A Versatile Rock Melting System For the Formation ... - The Black Vault

A Versatile Rock Melting System For the Formation ... - The Black Vault A Versatile Rock Melting System For the Formation ... - The Black Vault

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LA-5422-MSINFORMAL REPORTA <strong>Versatile</strong> <strong>Rock</strong>-<strong>Melting</strong> <strong>System</strong> for <strong>the</strong><strong>For</strong>mation of Small-DiameterHorizontal Glass-Lined HolesIosi alamosscientific laboratoryoff <strong>the</strong> University off CaliforniaLOS ALAMOS, NEW MEXICO 87544\UNITED STATESATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSIONCONTRACT W-740S-ENG. 36DfSTRlBU

This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by <strong>the</strong> UiiitedStates Government. Nei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> United States nor <strong>the</strong> United States AtomicEnergy Commission, nor any of <strong>the</strong>ir emptoyees, nor any of <strong>the</strong>ir contractors,subcontractors, or <strong>the</strong>ir employees, makes any warranty, express or implied,or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for <strong>the</strong> accuracy, completenessor usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed,or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.In <strong>the</strong> interest of prompt distribution, this LAMS reportwas not edited by <strong>the</strong> Technical Information staff.Printed in <strong>the</strong> United Slates of America. Available fromNational Technical Information ServiceU. S. Department of CommerceS2PB Port fteyal RoadSpringfield, Virginia 22151Price: Printed Copy S4.00; Microfiche $0.95

LA-5422-MSInformal ReportUC38ISSUED: October 1973scientific laboratoryof »h« Un!v»r*ity of CaliforniaIOS AtAMOS. NEW MtXICO *7S4*A <strong>Versatile</strong> <strong>Rock</strong>-<strong>Melting</strong> Sysfem for fhe<strong>For</strong>mation of Small-DiameterHorizontal Glass-Lined HolesbyD. L. SimsWork supported in part by a grant from <strong>the</strong> National Science FoundationResearch Applied to National Needs (RANN).-NOTICt-Tlitu icpvrt n-ii picparcd as an account uf worksponsored by <strong>the</strong> (tailed Slalct Government. Nchticr•he ttnllod Sum mi! I he Itnilcd Stales Atomic KC*4itninbatiin. uwr any uf GhcUs. n^r any ofIticir ci>nirjcl«fii. &ut)c(itttrai;(tt i, ur tttoir employees,makes an* waffanty. cstptcwor implied, of o-'iSumcs anylif.it Ibbllllr "I topuiniblMly far die accuracy, cominformation,apparatus,|)tfi(cne» ii» usefulness of anypfoducl or proem disclosed, olrepresents that its usenuuld nut Infflnjc prtvalcly owm

CONTENTS1. Introduction 1A. Program History 18. Small-Diameter Horizontal Subterren.e <strong>System</strong> 412. <strong>System</strong> Description 5III. Suaeiary ef <strong>System</strong> Specifications 9IV. Description of LASL-Developec! and CommerciallyAvailable Subcomponents 9A. General 9Q. Description of Components 9V. Development Program 12A. Versatility of Kale-<strong>For</strong>ming Assembly 12E. Development of Attitude-Control Sensors 13C. Examples of Deviation Sensors 13D. Alignment Control Section (ACS5 15VI. Operations 16VII. Conclusions and Discussion 17APPENDIXAnalysis of Proposed Alignment Control Scheme 2011

A VERSATILE P-OCK~MELTING SYSTEM FOR THE FORMATION OFSMALL-DIAMETER HORI2OMTAL GLASS-LIKED HOLESbyD. L. SinsABSTRACT<strong>Rock</strong>-melting penetrators with diameters ranging from SO mm{?. in.) to 76 mm (3 in.) have reached a stage of development at<strong>the</strong> Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL) which suggests that<strong>the</strong>se devices are ready for practical application. Prototyperefractory metal penetrators have formed glass-cased verticalholes of 26 m (32 ft) in a single run, and horizontal holes withdiameters up to 127 nsn (5 in.) are expected in <strong>the</strong> near future.<strong>The</strong>se small horizontal holes can be usted for underground utilityconduits; for high-explosive shot emplacement; and as drainageholes to stabilize road outs or embankments.Design concepts and preliminary specifications are describedfcr a Subterrene system that forms snail-diameter horizontal holesin rock by melting and simultaneously lines <strong>the</strong> hole with glassyrock melt. Most components of <strong>the</strong> system are commerciallyavailable. Deviation sensors and alignment-control units car beadded to ensure that <strong>the</strong> holes are straight. <strong>The</strong> design andoperation of this Subterrer.e system are described and proposeddevelopment approaches for <strong>the</strong> hole-fonning assembly are discussed.I. INTRODUCTIONA. Program History<strong>Rock</strong>-melting penetrators (Subterrenes)are under development at <strong>the</strong> Los AlamosScientific Laboratory (LASL) to produce selfsupportingglass-lined holes in rock andsoil (Fig. 1) by progressive melting ra<strong>the</strong>rthan by chipping, abrading, or spoiling.<strong>Rock</strong>s and soils melt at temperatures thatare relatively high: coimon igneous rocksat t< 1500 K, almost at <strong>the</strong> melting temperatureof steel {1500 to 1800 K). Thus, <strong>the</strong>melting penetritors must utilize refractorymetals such as molybdenum (Mo) and tungsten(W), which melt at 2880 and 3650 K, respectively,and which, in addition, have lowcreep rates at <strong>the</strong> rock-melting temperatures.

