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The ATTC created a splash when it was launched at majorinternational exhibitions.In the US market, we gavedemonstrations to various agenciesincluding the Special Forces andMarine Corps, and took part in majorexhibitions such as the Tactical andSecurity Resources Expo (TREXPO);National Defense IndustrialAssociation Symposium & Exhibition(NDIA); and the Association of theUS Army (AUSA) Convention andExhibition. A SAR 21 “shoot-off ”was conducted at the NationalRifle Association firing range inFairfax,Virginia, for journalists,Congressional staffers and militaryofficials.Elsewhere in the internationalarena, the SAR 21 was demonstratedin the Middle Eastern, African andAsian countries.At home, we delivered the firstbatch of rifles to the <strong>Singapore</strong>Armed Forces (SAF), well in timefor its public debut at the NationalDay Parade in August.INNOVATION AND SPEEDThe year saw the launch of our newflagship vehicle – the All TerrainTracked Carrier (ATTC) – a highlymobile and versatile articulatedtracked vehicle with an unsurpassedpayload of 5.5 tons. It was developedin response to the tremendous marketpotential in the US and Europeancountries.Built for both militaryand commercialapplications, the ATTCmade its debut at AsianAerospace 2000 inFebruary. It has sincebeen on exhibition atEurosatory in Paris andAUSA in WashingtonD.C., where it receivedrave reviews in themedia. In <strong>Singapore</strong>,the ATTC was awardedthe Defence Technology Prize bythe Ministry of Defence in Novemberin recognition of our technologicalinnovation and contribution to thenation’s defence.Manufacturing processes and automatedsystems such as the 40mm fuse assemblyline were streamlined for greater efficiency.Besides the ATTC, threevariants were introduced to theBionix family this year – theRecovery Vehicle, the ArmouredVehicle Launched Bridge andInfantry Carrier Vehicle.Designed using the Bionixplatform, they achieve maximumcommonalities in line with today’srequirements for a family of variantswhich can provide the full spectrumof combat capabilities.MOVING FORWARDAS A TOTAL LAND DEFENCESYSTEMS PROVIDERMilitary forces around the worldhave increasingly come to theconclusion that a prime requirementfor their future is the creation oflighter, highly mobile forces withenhanced firepower.We are continuously centeringour products and R&D efforts tomeet these requirements.In addition to our automotiveinnovation, we have embarked onseveral projects to develop newweapon and munition systems suchas the Self-Propelled Rapid FiringAdvanced Mortar System, theLight-Weight Wheeled-Based FieldHowitzer and the 40mm Air BurstingMunitions System.The commitment shown byour NATO customers reaffirmsthe international standing of ourproducts. In the third quarter, wesecured our first overseas contractfor artillery gun sub-systems froma NATO country after extensivetests by the customer.In addition, we received repeatorders from Sweden for our 40mmHigh Velocity self-destruct rounds,and are working with a few countrieson evaluating and qualifyingthis product to NATO standards.The 40mm rounds – nicknamed“green” grenades because of theirself-destruct fuses – are also beingevaluated for the US market underthe Foreign Comparative Testingprogramme.On the home front, we clinchednew orders from the Ministry ofDefence, primarily for new vehicles,vehicle upgrade programmes andmunitions.As an integrated systems supplier,the Land Systems sector can nowoffer better solutions, combiningplatforms, weapons and munitions tomeet the exacting requirements ofour customers.INTERNATIONAL VISIBILITYWe want our products and capabilitiesin design and developmentto be known as widely as possible.This year, we participated in majordefence exhibitions like AsianAerospace 2000 in <strong>Singapore</strong>, FIDAEin Chile, SOFEX in Jordan,Eurosatory in Paris, Defence Asiain the Philippines, Defendory inGreece and AUSA in Washington,D.C.Through these platforms, wemanaged to spur greater awarenessand foreign interest in our products.The year also saw us playinghost to dignitaries from around theworld.They included US CongressmanBob Riley, the US House ArmedServices Committee comprising theChairman, US Congressman FloydSpence and US Congressman SolomonOrtiz, and the UK Chief of DefenceProcurement, Sir Robert Walmsley,among others.These visits offeredadditional opportunities for us toshowcase our capabilities and products.The FLYER Light Strike Vehicle.As an integrated systemssupplier, the Land Systemssector can now offer bettersolutions, combiningplatforms, weapons andmunitions to meet theexacting requirements ofour customers.STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPSFOR LONG-TERM GOALSThe bid for the US IAV tender wasnot a “one off ” project, but part ofour long-term effort to expand intointernational markets.This cannot beachieved solely through doing businessfrom <strong>Singapore</strong>.We recognise the need to localiseoperations in our customers’countries, and with the US IAVprogramme,Vision <strong>Technologies</strong>Kinetics, Inc. (VT Kinetics) wasestablished.Incorporated in Delaware in April,VT Kinetics has its headquarters inHuntsville, Alabama, where its keypartners for the IAV programme arelocated. It has paved the way forfurther penetration of the marketthrough partnership arrangementswith leading US-based defence engineeringfirms (such asTeledyne Brown <strong>Engineering</strong>and Army Depots) to manufacturenot just the Bionixbut also other land systemsproducts.In October,VT Kineticsregistered formally to bid forthe United Kingdom’s (UK)Armoured Battle Group SupportVehicle (ABSV), another majorvehicle programme.The UK Armyneeds a new tracked vehicle toreplace its existing aging armouredsupport vehicles. Between 500 to1000 vehicles will be required forfielding scheduled after 2005.The Land Systems sector has alsosecured world (less North America)marketing rights for the FLYER LightStrike Vehicle through a Manufacturingand Marketing Agreement with ourUS partner, HSMV.The past year saw Takata-CPI, ajoint venture company formedbetween Chartered PyrotechnicsIndustry and Takata Corporation(Japan), consolidating final designreview and product validation ofInitiators and Gas Generators for theairbags and seatbelt systems for carmanufacturers. Production willcommence early next year.INVESTING IN THE FUTUREWe’re thinking ahead.The LandSystems sector is investing in keyareas for the future such asAlternative Energy Transportationand Clean Power Strategy.This year,we collaborated with the NationalUniversity of <strong>Singapore</strong> and theInstitute of Materials Research and<strong>Engineering</strong> to research and developa low-cost fuel cell membrane.Ourother technology partners includeH Power, an American companyspecialising in fuel cell assembly, in86 • visionre:view • 87

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