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Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page C1 | Understanding the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandVersion 1.3 – 11 May 2012the buildingblocks of the<strong>YMCA</strong> brand

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 1.2 | Understanding the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandOur commitmentThe <strong>YMCA</strong> in <strong>Canada</strong> is dedicated to the growth of all persons in spirit,mind and body, and to their sense of responsibility to each other and tothe global community. We are a charity that is committed to strengtheningthe foundations of community.Our brand reflects our mission and can help us achieve our goals asa charity by helping us be better understood and embraced by ourstakeholders. Brand is the perception that comes to mind when someonehears the name “<strong>YMCA</strong>”. It reflects the cause that we stand for and thebig idea we are reaching towards. A true, successful brand is built from theinside out and this guide is one part of that process. This guide helps uscommunicate our brand through visual and verbal materials. It providesconsistency, a standard of excellence and a unified message to the world.It enables associations to build healthy communities. We are committedto our brand’s success and we believe we have what it takes to make ittruly come alive.Signed by the CEOs of <strong>YMCA</strong> Associations in <strong>Canada</strong>

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 1.4 | Understanding the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandOur brand positioningOur positioning unites the <strong>YMCA</strong>s across <strong>Canada</strong>. It is inspirationaland determined. It creates a common understanding and alignsbeliefs and actions. It is the platform for all brand communications.Brand ideaStrengthening the foundationsof community.A brand idea expresses our compellingvalue proposition. It gives focusand direction to all brand activities,communications and touch points.Brand positioning statementFor people who believe that a successful community must be inclusiveof all its members, regardless of their background or financial means.The <strong>YMCA</strong> is a powerful association of men, women and children ofall ages and from all walks of life joined together by a shared passion:to strengthen the foundations of community.With a commitment to nurturing the potential of children, teensand young adults, promoting healthy living, and fostering socialresponsibility, the <strong>YMCA</strong> ensures that every individual has access tothe essentials needed to learn, grow and thrive. Rooted in more than1,000 communities around the country, the <strong>YMCA</strong> has the long-standingrelationships and physical presence not just to promise, but to deliver,lasting personal and social change.Though the world may be unpredictable, one thing remains certain –the <strong>YMCA</strong> is, and always will be, dedicated to building healthy, confident,secure and connected children and youth, families and communities.Our positioning statementdescribes our benefits in a waythat is competitive, relevant anddifferentiating in our market. It givesclarity and focus to who we are andhow we are different.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 1.5 | Understanding the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandOur brand personalityOur brand attributes are human characteristics that describe ourbrand personality. They guide our communication, behaviour, toneand manner with internal and external audiences.Our brand attributes:Determined Genuine WelcomingHopeful Nurturing Fun

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.1 | Our verbal identity guidelines2. OuR VERBALIDENTITY GUIDELINES

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.2 | Our verbal identity guidelinesOUR VERBAL IDeNTITY GUIDELINESThe verbal expression guidelines for the <strong>YMCA</strong> in <strong>Canada</strong> are directed tosix broad audiences. Please note that these guidelines are intended tobe high level and directional only. Guidelines for each audience are notnecessarily appropriate or relevant for all sub-segments of this audience.For example, the Y works with a multitude of different types of partners;corporate, government, community, etc. Your communications mustconsider the needs and language that are appropriate to address thespecific audience segment to whom it is directed.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.3 | Our verbal identity guidelinesHow verbal expression worksOur positioning is more than words on a page. It guides how we developcommunications so that we convey a real experience, supported bystories and tangible evidence.Tone of Voice is how we say what we say.Messaging is what we say to each of our audiences.Tone of Voice provides the style.Messaging provides the content.Together they express what we stand for and createan emotional connection with our key audiences.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.4 | Our verbal identity guidelinesOUR TONE <strong>OF</strong> VOICE: HOW WE COMMUNICATEDetermined Genuine Welcoming Hopeful Nurturing FunDetermined means we…Being genuine means we…Being welcoming means we…Being hopeful means we…Being nurturing means we…Being fun means we…Speak confidently aboutwhat we doUse an active, not passive,voiceFocus on our solutions andnot just the problemProvoke conversation ontopical issuesTake a leadership stanceand have a point of viewSupport our POV withrelevant proof pointsDescribe what we do interms of audience needsand impactUse short, clear sentencesUse clear, simple languageand concise explanations,no jargonBreak up text with bulletsand paragraphsSpeak with enthusiasm aboutwhat we do, how we do it andwho we do it forUse relevant and inspiringdonor and recipient stories tobring messages to lifeUse short, engaging headlinesUse human, personallanguage (we, us, you, your)Show we really know ouraudiences by using theirterms not oursAre conversational, notformal, but not overly familiarPersonalize our communicationswhenever possibleShow our interest by askingfocused questions andproviding confident answerssupported by factsEngage in two-way dialogueSpeak confidently about thefuture and social changeUse positive, upbeat languageTell inspiring storiesFocus on solutions and notjust the problemShow that we think and planahead by focusing on theissues that will affect ouraudiences now and inthe futureOrganize information inways that are intuitive for theaudienceTell them what they want andneed to know with relevantbenefitsExplain options and choicesif availableCommunicate important,relevant information earlyand oftenUse short and crisp sentencesSpeak energetically andenthusiastically aboutthe topicShow that we don’t takeourselves too seriouslyTell stories that demonstratefun for all agesCommunicate optimismCelebrate the fun in everyday,ordinary thingsAsk for audience inputHumanize our writing withtestimonialsWe use words like…We use words like…We use words like…We use words like…We use words like…We use words like…Experience, committed,solutions, impact, actions,work side-by-side,collaboration, dedicated,persevereReal, people, trust, shareInclusive, accessible, yourneeds, aware, understanding,team, partners, listen, askquestions, community, open,togetherPotential, future, change,make a differenceSupport, care, caring, charity,your success, your potential,help, helpful, collaborate,partnerEnjoy, fun, laugh, play,celebrate, friends

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.5 | Our verbal identity guidelinesOur key messages are directedto SIX critical high level audiencesEach of these audiences may have sub-segments that need specific messaging.External audiencesInternal audiencesDonorsMembersPartnersMedia Employees VolunteersProspective/existingExisting/prospectiveHFR, childcare,participants, etc.CorporateGovernmentOther NFPsCommunity leaders

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.6 | Our verbal identity guidelinesDistinctive <strong>YMCA</strong> verbal expression shouldguide all written and spoken internal andexternal communicationHow does the process work?1. Identify stakeholder audience2. Consider audience needs3. Choose the appropriate communication vehicle4. Use the key audience messages as a guide for developing content5. Integrate proof points to support your message6. Review key words and stylistic tactics to infuse writing with the <strong>YMCA</strong> tone of voice7. Write copy8. Use the verbal expression checklist to ensure communication is on-brand

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.7 | Our verbal identity guidelinesExternal audiencesDonorsTone of voiceConfident, impactful, inspiring, relevant, solutions-focused, leadership, credible, transparent, human and personalized,engaging, enthusiastic, forward thinking, inclusive, uses relevant and inspiring donor and recipient examples and storiesKey messageImportantsub-messagesProof pointsBy donating to the Y, you can help strengthen your community and communities across <strong>Canada</strong>• Your gift will help children and youth, and people of all ages and walks of life lead healthier, happier and more productivelives regardless of their background or financial situation• Your gift will support a charity that has the trusted relationships with major corporations, government and othercommunity and NFP organizations as well as the local physical presence to deliver lasting personal and social change• Your gift will help the Y continue to provide the resources needed to strengthen more than 1,000 Canadian communities• Your gift will support an inclusive and diverse association of people who passionately support their community• You will be helping an efficient and effective charity that can leverage your gift into big impact by building stronger kids,families and communities through programs and advocacy• You will be investing in your community making it a better place to live• You will grow personally as you make a difference for your communityImpact: overall, specific program impact on individuals and community, specific campaigns, $ buyCommunity: partnerships and activities, historyResources: effectiveness and efficiency, process, funding, use of funds

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.8 | Our verbal identity guidelinesWe must support our message withrelevant proof points tailored to our DonorsImpactCommunityResourcesShow the Y makes an impact overall• On health, children, youth, etc.• Show who and what is changed by the Y (success stories)Show specific programs have an impact• Show who is changed by the Y (success stories of individuals)• Show impact on community needs (e.g., integration of newcomers, job training, etc.)• Adoption of successful programs by others, e.g., Playing to Learn• History of success and adapting to evolving needsShow the impact of specific campaigns (e.g., Strong Kids)Show what $ buy in terms of impact• $X sends a child to day camp and the child builds lasting friendshipsDemonstrate that the Y builds communities. Note in some cases, especially large donors, proofs and language mayneed to address city or nation-building motivations• How the Y can build a community• Y participation in community activities• Infrastructure (buildings) and how they are used to deliver needed community programsHighlight community collaboration• Delivery of government programs as an important community and charitable partner• Collaboration with other community organizations to advocate for social change• Collective history of success across the country and locallyShow effectiveness and efficiency and that we can do what we promise by leveraging our resources• Programs for different types of members and their impact on individuals, community and society• Where we get funding and where it goes• Breadth of programs• Number of staff, volunteers• Infrastructure/process and professional systems to accomplish mission