Excavation by rock- and soil-meltingoffers potentially new and novel solutionsto <strong>the</strong> three major areas of <strong>the</strong> excavationprocess:• Making <strong>the</strong> hole or breaking up <strong>the</strong>rock.• Providing structural support for<strong>the</strong> bore hole.• Removing or displacing <strong>the</strong> debrisor cuttings.<strong>The</strong> liquid form of <strong>the</strong> rock- and soil-meltproduced by a heated penetrator introducesnew solution concepts into <strong>the</strong> latter twoareas:• <strong>The</strong> liquid melt can be formed intoa glass lining to seal or support<strong>the</strong> walls of <strong>the</strong> bore hole, and• Any excess liquid melt can be chilledand formed into glass rods, glasspellets, or rock wool (Figs. 2 and3); or used to form a glass-casedcore that can be removed by presentwire-line methods.<strong>The</strong> liquid melt produced by soil- androck-melting techniques offers <strong>the</strong> potentialof a complete systems approach to <strong>the</strong> processesof hole making, tunneling, and excavation.<strong>The</strong> LASL development program inrock- and soil-melting techniques has alreadydemonstrated in laboratory and fieldtests an attractive advancement in practicalexcavation technology for <strong>the</strong> production ofshort, horizontal, small-diameter holes.This experience has been partially developedthrough <strong>the</strong> extensive testing of meltingconsolidatingpenetrators (MCPs). <strong>The</strong> testsconsisted of:• <strong>Melting</strong> 50-mm (2-in.)-diam, glasslineddrain holes in Indian ruins 3at Bandelier National Monument (Fig. 4).• <strong>Melting</strong> a 50-mm (2-in.)-diam glasslinedvertical hole in Los Alamosvcicanic tuff to a depth of 26i\.(82 ft) in a single run.• <strong>Melting</strong> a 50-mm (2-in.)-diam glasslinedhorizontal hole in Los Alamosvolcanic tuff to a length of 16 m(50 ft) (Figs. 5 and 6).• <strong>Melting</strong> a sequence of 76-mm (3-in.)-diam glass-lined holes in volcanictui T f in <strong>the</strong> laboratory (Fig. 7) .Fig. 2. Hole melted in granite specimen with an extruding penetrator. Note debris.

Fig. 3.<strong>Rock</strong>-wool and black glass debrisfrom holes melted by extrudingpenetrator.Fig. 5.Consolidating Subterrene Penetrator"holing through" a 16-m (50-ft)-long horizontal hole.Fig. 4.Modular Subterrene field demonstrationunit melting drain holesat Bandelier National Monument.Fig. 6.Stem aitd service head in positionto melt a 50-mm (2-in.)-diamhorizontal hole.

additional field tests and for demonstrationsof improved consolidating and extruding penetrators.In addition, LASL is currently developinga 114-mm (4.5-in.)-diam, consolidating,coring penetrator that will produce a 63-ron(2.5-in.)-diam glass-encased core.B. Small-Diameter Horizontal Subterrene<strong>System</strong><strong>The</strong> coring capability for <strong>the</strong> Subterrene,toge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong> commercial needs for hori-V 8zontal holes for underground power lines 'and a review of reguests for information on<strong>the</strong> rock-melting Subterrene, has prompted<strong>the</strong> preparation of preliminary design conceptsand specifications for a horizontalSubterrene capable of melting glass-lined,76-mm (3-in.)-diam holes to lengths of *>> 50 m(165 ft) with sufficient accuracy for mostcommercial applications. Horizontal glasslinedholes cf this diameter and lengthcould be useful as:Fig. 7.Consolidating penetrator aftermelting a 76-mm (3-in.)-diamhole in £os Alamos tuff.• <strong>Melting</strong> stable, 50-mm-diam glass-casedholes in shales, adobe, and alluvium(Pig. 8).In addition, <strong>the</strong> prototype test program hasdeveloped a universal extruding penetrator(UEP) designed for hard, dense rock. Testswith this unit have:• Melted 66-mm (2.5-in.)-diam holes inbasalt and granite (Fig. 2).• Demonstrated <strong>the</strong> capability oftailoring debris for differentapplications to meet varying debrisreturnsystems (Fig. 3).A modularized, mobile field-test anddemonstration unit (Fig. 4) has been constructed,and was used successfully formelting glass-lined drainage holes in <strong>the</strong>floor of Indian ruins at Bandelier NationalMonument. This test rig will be used for• Glass-lined drain holes for subsidedmines.« Glass-lined drain holes through dikedareas to accelerate drainage afterflooding.• Injection holes for burning mines.• Sealed, glass-lined inspection holesin mine faces or in dax. abutments.• Sealed, glass-lined inspection holesin suspected pollution areas.• Underground utility conduits fortelephone, gas, water, and televisionlines.• Glass-lined holes for high-explosiveshot emplacement.• Drainage holes to stabilize roadcuts and embankments.<strong>System</strong> descriptions, preliminary designconcepts, and detail component descriptionsare presented in <strong>the</strong> followingsections, along with indications of additionaldevelopment programs required toprovide subsystems that are not yet availablefor this versatile horizontal holemeltingdevice. Such a device will also

AFig. 8.External surface of glass-lined hole melted in dry alluvium.provide necessary and valuable informationfor <strong>the</strong> development of <strong>the</strong> Geoprospector*system-II.SYSTEM DESCRIPTION<strong>The</strong> components of <strong>the</strong> proposed smalldiameterhorizontal Subterrene system, depictedin Pig. 9, are similar to those of <strong>the</strong>modularized rock-melting Subterrene demonstrationunit shown in Fig. 4. <strong>The</strong>se componentsinclude:« ft stem advancer. Fig. 10, that willcontinuously advance <strong>the</strong> stem by use of twoindependent hydraulic cylinders and remotelyoperated stem clamps.• A dual-tube stem consisting of aflush outer steel tube, coupled in sections,and an insulated inner copper tube. <strong>The</strong>setubes provide <strong>the</strong> electric-power conductorsSea Ref. 7, p. 19,for a brief descriptionof this continuously coring tunnelprospecting device.to <strong>the</strong> heated penetrator, circulate coolantto <strong>the</strong> hole-forming assembly (HFA), and providea force path to transfer <strong>the</strong> thrust to<strong>the</strong> advancing melting penetrator.• Circulating, compressed-air coolant,to cool <strong>the</strong> stem, chill <strong>the</strong> glass-hole lining,and form small glass pellets (or rockwool) from <strong>the</strong> excess melt produced by a UEP.This excess melt debris is carried to <strong>the</strong>surface and ducted through <strong>the</strong> service headinto a separating and collecting station.<strong>The</strong> return coolant from a consolidating penetratoris ducted directly into <strong>the</strong> ambientair.• A quick-disconnect service head,Fig. 11, that connects <strong>the</strong> operational linesto <strong>the</strong> stem (i.e., electric power for <strong>the</strong>penetrator, coolant air for glass-formingand debris removal, and sensor and instrumentationleads).• <strong>The</strong> HFA (hole-forming assembly).Figs. 12 and 13 , which is selected to fit<strong>the</strong> job requirement, can be assembled interchangeablyfrom <strong>the</strong> following subcomponents:

