave <strong>Energy</strong> Conversion Devices. E2I EPRI. Retrieved from, L. C. (1979). Wave <strong>Energy</strong> in Swedish Waters . Symposium on Ocean Wave <strong>Energy</strong>Utilization, (pp. 222-252).Brooke, J. (2003). Wave-<strong>Energy</strong> Conversion. Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd.Budal, K. (1977). Theory for Absorption of wave Power by a System of Interacting Bodies .Journal of Ship Research 21(4), 248-253.Budal, K. a. (1975). A Resonant Point Absorber of Ocean-Wave Power. Nature 256, 478-479.Budal, K. a. (1977). Optimum Operation of Improved Wave-Power Converter. J. <strong>Marine</strong>Science Communication 3(2), 133-150.Budal, K. a. (1978). Wave-Power Conversion by Point Absorbers. Norweigan Maritime Research6(4), 2-11.Budal, K. Falnes,J. Kyllingstad,A. and Oltedal, G. (1979). Experiments with PointAbsorbers. Symposium on Ocean Wave <strong>Energy</strong> Utilization, (pp. 253-280).Callaway, E. “. (2007). To Catch a Wave . Nature 450 (8), 156-159.Campus, A. (n.d.). Retrieved from<strong>Energy</strong> from the Sea.Carter, R. (2005). Wave <strong>Energy</strong> Converters and a Submerged Horizontal Plate . Master’s <strong>Thesis</strong>,University of <strong>Hawaii</strong>.Clément, A. M. (2002). <strong>Renewable</strong> Sustainable <strong>Energy</strong> Review. Wave <strong>Energy</strong> in Europe: CurrentStatus and Perspectives 6(5) , 405-431.Cohen, K. a. (2008). Fluid Mechanics. Elsevier Inc.Cruz, J. (2008). Ocean Wave <strong>Energy</strong>: Current Status and Future Perspectives . Springer-Verlag .DesignModeler User’s Manual. Canonsburg, P. A. (n.d.).Drew, B. P. (2009). A Review of Wave-<strong>Energy</strong> Converter Technology. Journal of Power and<strong>Energy</strong> 223, 887-902.Ertekin, C. (2012). ORE 609 Hydrodynamics of Fluid-Body Interaction .Ertekin, R., Wang, S., Che, X., & and Riggs, H. (1995). On the Application of the Haskind-Hanaoka Relations. <strong>Marine</strong> Structures, 617-629.Evans, D. (1976). A Theory for Wave-Power Absorption by Oscillating Bodies . Journal ofFluid Mechanics 77(1) , 1-25.Evans, D. (1979). Some Theoretical Aspects of Three-Dimensional Wave-<strong>Energy</strong> Absorbers. Symposium on Ocean Wave <strong>Energy</strong> Utilization, (pp. 78-112).Evans, D. (n.d.). Theory for Wave Power Absorption by Oscillating Bodies . Proc. 11thSymposium Naval Hydrodynamics. London.Falcão, A. (2010). <strong>Renewable</strong> Sustainable <strong>Energy</strong> Review. Wave <strong>Energy</strong> Utilization: A Review ofthe Technologies 14, 899-918.Falnes, J. (2007). A Review of Wave <strong>Energy</strong> Extraction. <strong>Marine</strong> Structures 20, 185-201.114

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