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<strong>www</strong>.<strong>GOALias</strong>.<strong>blogspot</strong>.<strong>com</strong>Rise of Popular Movements 141Credit: NBAthe country followed andabout what constituted publicinterest in a democracy. Itdemanded that there should bea cost-benefit analysis of themajor developmental projects<strong>com</strong>pleted in the country sofar. The movement arguedthat larger social costs ofthe developmental projectsmust be calculated in suchan analysis. The socialcosts included forced resettlementof the project-affected people, a serious loss oftheir means of livelihood and culture and depletion of ecologicalresources.Initially the movement demanded proper and just rehabilitationof all those who were directly or indirectly affected by the project. Themovement also questioned the nature of decision-making processesthat go in the making of mega scale developmental projects. The NBAinsisted that local <strong>com</strong>munities must have a say in such decisionsand they should also have effective control over natural resourceslike water, land and forests. The movement also asked why, in ademocracy, should some people be made to sacrifice for benefitingothers. All these considerations led the NBA to shift from its initialdemand for rehabilitation to its position of total opposition to thedam.Arguments and agitations of the movement met vociferous oppositionin the States benefiting from the project, especially in Gujarat. At thesame time, the point aboutright to rehabilitation hasbeen now recognised by thegovernment and the judiciary.A <strong>com</strong>prehensive NationalRehabilitation Policy formedby the government in 2003can be seen as an achievementof the movements like theNBA. However, its demandto stop the constructionof the dam was severelycriticised by many asobstructing the processof development, denyingaccess to water and toeconomic developmentfor many. The SupremeI havenever heard ofposh colonies andcities being demolishedfor any developmentalproject. Why is it alwaysthe Adivasis and thepoor who are askedto leave theirhomes?Top:NBA leader MedhaPatkar and otheractivists in Jalsamadhi(protesting in risingwaters) in 2002.Bottom:A boat ralley organisedby NBA.Credit: NBA

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