Fig. 9.Horizontal Subterrene melting awater aervice hole.electricalGroundRwartCiteStm ClompStandard DualTube Stem8 DebrisFig. 11. Quick-disconnect service head.HjdrouBeCyHndvHydraulicCywxtarPig. 10.Small-diameter horizontal Subterrenestem advancer.- A heated penetrator, to mplt rock orsoil: A melting consolidating penetrator(MCP), Fig. 14, is used in loose soils, alluvium,and low-density rock, and forms aglass lining; whereas a universal extrudingpenetrator (UEP) , Fig. 15, is used in denseor hard rock and produces rock debris.- A glass former, attached directly to<strong>the</strong> penetrator, chills and forms <strong>the</strong> glasshole lining from <strong>the</strong> liquid melt. <strong>For</strong> <strong>the</strong>extruding penetrator, this unit also contains<strong>the</strong> components to chill <strong>the</strong> extrudateand to process <strong>the</strong> excess melt into removabledebris.- A centrali2er,to hold <strong>the</strong> HFA on course.- An alignment control section (ACS). toreturn <strong>the</strong> HFA to course when deviation isdetected. <strong>The</strong> controlling force is orientedand applied from <strong>the</strong> surface control console.- A deviation sensor (PS) or deviationindicator (PI), detects deviation of <strong>the</strong>HFA from <strong>the</strong> projected center line of <strong>the</strong>hole. Signals from <strong>the</strong> DS or DI are processedand displayed on <strong>the</strong> control console.<strong>The</strong> HFA can be made up in a variety of

(o;-Penetrator ^-Glass <strong>For</strong>mer Stem-,—Centralizerim h=£ Deviation Indicator—(c)fe=== =1-StemDeviation Sensoror Indica'or- -Al'gnment Control Sensor Cable-Fig. 12. Hole-forming assemblies: (a) simplest HFA-penetrator, glass former, andstem; (b) addition of centralizer; (c) additional deviation indicator;(d) complete assembly with alignment control.He Purge Flow—Penstrxiror (Contolklating) Electrical Thrust.StemPyrographiteInsulatorGraphiteElectrode^-Pinetratcr [Eftlruding)Fig. 13. <strong>System</strong> schematic for a horizontalconsolidating and horizontalextruding Subterrene showing <strong>the</strong>required functions of <strong>the</strong> components.Electric CurrentFlow PathPOCO GraphiteReceptorFig. 14. Consolidating penetrator forloose soil and low-density rock.

Coolant —IDebris Removal ZoneThrust LoadDebrisExtrudateThin GlassLiningITPyrolyticGraphiteInsulatorExtrusionZoneHeatedPenetratorBodyDense <strong>Rock</strong>''—<strong>Melting</strong> ZoneFig. 15. Extruding penetrator for dense rock.configurations, as indicated in Fig. 12, toachieve <strong>the</strong> needed straightness for a givenjob.• A complement of service units areneeded to furnish electric power to <strong>the</strong> penetratora, sensors, and instrumentation;coolant air to <strong>the</strong> stem and glass-former;and hydraulic power to <strong>the</strong> stem advancerand stem clamps (Fig. 16). <strong>The</strong> coolant-airsupply also powers an air-oil intensifierfor emergency stem advance and retraction.• A single control and instrumentationconsole will be provided for <strong>the</strong> necessaryelectric power, hydraulic and air controls,and for displays. Sensor displays andalignment-correction indications will alsobe shown on <strong>the</strong> console so that one operatorcan supervise <strong>the</strong> malting of a straight hole.Note that <strong>the</strong> proposed horizontal rockmeltingexcavation system which forms <strong>the</strong>glass-lined holes in place can be assembledSrom various subcomponents to produce holesof varying straightness. <strong>For</strong> example, <strong>the</strong>hole-forming assembly can:Fig. 16.Oil to CylindersOil ReturnOil to ClampsAirHydraulic and air-control circuitsfor operation of horizontal stemadvancer.• Melt an accessible, glass-lined holeunder obstructions or structures such asroads, highways, railroads, and canals wherehole straightness is not a major factor.This can be accomplished with a simple HFAconsisting of only a penetrator, glass former,and stem, as indicated in Fig. 12(a).• Melt a very straight, accessible,glass-lined hole from an established pointto intersect a target point with a maximumterminal deviation of two hole diameters orless. This will require a HFA equippedwith a deviation sensor, a surface-operatedalignment-control unit, and a sensor signalthat can be displayed on and monitored from<strong>the</strong> control console by <strong>the</strong> operator[Fig. 12(d)].<strong>The</strong> proposed system concepts, components,and specifications are detailed in <strong>the</strong>following sections.

