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Petruş-Vancea, A., Şipoş, A.M. - Anatomical Structure Of African Violet (Saintpaulia ionantha L.) Vit<strong>ro</strong>- And Exvit<strong>ro</strong>plantletsand colored with 'Congo Red' and green iodine [1]. Thelocation of section was at middle of <strong>ro</strong>ots or stem leghtand the leafs was collected f<strong>ro</strong>m plant middle. For eachexperimental variant were made and examinedmic<strong>ro</strong>scopically every 30 sections per sample. Therepresentative images were photographed. I used themanual drawing of the anatomy observed under themic<strong>ro</strong>scope for their presentation as explicit. Becausewe haven’t identified major changes between thevegetative organs structures of ex vit<strong>ro</strong> cultivatedplants and those of in vivo, for this we have made asingle schematic representation of each one.RESULTSA. Issues relating to anatomical structure ofcont<strong>ro</strong>l plant organs, harvested f<strong>ro</strong>m greenhousea) The anatomical structure of adventitious <strong>ro</strong>otsf<strong>ro</strong>m greenhouse plantsAfrican violet under natural life conditions - takenas cont<strong>ro</strong>l in these experiments - were also generated invit<strong>ro</strong>, and then acclimatized to the septic medium. Atthe moment of the use they were in an advancedg<strong>ro</strong>wth stage inside the greenhouse (2 years), reasonwhy the <strong>ro</strong>otlets of these plants were adventitious, notembryonic origin.Transverse sections th<strong>ro</strong>ugh the <strong>ro</strong>ugh adventitious<strong>ro</strong>ots of African violets have had a circular shape, thisrhizodermis presented some flaking phenomens andwere identified rare pilife<strong>ro</strong>us sinks (Fig. 1A).In c<strong>ro</strong>ss section th<strong>ro</strong>ugh the <strong>ro</strong>ots of the cont<strong>ro</strong>lplant could be seen the beginning of the secondarystructure, marked by the presence of both lateralmeristems, namely phelogen and cambium. Thephelogen generated, to outwards, 4-5 cell layers withsuberified cell walls, and to interior of this secondarymeristem, the pheloderma was generated, consisting ofa single layer with large cells, <strong>ro</strong>und and withcellulosic cellular walls.The following cortex layers were represented bypolygonal cells, compact, and the last layer -endodermis - was well differentiated.Pericycle, as the first layer of the central cylinder,delimits the secondary phloem ring generated bycambium. This secondary meristem gave moresecondary wood inwards, rather than outwardssecondary phloem, secondary wood being composed ofordered strings of xylem vessels, separated bylibryform (intensely lignified fibres, with thick walls).Liberian fascicle alternated with wooden fascicle,marking a poliarhe <strong>ro</strong>ot type (Fig. 1).a b a bA. B.Figure 1. Schematically representation of African violets (Saintpaulia ionantha L.) plant <strong>ro</strong>ot anatomical structures, which was cultivated ingreenhouse (cont<strong>ro</strong>l) and ”ex vit<strong>ro</strong>”, at 30 days f<strong>ro</strong>m their transfer in septic medium (A) and ”in vit<strong>ro</strong>” (B): a – scheme, b – detail (A: 1 –rhizodermis; 2 – suber; 3 – phelogen; 4 – pheloderma; 5 – cortical parenchyma; 6 – endodermis; 7 – pericycle; 8 –secondary phloem; 9 –cambium; 10 –secondary xylem; 11 – libryform; B: 1 – rhizodermis with pilife<strong>ro</strong>us sinks; 2 – exodermis; 3 –cortical parenchyma; 4 –endodermis; 5 – pericycle; 6 –primary phloem; 7 – primary xylem) (bars mean 100 µm).b) The stem anatomical structure of greenhouseplantsIn c<strong>ro</strong>ss sections th<strong>ro</strong>ugh African violet stem hasbeen observed that it had a wavy shape (Fig. 2A).The first cortex cell layers made a primary phellem,formed by simple impregnation of the cell walls withsuberin. The following cortex layers were composed of<strong>ro</strong>und cells, which were intercellular space,representing a storage parenchyma of starch granules.The last cortex layer, namely endodermis, was welldifferentiated, as the first cell layers of central cylinder,pericycle (Fig. 2A).In the central cylinder, vascular bundle – bycollateral-open type - resulted f<strong>ro</strong>m cambium function,which generated external secondary phloem andsecondary xylem inwards. At the top of each liberianvessel were p<strong>ro</strong>tective scllerenchyma arcs and betweenvascular bundles were reported scllerefied pithy rays.Secondary xylem was composed f<strong>ro</strong>m timber vesselsordered in parallel strings, sur<strong>ro</strong>unded by libryform. Inthe sections made by us, they could see the pericycleorigins of adventitious <strong>ro</strong>ots (Fig. 2A). Medullarparenchyma has been well represented, the <strong>ro</strong>und cellsof this being a veritable store of starch granules,substantially larger dimensions as comparatively withthe amyloplasts f<strong>ro</strong>m cortical parenchyma level. Theratio of cortex and central cylinder was 1:1.220

