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investor relationsby shirley tanI N V E S T O RC A L E N D A Rm o r e f o r y o uJAN 25 TO 26 Press & Analysts’ Briefingsfor FY 1999 ResultsYEAR ON YEAR, THE IMPRESSIVE RESULTS THAT ST ENGGproduces for our investors have testified to the Group’sstrength.This has done much to win their confidence, but tous, this was never enough.We believe that a vital part ofbuilding the confidence of investors in us is to show that wehave confidence in them.MORE INFORMATION:NEWSFLOWWe do this by being as open as wecan be about our activities, our plansand our results.We regularlyannounce our plans for expandingour business and provide news aboutour investments and major projects.We spell out their significance so thatour investors are able to obtain agood picture not only of what we aredoing, but why we are doing it andthey are then better placed to assessour progress.The cumulative resultof this flow of information is thatinvestors are able to gain a strongOUR FREQUENT INTERACTIONS with investors and analysts allow us to provide timelyupdates on the Group’s performance and activities.sense of the robustness of our fouroperating business units.This representsadded value to our shareholders.MORE FREQUENT:QUARTERLY RESULTSSuch news releases only provide apartial picture of ST Engg’s performance,rather like scenes from a play.Investors also want to know aboutthe overall performance of theGroup, and we believe we shouldsupply information more frequently,in addition to the annual report.When the Group was established,we began by preparing reports summarisingour activities and resultson a half yearly basis.Then we startedto provide quarterly reportsbeginning from 1Q 1998.When wefirst did so, we did not give a breakdownof SBA results in the first andthird quarters, but now we do: Forevery quarter, we provide full resultsfor the Group as a whole and for itsfour constituent operating businessunits. By 1Q 1999, we had press andanalysts’ briefings for our results on aquarterly basis.MORE SPEEDYOur results announcements used tobe scheduled for the very end of themonth after the reporting period;then became the second week. Forfinancial year 2000, we released ouraudited results within 10 days afterthe year ended.MORE CONTACTSRegular face-to-face meetings andcontacts are a further means tobuild good relations with investors.On average, we make presentationsat three investor conferences a year,usually in Hong Kong, London andNew York, where most of ourshareholders are based. Over thelast two years, we also went on twoglobal road shows to stay in touchwith our shareholders. All thesewere in addition to our ongoingone-on-one meetings and teleconferences.MORE DEPTH:SECTORAL BRIEFINGSDuring 2000, we held four sectoralbriefings for analysts to get a feel ofour various operations.The analystsnot only got to tour our facilities toappreciate the operations better butalso had an opportunity to try ournew products. Most importantly,they had the chance to mingle withour operational managers and getfirst hand information on ouroperations.On the Internet, investors canvisit ST Engg’s Investor Relationswebsite at their convenience. Itprovides a wealth of information,including our annual reports, financialdata and results, a financialcalendar which indicates significantdates, such as those when results willbe released, and details of analystswho make assessments of the Group.It also offers contact details forthe Group and the four sectors, sothat investors can pinpoint for themselvesthe best person to approachwith any query they might haveabout aspects of its performance.OUR INVESTOR RELATIONS homepage onthe corporate website provides investorsaccess to updated information.RECOGNITIONAll these efforts were paid off withthe Group winning several awardsduring the year.This includes theMost Transparent Company (OverallWinner – Golden Circle Award)received in July.This award is givento the company which the SecuritiesInvestors Association of <strong>Singapore</strong>judges to be the most transparent inthe country.Financial Intelligence Asia (FIA)magazine conducted a survey of Asiabasedanalysts and investors to findout which, in their view, were thebest and worst corporate websites inthe region.The respondents were to“determine which listed companiesin Asia have mobilised the Internetbest to serve the needs and requirementsof the investment community.”This resulted in ST Engg winning theFIA Best Investor Relations WebsiteAward in the Infrastructure/Manufacturing Sector.We believe that the Group hasbeen able to effectively establishinvestors’ commitment through ouron-going efforts in providing timelyand informative updates on its performance,activities and future plansthroughout the year.This is importantin underpinning our long-termgrowth, and our efforts to be more‘transparent’ to the investors.FEB 24 Analysts’ Tea at Asian Aerospace 2000MAR 14 Release of Annual Report 1999MAR 24 Analysts’ Sectoral Briefing – ST KineticsMAR 31 Annual General MeetingAPR 14 Press & Analysts’ Briefings for 1Q 2000 ResultsAPR 17 TO 18 Presentation at Merrill Lynch AsiaPacific Conference (London)MAY 15 TO 19 CLSA Investors’ Forum Hong KongMAY 26 Analysts’ Sectoral Briefing – ST AeroJUN 22 Analysts’ Sectoral Briefing – ST ElectJUL 13 Extraordinary General Meeting – Share PlansJUL 14 Press & Analysts’ Briefings for 1H 2000 ResultsJUL 26 TO 27 Road Show – Hong KongSEP 8 Analysts’ Sectoral Briefing – ST MarineSEP 28 TO OCT 7 Road Show – USOCT 4 TO 6 Chase JF – 6th Asia Conference (New York)OCT 12 Press & Analysts’ Briefings for 3Q 2000 ResultsOCT 16 TO 20 Road Show – EuropeNOV 23 Extraordinary General Meeting – Share Plans32 • vision

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