III.SUMMARY OF SYSTEM SPECIFICATION<strong>The</strong> following list summarizes <strong>the</strong> preliminaryspecifications for a horizontalhole-melting Subterrene system:• Inside diameter of <strong>the</strong> glass linedhole, 76 ram (3 in.)•Hole-length capability.Rate of penetration,50 nt (164 ft).- <strong>For</strong> a melt-consolidating penetrator(MCP) in loose alluvial soil up to0.84 nm/s (2 in./min).- <strong>For</strong> a universal extruding penetrator(OEP) up to 0.42 nnn/s (1 in./rain).<strong>The</strong> two penetrator types are interchangeable,are electrically powered,and use circulating air for coolingand debris removal.<strong>The</strong> glass formers and hole sizers areintegral parts of <strong>the</strong> penetrators.<strong>The</strong> maximum hole deviation is lessthan two diameters, but <strong>the</strong> systemcan be assembled in a simple versionfor less accurate operation.Deviation of <strong>the</strong> HFA from <strong>the</strong> projectedhole center line is detected by <strong>the</strong>deviation sensor, and <strong>the</strong> amount ofdeviation is displayed on <strong>the</strong> controlconsole.Directional control of <strong>the</strong> HFA is providedby a differential cooling systemwhose operation is regulated at <strong>the</strong>control console for high accuracy.Lesser straightness will be controlledby simple stem rotation.<strong>The</strong> hydraulic stem advancer-retractoris capable of continuous motion andis provided with remotely operatedstem clamps. Hole alignment can beset within <strong>the</strong> range of +. 0.25 rad(.15 deg) from <strong>the</strong> horizontal.<strong>The</strong> advancing stem will be a dualtube to transmit power and coolantand for debris removal when required.<strong>The</strong> stGiii will be flush externallyand of sectioned lengths for ease ofhandling.<strong>Melting</strong> power is estimated at 15 kW,and total available power should bei> 25 kW.A quick-disconnect service headis included.<strong>The</strong> single control console willincorporate controls for air supply,hydraulic and electrical power; HFAdeviation and amount of applieddirectional control; and instrumentationdisplays.<strong>The</strong> service units to be includedare:- Air compressor.- Alternating-current generator,engine-driven.- Alternating current-to-directcurrent converter.- Hydraulic pump, motor-driven.- Air-oil hydraulic booster.- Light truck for mobility.Service leads and hoses are suppliedas required.IV.A. GeneralDESCRIPTION OF LASL-DEVELOPEDAND COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLESUBCOMPONENTSThis section describes components of<strong>the</strong> system that are ei<strong>the</strong>r already developedor can be designed and assembled in a straightforwardmanner from commercially availableproducts.<strong>The</strong> demonstration rig for 50-ima(2-in.)-diam penetrators has had excellentresults in initial runs.Much of this simple,inexpensive modular rig (Fig. 4), canbe used as <strong>the</strong> design base for <strong>the</strong> 76-mm(3-in.)-diam horizontal Subterrene.O<strong>the</strong>rcomponents have been thoroughly tested bothin <strong>the</strong> laboratory and in field-test rigs.<strong>The</strong> alignment accuracy of <strong>the</strong> demonstrationrig is sufficient for many anticipated usesof horizontal, glass=lined holes.In fact,by intermittently rotating <strong>the</strong> stem and <strong>the</strong>HFA of 50-ront (2-in.)-diam Subterrenes whilemelting vertical (Fig. 17) and horizontal(Fig. 18) holes, bores were produced thatwere straight to considerably better thantwo hole diameters in 16 m of hole length.B. Description of ComponentsSpecifically, <strong>the</strong> proposed small-diameterhorizontal Subterrene system would consistof <strong>the</strong> components detailed below.1. Stem Advancer<strong>The</strong> stem advancer (Fig. 10) willadvance <strong>the</strong> stem continuously with two independent,twin hydraulic-cylinder units andremotely operated stem clamps.

TT:Fig. 17.Photograph showing degree ofstraightness in a glass-linedvertical hole.Fig. 18.Photograph showing degree ofstraightness in a glass-linedhorizontal hole.• Normal operating pressure will bo6.S MPa (1000 psi) for an advancing loadper cylinder pair of 20000 >J (4550 lb f ) anda retracting pull of 28000 H (6350 lb f ).• Emergency operation will use fourcylinders with a maKimuro of 13.8 MPa(2000 psi).• <strong>The</strong> frame (head and base of eachcylinder pair) will be adapted for fasteningto anchor posts, and will be rigid at<strong>the</strong> above loads.• Retraction time of a cylinder pair,with normal operating pressure using <strong>the</strong>hydraulic pump only, will be 20 t 5 s.2. Advancing Stem• <strong>The</strong> dual-tube advancing stem (Figs.11 and 12) will be similar to that used on<strong>the</strong> modularized, mobile rock-melting Subterrenedemonstration unit.• <strong>The</strong> stem will be flush externallyand slightly smaller in diameter than <strong>the</strong>HFA. <strong>The</strong> inner copper tube will have aninside diameter of i> 27.5 mm (1 ^ in.).• <strong>The</strong> operating temperatures of <strong>the</strong>stem are estimated to be less than 600 K.Materials used in stem construction near <strong>the</strong>HFA will have an operating life of 3000 h atthis temperature. Additional stem sectionswill be constructed of conventional materials(low-carbon steel) and will operate at lowertemperatures (4CO K).• <strong>The</strong> stem will be assembled in lengthsof 1.5 m (5 ft) and 3 m (10 ft).3. Service Head<strong>The</strong> service head (Fig. 11) will providea quick disconnect (and connect) of<strong>the</strong> surface supply lines to <strong>the</strong> stem (electricpower, coolant, instrumentation, anddebris removal).4. Hole-<strong>For</strong>ming Assembly (HFA)<strong>The</strong> hole-forming assembly (Fig. 12)for <strong>the</strong> simplified small-diameter horizontalSubterrene system would be assembled from<strong>the</strong> following.• A heated penetrator will be selectedfor <strong>the</strong> anticipated rock or soil to be10

encountered. <strong>Melting</strong>-consolidating penetratore76 mm (3 in.) in diameter (Fig. 14)will be used for melting glass-lined holesin alluvium and low-density rock, and willbe similar in design to <strong>the</strong> consolidatingpenetrators that have been developed. Universalextruding penetrators, which axe interchangeablewith melting-consolidatingpenetrators in <strong>the</strong> HFA, are used for meltingin dense or hard rock. <strong>The</strong> design and constructionof this type penetrator is alsowell advanced. Both penetrators will produce

