Safety First at Local 25 - Teamsters Local 25

Safety First at Local 25 - Teamsters Local 25

Safety First at Local 25 - Teamsters Local 25

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know how much of a pension they were going to receivewhen they reached retirement age. Linda Roggerio fromRegan Associ<strong>at</strong>es Pre-Paid Legal Services answered legal questionsour members had. Thanks to all of you, we were able toprovide and educ<strong>at</strong>e everyone on the benefits and servicesth<strong>at</strong> <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> provides for our members.Have fun this summer.Business AgentDave PietroforteMembers <strong>at</strong> the East BostonNeighborhood Health Center r<strong>at</strong>ifiedtheir contract recently. The workersmaintained their current language andmade gains in seniority language.At Atlas Paper in Woburn, we’vehadfourcontractnegoti<strong>at</strong>ionmeetings.We are facing challenges on pension issues, but will continueto work hard to address our members’ retirement security.In arbitr<strong>at</strong>ion case news, an arbitr<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong> Gilman Brothershas been postponed until August. At Xpedx in Wilmington, wewon a case in which the company tried to move around workers’scheduled holidays. Another case has been settled <strong>at</strong> Xpedxresulting in the night shift receiving 8 hours of pay, includingovertime pay. A third case is still pending.At Chelsea 911, we won an arbitr<strong>at</strong>ion case resulting in gettinga steward back to work, and the labor charges were dropped.In Everett, three arbitr<strong>at</strong>ion cases are pending. One involvesan unjust suspension. A second involves a termin<strong>at</strong>ion. The thirdinvolves working outside a member’s pay grade.At Lowell Brothers-Bailey in Chelsea, we filed for arbitr<strong>at</strong>ionafter the company refused to honor contract language for sickpay and vac<strong>at</strong>ion pay. I’m waiting for hearing d<strong>at</strong>es in th<strong>at</strong> case.At Sears in Norwood, we filed for arbitr<strong>at</strong>ion in a case rel<strong>at</strong>edto unjust termin<strong>at</strong>ion. A hearing is scheduled in early July, and Iwill relay the results of this case and the others in the nextSpokesman.Enjoy your summer.Business Represent<strong>at</strong>iveGerry GodinSince the last Spokesman, I’ve beenvery busy negoti<strong>at</strong>ing contracts forourmembers.Infact,Ihavenegoti<strong>at</strong>ed17contracts.Therehavebeennoconcessions, and they are all gre<strong>at</strong>agreements. I want to thank all themembers who helped assist me inthese negoti<strong>at</strong>ions over the past several months.Nine of the 17 contracts were construction agreements. Inthe construction agreements, we won well over $2 an hour inincreased benefit contributions in the first year alone, with noconcessions.The construction contracts th<strong>at</strong> were negoti<strong>at</strong>ed and subsequentlyr<strong>at</strong>ified were Mon Landscaping, Terra Drilling, Salahand Pecci, New England Found<strong>at</strong>ion, Climo, L & H Equipment,North American Site Developers, Gioioso Brothers and T.Gioioso and Son.There were eight regular agreements. These include WaldoBrothers, <strong>First</strong> Student, New England Mill Work, Beacon Sales,Cutter Atlantic Refactory, C<strong>at</strong>alano Brothers and SunriseScavenger, a new rubbish company.Despite the tough economic clim<strong>at</strong>e, we made many gre<strong>at</strong>gains in these contracts. For example, <strong>at</strong> <strong>First</strong> Student the averagewage increase was $3.50 to $4 per hour in the first year ofthe contract. Workers also got prepaid legal services for free aswell as dental and vision insurance for free.At Sunrise Scavenger, it was the first time in 20 years <strong>Local</strong><strong>25</strong> was able to get a rubbish company to come back into the<strong>Teamsters</strong> Health & Welfare Plan. This means th<strong>at</strong> members willnow receive benefits <strong>at</strong> no cost over the five years of the contract,with 100 percent coverage.I am proud of wh<strong>at</strong> we achieved together, and I look forwardto representing you under these strong Teamster contracts.Again, thank you to everyone who helped out to win these gre<strong>at</strong>agreements.Enjoy the summer season.www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | SUMMER 2009 | The SPOKESMAN | 5

