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• AEROSPACE• ELECTRONICS• LAND SYSTEMS• MARINEe-initiatives by chang cheow tecke-structuringour businessesWho can read the future of next generationproducts and systems?<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> Electronics’ formidable reputation for developing cutting-edge electronics systemsinternationally has strategically placed us to serve your organisation further.We provide solutions for the commercial, defence and industrial sectors. Core businesses includeCommunication systems, Microwave systems, Traffic Management systems, Real-time systems, Training andSimulation systems, Intelligent Building Management systems and Intelligent Rail systems.With the combined experience and resources of ST Aero, ST Elect, ST Kinetics and ST Marine, <strong>Singapore</strong><strong>Technologies</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> is a one stop provider of engineering solutions, from turnkey projects to customisedupgrades.www.stengg.comWe can.THE SLUMP IN INTERNET STOCKS IN 2000 SHOULDnot mislead anyone. It has always been a bubblewaiting to burst. Nevertheless, the e-revolutionwill remain a key factor in weaving togetherthe modern global economy.Traditional bricks and mortarcompanies, which were at first slow to respond to thee-transformation, are carrying the flag now.The aftermath ofthe shock has brought greater appreciation of the ‘www’creature and of the technology’s capability.The ‘click and mortar’ model hasevolved as different industriesshape their own e-models and dictatewhere their cash flows.Whilethere are reasons to be cautious ofpure dot-coms, many e-retailersare rapidly moving away frombusiness models that emphasisegenerating site traffic at greatexpense, in favour of targettingimproved customer retention andincreased sales per customer.The arrival of established companieson the Internet has broughtabout an erosion of the distinctionbetween the so-called “oldeconomy” and “new economy.”E-business is here to stay, becomingincreasingly commonplace.Investing in e-initiatives can becostly, so we have exercised care toensure that we maximise returns onour investments.We believe thatadopting the right technology ismore important than getting thelatest or most sophisticated technology.As technology changes, sowill we.We constantly monitor thedos and don’ts of e-business andassess how to find the right balancebetween re-engineering our businessesand web-enabling existingprocesses.Fundamentally, we aim to leverageon e-technology as a tool to webenableour processes and to shapethe changing business models withthe e-revolution. Any savings that wegenerate from e-business will beploughed back to further improveour business processes. Ultimately,we want to harvest a more costeffectivebusiness so as toposition ourselves ahead of the competitionin the globalmarketplace.Our e-initiativesencompass the threemain areas of CustomerRelationship Management,Supply ChainManagement andEnterprise Management.CUSTOMERRELATIONSHIPMANAGEMENTOur approach towardsCustomer RelationshipManagement (CRM) isto make it a “sticky”one. E-CRM helpssupport our goal ofbuilding long-term relationshipswith all our customers by providinga wider range of products andservices that add value to them.One important goal is to constantlyimprove our responsiveness toevery customer’s changing needs,regardless of their geographicallocation.”WE AIM TOLEVERAGE ONE-TECHNOLOGYAS A TOOL TOWEB-ENABLE OURPROCESSES ANDTO SHAPE THECHANGINGBUSINESS MODELSWITH THEE-REVOLUTION.“While e-transforming our businesses,we have had the opportunityto review our current value chain.This in turn has helped us todetermine vital points we needed tofocus upon to further enhance ourbusiness models. Recognising thatcritical mass and base load are equallyimportant, we have worked withpotential strategic partners to jointlydevelop our own CRM portals.Kicking this off was the Aerospacesector. It launched e-sasco.com inFebruary for our airframe maintenance,repair and overhaul services.Further refined and improved, it wascompleted in June.The Aerospacesector piloted the way for the otherthree sectors, which have rolled outtheir own CRM portals this year.SUPPLY CHAINMANAGEMENTWe are sparing noexpense and efforts tostreamline our processesin order to achieveour globalisation ambitions.Wehave cut outproduction bottlenecks,controlled stock levels,shortened fulfillmenttime and broadenedsupplier base.The resultwill be a significantfreeing of capital andreduction of costs.Our Supply ChainManagement (SCM)e-initiatives have threemain foci: to lower overall supplychain administrative costs, reduceprocurement costs of materials andservices; and improve working capitalmanagement through lowerinventory holdings.We have contracted HewlettPackard and i2 to further developWe take <strong>Engineering</strong> furtherFor more on Electronics Sector, turn to page 78e-initiatives • 29

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