and accuracy are required, a deviation sensor(DS) and an alignment-control section(ACS) will have to be added to <strong>the</strong> HFA. Developmentof <strong>the</strong>se units is discussed in <strong>the</strong>next section.V. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMA. Versatility of Hole-<strong>For</strong>ming Assembly<strong>The</strong> subsystems (see Section III) of<strong>the</strong> small-diameter horizontal Subterrenesystem are, with three exceptions, ei<strong>the</strong>ralready in use or are commercially available.<strong>The</strong> three exceptions are:• A deviation indicator,• A deviation sensor,• An alignment-control section.<strong>The</strong> deviation indicators and deviationsensor subsystems can be adapted from availableinstrumentation and electronics, but<strong>the</strong> alignment-control unit will require adevelopment program and is unique to <strong>the</strong>proposed horizontal hole-forming system.. <strong>The</strong>se additional subsystems allow aplanned programming of hole-forming assemblies(HFAs) for jobs requiring varying levelsof hole straightness and completionaccuracy. Desired levels of performancecan be achieved by assembling HFAs in <strong>the</strong>following configurations:Assembly A. A heated consolidating orextruding penetrator (depending on geologyand density of <strong>the</strong> formation) is used withan advancing stem [Fig. 12(a)] to melt,e.g., horizontal, shallow surface drainholes; equipment-placement holes; and utilityconduits having moderate tolerances forinstallation misalignment. <strong>The</strong> course of<strong>the</strong> melted hole is controlled by periodicpartial rotation of <strong>the</strong> advancing stem toequalize deviations caused by eccentricityof <strong>the</strong> assembly.Assembly B. A heated penetrator, centralizer,and advancing stem [Fig. 12(b)Ican be used to extend <strong>the</strong> length of holesmelted with alignment requirements similarto those of Assembly A.<strong>The</strong> centralizerholds <strong>the</strong> heated penetrator on course, allowinghigher stem loads, increased penetrationrates, and longer controlled penetration.Periodic partial rotation is againused to equalize deviations due to assemblyeccentricity.<strong>The</strong> centralizer assists in<strong>the</strong> control of penetrators over longer andmore accurate runs such as utility conduitsfor high-voltage supply and gravity-sewerconnectors.Assembly C.This system consists of aheated penetrator, centralizer, deviationindicator , operator signals, and advancingstem [Pig. 12{c)l.In addition to providing<strong>the</strong> increased hole-alignment capability ofAssembly B, <strong>the</strong> operator is alerted whenever<strong>the</strong> HPA deviates by a preset amount<strong>the</strong> proposed hole center line.fromBy indicatingto <strong>the</strong> operator <strong>the</strong> quadrant of deviation(viewed down <strong>the</strong> hole) thu operator may initiatea course correction by quadrant rotationof <strong>the</strong> advancing stem ra<strong>the</strong>r than byperiodic partial stem rotation.Continuedquadrant deviation would signal a mechanicalcause, ei<strong>the</strong>r a change in geologic formation(boulders) or stem deformations.Assembly D. A heated penetrator, deviationsensor (or deviation indicator), alignment-controlsection, centralizer, operatorsignals, and advancing stem [Fig. 12(d)]are assembled.This unit can track <strong>the</strong> deviationof <strong>the</strong> HFA assembly from <strong>the</strong> projectedcenter line of <strong>the</strong> hole in terms ofazimuth and bearing, and display this informationon <strong>the</strong> control console.<strong>The</strong> alignment-controlsection allows <strong>the</strong> operatorto turn <strong>the</strong> HFA toward <strong>the</strong> projected holecenter line.This assembly also allows <strong>the</strong>operator to follow and to control <strong>the</strong> HFAin a predetermined deviated path.Such positivecontrol of <strong>the</strong> hole-forming assemblywill increase <strong>the</strong> capacity of <strong>the</strong> smalldiameterhorizontal Subterrene system for<strong>The</strong> deviation indicator is used for quadrantdeviation signal and control.12

following critical paths or intersectingsmall targets.B. Development of Attitude-Control SensorsSeveral approaches to <strong>the</strong> developmentof sensors, deviation indicators, and alignment-controlsystems are being investigated.<strong>The</strong> deviation indicator (01) shown conceptuallyin Fig. 19will flash a light on<strong>the</strong> control console to alert tbe operatorthat <strong>the</strong> hole-forming assembly has deviateda predetermined amount in a given quadrant(viewed from <strong>the</strong> stem-advancer end).<strong>The</strong>signal is generated when <strong>the</strong> cantileveredsection of <strong>the</strong> inner tube is contacted by<strong>the</strong> outer housing after a predetermined deflection.This approach is similar to thatof a simple torque—trench indicator.<strong>The</strong> development of a deviation sensor(DS) can choose among several possibilities:• Laser optical systems are currentlyin use for aligning tunnel-boring machines;however, although <strong>the</strong> HFA will probably deviatemore than one diameter in a guidancecontrolcycle and although <strong>the</strong> use of alaser is <strong>the</strong>refore questionable, <strong>the</strong>se systemswill be reviewed for possible adaptationof <strong>the</strong> HFA.• Inertial guidance systems are widelyused for navigation and attitude-controlsystems.<strong>The</strong>se systems will also be reviewed.• Gyrostabilizers are extensivelyused for navigation, attitude control, and9-11bore-hole surveying.<strong>The</strong>y will be reviewedfor possible applicati n for inclusionin <strong>the</strong> HFA.A preliminary review indicatesthat hole size and length of timeto melt a hole may restrict <strong>the</strong>ir use toattitude and directional control.• Surface triangulation of a seismicsource in <strong>the</strong> HFA may be a method to determinehole deviation.Results to datehave not been promising, but a state-of-<strong>the</strong>artreview should reveal whe<strong>the</strong>r sufficientprogress has been made to accurately trackan HFA.• Triaxial dc magnetometers are inuse for attitude-sensing and navigation.In one current application <strong>the</strong> deviceis following <strong>the</strong> path of a directionaldrilling tool and signals any deviationsof a bore hole in conventional oil, gas,and water drilling, or in guiding <strong>the</strong>drilling of life-support holes to trappedminers. A review of this system will determineits adaptability for HFA use.C. Examples of Deviation SensorsTwo possibilities discussed above areused to illustrate <strong>the</strong> sensor section of<strong>the</strong> HFA, <strong>the</strong> surface display, and <strong>the</strong> operator'suse of <strong>the</strong> display to initiatecorrective action (see Figs. 19, 20, and 21)An open-loop sensing and control system isconsidered adequate for <strong>the</strong> length of holespecified in Section III.<strong>The</strong> relatively simple deviation indicatorshown in Fig. 19 can alert <strong>the</strong>operator if <strong>the</strong> HFA is deviating in a givenquadrant. A section of <strong>the</strong> inner tube isbuilt as an independent cantilever beam byusing a flexible bellows connection. Fourcontacts are placed around <strong>the</strong> inner tubewith a small initial standoff clearancefrom <strong>the</strong> tube. Deflection of <strong>the</strong> outerhousing, forced by hole deviation, willcause contact between <strong>the</strong> inner tube andone of <strong>the</strong> four contacts. Closing of <strong>the</strong>contact will light up a corresponding signalon <strong>the</strong> control console. Correctiveaction can <strong>the</strong>n be initiated ei<strong>the</strong>r by rotating<strong>the</strong> advancing stem to equalize mechanicalalignment, or by using an alignment-controlsection in <strong>the</strong> HFA. Physicalorientation of <strong>the</strong> advancing stem is maintainedby aligning and clamping fiducialprotractors that are attached to <strong>the</strong> stemsection at <strong>the</strong> stem advancer.A triaxial magnetometer sensor candetect rotation of its axes relative to aninitial ori'entation. Figure 20 showsschematically <strong>the</strong> use of a triaxial magnetometeras <strong>the</strong> deviation sensor for a13