<strong>Teamsters</strong>, YRCW ExchangeProposals to Save Freight JobsA subcommittee of the <strong>Teamsters</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ional Freight IndustryNegoti<strong>at</strong>ing Committee (TNFINC) and YRC Worldwide,Inc. (YRCW) exchanged proposals in l<strong>at</strong>e June, as bothsides <strong>at</strong>tempted to negoti<strong>at</strong>e a plan aimed <strong>at</strong> addressing thecompany’s short-term oper<strong>at</strong>ing cash needs.As this edition of The Spokesman went to press, theTNFINC subcommittee was reviewing the proposal. Thenegoti<strong>at</strong>ions were taking place <strong>at</strong> the <strong>Teamsters</strong>’Headquarters in Washington, D.C.The goal is to help keep YRCW in business to protect32,000 Teamster freight jobs, including the jobs of 300members of <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>.“We will work with the TNFINC to do wh<strong>at</strong>ever isnecessary to save our members’ jobs,” said John Murphy,<strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Vice President and Business Agent.On June 18, more than 200 leaders of Teamsterfreight local unions unanimously agreed to give theTNFINC the authority to negoti<strong>at</strong>e with stakeholders inan effort to help address YRC Worldwide, Inc’s need formore oper<strong>at</strong>ing cash.Meeting in Chicago, the freight local union leadersvoted on the motion to negoti<strong>at</strong>e after hearing bothinternal and independent analyses provided by financialconsultants. On Wednesday, June 17, union leaders metwith officials from the various pension funds to discussthe situ<strong>at</strong>ion.Any plan TNFINC negoti<strong>at</strong>es with stakeholders—th<strong>at</strong>is agreed upon—would require a vote of approval byYRCW <strong>Teamsters</strong>. The stakeholders include pensionfunds, banks, the company and the union.The <strong>Teamsters</strong> believe these actions, if undertakenalong with similar commitments from other stakeholders,will provide the company with significantly enhancedliquidity to oper<strong>at</strong>e through the current recession.<strong>Teamsters</strong> General President Jim Hoffa and N<strong>at</strong>ionalFreight Division Director Tyson Johnson explained thesitu<strong>at</strong>ion to local leaders, who unanimously stood behindthe union’s efforts to protect the interests of its freightmembers.“Our primary goal is to make sure th<strong>at</strong> YRC survivesand th<strong>at</strong> Teamster jobs and benefits are protected,”Johnson said. “YRC has proven over the years th<strong>at</strong> it is aviable company. Our members have worked hard to keepYRC strong and we are going to do everything we can tokeep Teamster jobs and benefits safe.”TNFNIC will keep local unions and membersinformed of all developments regarding negoti<strong>at</strong>ions andupd<strong>at</strong>es will be posted on www.teamster.org.6 | The SPOKESMAN | SPRING 2009 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

<strong>Teamsters</strong> Praise U.S. HousePassage of Bill Targeting FedExBill Would End FedEx’s Manipul<strong>at</strong>ion of Labor LawOn May 21, 2009 the <strong>Teamsters</strong> Unionpraised the U.S. House ofRepresent<strong>at</strong>ives for passing the FAAReauthoriz<strong>at</strong>ion Bill, 277-136.The bill includes a key provisionclosing a loophole allowing FedEx Corp.to misclassify thousands of workers.<strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> and the Intern<strong>at</strong>ionalUnion have ramped up their lobbyingefforts to pass the Express CarrierEmployee Protection Act. This measurewould remove FedEx from its st<strong>at</strong>us asthe only company of its kind allowed toclassify its package delivery workersunder the Railway Labor Act (RLA).Package delivery workers in other companiesare classified under the N<strong>at</strong>ionalLabor Rel<strong>at</strong>ions Act (NLRA).“This loophole has allowed FedEx tohave an unfair competitive advantageand makes it extremely difficult forFedEx employees to obtain the sameunion represent<strong>at</strong>ion and benefits astheir counterparts working <strong>at</strong> UnitedParcel Service,” said Sean M. O’Brien,President and Principal Officer of<strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>.The bill will now head to the Sen<strong>at</strong>efor a vote, though no d<strong>at</strong>e has been set.The express carrier measure stipul<strong>at</strong>esth<strong>at</strong> employees of an express carrier arecovered by the RLA only if their workrel<strong>at</strong>es directly to aircraft oper<strong>at</strong>ions(such as aircraft mechanics). Employeeswho have nothing to do with aircraftoper<strong>at</strong>ions (sorters, drivers, truckmechanics and package delivery drivers)willbecoveredundertheNLRA.As a result of the House ofRepresent<strong>at</strong>ives vote, FedEx CEO FredSmith vowed to cancel a $10 billion contractto purchase Boeing 777 planes, and“destroy members of Congress” if FedExExpress workers were moved under theN<strong>at</strong>ional Labor Rel<strong>at</strong>ions Act (NLRA).“It’s astonishing th<strong>at</strong> Fred Smith andhis flacks will go to any length to boostFedEx’s profits <strong>at</strong> the expense ofAmerican workers and the economy,” saidKen Hall, Director of the <strong>Teamsters</strong>Package Division.“By thre<strong>at</strong>ening todestroy members of Congress, FedEx’sefforts to manipul<strong>at</strong>e the American systemof government have crossed the line.”www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | SUMMER 2009 | The SPOKESMAN | 7

