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MARINE SECTORASSOCIATED COMPANIESNOTICE OF FOURTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGSINGAPORE TECHNOLOGIES MARINE LTD (ST MARINE)Main Yard7 Benoi Road<strong>Singapore</strong> 629882Tel : (65) 861 2244 (mainline)Fax : (65) 861 3028Website : www.stengg.comContact : SEE Leong Teck, Presidente-mail : seelt@stmarine.st.com.sgContact : Laura CHUA, Asst.Vice President/Head,Corporate Communicationse-mail : comms.marine@stengg.comTuas Yard60 Tuas Road<strong>Singapore</strong> 638501Tel : (65) 862 2902/3Fax : (65) 862 5382International MarketingTel : (65) 861 2244Fax : (65) 861 3028Contact : MOK Kim Whang, Senior Vice President,(Yard-Tuas)TWOON Kok Yam,Vice President,(Yard-Benoi)LIM Siew Koon,Vice President,Commercial MarketingCharles LOKE, Senior Manager, NavalMarketinge-mail : mktg.marine@stengg.comSUBSIDIARYSTSE ENGINEERING SERVICES PTE LTD7 Benoi Road<strong>Singapore</strong> 629882Tel : (65) 861 2244Fax : (65) 861 3028Contact :TAN Kiang Pheng,Vice President, Landbased<strong>Engineering</strong>e-mail : tankp@stmarine.st.com.sgASIA PACIFICINDONESIAPT SSE-VAN DER HORST INDONESIA (PT-SSE)Gedung Artha Graha, 25th FloorJl Jendral Sudirman Kav 52-53Jakarta 12190IndonesiaTel : (62) 21 5154271Fax : (62) 21 5154272Contact :WEE Boon Chye, Directore-mail : bcwee@vanderhorst.comSINGAPOREAQUAGEN INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD (AIPL / AQUAGEN)79 Robinson Road#24-01 CPF Building<strong>Singapore</strong> 068897Tel : (65) 792 1159Fax : (65) 792 0575Contact : Gavin LIAU, Chief Executive Officere-mail : gavin@aquagenusa.sgJOINT SHIPYARD MANAGEMENT SERVICES PTE LTD (JSMS)29 Tanjong Kling Road<strong>Singapore</strong> 628054Tel : (65) 265 1766Fax : (65) 261 0738Contact : LIM Hock Lai, Directore-mail : limhl@stmarine.st.com.sgContact :TWOON Kok Yam, Directore-mail : twoonky@stmarine.st.com.sgANCHORVILLE PTE LTD79 Robinson Road#24-01 CPF Building<strong>Singapore</strong> 068897Tel : (65) 823 8334Fax : (65) 823 8037Contact : ONG Liong Chuan, Executive Directore-mail : liongchuan@spower.com.sgNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Fourth AnnualGeneral Meeting of the Company will be held at MumtazMahal & Shah Jahan Room, Basement 1, Holiday InnPark <strong>View</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong>, 11 Cavenagh Road, <strong>Singapore</strong>229616 on 30 March 2001 at 2.00 p.m. to transact thefollowing business:AS ORDINARY BUSINESS1 To receive and adopt the Directors’ Report andAudited Accounts for the year ended 31 December2000 and the Auditors’ Report thereon.2 To declare a first and final dividend of 25% less incometax of 25.5%, a special dividend of 55% lessincome tax of 25.5% and a special tax exemptdividend of 15% for the year ended 31December 2000.3 (a) To re-elect the following Directors, each of whomwill retire by rotation pursuant to Article 98 of theArticles of Association of the Company and who,being eligible, will offer themselves for re-election:(i)(ii)Ms Ho ChingMr Lucien Wong Yuen Kuai (independentmember of the Audit Committee)(b) To record the retirement of Mr Ng Kee Choe, aDirector retiring pursuant to Article 98 of theCompany’s Articles of Association who has decidednot to seek re-election.(c) To re-elect the following Directors, each of whomwill cease to hold office pursuant to Article 104 ofthe Articles of Association of the Company and who,being eligible, will offer themselves for re-election:(i) MG Lim Chuan Poh(ii) Dr Philip Nalliah Pillai(iii) Mr Peter Ong Boon Kwee(iv) Mr Teo Chan Eddie @ Teo Chan Seng Eddie(d) To record the retirement of Mr Peter Ho Hak Eanas Director.4 To approve the sum of $352,000 as Directors’ feesfor the year ended 31 December 2000. (1999:$285,000)5 To re-appoint Arthur Andersen as Auditors ofthe Company and to authorise the Directors to fixtheir remuneration.6 To transact such other ordinary business asmay be transacted at an Annual General Meeting ofthe Company.AS SPECIAL BUSINESSTo consider and, if thought fit, to pass with or withoutmodifications, the following resolutions which will beproposed as Ordinary Resolutions:ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS7 That pursuant to Section 161 of the Companies Act,Chapter 50 and the listing rules of the <strong>Singapore</strong>Exchange Securities Trading Limited, authority beand is hereby given to the Directors of the Companyto issue ordinary shares in the Company (whether byway of rights, bonus or otherwise) at any time andupon such terms and conditions and for such purposesand to such persons as the Directors may in theirabsolute discretion deem fit provided that theaggregate number of ordinary shares to be issuedpursuant to this Resolution does not exceed fiftyper cent. (50%) of the issued share capital of theCompany for the time being, of which the aggregatenumber of ordinary shares to be issued other than ona pro rata basis to shareholders of the Company doesnot exceed twenty per cent. (20%) of the issuedshare capital of the Company for the time being, and,unless revoked or varied by the Company in generalmeeting, such authority shall continue in force untilthe conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting ofthe Company or the date by which the next AnnualGeneral Meeting of the Company is required by lawto be held, whichever is the earlier.8 THAT approval be and is hereby given to theDirectors to:(a) offer and grant options in accordance with theprovisions of the <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong>Share Option Plan (“Share Option Plan”) and/or togrant awards in accordance with the provisions of the<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> PerformanceShare Plan (“Performance Share Plan”) and/or the<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> Restricted StockPlan (“Restricted Stock Plan”) (the Share OptionPlan, the Performance Share Plan and the RestrictedStock Plan, together the “Share Plans”); and(b) allot and issue from time to time such numberof ordinary shares of $0.10 each in the capital of the220 • visionnotice of fourth annual general meeting • 221

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