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.9 | Our verbal identity guidelinesExternal audiencesPARTICIPANTsTone of voiceKey messageImportantsub-messagesProof pointsConfident, impactful, inspiring, relevant, solutions-focused, leadership, credible, human and personalized, engaging,friendly, enthusiastic, forward thinking, inclusive, uses relevant participant examples and stories, funThe Y helps you achieve your personal goals as part of a community of people that nurtures both your success andthe success of your local community• The Y can help you and your family lead healthier and more productive lives regardless of your background oryour financial situation• You are part of an organization that can deliver lasting personal and social change for you and your family,your community and communities across <strong>Canada</strong>• You have access to people, programs and facilities to help you learn, grow, thrive, make friends and have fun• You will be welcomed as part of an inclusive and diverse community of people who passionately support yourlocal community• You are part of an effective charitable organization whose mission is to help build stronger kids, families andcommunities across <strong>Canada</strong> through programs and advocacy• You can give back and get involved as a volunteer and/or donorImpact: overall, of specific program areas, on individuals, on communityCommunity: connections, partnerships and activities, inclusivenessResources: program breadth by user type/need, facilities, people, service

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.10 | Our verbal identity guidelinesWe must support our message withrelevant proof points tailored to our PARTICIPANTsImpactCommunityResourcesShow the Y makes an impact• Fitness, employment, leadership, newcomer, etc. outcomes• Show who is changed by the Y (success stories of individuals)• Program benefits by member need (e.g., wellness programs, childcare, help for newcomers, job training, etc.)• Credentials and impact of successful programs, e.g., Playing to Learn• History of successDemonstrate that the Y builds community connections• Opportunities to meet others and build lasting relationships• Y participation in community activities and collaborations to achieve common goals• Facilities are open to all and available for community use• Inclusive – programs encourage diverse participation (cultural, age, gender, family, type, etc.)• Opportunities to give back by volunteering and givingShowcase what we provide and that we can do what we promise• Programs for different types of members based on their need and their impact on individuals, community and society• Facilities• Number, type/credentials of staff, volunteers, volunteer hours• Service

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.11 | Our verbal identity guidelinesExternal audiencesCOrporate PARTNERSTone of voiceKey messageImportantsub-messagesProof pointsConfident, impactful, inspiring, business-like, relevant, solutions-focused, leadership, credible, transparent,human and personalized, engaging, enthusiastic, forward thinking, inclusive, uses relevant partner and recipientexamples and storiesBy partnering with the Y, your organization will benefit from strengthening your community andcommunities across <strong>Canada</strong>• Your support will help children and youth, and people of all ages and walks of life lead healthier, happier and moreproductive lives regardless of their background or financial situation• You will partner with an organization that has the trusted relationships with major corporations, government and othercommunity and NFP organizations as well as the local physical presence to deliver lasting personal and social change• You can work with the Y to provide the resources needed to have impact in some or all of more than 1,000 Canadiancommunities• Your organization will receive tangible benefits as well as employee team-building and volunteer opportunities• You will support an inclusive and diverse association of people who passionately support their community• You will be helping an efficient and effective charity that can leverage your gift into big impact by building stronger kids,families and communities through programs and advocacy• You will be investing in your community making it a better place to liveImpact: overall, specific past programs, individuals, specific successes addressing community needsCommunity: partnerships and activities, corporate volunteeringResources: effectiveness and efficiency, breadth programs, process, funding, measurement

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.12 | Our verbal identity guidelinesWe must support our message with relevantproof points tailored to our corporate PARTNERSImpactCommunityResourcesShow the Y makes an impact overall• Health, wellness, children, employment, leadership, etc. outcomes• Show who is changed by the Y (success stories of individuals)• Adoption of successful programs by others, e.g., Playing to Learn• History of success and adapting to evolving needsShow the impact of specific past partnerships• Who, what, when, impactShow the potential impact of this partnership• Who, what is the need, what will change, why that matters, what the partner will get, how you will prove successDemonstrate that the Y builds communities• Y participation in community activities• Opportunities for corporate volunteers• Program benefits by community need (e.g., integration of newcomers, job training, etc.)• Infrastructure (buildings) and how they are used to meet needs relevant to partnerHighlight community collaboration• Delivery of government programs as important community and charitable partner• Community partnerships for advocacy and deliveryShow effectiveness and efficiency and that we can do what we promise by leveraging our resources• Programs for different types of members and their impact on individuals, community and society• Where we get funding and where it goes• Breadth of programs• Number of staff, volunteers, volunteer hours• Infrastructure/process and professional systems to accomplish mission• Governance structure• Partnership measurement approach to show outcomes

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.13 | Our verbal identity guidelinesExternal audiencesMedia ContactsTone of voiceKey messageImportantsub-messagesProof pointsConfident, expert, leadership, impactful, inspiring, relevant, solutions-focused, credible, transparent, human andpersonalized, engaging, enthusiastic, inclusive, uses relevant Y participant examples and storiesThe Y helps strengthen our community and communities across <strong>Canada</strong>• The Y is an efficient and effective charity whose mission is to build stronger kids, families and communities across <strong>Canada</strong>through programs and advocacy• The Y is a charity that has the trusted relationships with major corporations, government and other community andNFP organizations as well as the local physical presence to deliver lasting personal social change and address urgentcommunity problems• The Y helps children and youth, and people of all ages lead healthier and more productive lives regardless of theirbackground or financial situation• The Y has the resources to respond to our community needs as well as those of more than 1,000 Canadian communities• The Y is an inclusive and diverse association of people who passionately support our community• The Y helps make our community/Canadian communities a better place to liveImpact: overall, specific program impact on individuals and community, specific campaigns, $ buyCommunity: partnerships and activities, historyResources: effectiveness and efficiency, process, funding, use of funds

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.14 | Our verbal identity guidelinesWe must support our message with relevantproof points tailored to our media contactSImpactCommunityResourcesShow the Y makes an impact overall• On health, children, youth, etc.• Show who and what is changed by the Y (success stories)• Include relevant facts and figures in high impact ways, e.g., 500 of the 3,000 kids in X learned to swim at the Y• Testimonials of volunteersShow specific programs have an impact• Show who is changed by the Y (success stories of individuals)• Show impact on community needs (e.g., integration of newcomers, job training, etc.). Adoption of successful programs byothers, e.g., Playing to Learn• History of successShow the impact of specific campaigns (e.g., Strong Kids)Show what $ buy in terms of impact• $X sends a child to day campDemonstrate that the Y builds communities• Y participation in community activities• How the Y buildings and programs are used to deliver needed community programsHighlight community collaboration and leadership• Role in delivering government programs as important community and charitable partner• Collaboration with other community organizations to advocate for social change• Collective history of success across country and locallyShow effectiveness and efficiency• Where we get funding and where it goes• Breadth of programs• Number of staff, volunteers• Infrastructure/process and professional systems to accomplish mission

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.15 | Our verbal identity guidelinesInternal audiencesEmployeesTone of voiceKey messageImportantsub-messagesProof pointsConfident, impactful, inspiring, relevant, solutions-focused, leadership, credible, transparent, human and personalized,engaging, friendly, enthusiastic, forward thinking, inclusive, uses relevant employee and member examples and storiesAs a Y employee, you can make a difference as part of a community of people that helps individuals and yourcommunity succeed• At the Y you can help people lead healthier and more productive lives• You are an essential part of an organization that can deliver lasting personal and social change for you and your family,your community and communities across <strong>Canada</strong>• You help deliver the Y experience and build relationships that help people learn, grow, thrive, make friends and have fun• You are a valued part of a welcoming and diverse community of people who passionately support your local community• You are a critical part of an effective and leading international charity with strong values and a mission to help buildstronger kids, families and communities across <strong>Canada</strong> through programs and advocacy• You will grow personally as you make a difference for your communityImpact: overall, specific program areas, individuals, communityCommunity: partnerships and activities, cultureResources: breadth programs, training and development, facilities, processes, values and mission, international

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.16 | Our verbal identity guidelinesWe must support our message with relevantproof points tailored to our employeesImpactCommunityResourcesShow the Y makes an impact• Employee outcomes: leadership skills, connections, pride, empowerment• Member outcomes: fitness, employment, leadership, etc.• Show who is changed by the Y (success stories of individuals, employees)• Programs for different types of members and their impact on individuals, community and society• History of success of the Y as an organization, social advocate and employer and adapting to evolving needsDemonstrate that the Y builds communities• Opportunities to meet others and get involved• Y participation in community activities and collaborations• Successful Strong Kids campaign• CultureShow effectiveness and efficiency and that we can do what we promise by leveraging our resources• Programs for different types of members and their impact on individuals, community and society• Where we get funding and where it goes• Facilities• Number of staff, volunteers• Credentials of who you will be working with and what you will be doing• Training and development opportunities• Processes• InternationalShowcase our values and mission• Y values and mission• Position on important social issues, e.g., sustainability