Analele Universităţii din Oradea - Fascicula Biologie Tom. XVII, Issue: 2, 2010, pp. 219-224c) The foliar limb anatomical structures ofgreenhouse plants (cont<strong>ro</strong>l)In c<strong>ro</strong>ss section made th<strong>ro</strong>ugh of hypostomaticeleafs of cont<strong>ro</strong>l African violet plants was observed thatthe median nervure is very much p<strong>ro</strong>eminent at thelower face (abaxiale) of foliar limb, but the adaxialenervure part, between the two ”wings” of foliar limb,presented a concavity. Upper epidermis cells werelarge and rectangular; they are many tectory hairs,pluricellular, unbranched and longer, described by us[7], and secretor hairs, with a constitution identical tothose present and Chrysanthemums. The leaves werepubescent.Otherwise, be carried out sections th<strong>ro</strong>ugh leafsf<strong>ro</strong>m bottom p<strong>ro</strong>pagul regions were observed threevascular bundles, while in the median leaf nervureharvested f<strong>ro</strong>m the apical p<strong>ro</strong>pagul area was revealedonly a single vascular bundle, which signifies that thetwo beams was ulterior differentiated in plantontogenetically development, the fact no identified atChrysanthemums, where the leaf structures was notaffected by leaf locations on the stem. After Deliu [4],the vascular bundle numbers can be different to thesame species or even to the same individual.P<strong>ro</strong>cambium generated primary xylem to thesuperior face of foliar limb and primary phloem to theinferior of this. Vascular bundles were p<strong>ro</strong>tected by acollenchymas tissue following additional cellulosedeposition at the cellular wall levels (Fig. 3A).a b a bA. B.Figure 2. Schematically representation of African violets (Saintpaulia ionantha L.) plant stem anatomical structures, which was cultivated ingreenhouse (cont<strong>ro</strong>l) and ”ex vit<strong>ro</strong>”, at 30 days f<strong>ro</strong>m their transfer in septic medium (A) and ”in vit<strong>ro</strong>” (B): a – scheme, b – detail (1 –suber; 2 – cortical parenchyma; 3 – endodermis; 4 – pericycle; 5 – scllerenchyma arcs; 6 – starch granules; 7 – secondary phloem; 8 –cambium; 9 – secondary xylem; 10 – scllerefied pithy rays; 11 – medullar parenchyma; 12 – adventitious <strong>ro</strong>ots) (bars mean 100 µm).B. Issues regarding anatomical structure ofvit<strong>ro</strong>plantlet vegetative organsa) The adventitious <strong>ro</strong>otlet anatomical structures ofvit<strong>ro</strong>plantletsAt vit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets, anatomical structure has beenhighlighted as being in a primary form. The c<strong>ro</strong>sssectioncontour was circular, rhizodermis withpilife<strong>ro</strong>us sinks, exodermis unistratified, the corticalparenchyma poorly organized, consisting of oval cellswith thin and cellulosic walls, with intercellular spacesmore larger than that seen in greenhouse plants,presented endodermis in interior, which has cellswhose walls had no thickening (Fig. 1B).Immediately below endodermis was presentpericycle, which delimit a small central cylinder (thereport cortex : central cylinder was 6:1), with vascularbundle poorly represented, and in central the extremelylow medullar parenchyma (Fig. 1B).b) The stemlet anatomical structures of vit<strong>ro</strong>plantletsAfrican violet vit<strong>ro</strong>plantlet stemlet c<strong>ro</strong>ss sectionscontours were circular, slightly wavy (Fig. 2B).The primary phellem f<strong>ro</strong>m exterior was thinner andthe cortical parenchyma cells, oval and thin, beinglarger and less compact, with lower starch deposit,compared to that seen in plants g<strong>ro</strong>wn in thegreenhouse.Under cortex was present endodermis unistratified,followed by pericycle (Fig. 2B), then the centralcylinder composed of vascular bundles, with anintrafacicular cambium ring, between phloem andxylem, less represented that cont<strong>ro</strong>l g<strong>ro</strong>up. Secondarymeristem which was dedifferentiate in the centralcylinder, namely cambium, appeared to in vit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets too, in which case, the mechanic tissue waspoorly represented, and the ratio between the cortexand central cylinder was 2:1. In place instead, to thecentral cylinder level, distinguish rays directedoutwards, which marked the adventitious <strong>ro</strong>otneoforming to stemlet level. Certainly, adventitious<strong>ro</strong>ots neoforming was present in greenhouse plants, butthe p<strong>ro</strong>cess was decreased as intensity, p<strong>ro</strong>babilityperformance of sections which capture the p<strong>ro</strong>cess, inthis case, being lower.c) The foliar limb anatomical structures of vit<strong>ro</strong>plantletsThe foliar limb of vit<strong>ro</strong>plantlet leaflets had the samebifacial dorsiventrale structure, as those of cont<strong>ro</strong>lplants. Instead, the foliar limb adaxiale face - atvit<strong>ro</strong>leaflets - was almost flat, and at the abaxiale, themedian nervure was least p<strong>ro</strong>minent, compared with221

