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WE HAVE GOOD REASONSto be pleased with ourachievements in 2000,and at the same time, weare reminded of the importance ofhaving a relentless focus on excellencein our operations as we continue toimprove our businesses.The Aerospace sector scored anumber of successes in its commercialand military businesses, developednew technical competencies andexpanded its services. Both ourCommercial Business Group (CBG)and our Military Business Group(MBG) have improved their sales andperformance, strengthened relationshipswith their customers andsecured all-round improvements incontributions and performance fromour core operations, associatecompanies and investments.E-ENHANCEDCUSTOMER SERVICESWe are always looking for ways toimprove our performance and oure-initiatives help us to do just that.Making use of the latest in Internettechnology, we aim to achieve higherproductivity, improved processefficiency, enhanced cost-savings,and reduction of wastage.By providing our customers withonline secured, up to date access tomaintenance status and other workprocess databases, they add anotherdimension to the value we render.We ventured into e-commercethrough the setting up of a B2Bportal ‘www.ishopaero.com’ whichwent ‘live’ in December. Our strategyis to develop a neutral, manyto-manyB2B exchange to bring thegreatest cost benefits to the aerospaceindustry by enabling a widerange of parts and services to betraded intelligently over theInternet.We believe that the introductionof ‘Aerobook’– a mobile, electronic,handheld productivity tool, willimprove the service we provide toour customers by allowing us bettercontrol of workflow, data accessand faster turnaround.This deviceprovides our maintenance personnelwith electronic access to maintenancedocumentation, manuals andtechnical reports, in addition to generatingnon-routine cards and sparerequisitions.We started implementationin SASCO, our <strong>Singapore</strong> commercialairframe maintenance facilityin September. Once successfullyimplemented here, we expect tointroduce ‘Aerobook’ in our overseasfacilities in the US as well.COMMERCIALBUSINESS GROUPIN LEAGUE WITH A BIG BOYIt was gratifying to see our collaborativeeffort with The Boeing Company(Boeing) on the development of theR E : V I E WAerospaceBy Wee Siew Kim, President and Tay Kok Khiang, Deputy President & Chief Operating OfficerAll these improvements willbe channelled so that they helpour customers reduce costs whileenhancing asset managementefficiency.Between February and September,we launched a series of speciallytailored websites, including:e-sasco.com, staengines.com,staengineering.com, edc.com,stasystems.com and stasupplies.com.The B757 PTF conversion team working onthe prototype in Wichita.70 • visionre:view • 71

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