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NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS31 DECEMBER 2000(Currency - <strong>Singapore</strong> dollars)These notes form an integral part of and should be read inconjunction with the accompanying financial statements.1. THE COMPANY, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND THEIR PRINCIPALACTIVITIESThe Company is a public limited company domiciledand incorporated in <strong>Singapore</strong>.The address of theCompany’s registered office is 51 Cuppage Road#09-08 <strong>Singapore</strong> 229469.The Company’s immediate holding company and ultimateholding company are <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> PteLtd and Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited respectively,both incorporated in <strong>Singapore</strong>.The principal activities of the Company, are those of aninvestment holding company and the provision of engineeringand related services.The principal activities of the subsidiariesare set out in Note 9 to the financial statements.2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES(A) BASIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PREPARATIONThe financial statements, expressed in <strong>Singapore</strong> dollars,are prepared in accordance with Statements of AccountingStandard in <strong>Singapore</strong> and historical cost convention,modified by the revaluation of certain fixed assets.(B) BASIS OF CONSOLIDATION(i) The consolidated financial statements include thefinancial statements of the Company and its subsidiariesmade up to the end of the financial year.The results ofsubsidiaries acquired or disposed during the financialyear are included from the effective date of acquisitionor up to the effective date of disposal. All significantintercompany balances and transactions are eliminatedon consolidation.In the consolidated financial statements, subsidiaries areaccounted for using purchase method, except for theCompany’s interests in <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> AerospaceLtd, <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> Electronics Limited,<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> Kinetics Ltd (formerly known as<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> Automotive Ltd), and <strong>Singapore</strong><strong>Technologies</strong> Marine Ltd [collectively referred to as the“Scheme Companies”] which resulted from the amalgamationof the Scheme Companies pursuant to a schemeof arrangement under Section 210 of the Companies Act,Chapter 50 (“the Act”) in 1997.As the amalgamation of the Scheme Companies constitutesa uniting of interests, the pooling of interests method hasbeen adopted in the preparation of the consolidated financialstatements in connection with the amalgamation.Under the pooling of interests method, the combinedassets, liabilities and reserves of the pooled enterprisesare recorded at their existing carrying amounts at thedate of amalgamation.The excess or deficiency ofamount recorded as share capital issued (plus any additionalconsideration in the form of cash or other assets)over the amount recorded for the share capital acquiredis recorded as merger reserve.(ii) The Group adopts the equity method to account forits interests in associated companies and joint ventures.The Group’s share of the post-acquisition results of associatedcompanies and joint ventures is included in the consolidatedprofit and loss account.The Group’s share of the postacquisitionaccumulated profits and reserves of associatedcompanies and joint ventures is included in the carryingvalue of the investments in the consolidated balance sheet.For this purpose, the audited financial statements of theassociated companies and joint ventures are used.Whereaudited financial statements are not available, unauditedfinancial statements are used.(iii) Goodwill or reserve on consolidation represents theexcess or deficiency of the purchase consideration over thefair values (assigned by the directors) of the underlying netassets of the subsidiaries, associated companies and joint venturesat the date of acquisition. Goodwill arising on consolidationis written off against reserves in the year of acquisition.(iv) In the preparation of the consolidated financial statements,the balance sheets of foreign subsidiaries, associatedcompanies and joint ventures are translated into<strong>Singapore</strong> dollars at rates of exchange ruling at the balancesheet date except for share capital and reserveswhich are translated at historical rates of exchange.Operating results are translated at average rates ofexchange for the year.Translation differences are taken tothe Foreign Currency Translation Reserve.(C) LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS(I) SUBSIDIARIESA subsidiary is a company in which the Group, directlyor indirectly, holds more than half of the issued sharecapital, or controls more than half of the voting power,or controls the composition of the Board of Directors.Investments in shares of subsidiaries are stated in thefinancial statement of the Company at cost.(II) ASSOCIATED COMPANIES AND JOINT VENTURESAn associated company, is a company not being a subsidiaryor joint venture, in which the Group has a substantialinterest of not less than 20 percent of the equityand in whose financial and operating policy decisions theGroup exercises significant influence.A joint venture is a company, not being a subsidiary orassociated company, in which the Group has a long-terminterest of not more than 50 percent of the equity andhas joint control in the investee company’s financial andoperating policies.Investments in associated companies and joint ventures arestated in the financial statements of the Company at cost.(III) OTHER LONG-TERM INVESTMENTSOther investments held for long-term purposes are statedat cost. Distributions from unquoted equity investmentsof a venture fund nature are treated as reductionsFIXED ASSETSFreehold land and buildingLeasehold land and buildingsBuildings on rented propertiesImprovements to premisesWharves and slipwaysSyncrolift and floating docksBoats and bargesPlant and machineryProduction tools and equipmentFurniture, fittings, office equipment and computersTransportation equipment and vehiclesAircraft engines and helicoptersin investment costs until the costs are fully recovered,after which the distributions are recognised as income.(IV) QUOTED BONDSQuoted bonds held on long-term basis are stated at thelower of cost, adjusted for amortisation of premiums andaccretion of discounts, and market value determined on aportfolio basis.Provision for diminution in value of long-term investments(other than quoted bonds) is made when, in theopinion of the directors, there has been a decline, otherthan a temporary decline in the value of the investments.(D) SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTSShort-term investments are stated at the lower of cost,adjusted for the amortisation of premium and accretion ofdiscount, and net realisable value determined on a portfoliobasis. Cost is determined on the weighted average method.Premium or discount on purchase of investment is amortisedover the period of investment.(E) AMOUNTS UNDER FUND MANAGEMENTAmounts under fund management are stated at the principalsums, net of provision for diminution in value on anindividual fund basis.(F) FIXED ASSETS AND DEPRECIATIONFixed assets are stated at cost or valuation, net of depreciationand any impairment loss. Depreciation is providedon the straight-line basis so as to write off the cost ofthese assets over their estimated useful lives as follows:ESTIMATED USEFUL LIVES30 yearsOver the period of the lease of between 10 to 30 years30 years5 to 30 years10 to 16 years10 years5 yearsLower of 5 years or project life3 to 5 years2 to 5 years4 to 5 years5 years126 • visionnotes to the financial statements • 127

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