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.17 | Our verbal identity guidelinesInternal audiencesVOLUNTEERSTone of voiceKey messageImportantsub-messagesProof pointsConfident, impactful, inspiring, relevant, solutions-focused, leadership, credible, transparent, human and personalized,engaging, friendly, enthusiastic, forward thinking, inclusive, uses relevant and inspiring volunteer and participantexamples and storiesAs a Y volunteer, you can make a difference as part of a community of people that helps individuals and yourcommunity succeed• At the Y you can grow personally by helping people lead healthier and more productive lives• You are an essential part of an organization that can deliver lasting personal and social change for you and your family,your community and communities across <strong>Canada</strong>• You help deliver the Y experience that helps people learn, grow and thrive• You are a valued part of a welcoming and diverse community of people who passionately support your local community• You are a critical part of an effective and leading international charity with strong values and a mission to help buildstronger kids, families and communities across <strong>Canada</strong> through programs and advocacyImpact: overall, specific program areas, individuals, volunteers, communityCommunity: partnerships and activities, cultureResources: breadth programs, training and development, facilities, processes, volunteer management values and mission,international

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.18 | Our verbal identity guidelinesWe must support our message with relevantproof points tailored to our volunteersImpactCommunityResourcesShow the Y makes an impact• Volunteer outcomes and benefits• Member outcomes: fitness, employment, leadership, etc.• Show who is changed by the Y (success stories of individuals, volunteers)• Credentials of who you will be working with and what you will be doing• History of success of the Y as an organization and volunteer driven charity• Training and development opportunitiesDemonstrate that the Y builds communities• Opportunities to meet others and get involved• Y participation in community activities and collaborations• Program benefits by member need (e.g., wellness programs, childcare, help for newcomers, job training, etc.)• Successful Strong Kids campaign• Facilities used by communityShow we can do what we promise• Programs for different types of members and their impact on individuals, community and society• Where we get funding and where it goesShowcase our resources• Breadth of programs• Number of staff, volunteers• Volunteer management programs• Our capacity to get things done (e.g., facilities, people, other?)• InternationalShowcase our values and mission• Y values and mission• Position on important social issues, e.g., sustainability

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 2.19 | Our verbal identity guidelinescreating headlinesThere is not one formula for creating strong headlines.Headlines for communications should be:• High impact• Engaging• Give the audience a reason to continue readingDO:• Communicate a benefit that the Y offers the audience,e.g., ”<strong>YMCA</strong>. Inspire peace”• Highlight an important need of the audience,e.g., “Imagine a world at peace”• Communicate a “higher ideal”,e.g., “When given a chance, our youth can change the world”• Communicate a call-to-action,e.g., “Help us create a peaceful solution”DON’T:• Use the name of the program or campaign,e.g., ” <strong>YMCA</strong> Youth Peace Network”

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.1 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand3. visualizing theymca brand

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.3 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandOur brandmark (continued)To provide appropriate visibility and emphasis toour brandmark, no graphic or typographic elementsshould encroach on the minimum clear spaceshown here.Minimum clear spaceThe minimum clear space isdetermined by the width ofthe stem of the “Y” symbol.You may always leave more thanthe minimum clear space.Minimum sizeIn printed applications, thesmallest the brandmarkshould appear is ¼ inch.Some media, such as silkscreening,may demandthe mark be larger due totechnical limitations.Used for small objects suchas a pen.¼"Minimum size – Printed mediaThe resolution of on-screenuse demands the minimumsize be larger than in print.The brandmarks must be nosmaller than 30 pixels highon-screen.30 pixelsMinimum size – on-screen useXThe brandmark should always beused larger than the minimum sizewhenever possible

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.4 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandUsing the <strong>YMCA</strong> NameProper and consistent use of our name presents<strong>YMCA</strong> to our communities as a unified federationwith a single brand promise.Because the <strong>YMCA</strong> name is not included as partof our brandmark, it’s vital that we use our nameproperly when creating branded materials.See sections 3.6 and 3.9 for proper positioning forthe name and brandmark.<strong>YMCA</strong> ofGreater Vancouver<strong>YMCA</strong>Youth Leadershipprograms<strong>YMCA</strong> ofGreater VancouverRobert Lee <strong>YMCA</strong><strong>YMCA</strong> association namesIn some instances, anassociation name is requiredto avoid confusion with other<strong>YMCA</strong> associations.In instances where it is obvious which<strong>YMCA</strong> association is being referred to,the association name is not required.Where contact information is beingpresented, such as on the back of abrochure, the association name shouldappear with the brandmark.<strong>YMCA</strong> program descriptorsIn many applications, the <strong>YMCA</strong>name is used with a programdescriptor and an associationname is not required.Stand-alone brandmarkIn some instances, thebrandmark may appearwithout the <strong>YMCA</strong> name.The brandmark may appearwithout a name whenin proximity to a secondbrandmark that includes the<strong>YMCA</strong> name, or in a contextwhere the <strong>YMCA</strong> has beenpreviously established.For example, the brandmark maybe used without a name on a signoutside a facility when the associationname is identified with a second signnext to the entrance to the building.Another example – the brandmarkmay appear as a stand-alone onfrosted glass within a facility, as aviewer would have seen the nameupon entering the building.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.5 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandUsing association names and descriptors<strong>YMCA</strong> association names<strong>YMCA</strong> ofLocation nameSub-descriptor<strong>YMCA</strong> facility names<strong>YMCA</strong>Facility name<strong>YMCA</strong> program descriptors<strong>YMCA</strong>Program name<strong>YMCA</strong>Bright Red<strong>YMCA</strong>Dark RedBlack<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong><strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong><strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong><strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong><strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>Association names are set in Bold text.They may include a sub-descriptor setin Regular text if required.Facility names may be included assub-descriptors of association namesor may be used on their own.Program descriptors have <strong>YMCA</strong> setin Bold with the program name set inRegular.TypographyAssociation names anddescriptors may only use the<strong>YMCA</strong> brand typefaces, MyriadPro or Calibri, described ingreater detail on page 3.10.Program names may also be usedas sub-descriptors of association orfacility names.<strong>YMCA</strong>GreyWhiteColourAssociation names and descriptors must onlybe used in the <strong>YMCA</strong> primary colour palettedescribed on page 3.15.Les <strong>YMCA</strong>du QuébecCartierville<strong>YMCA</strong> ofGreater TorontoCommunity ServicesRobert Lee <strong>YMCA</strong>Day Camps<strong>YMCA</strong>Childcare<strong>YMCA</strong>Health & WellnessFacility names or program descriptorsmay be used as sub-descriptors ofassociation names.Program descriptors may be used assub-descriptors of facility names.Examples of program descriptors.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>Using association names and descriptors (continued)Page 3.6 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandLangara Fam<strong>YMCA</strong>Standard size<strong>YMCA</strong> ofGreater TorontoMetro Central3/4x3/8x9/16xBilingual association namesHorizontal alignmentminimum ofx<strong>YMCA</strong> ofGreater Monctonx<strong>YMCA</strong> deGrand MonctonxxSmall sizeSizeThe size of the name ordescriptor type is variablein relation to the <strong>YMCA</strong>brandmark, depending onthe requirements of theapplication.Most applications use thestandard size shown abovebut some applications, likestationery, require <strong>YMCA</strong> a smaller oftext size.x<strong>YMCA</strong> ofGreater TorontoMetro Central<strong>YMCA</strong> ofGreater MonctonGreater TorontoMetro CentralOccasionally an applicationmay require a text sizedifferent than these examples,but the relationships shownabove should be usedwhenever possible.<strong>YMCA</strong> ofGreater TorontoMetro Central1/2x1/4x3/8x<strong>YMCA</strong> deGrand MonctonBilingual association namesVertical alignmentminimum ofx<strong>YMCA</strong><strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>ofx<strong>YMCA</strong> ofGreater MonctonGreater TorontoMetro Central<strong>YMCA</strong> deGrand Moncton<strong>YMCA</strong> ofGreater TorontoMetro Central<strong>YMCA</strong> ofGreater TorontoMetro Central<strong>YMCA</strong> ofGreater TorontoMetro CentralNote: These examples show the names positioned at theminimum allowed distance from the brandmark. See page3.9 for preferred positioning of names in a format.xIn instances where French andEnglish association names areused together, they may bealigned either horizontally orvertically as shown. NamesLangara Fami<strong>YMCA</strong>may also be placed below theBrandmark at a distance of “x”or more.In bilingual logos, eitherFrench or English may appearfirst, depending on whatis most appropriate for thelocation.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.7 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandOUR tagline graphicOur tagline captures our brand essence in a fewmemorable words. It’s visually expressed with a graphicused consistently across our communications.English <strong>YMCA</strong> tagline – one line versionFrench <strong>YMCA</strong> taglineEnglish <strong>YMCA</strong> tagline – two line versionThe tagline graphic alwaysappears in <strong>YMCA</strong> Script.Always use approved artworkfiles for the tagline, do notrecreate the tagline yourself.The tagline may be usedin any of the colours of the<strong>YMCA</strong> primary or secondarycolour palette.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Positioning <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BRAND</strong>MARK, NAME AND TAGLINEPage 3.8 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand<strong>YMCA</strong> ofregion namBasic rules for positioning the <strong>YMCA</strong> brandmark, names and descriptorsSizing the tagline in application<strong>YMCA</strong> ofRegion Name<strong>YMCA</strong> ofRegion NameX<strong>YMCA</strong> of<strong>YMCA</strong>RegionofNameGreater VancouverRobert Lee <strong>YMCA</strong><strong>YMCA</strong> ofregion name<strong>YMCA</strong> ofregion name<strong>YMCA</strong> ofRegion NameX<strong>YMCA</strong> ofRegion NamePreferred brandmark positionThe preferred positioning ofthe brandmark is in the topleft corner of the format. Thedistance from the edge ofthe format to the brandmarkmust be equal to, or greater<strong>YMCA</strong> ofRegion Namethan, the size of the minimumprotected space.(see page 3.3)Acceptable brandmark positionsIn instances where the preferredposition is problematic, thebrandmark may be positionedin any of the other corners ofthe format.<strong>YMCA</strong> ofRegion NamePositioning the nameThe name may be positionedin any of the corners of theformat not occupied by thebrandmark. The name maybe for a program orassociation, but must alwaysinclude “<strong>YMCA</strong>”.<strong>YMCA</strong> ofregion nameSome examples of acceptable positioningPositioning the taglineThe tagline may be positionedin any of the corners of theformat not occupied by thebrandmark or the name.<strong>YMCA</strong> ofregion nameSizing the taglineThe size of the tagline isdetermined by matching theheight of the capitals in thename to the height of thecapitals in the tagline.<strong>YMCA</strong> ofRegion Name<strong>YMCA</strong> ofRegion NameDiagrams shown here are intendedto show proper placement of brandelements and do not represent actualapplications. Design elements such ascolour, images and graphics have beeneliminated for clarity.<strong>YMCA</strong> ofRegion Name<strong>YMCA</strong> ofRegion Name<strong>YMCA</strong> ofRegion Name<strong>YMCA</strong> ofRegion Name<strong>YMCA</strong> ofRegion Name<strong>YMCA</strong> ofRegion Name

