APD-NFL Teen Conversation Starters QR - Pro Dad

APD-NFL Teen Conversation Starters QR - Pro Dad APD-NFL Teen Conversation Starters QR - Pro Dad

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TEENAllProDad.com/NFLStartersDetach these questions and put them in a container.TEENConversationPick one each day and have a meaningful conversation with your teenager.If you had to choosetoday, which collegewould you go to?Why?What do youthink will be thehardest part ofcollege?Describe yourideal dormroommate.If you don’t goto collegewhat do youplan to do?What qualitiesdo you look forin a date?In a boyfriend/ girlfriend?What do youthink it takesto be a goodhusband/wife?Do you thinkmarriage shouldlast forever?Should you livetogether beforeyou get married?Should thedrinking age behigher or lower?Shouldmarijuana belegalized?What one thingwould you like todo as family beforeyou graduate highschool?Name one thingyou admire ineach member ofthe family.©2012 Family First. All rights reserved. Family First and All Pro Dad are registered trademarks.

TEENAll<strong>Pro</strong><strong>Dad</strong>.com/<strong>NFL</strong><strong>Starters</strong>Detach these questions and put them in a container.TEEN<strong>Conversation</strong>Pick one each day and have a meaningful conversation with your teenager.If you had to choosetoday, which collegewould you go to?Why?What do youthink will be thehardest part ofcollege?Describe yourideal dormroommate.If you don’t goto collegewhat do youplan to do?What qualitiesdo you look forin a date?In a boyfriend/ girlfriend?What do youthink it takesto be a goodhusband/wife?Do you thinkmarriage shouldlast forever?Should you livetogether beforeyou get married?Should thedrinking age behigher or lower?Shouldmarijuana belegalized?What one thingwould you like todo as family beforeyou graduate highschool?Name one thingyou admire ineach member ofthe family.©2012 Family First. All rights reserved. Family First and All <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Dad</strong> are registered trademarks.

TEENAll<strong>Pro</strong><strong>Dad</strong>.com/<strong>NFL</strong><strong>Starters</strong>Detach these questions and put them in a container.TEEN<strong>Conversation</strong>Pick one each day and have a meaningful conversation with your teenager.If you couldsolve oneproblem in theworld, whatwould it be?Why do youthink kids drinkand takedrugs?Name two ofyour strengthsand two of yourweaknesses.What are thephysical andpsychologicalrisks ofpremarital sex?If you couldchange onething aboutyourself, whatwould it be?What do youlove mostabout yourparents?What is the mostembarrassingthing thathappened to youthis year?Who wouldyou most liketo be andwhy?What is yourfavoritefamily memoryand why?Whataccomplishmentare you mostproud of?Have you grownspiritually thisyear?Why or why not?What one mistakehave you madethat you would goback and dodifferently giventhe chance?©2012 Family First. All rights reserved. Family First and All <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Dad</strong> are registered trademarks.

TEENAll<strong>Pro</strong><strong>Dad</strong>.com/<strong>NFL</strong><strong>Starters</strong>Detach these questions and put them in a container.TEEN<strong>Conversation</strong>Pick one each day and have a meaningful conversation with your teenager.©2012 Family First. All rights reserved. Family First and All <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Dad</strong> are registered trademarks.

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