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<strong>www</strong>.<strong>GOALias</strong>.<strong>blogspot</strong>.<strong>com</strong>164 Politics in India since IndependenceCredit : Times of IndiaDeclaration of cease fire by MNFa difference. Laldenga came back from exile in Pakistan and startednegotiations with the Indian government. Rajiv Gandhi steered thesenegotiations to a positive conclusion. In 1986 a peace agreementwas signed between Rajiv Gandhi and Laldenga. As per this accordMizoram was granted full-fledged statehood with special powers andthe MNF agreed to give up secessioniststruggle. Laldenga took over as theChief Minister. This accord proveda turning point in the history ofMizoram. Today, Mizoram is one ofthe most peaceful places in the regionand has taken big strides in literacyand development.The story of Nagaland is similarto Mizoram, except that it startedmuch earlier and has not yet hadsuch a happy ending. Led byAngami Zaphu Phizo, a section ofthe Nagas declared independencefrom India way back in 1951.Phizo turned down many offers ofnegotiated settlement. The NagaNational Council launched anarmed struggle for sovereigntyof Nagas. After a period ofviolent insurgency a section ofthe Nagas signed an agreementwith the Government of India

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