Earthquakes in the Canberra Region - Geoscience Australia

Earthquakes in the Canberra Region - Geoscience Australia

Earthquakes in the Canberra Region - Geoscience Australia

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<strong>Earthquakes</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Canberra</strong> <strong>Region</strong>APPENDIX 1: MODIFIED MERCALLI (MM) SCALE OF EARTHQUAKEINTENSITY (after Eiby, 1966)MM I Not felt by humans, except <strong>in</strong> especially favourable circumstances, but birds andanimals may be disturbed. Reported ma<strong>in</strong>ly from <strong>the</strong> upper floors of build<strong>in</strong>gs more thanten storeys high. Dizz<strong>in</strong>ess or nausea may be experienced. Branches of trees, chandeliers,doors, and o<strong>the</strong>r suspended systems of long natural period may be seen to move slowly.Water <strong>in</strong> ponds, lakes, reservoirs, etc., may be set <strong>in</strong>to seiche oscillation.MM II Felt by a few persons at rest <strong>in</strong>doors, especially by those on upper floors oro<strong>the</strong>rwise favourably placed. The long-period effects listed under MMI may be morenoticeable.MM III Felt <strong>in</strong>doors, but not identified as an earthquake by everyone. Vibrations may belikened to <strong>the</strong> pass<strong>in</strong>g of light traffic. It may be possible to estimate <strong>the</strong> duration, but not<strong>the</strong> direction. Hang<strong>in</strong>g objects may sw<strong>in</strong>g slightly. Stand<strong>in</strong>g motorcars may rock slightly.MM IV Generally noticed <strong>in</strong>doors, but not outside. Very light sleepers may beawakened. Vibration may be likened to <strong>the</strong> pass<strong>in</strong>g of heavy traffic, or to <strong>the</strong> jolt of aheavy object fall<strong>in</strong>g or strik<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> build<strong>in</strong>g. Walls and frame of build<strong>in</strong>g are heard tocreak. Doors and w<strong>in</strong>dows rattle. Glassware and crockery rattle. Liquids <strong>in</strong> open vesselsmay be slightly disturbed. Stand<strong>in</strong>g motorcars may rock, and <strong>the</strong> shock can be felt by<strong>the</strong>ir occupants.MM V Generally felt outside, and by almost everyone <strong>in</strong>doors. Most sleepers awakened.A few people frightened. Direction of motion can be estimated. Small unstable objectsare displaced or upset. Some glassware and crockery may be broken. Some w<strong>in</strong>dowscrack. A few ear<strong>the</strong>nware toilet fixtures crack. Hang<strong>in</strong>g pictures move. Doors andshutters sw<strong>in</strong>g. Pendulum clocks stop, start, or change rate.MM VI Felt by all. People and animals alarmed. Many run outside. Difficultyexperienced <strong>in</strong> walk<strong>in</strong>g steadily. Slight damage to masonry D. Some plaster cracks orfalls. Isolated cases of chimney damage. W<strong>in</strong>dows and crockery broken. Objects fallfrom shelves, and pictures from walls. Heavy furniture moves. Unstable furnitureoverturns. Small school bells r<strong>in</strong>g. Trees and bushes shake, or are heard to rustle.Material may be dislodged from exist<strong>in</strong>g slips, talus slopes, or slides.MM VII General alarm. Difficulty experienced <strong>in</strong> stand<strong>in</strong>g. Noticed by drivers ofmotorcars. Trees and bushes strongly shaken. Large bells r<strong>in</strong>g. Masonry D cracked anddamaged. A few <strong>in</strong>stances of damage to Masonry C. Loose brickwork and tilesdislodged. Unbraced parapets and architectural ornaments may fall. Stone walls crack.Weak chimneys break, usually at <strong>the</strong> roof-l<strong>in</strong>e. Domestic water tanks burst. Concreteirrigation ditches damaged. Waves seen on ponds and lakes. Water made turbid bystirred-up mud. Small slips, and cav<strong>in</strong>g-<strong>in</strong> of sand and gravel banks.MM VIII Alarm may approach panic. Steer<strong>in</strong>g of motor cars affected. Masonry Cdamaged, with partial collapse. Masonry B damaged <strong>in</strong> some cases. Masonry Aundamaged. Chimneys, factory stacks, monuments, towers, and elevated tanks twisted orbrought down. Panel walls thrown out of frame structures. Some brick veneers damaged.29

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