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.9 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandPositioning <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BRAND</strong>MARK, NAME AND TAGLINE (continued)Exceptions to the basic rules for positioning the name and tagline<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong> of <strong>YMCA</strong> of ofregion region name region name name<strong>YMCA</strong> ofregion nameX <strong>YMCA</strong> X <strong>YMCA</strong> ofX<strong>YMCA</strong> of ofregion region name region name nameX <strong>YMCA</strong> ofregion nameXXX<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong> of <strong>YMCA</strong> of of Xregion region name region name name<strong>YMCA</strong> ofregion nameXXX<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong> ofX<strong>YMCA</strong> of ofregion region name region name name<strong>YMCA</strong> ofregion name<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>X X X<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong> of <strong>YMCA</strong> of ofregion region name region name nameX<strong>YMCA</strong> ofregion nameXXXX<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong> of <strong>YMCA</strong> of ofregion region name region name name<strong>YMCA</strong> ofregion nameXXXXfame<strong>YMCA</strong> ofregion name<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong> of <strong>YMCA</strong> of ofregion region name region name name<strong>YMCA</strong> ofregion nameException to name positionIn instances where the namecannot be positioned in acorner of the format, it shouldbe aligned either verticallyor horizontally with thebrandmark.<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong> of <strong>YMCA</strong> of ofRegion Region Name Region Name Name<strong>YMCA</strong> ofRegion NameThe distance between thename and brandmark mayvary, but must never encroachon the clear space.(See page 3.3)Whenever possible, use morethan the minimum space.Diagrams shown here are intendedto show proper placement of brandelements and do not represent actualapplications. Design elements such ascolour, images and graphics have beeneliminated for clarity.Limited use name lock-upThe name may be locked upto the brandmark in instanceswhere space is very limited.In a lock-up, the name ispositioned at the distance of“X” from the brandmark.<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong> of of<strong>YMCA</strong> ofThe Region lock-upRegion Name Namemay alsoRegionbeNameusedwhere the <strong>YMCA</strong> Brandmarkappears with other third-partylogos, or other instanceswhere a lack of claritywould be created by havingthe name away from thebrandmark.The name should not belocked up to the Brandmarkif the preferred positioningcan be achieved. <strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong> of <strong>YMCA</strong> of of<strong>YMCA</strong> ofRegion NameRegion Region Name Region Name Name<strong>YMCA</strong> ofRegion NameName lock-up with taglineWhere the name is lockedup and the tagline is used,the tagline should alignhorizontally or vertically withthe brandmark, preferably onthe same axis as the name.<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong> of <strong>YMCA</strong> of ofRegion Region Name Region Name NameLimited use tagline lock-upThe tagline may also belocked up to the Brandmark ininstances where space is verylimited.The lock-up may also be usedwhere the <strong>YMCA</strong> Brandmarkappears with other third-partylogos, or other instanceswhere it may be unclear towhich organization the taglineis connected.The tagline lock-up mayappear with or without aname. If a name is used, itshould align horizontally orvertically with the brandmark,preferably on the same axis asthe tagline. <strong>YMCA</strong> of<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong> of ofRegion Nameregion nameAlways use approved artworkfiles for the tagline lock-up,do not recreate the lock-upyourself.<strong>YMCA</strong> ofregion region name nameException to tagline sizeIt may be appropriateto use the tagline as aheadline in some high-levelcommunications such asposters. In these instances thetagline may be used largerthan the name and may be seton a slight angle.<strong>YMCA</strong> ofregion name