Signal IndicatorConsole insert -Insulating Spider to Firmly HoldInner Tuba in Outer Hauling7 J \High Resistance Segmented4 Contacts-' ^ H Signal { PickupCantilevar Sectionof Inner TubeCoolantReturnOrienting Clamp LocatedBehind Advancing Stem ClampTo Align Signal Pickup ToStarling Referance-Deflected OuterHousingPig.19. HPA deviation indicator.PositionOisplay--ProjectedHole CenterSensorTrloxialMagnetometer—\Signal ToDisplay—'SSSSSS/SSSSA.OuterHousingInner Tube—' Standard Stem -SectionFig.20. Triaxial magnetometer deviation sensor.

small-diameter horizontal Subterrene. <strong>The</strong>power to <strong>the</strong> sensor and <strong>the</strong> return signalsis carried in a multiple-channel cable toa signal processor. After processing, <strong>the</strong>change in position of <strong>the</strong> HFA is displayedon an oscilloscope screen in <strong>the</strong> controlconsole. A computer can be used to plotcontinuously <strong>the</strong> excursions of <strong>the</strong> HFA from<strong>the</strong> hole center. However, penetration ratesare sufficiently slow to determine HFA excursionsby hand-calculation (Fig. 21),eliminating computers and plotters.D. Alignment Control Section (ACS)One method of applying a realigningturning force to a heated penetrator whilemelting a hole is to selectively cool oneriiesnjHs. I 0 L ft1 10 202JLJ30509040UP10Hand CdaAMon02S•9TcisIL20ui Pamr/stion in mitfiN10KFig. 21. HFA deviation plot board.aide of <strong>the</strong> outer housing of a section of<strong>the</strong> hole-forcing assembly (HFA). This canbe accomplished by diverting <strong>the</strong> inlet-coolantflow as shown in Fig. 22. A gravityactivated.-oolant-channeling valve, rotationallyaligned with <strong>the</strong> stem, makes it p° s ~sible to select <strong>the</strong> aziniuthal location o£<strong>the</strong> cooled side on <strong>the</strong> advancing housing andthus to apply directive force to <strong>the</strong> HFA from<strong>the</strong> control console. Construction and operationof such a device are outlined inFig. 22. <strong>The</strong> gravity-activated coolantchannelingvalve is an eccentrically weighteddisk that is free to rotate on frictionlessball bearings within <strong>the</strong> cuter tube of <strong>the</strong>alignment-control section. Thus, if <strong>the</strong>stem is rotated at <strong>the</strong> sten advancer end,<strong>the</strong> coolant-channeling valve retains itsrelevant position with respect to <strong>the</strong> meltedhole. In addition to a passage for <strong>the</strong> innercoolant- (and debris-) return tube, <strong>the</strong>coolant-channeling valve has two ports: one,labeled A in Fig. 22, is for total coolantbypass when no corrective force is required.<strong>The</strong> second passage, B, is used toselectively channel <strong>the</strong> coolant flow intoCoolant Passage C to provide an azimuthallychilled portion of <strong>the</strong> outer tube. Thiscooler region will tend to cause a deflectionof <strong>the</strong> tube,which, in turn, will generate amoment to act on <strong>the</strong> penetrator (see Appendix)Immediately downstream of <strong>the</strong> coolantchannelingvalve is a bulkhead with fiveports. Port A is for normal flow bypass andis spaced between Ports E and D, two of <strong>the</strong>Coolant Passage BrCoolD-'A-'E-'A- yNormal Coolant Paitogt AEccentric Mass -Worm Clais LiningCoolant Channallng Vein-I. Fig. 22. Alignment control section.Coolant Rolurn -and Debris15