Petruş-Vancea, A., Şipoş, A.M. - Anatomical Structure Of African Violet (Saintpaulia ionantha L.) Vit<strong>ro</strong>- And Exvit<strong>ro</strong>plantletsthe cont<strong>ro</strong>l, whose p<strong>ro</strong>tuberance were very evident.Epidermis, upper and lower, were - as in greenhouseplants - unistratified, with isodiametrice cells (Fig. 3B),but the walls of these cells had no cuticle, only manytectory and secretor hairs.Foliar mesophyll had no changes compared to thosedescribed to greenhouse plants, except that spongyparenchyma was composed of fewer cell layers, andthese were larger and less compact, the intercellularspaces was more evident, compared with thehomologous layer of greenhouse plant leafs.Mechanical p<strong>ro</strong>tective tissue f<strong>ro</strong>m a<strong>ro</strong>und the vascularbundles, f<strong>ro</strong>m median nervure level was at an earlyformation stage and vascular bundles were three -generated by the cambium activity – in the foliar limbof leaflets harvested f<strong>ro</strong>m bottom area of vit<strong>ro</strong>plantletsand only one in those taken f<strong>ro</strong>m the apical part of its.aA.babB.Figure 3. Schematically representation of African violets (Saintpaulia ionantha L.) plant foliar limb anatomical structures, which was cultivated ingreenhouse (cont<strong>ro</strong>l) and ”ex vit<strong>ro</strong>”, at 30 days f<strong>ro</strong>m their transfer in septic medium (A) and ”in vit<strong>ro</strong>” (B): a – scheme, b – detail (1 –upper epidermis; 2 – tectory hair; 3 – secretor hair; 4 – palisade tissue; 5 – spongy tissue; 6 – bottom epidermis; 7 – stomata; 8 – primaryxylem; 9 – intrafascicle cambium; 10 – primary phloem; 11 – mechanic colenchymised tissue arcs) (bars mean 100 µm).C. Issues regarding anatomical structure ofexvit<strong>ro</strong>plantlet vegetative organsa) The adventitious <strong>ro</strong>ot anatomical structures ofexvit<strong>ro</strong>plantletsAt exvit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets, 30 days after transfer to soil,was observed a secondary structure in the early stage.C<strong>ro</strong>ss-section contour was circular and rhizodermishas rare pilife<strong>ro</strong>us sinks (Fig 1A), being flaking.The cortex tends to a compact structure like thisidentified in greenhouse plants and presented phelogen,which generated outwards, four cell layers, theircellular walls being bold, and inwards this secondarymeristem forming pheloderma, consisting of a largeand <strong>ro</strong>und cell layer, with primary cellulosic cellularwalls. The following cortex layers were represented bypolygonal cells, without intercellular spaces, and thelast cortex layer, endodermis - well differentiated -p<strong>ro</strong>tect central cylinder. Under endodermis waspericycle, which delimits secondary phloem generatedf<strong>ro</strong>m cambium. Central cylinder was less organizedcompared with those present in <strong>ro</strong>ots of greenhouseplants, vascular bundle representing the largest part ofit. Medullar parenchyma of <strong>ro</strong>otlets f<strong>ro</strong>m ex vit<strong>ro</strong>culture was poorly represented, being compressed byvascular bundle, like in greenhouse.b) The stemlet anatomical structures of exvit<strong>ro</strong>plantletsAt exvit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets, after 30 days ofacclimatization, the stem had the same structure asthose plants cultivated in greenhouse, but in a differentontogenetically phase.C<strong>ro</strong>ss-section contour of exvit<strong>ro</strong>plantlet stemletswas circular and slightly wavy (Fig. 2A). The first twolayers of cortex cells have a primary phellem, formedby simple impregnation of the cell walls with suberine;this was followed by cortex layers composed f<strong>ro</strong>m<strong>ro</strong>und cells, representing a storage parenchyma ofstarch granules, less than the greenhouse plants.Endodermis, unistratified, continues with pericycle,under which was the central cylinder, composed ofvascular bundles, arranged on a single circle. Unlikeplants f<strong>ro</strong>m the greenhouse, the intrafacicular cambiumring, between liberiane beams and wood beams waspoorly developed, but better than the vit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets.222