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.10 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandTypographySystematic use of typography is vital to create aconsistent visual presentation across differentcommunications materials.The typeface Myriad Prois used in external andprofessionally designedand printed materials.Myriad Pro is supplied aspart of Adobe CreativeSuite®, making it a standardfont for a majority of designprofessionals and Mac users.If Myriad Pro is unavailable, itis replaced with Calibri.Myriad ProabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890Myriad Pro LightMyriad Pro RegularMyriad Pro SemiboldMyriad Pro BoldMyriad Pro BlackMyriad Pro appears in several differentweights. All weights shown above areacceptable, as are the italic for theseweights. Condensed versions of Myriad Proare discouraged but may be used if spaceis severely limited.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.11 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandTypographyThe typeface Calibri is used inplace of Myriad Pro in desktopproduced applications such asletters, memos, PowerPoint®presentations.The typeface Calibri is astandard font within MicrosoftOffice® for Windows and Macand should be available to agreat majority of computerusers.CalibriabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890Calibri RegularCalibri BoldCalibri is available in Regular and Boldweights. Use of Italics should be limitedto emphasizing text within body copy,such as publication titles.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.12 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandTypographyHandwritten script typeface<strong>YMCA</strong> Script is a custom fontbuilt especially for the <strong>YMCA</strong>.<strong>YMCA</strong> Script is usedwhen making expressivestatements or representinga human voice, such as intestimonial statements.This typeface is used inheadlines or call-outs, butshould not be used asbody copy.When using <strong>YMCA</strong> Scriptin headlines, it shouldbe limited to expressivestatements and not beused for headlines that areinformational in nature.For example, it would beacceptable to use <strong>YMCA</strong>Script for a headline thatreads: Be part of the action!,but should not be used for aheadline that reads:Second quarter report.<strong>YMCA</strong> Script is often usedon a slight angle to createa more natural organic,handwritten feeling.<strong>YMCA</strong> script may overlayimages.<strong>YMCA</strong> SCRIPTabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890<strong>YMCA</strong> Script regular<strong>YMCA</strong> Script has a single weight.How to install <strong>YMCA</strong> Script on a PCOpen “Control Panel” in the main Windows menu in the bottomleft corner of your screen. Select the “Fonts” and save the font fileto this directory.You should see font appear in the font listing in each of yourapplications. You may need to restart your computer afterinstalling the font in order for the font to be accessible in yourapplications.If you have trouble installing the font, contact your IT supportteam for assistance.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.13 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> Brandexamples ofTypography in useBuilding healthycommunities<strong>YMCA</strong> of Greater Toronto42 Charles Street East Toronto,ON M4Y 1T4416-413-1020ymcagta.orgDateSuite numberStreet addressCity, ProvincePostal codeSalutationBody text do bla volupta ectotatur molor aut quissimin core optati dolest odicatis eiundis suntur, consequis molupitquid quidiat quae quia vel ium, tem ra con enditaeperae peliqui beata dolorrum consequiatur aut voluptasperchiciame lant, oditisqui aspelentem aliquo magnitiatur, eatiae exerum ium ute ne culpa veni culpa delendignisminctem non conestrum eribernatio te corectas volore doluptatur solorem quam, offictiatum voluptatur? Hil minreritat quibus ducidis dolupiendis est, occatis inimporerror simus.Ullorecatur? Omnihic ipsuntis endunt que at.Inullig nimaximus, volesequam aut es se nimodio. Nam exeritiatio. Ita nobis vitatet quodi tet et voloruptat evellacesma il iduci cus et et, con conesed molorep editem am excepud animolorem rem aut volor as repudan distisquamusc imagnatur sunt.Is doluptaest laciis utem eturitios molor aut reritae vercia cum hil ea volupta sitiis a dolor mil il et officimil eossimusipsa comnim ra aut voloratio odita cus.SincerelyNameTitlecc: Catias que ommoluptur,Let’s celebrate anothersuccessful season!Slide title hereUnt iriuscinibh exer sumsand iamcommySection. 1Program structureNim volorem do commolum nulpute cortis nit loredipsumsandre mincipisci blamet luptationum dolorper simPage 3 | Presentation title | <strong>YMCA</strong> program or association | datevelis nis niscincipit ea commodo commy nisi.– Igna facipis ex ex endip exerit aut ulluptat.Page 3 | Presentation title | <strong>YMCA</strong> program or association | date– Ommolortie doloreet inciliquat praesed duis nos in– Ulla acilla feum euis ad ming eros et ea adipisl ipsusto– Adio et praese venim quat dolortin henit nos nit lore– Dolor se core tie te commy nullamc consendrero– Ado coreet lum in henisim diamet ut wis diamet– Acidui tion ut inim dio enis num vendreet nos at<strong>YMCA</strong> Camp ElphinstoneEites pro mo magnisi utquidebisitia voluptatur aspidel inporehendi cone sum volum eiciusvolupta teseque commoluptaHelping kids becomestraight shootersEBites pro mo porehendi cone sum magnisi ut quidebisitia voluptatur aspidel in porehendi cone sum esvolum eicius volupta teseque commolupta.Bites pro mo magnisi ut quidebisitia voluptatur. Nenate dolupta ditem harciur, simusam aperrorest, sumelabor sit, conem accatquatint .ConditioningRoomTo us,healthis morethanjustbeingactive.Page 3 | Presentation title | <strong>YMCA</strong> program or association | datewww.vanymca.orgBusiness letters, forms or otherdocuments produced internally on PCuse Calibri. Regular weight is used inbody copy; bold is used in headlines.PowerPoint presentations are produced internally on PCs and use Calibri.Calibri Bold is used for headlines and Regular weight is used for body copy.<strong>YMCA</strong> Script may be used for headlines or call-outs that are expressive in nature,as per the example shown above. <strong>YMCA</strong> Script should not be used for headlinesthat are purely informational in nature – these should be set in Calibri as shown.Brochures or posters that are professionallydesigned and printed use Myriad Pro. Boldweight may be used to emphasize headlinesor other important information. Body copy isset in regular weight. <strong>YMCA</strong> Script is used forexpressive statements.All informational and wayfinding signage should use Myriad Pro.<strong>YMCA</strong> Script may be used in display graphics of an expressive nature, butmust not be used in informational or wayfinding signs .Italics should be use for adding properemphasis within body copy, such aswhen showing a publication title, butitalics should not be used to set largeareas of type.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.14 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandImproper brandmark usageIt’s important to use our brandmark properly andconsistently. Here is a list of things you must never dowith the brandmark, descriptors or tagline graphic.The rules shown here also apply to useof the tagline graphic and descriptors.Don’t condense, expand or distort.Don’t rotate or angle.Don’t add elements or graphic effects(like drop shadows).Don’t change the colour of elements.Don’t use outdated versions ofour brandmark or divisional identities.Lorem ipsum dolor sit peamet, consectetur nyerpeiusmod tempor auoynt ut labore et doloreCAMPSDon’t use on a background thatimpairs readability.Don’t violate the clear space.Don’t alter the symbol.Don’t alter the size of theRegistered symbol.Don’t attach text to the brandmark orcreate unofficial logos.Don’t use the paint graphic device toframe the brandmark.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.15 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandColour paletteNext to our brandmark, colour is the most recognizableelement of our visual system. Our bold and energetic red issupported by a palette that is both distinct and functional.<strong>YMCA</strong>Bright RedPANTONE® 185C0 M91 Y76 K0R224 G0 B52HTML# E00034<strong>YMCA</strong>GreyPANTONE®Cool Grey 7C22 M15 Y11 K32R154 G155 B156HTML# 9A9B9C<strong>YMCA</strong>BrightFuchsiaPANTONE®Rubine RedC0 M100 Y18 K3R202 G0 B93HTML# CA005D<strong>YMCA</strong>Bright BluePANTONE® 279C70 M33 Y0 K0R75 G146 B219HTML# 4B92DB<strong>YMCA</strong>Bright TealPANTONE® 3262C78 M0 Y32 K0R0 G192 B181HTML# 00C0B5<strong>YMCA</strong>Bright GreenPANTONE® 390C24 M0 Y98 K8R182 G191 B0HTML# B6BF00<strong>YMCA</strong>BrightOrangePANTONE® 1375C0 M40 Y90 K0R255 G160 B47HTML# FFA02F<strong>YMCA</strong>Dark RedPANTONE® 188C0 M97 Y100 K50R119 G36 B50HTML# 772432BlackProcess BlackC0 M0 Y0 K100R0 G0 B0HTML# 000000FuchsiagradationBluegradationTealgradationGreengradationOrangegradationWhite <strong>YMCA</strong> PANTONE® 222C0 M0 Y0 K0DarkC17 M97 Y21 K60FuchsiaR255 G255 B255R106 G26 B65HTML# FFFFFFHTML# 6A1A41<strong>YMCA</strong>Dark BluePANTONE® 280C100 M78 Y5 K18R0 G39 B118HTML# 002776<strong>YMCA</strong>Dark TealPANTONE® 3292C100 M11 Y48 K50R0 G93 B85HTML# 005D55<strong>YMCA</strong>Dark GreenPANTONE® 378C34 M0 Y100 K60R85 G96 B28HTML# 55601C<strong>YMCA</strong>DarkOrangePANTONE® 160C6 M71 Y100 K32R157 G81 B22HTML# 9D5116Primary brand paletteAs colour has been oneof our more recognizableelements in our visual system,red is used as a primary andconsistent colour.Always use <strong>YMCA</strong> Redcolours at full strength andnever screened as a tint.Secondary brand paletteA secondary palette of vibrantand approachable coloursbrings our brand to life in aninviting and positive way.The secondary palette can also beused as gradients using correspondinghues as shown.PANTONE® is the property of Pantone LLC.The colours shown on this page and throughout these Brandguidelines have not been evaluated by Pantone for accuracy andmay not match the PANTONE Colour Standards.Our brandmark, tagline,association names andprogram descriptors only usethe primary brand colours.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.16 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> Brandour graphic deviceOur device is a dynamic graphic that aids inrecognition of our brand and adds a personal touchto our materials.Painted graphic deviceA painted graphic devicebrings colour to our materialsand adds a personal element,reflecting human interactionand care.To see examples of ourgraphic device in use, seeSection 4, Our Brand in Action.Painted graphic device can be scaledto desired size.Use only approved artwork toreproduce the painted graphic device.The painted graphic device may useany colour from the colour palette,either as flat colours or with gradients.Artwork for the graphic device isavailable in horizontal, vertical andsquare formats.The graphic device should not beused at angle, but should be squareto the format.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.17 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandPhotographyPhotography conveys our brand personality.Our imagery reflects our brand attributes andhelps us stand out in the community.Our imagery is:about peoplecolourful and vibrantauthentic and naturalin real environmentsbright and positivesingle powerful imagesnot about objects, equipment or buildingsnot black and white (unless limited by application)not stagednot in studios or close cropped without backgroundsnot dark and moodynot collages of multiple small photosOur visual system uses twodistinct styles of imagery fordifferent purposes.These two styles arereferred to here as “Acommunity of individuals”and “<strong>YMCA</strong> in action”.A community of individualsThis image style portraysthe individuals who makeup the <strong>YMCA</strong>’s diversecommunity. The imagesare warm, bright, authenticand portray the <strong>YMCA</strong>as positive, inclusive andhuman. Showing subjectswith direct eye contactwith the camera createsengagement and a personalconnection.The “individuals” image styleis used in:• Brochure or report covers• Posters• Advertisements• Presentation title pages• Website homepages• Newsletter mastheadsChecklist for “Individuals” imagery:Is the subject lookingdirectly into the camera?Does the subject havea positive expression?Is the colour vibrant?(see page 3.19)Is there a sense of lightand brightness?Does the subject seemauthentic and not a model?When using stock photography, it isimportant to use "real" looking peoplerather than models to ensure a genuineand accessible feel.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.18 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandPhotography (continued)<strong>YMCA</strong> in actionThis imagery portrays <strong>YMCA</strong>members in learning activitiesand interactions that are fun andinteractive.This style shows the breadthand depth of our activitieswithin our communities.The primary use of the “in action”photography is in the bodycontent of materials:• brochures or reports• newsletters• web pages• presentations• newsletters“<strong>YMCA</strong> in action” style checklist:Does image show activity orinteraction?Is the mood positive?Is the colour vibrant?