four ports (D, E, F, and 6) spaced 90 degapart for selective flow control. <strong>The</strong>sefour ports are led through <strong>the</strong> outer housingso that all four connect with Coolant PassageC. Coolant Passage C extends along oneside of <strong>the</strong> outer housing for a distancesufficient to produce <strong>the</strong> required turningforce when coolant is ducted through.<strong>For</strong> normal flow bypass, <strong>the</strong> stem is rotateduntil Port A in <strong>the</strong> coolant-channelingvalve is in line with Port A in <strong>the</strong> bulkheadwith Coolant Passage C facing up. Thisposition is narked at <strong>the</strong> stein-advancer endwith a fiducial protractor clamp placed on<strong>the</strong> advancing stem. When deviation of <strong>the</strong>heated penetrator from <strong>the</strong> center line of<strong>the</strong> hole is detected and shown on <strong>the</strong> surfacedisplay (Fig. 20), <strong>the</strong> operator canmake <strong>the</strong> necessary correction. <strong>For</strong> example,if <strong>the</strong> display shows left deviation, <strong>the</strong>operator rotates <strong>the</strong> stem 90 deg to <strong>the</strong>right, so that <strong>the</strong> coolant passage, C, ismoved to <strong>the</strong> right-hand side of <strong>the</strong> hole andPort B is aligned with Port 6 in <strong>the</strong> bulkhead;Pert A is blanked off. Differentialcooling of <strong>the</strong> outer housing will turn <strong>the</strong>HFA back toward <strong>the</strong> hole center line, atwhich time <strong>the</strong> coolant is returned to normalbypass flow by returning <strong>the</strong> stem-positionindicator at <strong>the</strong> advancer to <strong>the</strong> Passage-Cup position.O<strong>the</strong>r systems of alignment control canbe visualized, such as having three or fourequally spaced coolant passages and adjusting<strong>the</strong> coolant flow in <strong>the</strong> HFA with remotelycontrolled valves. <strong>The</strong> smallness of a 76-mmdiamhole and <strong>the</strong> restricted volume availablefor HFA control suggested <strong>the</strong> conceptof a gravity-activated coolant-channelingvalve for alignment control.VI.OPERATIONS<strong>The</strong> components listed and described inSections III and IV will be selected or designedto be modular and interchangeable.<strong>The</strong> HFA can be assembled in any of <strong>the</strong>following configurations:• Consolidating penetrator with stescentraliz rs.• Consolidating penetrator withdeviation indicator and stemcentralizers.• Consolidating penetrator withdeviation indicator, stem centralizers,and alignment-control section (ACS).• Extruding penetrator with any of<strong>the</strong> above options.<strong>The</strong> correct HFA will be selected tofit <strong>the</strong> individual job requirements, including<strong>the</strong> desired accuracy in <strong>the</strong> locationof <strong>the</strong> melted hole. When maximumaccuracy is desired, <strong>the</strong> center line of <strong>the</strong>hole can be established by conventionalmethods, e.g., by usual land-surveying asindicated in Fig. 23.<strong>The</strong> stem advancer and support equipmentare <strong>the</strong>n moved to <strong>the</strong> starting pointof <strong>the</strong> hole. <strong>The</strong> HFA (and a section ofstem) are clamped in <strong>the</strong> stem-grippingclamps. A transit and stadia rods are usedto check alignment of <strong>the</strong> bearing and <strong>the</strong>inclination angle determined by <strong>the</strong> survey.Adjustments are made by blocking and edging<strong>the</strong> stem-advancer base. <strong>The</strong> support equipmentis located as <strong>the</strong> terrain permits,with <strong>the</strong> control console close to <strong>the</strong> stemadvancer. All equipment is started, operated,anri serviced according to <strong>the</strong> manufactr'ijr'sinstructions. Service lines areattached, and melting of <strong>the</strong> hole is started.Stem-gripping clamps on <strong>the</strong> pairs ofadvancing hydraulic cylinders are used alternately:While one clamp is advancing,<strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r is retracting in preparation fora continuous advancing stroke. All functionsrelated to advancing and retracting<strong>the</strong> stem and <strong>the</strong> HFA are controlled from<strong>the</strong> console., with <strong>the</strong> exception of addir-j(or removing) additional stem sections.When additional stem is required, <strong>the</strong>operator:• Seduces power and coolant flow tozero.16

Survfyor't Tronlf-OitfngSFl-• Continues <strong>the</strong> two previous stepsuntil HFA is out of hole.• Secures all equipment.If required, <strong>the</strong> hole can <strong>the</strong>n be surveyedby visual observation or instrumentation toevaluate straightness, glass-casing thickness,etc.VII.CONCLDSIONS AND DISCUSSIONFig. 23. Establishing <strong>the</strong> hole center line.• Stops advancing pressure and releases<strong>the</strong> rear stem-advancing clamp,returning this clamp to <strong>the</strong> full-outposition.o Releases bladder pressure in quickdisconnectservice head (QDSH).• Slips off QDSH and unplugs signalleads.• Adds stem section and tightensconnection after plugging-in signalleads.• Slips on QDSH, replugs signal leadsto console and repressures bladder.• Raises power and coolant flow toprevious values.• Regrips stem and applies previousload.<strong>The</strong> stem is retracted (when <strong>the</strong> holeis finished or for any o<strong>the</strong>r reason) with<strong>the</strong> following steps; <strong>the</strong> operator:• Reduces stem load to zero.• Reduces power to zero.• Reverses thrust load to retract mode.• Maintains coolant flow until <strong>the</strong>stem pulls freely (stem drag only).• Shuts off retraction force.• Reduces coolant flow to zero andremoves QDSH.• Pulls out stem until <strong>the</strong> next stemconnection is accessible. Loosensand unscrews connection.• Unplugs signal leads and racks stemsection.<strong>The</strong> development of small-diameter Subterrenerock-melting penetrators has reached<strong>the</strong> stage where <strong>the</strong> design of a 75-mm (3-in.)-diam system for forming horizontal, glasslinedholes is possible. Contacts withutility companies and requests for informationfrom industrial firms have indicated<strong>the</strong> need for such a device.A comprehensive development programwould have to address two major areas:• <strong>The</strong> development of an alignmentcontrolsubsystem.• <strong>The</strong> conduct of an economic studyand a market survey.A most attractive feature of horizontalhole-melting Subterrene systems is <strong>the</strong> capabilityof varying <strong>the</strong> accuracy of holestraightness to match job requirements.This is achieved by including or omitting<strong>the</strong> appropriate sections in <strong>the</strong> hole-formingassembly.<strong>The</strong> information and experience gainedfrom <strong>the</strong> development and commercializationof <strong>the</strong> horizontal hole-melting system willbe of value to o<strong>the</strong>r Subterrene system developments.<strong>The</strong> benefit derived can be anticipatedto be:• Field data on service life andreliability of components, particularlypenetrators.• Extension of <strong>the</strong> technology to <strong>the</strong>melting of holes with curved paths.• Experience that will lead to horizontalhole-melting systems withincreased diameter and range.• Adaptation of <strong>the</strong> perfected alignment-controlscheme to verticalhole-melting systems.17