Analele Universităţii din Oradea - Fascicula Biologie Tom. XVII, Issue: 2, 2010, pp. 219-224Like the plants f<strong>ro</strong>m greenhouse and vit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets, inthe exvit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets internal structure could highlightneoforming adventitious <strong>ro</strong>ots, started f<strong>ro</strong>m the layersof the central cylinder, more precisely f<strong>ro</strong>m thepericycle. Central cylinder center was occupied bymedular parenchyma, well represented and very rich inamyloplasts. Report cortex:central cylinder maintained1:1, as greenhouse plants, by medullar parenchymacontributing (Fig. 2A).c) Foliar limb anatomical structure of exvit<strong>ro</strong>plantletsIn c<strong>ro</strong>ss section th<strong>ro</strong>ugh leaflets f<strong>ro</strong>m ex vit<strong>ro</strong>culture was observed that the median nervure wasp<strong>ro</strong>eminent on the bottom (abaxiale) face, but lessintense than in the greenhouse plant leafs, and concavein the adaxiale face between the two ”wings” of foliarlimb. Both epidermis of foliar limb were composed ofa single cell layer, showing both tectory and secretorhairs (Fig. 3A).Foliar mesophyll was represented by a palisadetissue, unistratificat, with cell rich in chlo<strong>ro</strong>plasts and aspongy tissue which, during the acclimatization period,had increased number of layers and not presenteddifferences significant compared to that observed in theleafs of plants g<strong>ro</strong>wn in greenhouse (cont<strong>ro</strong>l).At the median nervure level of leaflets p<strong>ro</strong>videdf<strong>ro</strong>m basal region of exvit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets, and at leafs ofvit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets g<strong>ro</strong>up were reported three vascularbundles, collaterally-open type, in a parenchyma wellrepresented, unlike the one present in foliar limb ofleaflets f<strong>ro</strong>m ex vit<strong>ro</strong>, located at the top of plant.Similar situations were described after the somestudies on the anatomical structure of vegetative organsof vit<strong>ro</strong>- and exvit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets, compared with thoseg<strong>ro</strong>wn in greenhouse, made by us [9], atChrysanthemum. The authors mentioned haveconcluded that at <strong>ro</strong>otlets, stemlets and leaflets ofChrysanthemum g<strong>ro</strong>wn in vit<strong>ro</strong> were no revealed thestructural abnormalities, but some ontogeneticdifferences, the vit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets showing a primarystructure of vegetative organs, while at exvit<strong>ro</strong>plantletslevel was distinguish some elements characteristic ofsecondary structure, a structure already in advanced atgreenhouse plants.DISCUSSIONSAdventitious <strong>ro</strong>otlets histo-anatomy of vit<strong>ro</strong>plantletsrevealed a primary structure with rhizodermiscontaining pilife<strong>ro</strong>us sinks, exodermis unistratified, thecortical parenchyma with <strong>ro</strong>und cells with intercellularspaces and very small central cylinder (report cortex :central cylinder was 6:1), vascular bundle very poorlyrepresented. At exvit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets, 30 days after transferto soil, were the beginning of secondary structure(marking the transition f<strong>ro</strong>m primary to the secondaryanatomical structure) in the early stage, marked by thepresence of both lateral meristems, namely phelogenand cambium. After similar researches [8] carried outon Cymbidium hybridum vit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets, but also onexvit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets (at 30 days after transferring into theseptic medium) or on greenhouse plants (which are inan advanced stage of ex vit<strong>ro</strong> g<strong>ro</strong>wth), we reported thatat <strong>ro</strong>ots of plants cultivated in greenhouse conditionshave indicated a number of wooden beams 14 and allthat liberians, while at <strong>ro</strong>otlets p<strong>ro</strong>vided f<strong>ro</strong>m in vit<strong>ro</strong> orex vit<strong>ro</strong>, the number was halved. This situation isexplained by Toma and Rugină [16], but also Deliu [4],at plants g<strong>ro</strong>wn under natural conditions, in that thevascular bundles number may vary in the same speciesor even the same individual, as influenced by mineralnutrition of the those plant organisms.As regards stem structures of vit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets, wassignalled