(see page 3.19)Is there a sense of light andbrightness?Does the scenario seemauthentic and not staged?The “in action” style is notlimited to body content andmay be used on covers, postersand advertisements whenappropriate.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.19 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandPhotography (continued)Stylized imageryA distinctive phototreatment adds vibrancyand can unify imagesfrom a variety of sources.Instructions for stylized imagery.To achieve distinct vibrancyfollow either of the two methodsoutlined below in Adobe®Photoshop.Photo manipulation should becompleted by a trained designeror photographer.Original imageAdjusted imageSet Image Layer One to opacity 50%.(This can be increased up to 75% fordesired vibrancy and contrast.)Duplicate Image Layer. SetImage Layer Two to overlay at100%.In many images, vibrancy can beachieved by simply increasing thesaturation levels in the hue/saturationmenu.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.20 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> Brandexamples of imagery in usePrimary photography Primary photography used for covers, used secondary for covers, is secondary used in supporting is used in imagery supporting imagerye-newsletter masthead<strong>YMCA</strong>youth leadershipprograms<strong>YMCA</strong>youth leadershipprogramsA stronger A strongersense of self sense of selfFor better.For good.Spring andsummer issueNewslettertitle<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>Uptate volore enisl ut wis am Uptate volore enisl ut wis amzrilla amet dit lorpercidunt nos zrilla amet dit lorpercidunt nosnisi. Ectem duis nim ea faci nisi. Ectem duis nim ea faciblaorercing exerit alisl dolendre blaorercing exerit alisl dolendremodigna consecte magna. modigna consecte magna.Volorem exer sed dipit et, quatumDuisi. Uptate volore enisl ut wis am zzrillaEctem duis nimEctem duisamet dit lorperciduntnimnos nisi. Ectem duisUptate volore enisl ut wis am rilla amet dit lorperciduntnos nisi. Ectem duis nim ea faci blaorercing exerit !nim ea faci blaorercing exerit alisl dolendreDuisi. Uptate volore enisl ut wis am rilla amet dit lorpercidunt nos nisi. Ectem duis nim ea faci blaorercingmodigna consecte magna facidui blanditexerit alisl dolendre modigna consecte magna facidui blandit lam augue commoleniam incillaore dolam augue commoleniam incillaore doconse vulput volorem exer sed dipit et, quatum riurem illan utpat ex eugiam, sequam nonullandre doleseconse vulput . zriurem illan utpat exdolobor si. Ad magnim dolorem dipis nissi blam rit velit nullan velit erostin henim amcon elisi. Delendieugiam, sequam nonullandre dolesepsusto eseniat aliquis nostrud mincilit at iure facil del utpat nonulluptat.dolobor si. Ad magnim dolorem dipis nissiblam zzrit velit nullan velit erostin henimDuisi. Uptate volore enisl ut wis am zzrilla Duisi. Uptate volore enisl Duisi. ut wis Uptate am zzrilla volore enisl amcon ut wis elisi. am Delendi zzrilla psusto Duisi. eseniat Uptate aliquis volore enisl ut wis am zzrillaLorem ipsum Lorem ipsumamet dit lorpercidunt nos nisi. Ectem duis amet dit lorpercidunt nos amet nisi. Ectem dit lorpercidunt duisnostrud nisi. Ectem mincilit duis at iure amet facil del dit lorpercidunt utpat nos nisi. Ectem duisnim ea faci blaorercing exerit alislnim ea faci blaorercing exerit nim alisl ea faci blaorercing nonulluptat. exerit alisl Ero eraessit nim laor ea aliquis faci blaorercing dignis exerit alisldolendre modigna consecte magnadolendre modigna consecte dolendre magna modigna consecte dunt alissi. magna Em verostrud dolendre molortio modigna ex et, consecte magnadolor est dolor estfacidui blandit lam augue commoleniam facidui blandit lam augue facidui commoleniam blandit lam augue ver commoleniamirit landiat prat. Et praesed facidui blandit delit am,. lam augue commoleniamerrator! errator!incillaore do conse vulput volorem exer incillaore do conse vulput incillaore . do conse vulput volorem exer incillaore do conse vulput .sed dipit et, quatum zzriurem illan utpatsed dipit et, quatum zzriurem Commodigna illan utpat ad dit autpat, ver susto dolorex eugiam, sequam nonullandre dolese Volorem exer sed dipit et, ex quatum eugiam, sequam nonullandre sit velis num dolese iriustrud tat Volorem lum vel exer irilisciduis sed dipit et, quatumdolobor si. Ad magnim dolorem dipis zriurem illan utpat ex eugiam, dolobor sequam si. Ad magnim estrud dolorem tem dipis zzrilla acipissectet zriurem ut illan nisl utpat in ute ex eugiam, sequamnissi blam zzrit velit nullan velit erostin nonullandre dolese dolobor nissi si. blam Ad zzrit velit nullan eu feui velit er erostin iliscip eum zzrit nonullandre vullam irit dolese dolobor si. Adhenim amcon elisi. Delendi psustomagnim dolorem dipis nissi henim blam amcon zzrit elisi. Delendi luptatio psusto endiamet iusci magnim bla aliquat dolorem am velit dipis nissi blam zzriteseniat aliquis nostrud mincilit at iure velit nullan velit erostin henim eseniat amcon aliquis nostrud vullamcommy mincilit at iure nisl eum velit dunt nullan augiam velit erostin henim amconfacil del utpat nonulluptat.elisi. Delendi psusto eseniat facil aliquis del utpat nonulluptat.elisi. Delendi psusto eseniat aliquisDuisi. Uptate volore enisl ut wis am zzrilla amet Duisi. dit Uptate lorpercidunt volore enisl ut wis am zzrilla amet dit lorpercidunt nostrud mincilit at iure facil del utpatnostrud mincilit at iure facil del utpatnos nisi. Ectem duis nim ea faci blaorercing nos exerit nisi. alisl Ectem dolendre duis nim ea faci blaorercing Ero Ero eraessit eraessit laor exerit aliquis laor dignis aliquis alisl dunt dolendredignis alissi. dunt nonulluptat. alissi. Ero eraessit laor Ero eraessit aliquis laor aliquis dignis dunt alissi. nonulluptat. Ero eraessit laor aliquismodigna consecte magna facidui blandit lam modigna augue consecte magna facidui blandit Em Em verostrud verostrudlam molortio molortioaugue ex et, ver ex irit et, ver irit dignis landiat dunt alissi. prat. Em Et verostrud praesedEm verostrud molortio delit am, commodigna ad dit autpat,molortio ex et, ver iritdignis dunt ver alissi. susto Em verostrud molortiolandiat dolor prat. sit Et velis praesed num delit iriustrud am, tat lum ex vel et, ver irilisciduis irit prat. Et estrud praesed landiat tem delit prat. am,. zzrilla Et praesed acipissectet delit am, ut nisl in ute ex eu et, ver feui irit er prat. iliscip Et praesed delit am,.commodigna eum zzrit ad vullam dit autpat, irit ver luptatio susto endiamet iusci bla aliquat commodigna am velit vullamcommy ad dit autpat, ver nisl susto eum dunt augiamquam, conse modo dolore dolore dolore et, commy nos del ipisit ad exerat in ut veliquat iuscillutat. Utaliquam iuscipis dolorper sequis at velit lam, commy numsan ut praesed ming euissis ad eugait ad tie tat.<strong>YMCA</strong> program descriptionNewsletter titleFor better.For good.Spring and summer issue May 2011Volorem exer sed dipit et, quatumDuisi. Uptate volore enisl ut wis am zzrillaUptate volore enisl am amet dit lorpercidunt nos nisi.amet dit lorpercidunt nos nisi. Ectem duisnim ea faci blaorercing exerit alisl dolendreEctem duis nim ea faci blaorercing exerit alisl dolendre modigna consecte magna facidui blandit lam augue commoleniammodigna consecte magna facidui blanditincillaore do conse vulput volorem exer sed dipit et, quatum riurem illan utpat ex eugiam, sequam nonullandre dolese doloborlam augue commoleniam incillaore dosi. Ad magnim dolorem dipis nissi blam rit velit nullan velit erostin henim amcon elisi. Delendi psusto eseniat aliquis nostrudconse vulput . zriurem illan utpat exmincilit at iure facil del utpat nonulluptat.eugiam, sequam nonullandre dolesedolobor si. Ad magnim dolorem dipis nissiblam zzrit velit Uptate nullan velit volore erostin enisl henim ut wis am rilla amet dit lorpercidunt nos nisi.amcon elisi. Delendi Im ver psusto suscidunt eseniat delessi aliquis tie facipisl etueriureet ip eu facidunt lobore mod tat do essequisl ex etummy nostrud magnit luptatemnostrud mincilit zzrillu at iure ptatiscip facil del utpat er sectem veriliquam ea faccum volumsa ndiamconsed eriure con eu faccummolore tio dolor irilit atet wis nonnonulluptat. Ero henibh eraessit eu laor feugiat, aliquis dignis conulla accumsandit praestin velit lan henit ullan ea consectem velit nonseniam endreet adipit lor sum aci etdunt alissi. Em nibh verostrud esse molortio con henim ex et, ex el el ut init incin utatummy nulla facillam nibh eliquis ad dolumsandit ulputat, consequat ing el ipsusciver irit landiat blam prat. Et ipsum praesed quis delit am,. numsandreet ulput augiame tumsan eu facip esectet alis accumsan henim quatumsan ulput pratet praestinisnon venim quis nisl et nim diam diatis et ad dolenisl ut er suscili quatisi.Commodigna ad dit autpat, ver susto dolorsit velis num iriustrud Uptate tat volore lum vel irilisciduis enisl ut wis am nos nisi.estrud tem zzrilla Unt acipissectet velisi tations ut nisl equatem in ute tat, secte dolorer iure tat nosto.eu feui er iliscip dolorem eum zzrit vullam nonsed irit tat. Ut lummodiam esto coreetum dolutat la alit.luptatio endiamet , ver iusci sum bla nullamc aliquat am orperos velit at at. Reratio dolut velenisit adip exeriure.vullamcommy minci nisl eum tem dunt incip augiam er sed tis do ea commolum nulla facip ercipsum ilisdipsusto odigna feu feum verostrud et adip exeraes sectem illamconumdit, quip endionulput nos autetum vendign issequis nibh er si blanvel doluptatummy num in ulput nisit alis digna faccumsan euguefeu faccummy nullaorem zzriliquis nulla faci et nonsed minBrochure cover uses primary Brochure Brochure photo style cover uses uses primary primary photo stylephoto style.Typographic mastheadBrochure interior interior uses uses activity-based Brochure activity-based interior secondary uses image activity-based style Secondary secondary photo style image used in style body of newslettersecondary image style.Photographic mastheadNewsletter Primary photo uses style used primary in masthead photo style forSecondary photo style used in body of newsletterthe masthead and secondary photo stylein the body content.<strong>YMCA</strong> ofWestern OntarioSlide title herePresentationtitle hereSubtitle line here1 June 2011Unt iriuscinibh exer sumsand iamcommyNim volorem do commolum nulpute cortis nit loredipsumsandre mincipisci blamet luptationum dolorpersim velis nis niscincipit ea commodo commy nisi.– Igna facipis ex ex endip exerit aut ulluptat.– Ommolortie doloreet inciliquat praesed duis nos in– Ulla acilla feum euis ad ming eros et ea adipisl ipsusto– Adio et praese venim quat dolortin henit nos nit lore– Dolor se core tie te commy nullamc consendrero– Ado coreet lum in henisim diamet ut wis diamet– Acidui tion ut inim dio enis num vendreet nos atPage 3 | Presentation title | <strong>YMCA</strong> program or association | datePowerPoint introductory slideuses primary photo style.PowerPoint content slides usesecondary photo style.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Co-branding with partner organizationsPage 3.21 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandSome <strong>YMCA</strong> programs or events involve an external thirdpartysponsor or partner (e.g., United Way, Steve Nash YouthBasketball League, etc.). In these cases, the logo of the thirdparty will need to be included in materials if the PartnershipAgreement defines that requirement. To determine theappropriate use of partner logos, ask the program or eventmanager or the communications department.<strong>YMCA</strong> as primary partnerWhen the <strong>YMCA</strong> delivers the program, thePartnership Agreement should include a requirementthat the <strong>YMCA</strong> brandmark be the prominent logo.From the point of view of program users, the <strong>YMCA</strong> isthe group they interact with.<strong>YMCA</strong> as equal partnersWhen the program that the <strong>YMCA</strong> delivers is fullyfunded by another organization, e.g., United Way,Government of <strong>Canada</strong>, the <strong>YMCA</strong> brandmark shouldbe shown in equal size as the funding partners andthe <strong>YMCA</strong> should appear first if possible.<strong>YMCA</strong> as secondary partnerWhen <strong>YMCA</strong> is a secondary partner, e.g., the <strong>YMCA</strong>provides a location for another group’s functions,the partner logo should receive prominence.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.22 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandCo-branding with partner organizationsGeneral principlesSingle partner lock-upipsum Lorem ipsumest dolor estLorem ipsum Lorem ipsumdolor est dolor estMultiple partner lock-upSécurité publique<strong>Canada</strong>Public Safety<strong>Canada</strong>Sécurité publiqueQuébecWhen possible, separate thepartner brandmarks.In equal partnerships,brandmarks should be thesame visual weight.If there are major and minorpartners, logo size may reflectthe scale of participation.If the logos must appear in close proximity, they are separatedby a grey line. The <strong>YMCA</strong> brandmark should appear first whenlocked up with partner brands.Les <strong>YMCA</strong>du QuébecThe distance of the line fromthe <strong>YMCA</strong> brandmark matchesthe minimum clear spacedescribed in section 3.3.The grey line extends aboveand below the brandmark bya distance that matches theline-width of the triangle.yyPartnerbrandmarkCentred visuallyyXXX

