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Included in the share capital is a special share of $0.10issued to the Minister for Finance (Incorporated).Thespecial share enjoys all the rights attached to the ordinaryshares. In addition, the special share carries the right toapprove any resolution to be passed by the Company,either in general meeting or by its Board of Directors, oncertain matters specified in the Company’s Articles ofAssociation.The special share may be converted at anytime into an ordinary share.During the financial year, the Company issued17,004,832 ordinary shares of $0.10 each for cash uponthe exercise of the options under the ST Engg ShareOption Scheme.At the end of the financial year, unissued ordinary sharesof $0.10 each of the Company under options granted toeligible employees and a director of the Company underthe ST Engg Share Option Scheme amounted to a total of94,054,226 ordinary shares of $0.10 each.4. SHARE PREMIUMThe share premium account may be applied only for thepurposes specified in the Companies Act.The balance isnot available for distribution of dividends except in theform of shares.Other than the reclassification of $114,863,000 fromshare premium account to capital reserve as disclosed inNote 6 to the financial statements, the movement in theshare premium account arises from the issuance of17,004,832 ordinary shares of $0.10 each at between7. UNAPPROPRIATED PROFIT$0.37 to $1.42 per share for cash upon the exercise ofoptions under the ST Engg Share Option Scheme.5. MERGER RESERVEThis amount in respect of prior year represents thesurplus arising from the amalgamation of the SchemeCompanies pursuant to a Scheme of arrangement underSection 210 of the Companies Act in 1997.The surpluscomprises the difference between the amount recordedas share capital issued by the Company and the amountrecorded for the share capital of the Scheme Companiesacquired under the pooling of interest method.During the financial year, the merger reserve has beenutilised to partially write off against the goodwill onacquisition of Founders Industries Pte Ltd (formerlyknown as Chartered Industries of <strong>Singapore</strong> (Pte)Limited) and its subsidiaries.6. CAPITAL RESERVEDuring the financial year, an amount of $114,863,000has been reclassified from the share premium account tocapital reserve as disclosed in Note 4 to the financialstatements.This amount relates to share premium of therespective pooled enterprises, namely <strong>Singapore</strong><strong>Technologies</strong> Aerospace Ltd, <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong>Electronics Limited, <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> Kinetics Ltdand <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> Marine Ltd which should beclassified as capital reserve upon the pooling of interestsin the financial year ended 31 December 1997.Accordingly, prior year comparatives have been restatedto conform with current year presentation.GROUP2000 1999$’000 $’000Retained by:The Company 174,467 101,475Subsidiaries 271,325 231,112Associated companies and joint ventures 27,874 85,956473,666 418,543Included in unappropriated profit of the Company is anamount of $98,595,254 received from a subsidiary representingthe distribution of the subsidiary’s share premiumas a result of a capital reduction as described in Note 36 tothe financial statements.The distribution of this amount isrestricted by certain provisions of the Companies Act.8. FIXED ASSETSVALUATION/COSTADDITIONS DUEAS AT TO ACQUISITION TRANSLATION AS AT1.1.2000 ADDITIONS OF SUBSIDIARIES DISPOSALS TRANSFERS DIFFERENCE 31.12.2000$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000THE GROUPAT 1972 VALUATIONLeasehold land andbuildings 3,365 – – – – – 3,365Wharves and slipways 1,490 – – – – – 1,490Syncrolift andfloating docks 4,603 – – – – – 4,603Plant and machinery 1,694 – – – – – 1,694Furniture, fittings, officeequipment andcomputers 653 – – – – – 653AT COSTFreehold land andbuilding 5,347 – 477 – (4,856) 179 1,147Leasehold land andbuildings 244,508 5,352 104,307 (193) 11,159 1,242 366,375Buildings on rentedproperties 34,457 – – – – – 34,457Improvements topremises 4,169 276 – (244) 873 239 5,313Wharves and slipways 19,631 – – – – – 19,631Syncrolift andfloating docks 61,624 – – – – – 61,624Boats and barges 3,239 – – – – – 3,239Plant and machinery 219,100 17,230 56,395 (8,177) 3,022 2,280 289,850Production tools andequipment 71,085 6,041 109 (1,072) (1,014) 108 75,257Furniture, fittings, officeequipment andcomputers 93,897 19,690 33,222 (11,555) 8 430 135,692Transportationequipment andvehicles 13,317 955 2,577 (1,078) – 35 15,806Aircraft enginesand helicopters 11,229 – – (2,774) (1,705) – 6,750Construction in progress 6,702 7,100 – (262) (7,487) 96 6,149800,110 56,644 197,087 (25,355) – 4,609 1,033,095130 • visionnotes to the financial statements • 131

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