<strong>The</strong> successful development of <strong>the</strong>horizontal, small-diameter melting systemcan contribute significantly to fur<strong>the</strong>r developmentsin subsequent S^.bterrene programs.This influence is shown schematicallyin Fig. 24. In addition to valuable experienceand direct data on service lifeand reliability obtained in commercial applications,<strong>the</strong> effort will help in forminga scientific and engineering basis for designand optimisation of subsequent devices.<strong>The</strong> very small-diameter melting penetrators;see Fig. 25 for an early prototype) cani.'ind uses such as punching holes in concreteor masonry walls, but difficult miniaturizationproblems will need to be solved iflong holes are to be made. In addition,<strong>the</strong> experience with 75-mm-diam units willcontribute to <strong>the</strong> development of a Geo-14prospector, illustrated in Fig. 26, andwill offer early inputs to <strong>the</strong> solutions ofposition sensors and guidance problems.Sralt Dfc-eurSyltc^sDirect ZGTTJITCMfippl(fatten* forlitill!, Lines, e-.c.Cortrj tn ur-tcfisollfls*P.3 0«nie <strong>For</strong>raticnsGecprospcctorFig.24. Effect of 75-mm-diam horizontalSubterrene system on subsequentresearch and development.TUBULAR FLEXSTEMFig. 25. Early prototype of 10-mm-diamrock-melting subterrene.POSITION SENSORGLASSCOOLANT aPOWERCORE REMOVALTUBEPACKERDRIVERMELTERFig. 26.Coring .Geoprospector with position sensor and directionalguidance systems capability.18

REFERENCES1. E. S. Robinson, R. M. Potter, B. B. Mclnteer, J. C. Rowley, D. E. Armstrong,R. L. Mills, M. C. Smith, Editor, "A Preliminary Study of <strong>the</strong> NuclearSubterrene", Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory report LA-4547 (April 1972).2. J. W. Neudecker, "Design Description of <strong>Melting</strong>-Consolidating PrototypeSubterrene Penetrators," Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory report LA-5212-MS(February 1973).3. R. E. Williams and J. E. Griggs, "Use of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Rock</strong>-<strong>Melting</strong> Subterrene for<strong>For</strong>mation of Drainage Holes in Archeological Sites," Los Alamos ScientificLaboratory report LA-5370-MS (August 1973).4. R. G. Gido, "Description of Field Tests for <strong>Rock</strong>-<strong>Melting</strong> Penetration,"Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory report LA-5213-MS (February 1973).5. J. W. Neudecker, A. J. Giger and D. E. Armstrong, "Design and Developmentof Prototype Universal Extruding Subterrene Penetrators," Los AlamosScientific Laboratory report LA-5205-MS (March 1973).6. R. E. Williams, "Development of a Modularized Mobile <strong>Rock</strong>-<strong>Melting</strong>Subterrene Demonstration Unit," Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory reportLA-5209-MS (March 1973).7. D. L. Sims, "Identification of Potential Applications for <strong>Rock</strong>-<strong>Melting</strong>Subterrenes," Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory ueport LA-5206-MS(February 1973).8. James Paone, "Horizontal Holes for Underground Power Lines," Proc.Tunnel and Shaft Conf., Minneapolis, MN, May 15-17, 1968, pp 93-113.9. R. L. Waters, <strong>The</strong> Electro-Mechanics Company, P. 0. Box 1546, Austin, TX,letter communications, April 1973.10. Sperry-Sun Well Surveying Catalogue 723, "Magnetic Steering Tool", p. 4049.Sperry-Sun Well Surveying Co., P. 0. Box 36363, Houston, TX 7703611. Humphrey, Inc. Bulletin FG-1270, "Surveyor Bore Hole Directional <strong>System</strong>s",Humphrey, Inc., 2605 Canon St., San Diego, CA 9210612. C. Ishan, Scientific Drilling Control, 4040 Campus Drive, Newport Beach,CA, personal communication, April 1973.13. L. A. Rubin, "New Survey <strong>System</strong>s for Drilling," Telcom, Inc., McLean, VA1971.14. J. W. Neudecker, "Conceptual Design of a Coring Subterrene Geoprospector",Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory report in preparation.19

APPENDIXANALYSIS OF PROPOSED ALIGNMENT CONTROL SCHEME<strong>The</strong> parameters affecting <strong>the</strong> design and <strong>The</strong>refore, if <strong>the</strong> length, L, of <strong>the</strong> ACS unitpath are .1 6.0 x 10" 6 x 10 80.008 m -1 This moment is of sufficient magnitude to^ SS mill -induce <strong>the</strong> required path deviation whilep 0.075generating only low stresses in <strong>the</strong> holeformingperformance of <strong>the</strong> alignment control section(ACS) proposed in <strong>the</strong> main body of <strong>the</strong> reportis 1.0 m, <strong>the</strong> derivation at <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong>unit will be given bycan be derived by reference to Fig.A-l. <strong>The</strong> temperature difference establishedA == 0.0033 m = 3.3 mm.across <strong>the</strong> diameter of <strong>the</strong> ASC by <strong>the</strong> divertedcoolant will induce a curvature in<strong>the</strong> housing given byIf <strong>the</strong> ASC is initially rigidly fixed by acentralizer section at one end and <strong>the</strong> penetrator1 _ a ATP ~T~'(A-l) at <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r end. Fig. A-Kb), itwill exert a moment given byif <strong>the</strong> unit is free to deflect [Fig. A-l(a)],M =E I(A-2)fPwhere AT = effective temperature difference; wherei) = radius of curvatureE = elastic modulus of <strong>the</strong> materialfrom which <strong>the</strong> ACS is constructedc. - mean coefficient of <strong>the</strong>rmalexpansionI = area moment of <strong>the</strong> ACS crossD = diameter of <strong>the</strong> housing.section.Taking E = 207.0 GPa (30 x 10Typical values for <strong>the</strong> projected design andlb f /in. 2 ),<strong>the</strong> data above»and combining Egs. (A-l) andmaterials are:o = 6.0 x 10" 6 , K" 1(A-2), <strong>the</strong> moment (M) and induced stress (a)are:D = 75 mm = 0.075 mM = 2.6 x 10 3 N-m (2.27 x 10 in. lb f )AT = 100 K.<strong>The</strong> curvature and radius of <strong>the</strong> deflecteda = 62 MPa (9.000 lb f /in. 2 ).125 m.assembly.Penetralor-- Glass <strong>For</strong>merAlignment Control - ...Section I— BenIflna MomentM j MEE:306(110)ReactionV -Devlotlon S«nsoror Indicotor(b)20Fig. A-l.Proposed alignment control scheme.

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