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.23 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandCo-branding with partner organizations<strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCA<strong>YMCA</strong> – YWCANational Capital Region4 colour – spot colour inks3 colour – 2 spot colour reds+ tint of blackone colour – blackThe preferred identification of<strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCA is to use the <strong>YMCA</strong>brandmark with the YWCAidentified in the descriptor.<strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCA’s may chooseto display the YWCA trianglesymbol. The co-branded lock-upof the two logos is shown here.one colour – whiteOther versions of the <strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCA lock-up where colour islimited.<strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCAs may also beco-branded with a third party.The partner logo may appearwith either the lock-up includingthe YWCA triangles, or with the<strong>YMCA</strong> brandmark alone.or

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.24 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandSIGNAGE overviewExterior signageSignage is one of the mostvisible, long-standing andexpensive elements of ourbrand system. As such, itis vital that our brand isproperly and consistentlyapplied through signage.Examples of different signsthat follow our brandstandards are shown here.• <strong>YMCA</strong> brandmark is usedon a white backgroundwhenever possible• Colours used in signagefollow our brand colourpalette• Myriad Pro should be usedas the typeface for signageapplications• Icons used in wayfinding• Graphics and images maybe applied to windows arewalls to create visual interestExterior pylon Exterior cantilevered Transparent vinyl logo and graphicson exterior glassVinyl graphics on exterior doors

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.26 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandINTERIOR DESIGNGeneral principlesThe interiors of our facilitiesare a vital touch point with ourcommunities. We must ensurethat our interiors are inviting,comfortable and vibrantspaces.The design of an interiorwill vary depending on thefunction of the facility orspace, but the followinggeneral principles may beapplied to a large variety ofscenarios.• <strong>YMCA</strong> brandmark shouldbe presented on a whitebackground whereverpossible• Large wall areas should beinviting, neutral colours• Bright <strong>YMCA</strong> brand coloursmust be limited. They may beused for trim, doors or smallaccent areas such as pillars• Colour may be used to defineregions within a facility• Graphics may be applied towalls or windows to createvisual interest• Brand colours may be usedin furniture to add colour toa spaceGeneral principles applied to facility entranceWelcome!<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>General principles applied to office lobbyDecorative wall or windowgraphics<strong>YMCA</strong> history display wall

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.27 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandINTERIOR DESIGN (continued)Playing to Learn coloursin childcare centresChildcare centres utilizePlaying to Learn colourswithin facilities. Psychologicalresearch has determined thatthese colour schemes create apositive learning environmentfor children.The <strong>YMCA</strong> brand colourpalette must NOT be usedin the interiors of childcarecentres.Four different approved paintcombinations are shown hereWhen you choose one of thecombinations shown, youmust use the colours of thatcombination throughout yourentire childcare centre.Brown Paint CombinationBrand Type Name Number WhereSico Shantung Cotton Duck 6186-63 1 accent wallSico Shantung Natural Cotton 6186-41 Trim and doorsSico Shantung Cotton Flower 6186-31 3 remaining wallsPurple/Blue Paint CombinationBrand Type Name Number WhereSico Shantung Purple Deluxe 6016-63 1 accent wallSico Shantung Egyptian Papyrus 6195-52 Trim and doorsSico Shantung Rice Paper 6195-31 3 remaining wallsGuidelines:1. To ensure your paintresults are the approvedcolours you must use SICOShantung paint available atRona. You may also refer tothe Sico website to find adistributor located in yourregion www.sico.ca2. Use the colour combinationas specified in the “WHERE”section of the chart.3. Each room within yourcentre must be paintedusing the same colourcombination. For example,if you are using the Brownpaint combination, eachroom will have 1 wallpainted Cotton Duck,each room will have theremaining 3 walls paintedCotton Flower and eachroom will have the trimand doors painted NaturalCotton.4. The paint numbers are verysimilar—be sure you selectthe correct number.Terra-Cotta Paint CombinationBrand Type Name Number WhereSico Shantung Sockeye 6063-73 1 accent wallSico Shantung Mocha Torte 6190-52 Trim and doorsSico Shantung Chocolate Aroma 6190-21 3 remaining wallsGreen Paint CombinationBrand Type Name Number WhereSico Shantung El Nino 6199-63 1 accent wallSico Shantung Capetown Taupe 6197-42 Trim and doorsSico Shantung Mythical Savannah 6197-21 3 remaining walls

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.28 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandINTERIOR DESIGN (continued)Benjamin Moore® paint specificationsfor <strong>YMCA</strong> brand colours<strong>YMCA</strong>Bright Red2002-20Bull's eye redLightGrey2124-40ThundercloudGrey<strong>YMCA</strong>BrightFuchsia2086-30Rosy Blush<strong>YMCA</strong>Bright Blue2067-40Blue Lapis<strong>YMCA</strong>Bright Teal2048-40Poolside Blue<strong>YMCA</strong>Bright Green2027-20Spring Moss<strong>YMCA</strong>BrightOrange2016-30Carrot Stick<strong>YMCA</strong>Dark Red2082-20Plum RaisinDarkGrey2124-30Deep Silver<strong>YMCA</strong>DarkFuchsia2075-10Dark Burgundy<strong>YMCA</strong>Dark Blue2067-20Starry Night Blue<strong>YMCA</strong>Dark Teal2045-10Green Bay<strong>YMCA</strong>Dark Green2145-10Avocado<strong>YMCA</strong>DarkOrange2166-10Gold RushWhite2140-70Winter WhitePrimary brand paletteSecondary brand paletteFor information on using colour infacility interiors, please see page 3.26for more information

