Safety First at Local 25 - Teamsters Local 25

Safety First at Local 25 - Teamsters Local 25 Safety First at Local 25 - Teamsters Local 25
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Teamsters, YRCW ExchangeProposals to Save Freight JobsA subcommittee of the Teamsters National Freight IndustryNegotiating Committee (TNFINC) and YRC Worldwide,Inc. (YRCW) exchanged proposals in late June, as bothsides attempted to negotiate a plan aimed at addressing thecompany’s short-term operating cash needs.As this edition of The Spokesman went to press, theTNFINC subcommittee was reviewing the proposal. Thenegotiations were taking place at the Teamsters’Headquarters in Washington, D.C.The goal is to help keep YRCW in business to protect32,000 Teamster freight jobs, including the jobs of 300members of Local 25.“We will work with the TNFINC to do whatever isnecessary to save our members’ jobs,” said John Murphy,Local 25 Vice President and Business Agent.On June 18, more than 200 leaders of Teamsterfreight local unions unanimously agreed to give theTNFINC the authority to negotiate with stakeholders inan effort to help address YRC Worldwide, Inc’s need formore operating cash.Meeting in Chicago, the freight local union leadersvoted on the motion to negotiate after hearing bothinternal and independent analyses provided by financialconsultants. On Wednesday, June 17, union leaders metwith officials from the various pension funds to discussthe situation.Any plan TNFINC negotiates with stakeholders—thatis agreed upon—would require a vote of approval byYRCW Teamsters. The stakeholders include pensionfunds, banks, the company and the union.The Teamsters believe these actions, if undertakenalong with similar commitments from other stakeholders,will provide the company with significantly enhancedliquidity to operate through the current recession.Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa and NationalFreight Division Director Tyson Johnson explained thesituation to local leaders, who unanimously stood behindthe union’s efforts to protect the interests of its freightmembers.“Our primary goal is to make sure that YRC survivesand that Teamster jobs and benefits are protected,”Johnson said. “YRC has proven over the years that it is aviable company. Our members have worked hard to keepYRC strong and we are going to do everything we can tokeep Teamster jobs and benefits safe.”TNFNIC will keep local unions and membersinformed of all developments regarding negotiations andupdates will be posted on | The SPOKESMAN | SPRING 2009 |

Teamsters Praise U.S. HousePassage of Bill Targeting FedExBill Would End FedEx’s Manipulation of Labor LawOn May 21, 2009 the Teamsters Unionpraised the U.S. House ofRepresentatives for passing the FAAReauthorization Bill, 277-136.The bill includes a key provisionclosing a loophole allowing FedEx misclassify thousands of workers.Teamsters Local 25 and the InternationalUnion have ramped up their lobbyingefforts to pass the Express CarrierEmployee Protection Act. This measurewould remove FedEx from its status asthe only company of its kind allowed toclassify its package delivery workersunder the Railway Labor Act (RLA).Package delivery workers in other companiesare classified under the NationalLabor Relations Act (NLRA).“This loophole has allowed FedEx tohave an unfair competitive advantageand makes it extremely difficult forFedEx employees to obtain the sameunion representation and benefits astheir counterparts working at UnitedParcel Service,” said Sean M. O’Brien,President and Principal Officer ofTeamsters Local 25.The bill will now head to the Senatefor a vote, though no date has been set.The express carrier measure stipulatesthat employees of an express carrier arecovered by the RLA only if their workrelates directly to aircraft operations(such as aircraft mechanics). Employeeswho have nothing to do with aircraftoperations (sorters, drivers, truckmechanics and package delivery drivers)willbecoveredundertheNLRA.As a result of the House ofRepresentatives vote, FedEx CEO FredSmith vowed to cancel a $10 billion contractto purchase Boeing 777 planes, and“destroy members of Congress” if FedExExpress workers were moved under theNational Labor Relations Act (NLRA).“It’s astonishing that Fred Smith andhis flacks will go to any length to boostFedEx’s profits at the expense ofAmerican workers and the economy,” saidKen Hall, Director of the TeamstersPackage Division.“By threatening todestroy members of Congress, FedEx’sefforts to manipulate the American systemof government have crossed the line.” | SUMMER 2009 | The SPOKESMAN | 7

<strong>Teamsters</strong>, YRCW ExchangeProposals to Save Freight JobsA subcommittee of the <strong>Teamsters</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ional Freight IndustryNegoti<strong>at</strong>ing Committee (TNFINC) and YRC Worldwide,Inc. (YRCW) exchanged proposals in l<strong>at</strong>e June, as bothsides <strong>at</strong>tempted to negoti<strong>at</strong>e a plan aimed <strong>at</strong> addressing thecompany’s short-term oper<strong>at</strong>ing cash needs.As this edition of The Spokesman went to press, theTNFINC subcommittee was reviewing the proposal. Thenegoti<strong>at</strong>ions were taking place <strong>at</strong> the <strong>Teamsters</strong>’Headquarters in Washington, D.C.The goal is to help keep YRCW in business to protect32,000 Teamster freight jobs, including the jobs of 300members of <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>.“We will work with the TNFINC to do wh<strong>at</strong>ever isnecessary to save our members’ jobs,” said John Murphy,<strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Vice President and Business Agent.On June 18, more than 200 leaders of Teamsterfreight local unions unanimously agreed to give theTNFINC the authority to negoti<strong>at</strong>e with stakeholders inan effort to help address YRC Worldwide, Inc’s need formore oper<strong>at</strong>ing cash.Meeting in Chicago, the freight local union leadersvoted on the motion to negoti<strong>at</strong>e after hearing bothinternal and independent analyses provided by financialconsultants. On Wednesday, June 17, union leaders metwith officials from the various pension funds to discussthe situ<strong>at</strong>ion.Any plan TNFINC negoti<strong>at</strong>es with stakeholders—th<strong>at</strong>is agreed upon—would require a vote of approval byYRCW <strong>Teamsters</strong>. The stakeholders include pensionfunds, banks, the company and the union.The <strong>Teamsters</strong> believe these actions, if undertakenalong with similar commitments from other stakeholders,will provide the company with significantly enhancedliquidity to oper<strong>at</strong>e through the current recession.<strong>Teamsters</strong> General President Jim Hoffa and N<strong>at</strong>ionalFreight Division Director Tyson Johnson explained thesitu<strong>at</strong>ion to local leaders, who unanimously stood behindthe union’s efforts to protect the interests of its freightmembers.“Our primary goal is to make sure th<strong>at</strong> YRC survivesand th<strong>at</strong> Teamster jobs and benefits are protected,”Johnson said. “YRC has proven over the years th<strong>at</strong> it is aviable company. Our members have worked hard to keepYRC strong and we are going to do everything we can tokeep Teamster jobs and benefits safe.”TNFNIC will keep local unions and membersinformed of all developments regarding negoti<strong>at</strong>ions andupd<strong>at</strong>es will be posted on | The SPOKESMAN | SPRING 2009 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

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