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The yard’s ability to go on tosecure the conversion contractfrom H.A.M. B.V. to lengthen itsdredger Ham310 speaks volumesfor the very positive first impressionswhich we have made.Odjfell ASA, one of the world’slargest tanker operator, also awardedus a second contract, followingclose on the heels of the first.MOVING UP THE SCALEOF REPAIR SPECIALITYThe Marine sector moved up thescale of repair speciality this yearwith the commencement of maintenancework for the first of theRSN’s submarines, RSS Conqueror.The submarine came into ouryard for repairs in May, officiallyrolling out our maintenance programmefor the RSN’s submarinefleet.To gear ourselves for thisundertaking, we have been postingengineers and technical personnelfor attachments in Sweden.E-ENHANCEDCUSTOMER SERVICEIn 2000, we launched a portal,e-stmarine.com, specially tailoredfor our newbuilding and shiprepaircustomers.Our objective in establishingthis portal is to provide them withquick and easy access to up-todateinformation related to theirprojects at our yard.We believethat our worldwide customerswill appreciate this initiativewhich enhances the value of theservices that we bring to them.LAND BASEDENGINEERINGThe feasibility study, design anddevelopment of a 5000 ton/daypilot plant was in progress duringthe year.Blast door sales were flatas the Housing and DevelopmentBoard (HDB) hasscaled down their buildingprogramme.We will focusour marketing efforts onprivate residential projects.LOOKING AHEADOur way forward in the nearfuture is through building uponour existing strengths.We willcontinue to leverage on ourproven capabilities in ship designand shipbuilding to pursue highvalue-added repairs such as shipconversions.We are confident thatthe ship conversion projects wehave successfully completed overthe years will also provide us witha competitive edge in this marketsegment.We will continue to pursueniche markets such as cruise vesselrepairs, promoting ourselvesas another yard of choice for thegrowing number of cruise shipoperators in the region. Ourimpeccable reputation for consistentlydelivering high qualityproducts and services, as well asour steadily growing track recordin the cruise vessel repair market,will stand us in good stead.Another niche market isdredger repairs.With the scaleof the projects that the Marinesector has undertaken to date, wehave established a very crediblereputation as a specialist yard fordredger repairs.We will aim toensure that our strong presence inthe dredger repair market continuesto grow.Tank coating projects will alsobe pursued to build on the successfultrack record that we haveestablished in this market segment.The Marine sector commenced maintenancework for the first of the RSN’s submarines,RSS Conqueror.OUTLOOKOverall, the company is cautiouslyoptimistic about the shiprepairand shipbuilding industry.WhileChina presents a potential challengein the newbuilding andshiprepair market, <strong>Singapore</strong>yards are still dominant in the bigshiprepair market and in moresophisticated conversion worksuch as FPSOs and dredgerjumboisation.It is anticipated that the numberof VLCCs to be scrapped thisyear will exceed 40.This is likelyto have an impact on ourshiprepair business since biggeryards, with a comparatively lowervolume of VLCC repair projects,are expected to encroach into thenon-VLCC segment of theshiprepair market.On a brighter note, the high oilprices are keeping the tanker marketbuoyant, making the tankerrepair market look promising.Theoffshore sector is also showingsigns of picking up, with demandfor offshore supply vesselsstrengthening.This could presentnewbuilding opportunities for us.Our size and capabilities arewell-suited for the niche marketsand, coupled with the marketingsuccesses and track record we havebuilt up, we are confident that theMarine sector will perform wellin the coming year.for those who need something to count onDetails matter.The preceding pagespresented a picture ofST Engg’s activities during2000 and the key statisticsfor the year. In the followingpages, we offer a thoroughbreakdown of the Group’sperformance in figures.Group FinancialPerformancePAGE 98Directors’ ReportPAGE 101Statement by DirectorsPAGE 116Auditors’ ReportPAGE 117Balance SheetsPAGE 118Statements ofProfit & LossPAGE 120Statements ofChanges in EquityPAGE 121Consolidated Statementof Cash FlowsPAGE 123Notes to the FinancialStatementsPAGE 126Additional InformationPAGE 176Board Composition& CommitteesPAGE 180I N S I D EShareholding StatisticsPAGE 181Share Prices andTurnoverPAGE 182Review of FinancialPerformance:Aerospace,Electronics,Land Systems,MarinePAGE 183Subsidiaries andAssociated CompaniesPAGE 203Corporate InformationPAGE 208Directors’ InformationPAGE 209Corporate DirectoryPAGE 211Notice of Fourth AGMPAGE 221Letter to ShareholdersPAGE 223Proxy FormPAGE 22596 • visionby the numbers • 97

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