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 3.29 | Visualizing the <strong>YMCA</strong> BrandManaging our digital assetsFile naming conventions for artwork<strong>YMCA</strong>_logo_1x1_blue_cmyk_P.epsIdentifier Type Size Colour Colour System Background File extension<strong>YMCA</strong><strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCAStrong Kidsetcarticlelogotaglinepaint graphiclock-upuse for paintgraphic only:1x13x11x3BrRed – bright redDkRed – dark redRed_grad – red gradientLtGrey_grad – light grey gradientDkGrey_grad – dark grey gradientRed_grad – red gradientBrFuchsia – bright fuchsiaDkFuchsia – dark fuchsiaFuchsia_grad – fuchsia gradientBrBlue – bright blueDkBlue – dark blueBlue_grad – blue gradientBrTeal – bright tealDkTeal – dark tealTeal_grad – teal gradientBrGreen – bright greenDkGreen – dark greenGreen_grad – green gradientBrOrange – bright orangeDkOrange – dark orangeOrange_grad – orange gradientBlackWhite2pms – 2 Pantone® colourspms – 1 Pantone® colourcmyk – four colour processrgb – For screen or web useblackwhiteP – positiveR – reverse.eps – Scalable vector file for printapplications, created in Adobe®Illustrator® software. For usewith QuarkXpress® and Adobe®InDesign® or Illustrator®..jpg – Non-scalable RGB for screen orMicrosoft® Office® applicationssuch as Word®, PowerPoint®and Publisher® (when on awhite background)..png – Scalable RGB for screen orMicrosoft® Office® applicationssuch as Word®, PowerPoint®and Publisher®. Has atransparent background.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 4.1 | Our Brand in Action4.Our Brandin action

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 4.2 | Our Brand in ActionExamples of Our brand in actionThe following pages show examples of our brandexpression in use. Seeing our brand in action willhopefully help foster a greater understanding ofhow to bring the <strong>YMCA</strong> brand to life by using allthe elements in Section 3 of these guidelines.

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 4.3 | Our Brand in ActionStationeryLetterheadBusiness cardsEnvelopes

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 4.4 | Our Brand in ActionBrochuresTri-fold brochure template – outer panelsTri-fold brochure template– inner panels

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 4.5 | Our Brand in ActionPostcardsPostcards – generalPostcards – invitation

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 4.6 | Our Brand in ActionPostersPoster – horizontalPoster – vertical

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 4.7 | Our Brand in ActionRack cards

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 4.8 | Our Brand in ActionAdvertisingOnline advertisingPrint ad templates – colour and black and white

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 4.9 | Our Brand in ActionPowerpoint® presentations<strong>YMCA</strong> ofWestern OntarioSlide title herePresentationtitle hereSubtitle line here1 June 2011Unt iriuscinibh exer sumsand iamcommyNim volorem do commolum nulpute cortis nit loredipsumsandre mincipisci blamet luptationum dolorpersim velis nis niscincipit ea commodo commy nisi.– Igna facipis ex ex endip exerit aut ulluptat.– Ommolortie doloreet inciliquat praesed duis nos in– Ulla acilla feum euis ad ming eros et ea adipisl ipsusto– Adio et praese venim quat dolortin henit nos nit lore– Dolor se core tie te commy nullamc consendrero– Ado coreet lum in henisim diamet ut wis diamet– Acidui tion ut inim dio enis num vendreet nos atPage 3 | Presentation title | <strong>YMCA</strong> program or association | dateIntro slidePresentation slide

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page 4.10 | Our Brand in Actiondigital applications> getting involvedwith your <strong>YMCA</strong>> news fromyour <strong>YMCA</strong>> programs atyour <strong>YMCA</strong>Privacy and Security | LegalDesign concept for Smartphoneapplication

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page A1.1 | Appendix 1 – <strong>YMCA</strong> Strong KidsAppendix 1 <strong>YMCA</strong>Strong kIDS

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page A1.2 | Appendix 1 – <strong>YMCA</strong> Strong Kids<strong>YMCA</strong> Strong kids<strong>YMCA</strong> Strong Kids has a distinctive graphic to helpcreate impact, awareness and recognition for ourfundraising campaign<strong>YMCA</strong>STRONGKIDSCAMPAIGNCAMPAGNE<strong>YMCA</strong>POUR NOSENFANTSCAMPAGNE<strong>YMCA</strong>POUR NOSENFANTSCAMPAIGNSTRONGKIDSStrong Kids graphicEnglishStrong Kids graphicFrenchStrong Kids graphicBilingual

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page A1.3 | Appendix 1 – <strong>YMCA</strong> Strong Kids<strong>YMCA</strong> Strong kidsColour versions of the <strong>YMCA</strong> Strong Kids graphic<strong>YMCA</strong><strong>YMCA</strong>STRONG<strong>YMCA</strong>STRONGKIDSKIDSCAMPAIGNCAMPAIGN<strong>YMCA</strong><strong>YMCA</strong>STRONG<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong> STRONG<strong>YMCA</strong><strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong> STRONG <strong>YMCA</strong><strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong>STRONGSTRONG STRONGSTRONG STRONGSTRONGKIDSKIDSKIDSKIDSKIDS KIDSKIDS KIDSKIDSCAMPAIGNCAMPAIGNCAMPAIGNCAMPAIGNCAMPAIGN<strong>YMCA</strong><strong>YMCA</strong>CAMPAIGNCAMPAIGN<strong>YMCA</strong><strong>YMCA</strong>CAMPAIGNCAMPAIGNAlternate colour versions ofthe <strong>YMCA</strong> Strong Kids graphicmay be used for promotionalitems such as T-shirts.<strong>YMCA</strong>YSTRONGKIDSKIDThe standard colour versionshould be used in advertising,brochures or websites.CAMPAIGNStandard colour use(preferred)Acceptable alternate versions using colours from secondary palette – Green, Fuchsia and BlueSimplified colour use<strong>YMCA</strong><strong>YMCA</strong>STRONGKIDSCAMPAIGNTwo colour red<strong>YMCA</strong><strong>YMCA</strong>STRONGKIDSCAMPAIGN<strong>YMCA</strong><strong>YMCA</strong><strong>YMCA</strong> STRONG<strong>YMCA</strong><strong>YMCA</strong>STRONGSTRONGKIDSKIDSKIDSCAMPAIGNCAMPAIGNCAMPAIGNGreyscale Black White<strong>YMCA</strong><strong>YMCA</strong>are problematic, one of the<strong>YMCA</strong> STRONG<strong>YMCA</strong><strong>YMCA</strong> simplified <strong>YMCA</strong> colour <strong>YMCA</strong> versions <strong>YMCA</strong> ofthe <strong>YMCA</strong> Strong Kids graphicSTRONGSTRONG STRONGSTRONGKIDSmay be usedKIDSCAMPAIGN KIDSKIDSKIDSCAMPAIGNCAMPAIGNIn instances where the fullcolour versions of the logoCAMPAIGNCAMPAIGN<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong>STRONGSTRONGKIDSKIDSCAMPAIGNCAMPAIGN<strong>YMCA</strong>

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page A1.4 | Appendix 1 – <strong>YMCA</strong> Strong KidsUsing the <strong>YMCA</strong> Strong kids graphicWhen appearing in applications that normally use the<strong>YMCA</strong> brandmark, the <strong>YMCA</strong> Strong Kids graphic isused separate from the brandmarkAlternate colours are acceptable to use if the <strong>YMCA</strong> Strong Kidsgraphic is detached from the <strong>YMCA</strong> brandmark, but should belimited to promotional items.Examples shown are examples onlyand not representations of actualmaterials

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page A1.5 | Appendix 1 – <strong>YMCA</strong> Strong KidsUsing <strong>YMCA</strong> Strong kids graphicIn third-party environments or instances where the<strong>YMCA</strong> brandmark would not otherwise be present,the <strong>YMCA</strong> Strong Kids graphic is attached to the brandmarkLorem ipsum doloret silvam nosSupporting<strong>YMCA</strong>STRONGKIDSCAMPAIGNymcastrongkids.ca<strong>YMCA</strong>STRONGKIDSCAMPAIGN<strong>YMCA</strong>STRONGKIDSCAMPAIGN<strong>YMCA</strong>STRONGKIDSCAMPAIGN<strong>YMCA</strong>STRONGKIDSCAMPAIGNAlternate colours are not used when the <strong>YMCA</strong> Strong Kids graphicis attached to the <strong>YMCA</strong> brandmark

Version 1.3 11 May 2012<strong>YMCA</strong>BrandCamp.ca will always have the most up-to-date set of <strong>YMCA</strong> Brand Guidelines.Page A1.6 | Appendix 1 – <strong>YMCA</strong> Strong Kids<strong>YMCA</strong> Strong kids and YWCAFor <strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCA co-branded associations, the <strong>YMCA</strong>Strong Kids graphic includes the text “<strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCA”.<strong>YMCA</strong> brandmark alone with <strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCA in graphic (preferred use)Co-branded brandmark with <strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCA in graphic<strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCASTRONGKIDSCAMPAIGN<strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCASTRONGKIDSCAMPAIGN<strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCASTRONGKIDSCAMPAIGN<strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCASTRONGKIDSCAMPAIGNStandard useBrandmark and <strong>YMCA</strong> Strong Kids graphic detachedLockupStandard useBrandmark and <strong>YMCA</strong> Strong Kids graphic detachedLockup

Copyright @ 2012 <strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>All rights reserved. No part of this publication maybe modified without prior permission from:<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>1867 Yonge St., Suite 601Toronto ON M4S 1Y5T: (416) 967-9622F: (416) 967-9618services@ymca.cawww.ymca.caCharitable registration #: 11924 6460 RR 0001

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