the presence of secondary meristem,dedifferentiate in the central cylinder, namelycambium, like at the greenhouse plants, the mechanicaltissue was poorly represented and the report cortex andcentral cylinder was 2:1 (compared with the that ofcont<strong>ro</strong>l which was 1:1), the primary phellem f<strong>ro</strong>mexterior was thinner, compared to that present in thegreenhouse plants or exvit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets and corticalparenchyma cells have been more larger and more leastcompact, compared to the cont<strong>ro</strong>l. At exvit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets,as at the greenhouse plants, the stem marked thebeginning of dicotyledonous plants secondarystructure. The most starck in parenchimatic cell of stemp<strong>ro</strong>vided f<strong>ro</strong>m ex vit<strong>ro</strong> culture is normal. AtSaintpaulia ionantha cv. ‘Raving Red’ shoot leafsregenerated f<strong>ro</strong>m callus, stereological analysis of thehistological events indicated that there was ap<strong>ro</strong>gressive decrease in the starch content (percentagevolume composition, number and volume of starchgrains) of leaf segments which callused and laterdifferentiated into shoots f<strong>ro</strong>m the first day of cultureto day 24 [10].Foliar limb structures at the median nervure level, atvit<strong>ro</strong>plantlet was revealed by several features, comparedto that seen in plants g<strong>ro</strong>wn under natural conditions,namely: the adaxiale face of foliar limb was almost flat,and at the abaxiale, median nervure was just littlep<strong>ro</strong>minent, compared with the cont<strong>ro</strong>l, whosep<strong>ro</strong>tuberance was well outlined; the spongy parenchymawas composed of fewer cell layers, this being morelarger and more less compact, compared with those ofhomologous layer of greenhouse plant leafs; mechanicalp<strong>ro</strong>tector tissue, a<strong>ro</strong>und the vascular bundles was anearly stage of forming. At exvit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets, theanatomical structure presents a borderland stagebetween the two aspects caught on vit<strong>ro</strong>plantlets and tothe greenhouse plants, in terms of spongy andmechanical tissue layer size. Observing the changeswhich are - during the Aralia elata and Phellodend<strong>ro</strong>namurense exvit<strong>ro</strong>plantlet acclimatizations - in the leafletfoliar limb structures, Yokota and his collaborators [17]concluded that the plantlet post-acclimatization survivalpercentages depends of the foliar mesophyll layerdevelopment, particularly the palisade cells andvascular connections established at this level, which aredependent on the in vit<strong>ro</strong> <strong>ro</strong>oting stage, reason for theyrecommended to try, since the vit<strong>ro</strong>culture period, anysolutions to determine the occurrence of some leafletanatomy aspects, as close to the normal, and theselecting for mic<strong>ro</strong>p<strong>ro</strong>pagation those mostcorresponding plants, in that regard. At Calatheaorbifolia (Linden) Kennedy, the cultivation of plantlets223

Petruş-Vancea, A., Şipoş, A.M. - Anatomical Structure Of African Violet (Saintpaulia ionantha L.) Vit<strong>ro</strong>- And Exvit<strong>ro</strong>plantletsin temporary immersion system p<strong>ro</strong>duced thicker leafchlorenchyma and aquife<strong>ro</strong>us parenchyma, lowerstomatal frequency and more epicuticular wax than didthose in semi-solid medium [18]. In the case ofmic<strong>ro</strong>p<strong>ro</strong>pagated highbush blueberry (Vacciniumcorymbosum cv. ‘Bluetta’), in vit<strong>ro</strong>-developed leaf cellswere circular and small, the spongy parenchyma wasdiscontinuous and disorganized and formed by 1–2layers of cells with large intercellular spaces and thepalisade to spongy mesophyll thickness ratio was 1:1.5.After <strong>ro</strong>oting ex vit<strong>ro</strong>, the first leaves formed undernatural conditions showed substantial changes in theanatomical characteristics. After 6 months, the plantsp<strong>ro</strong>duced leaves similar to those in field-g<strong>ro</strong>wn plants[19]. At Cymbidium 'Joy Polis', the acclimatized plantspresented morphological and anatomical structuresimilar to the mother plant (f<strong>ro</strong>m greenhouse). Theanatomical structure of in vit<strong>ro</strong> plants did not affectplant survival during the acclimatization p<strong>ro</strong>cess, as thiscultivar has great phenotypic plasticity [20]. On thewide side, at black mulberry (Morus nigra L.), at 7 dayafter ex vit<strong>ro</strong> transfer, the highest was observed ap<strong>ro</strong>portion of woody area occupied by vessels. 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