Spring 2007 - Yosemite Online

Spring 2007 - Yosemite Online

Spring 2007 - Yosemite Online

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<strong>2007</strong> Discount CouponsComing to You Soon!Watch your mailboxfor a bookletcontaining valuablecoupons and acomplete list of allYA member benefits!DNC Parks &Resorts at <strong>Yosemite</strong>has graciouslyagreed to onceagain offer 10 to20% discounts onlodging at variousin-park propertiesas well as two-for-one Valley FloorTours and greens fees. In addition, manylodging partners in and around <strong>Yosemite</strong>offer our members a 10% discount withno coupon required, so you can use thediscount as many times as you like. Weare so grateful to our discount programpartners for helping bring even greatervalue to your YA membership.<strong>Yosemite</strong> Needs You!Join YA as a volunteer this summer andenjoy the experience of giving back toyour park in a new way. We still havemonth-long informational volunteerpositions available throughout the park.If you enjoy working with people andsharing your love of <strong>Yosemite</strong>, consider arewarding vacation as a YA volunteer.Don’t have a month, and like gettingyour hands dirty? YA Work Week volunteershelp the NPS with a variety ofweek-long restoration projects throughoutthe summer. The deadline has passedfor the application lottery, but there arestill openings in certain weeks.If you would like more informationor are interested in applying for eitherprogram, please call Laura at 209-379-2317, or e-mail lbeardsley@yosemite.org.More information is also available in theWinter <strong>2007</strong> issue of <strong>Yosemite</strong> (p.11) orvisit us online at http://www.yosemite.org/helpus/volunteer.html.LAURA BEARDSLEYA volunteer carries water from the MercedRiver to water newly-planted vegetationduring the <strong>Yosemite</strong> Valley Fall Restorationwork week.MEMBER INFO LINE 209/379-2317If you’re planning a trip to <strong>Yosemite</strong>and have questions, give our phoneline a call between the hours of 8:00a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday throughFriday. We don’t make reservations,but we can give appro priate phonenumbers and usually lots of helpfuladvice.<strong>Yosemite</strong> Announces Drop-in Volunteer DaysIn <strong>2007</strong>, <strong>Yosemite</strong> National Park will be featuring one-day volunteer opportunities forpark visitors. Help NPS Resources Management & Science rangers with a variety ofrestoration projects across <strong>Yosemite</strong> Valley as part of your visit! Groups will meet atthe Valley Visitor Center and work from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; work sessions are offered twoWednesdays and two Saturdays each month. For more information and project dates,check <strong>Yosemite</strong> Today or call 209-379-1304.May We Share Your Address With Other Nonprofits?Occasionally we have the opportunityto trade our mailing list with othernonprofit organizations, so that bothentities may increase our membershiprosters and enhance our ability to supportour respective parks or institutions.List trades are invaluable to nonprofitsbecause they introduce us to new potentialmembers while helping us minimizeour operational costs.Although we have rarely capitalized onsuch opportunities, we would like to beable to do so when we know the otherorganizations to be reputable and to havesomething of value to offer to our members.If you would prefer not to haveus share your name and address, pleasenotify the Membership department bycalling us at 209-379-2317, by sending ane-mail to info@yosemite.org, or by mailinga note to us at P.O. Box 230, El Portal,CA 95318. All “do not share” requestswill be acknowledged and honored inperpetuity. Note that telephone numbersand e-mail addresses are not released ortraded for any reason.22 YOSEMITE ASSOCIATION, SPRING <strong>2007</strong>

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