FedEx MeetingG<strong>at</strong>hers BusinessAgents, StewardsOn June 12, over 120 stewards and their businessagents from all over New England came together <strong>at</strong>the <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> headquarters in Charlestown under thedirection of <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> President Sean M. O’Brien todiscuss organizing efforts <strong>at</strong> FedEx, and to discusscontract issues <strong>at</strong> the company.O’Brien also serves as the President of JointCouncil 10 of New England and is Co-Chair of theNew England Area Panel Grievance Committee.Christy Bailey from the Intern<strong>at</strong>ional Union’sFieldActionDepartmentgaveanoverviewaboutthe legisl<strong>at</strong>ive plan to remove FedEx from theRailway Labor Act, which would make it much easierto organize FedEx Express. The <strong>at</strong>tendees alsoheard from Attorney Rene Bushey from Feinberg,Campbell and Zak, who discussed the recent FedExdecision by three judges from the 9th Circuit Courtof Appeals in Washington, D.C. to dismiss the <strong>Local</strong><strong>25</strong> NLRB election results. The NLRB had ruled th<strong>at</strong>FedEx Home Delivery drivers were employees andnot independent contractors, but the higher courtdismissed th<strong>at</strong> ruling.“This seminar for business agents and stewardswas the first of its kind in New England,” O’Briensaid. “We covered a gre<strong>at</strong> deal of very useful inform<strong>at</strong>ionin a short period of time. I think it went well!”<strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Business Agent George Slicis led a panelwith <strong>Local</strong> 653 Business Agent Brian McElhinneytitled: “How to Deal With Difficult Routes.”“The day-long event was very inform<strong>at</strong>ive. Itwas gre<strong>at</strong> to hear wh<strong>at</strong> the other UPS stewardsacross New England are facing in their workplaces,”said Adam Strout, steward <strong>at</strong> UPS in W<strong>at</strong>ertown.8 | The SPOKESMAN | SUMMER 2009 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

Calendar ofEventsJuly 2009August 2009September 2009July 4July 26August 4August 22August 26September 7September 11September 15September 18September 20September 26September 27September 28Independence DayParents’ DayIntern<strong>at</strong>ional Brotherhood of <strong>Teamsters</strong> Organized, 1903Intern<strong>at</strong>ional Brotherhood of <strong>Teamsters</strong> joins AmericanFeder<strong>at</strong>ion of Labor, 1920Women’s Equality Day, 19th Amendment, 1920Labor DayP<strong>at</strong>riot DayN<strong>at</strong>ional Hispanic Heritage Month begins(September 15th –October 15th)Rosh HashanahGeneral Membership Meeting 10:00 A.M.Union Hall, 544 Main Street Charlestown, MA 02129(Nomin<strong>at</strong>ions for <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Officers & Agents)Blood Bank 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.Union Hall, 544 Main Street Charlestown, MA 02129Change-To-Win Coalition formed 2005<strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Organized in 1900SAVE THE DATE: Sunday October 18, 2009Autism Speaks Walk – Suffolk Downs 10:00 A.M.

<strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Members’Children Receive Nearly$60,000 in ScholarshipsMoney Will Go Toward Rising Tuition Costs10 | The SPOKESMAN | SUMMER 2009 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

NATIONAL UNION’S SAFETY AND HEALTH DEPARTMENTwww.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | SUMMER 2009 | The SPOKESMAN | 13

L to R: Ken MacNeil, John Murphy, Tom Sodergan,Jocko YandleL to R: Clayton Mobiley Manfi / Stop & Shop, MarkHarrington Secretary-Treasurer <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>L to R: Mark Harrington, Wayne Musgrove, George Kelly,Dennis MurrayGolf Tournament Raises Nearly $40,000 for Scholarships16th Annual Event a Huge SuccessThe 2009 <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Scholarship/Charity GolfTournament was held on S<strong>at</strong>urday, June 13, 2009, <strong>at</strong> theWindham Country Club in Windham, New Hampshire. Asyou all know, June has been a wet month, but our tournamenthad one of the few beautiful sunny days!This year we were able to raise close to $40,000 for ourscholarship program through our sponsors and raffle donors.This is our 16th year putting on our golf tournament, which isalways sold out! This is a fun-filled day when everyone comestogether—members, sponsors, officers and agents. It is reallyamazing th<strong>at</strong> through these difficult times in this economy,our friends and members are always ready to help us achieveour goals.We had many sponsors th<strong>at</strong> don<strong>at</strong>ed to this tournament;we would especially like to thank our GOLD Sponsors:• Capital Waste Services Inc.;• Consolid<strong>at</strong>ed Service Corpor<strong>at</strong>ion;• Feinberg, Campbell & Zack;• Regan Associ<strong>at</strong>es, Chartered <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>Group Legal Plan; and• The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company, LLC.14 | The SPOKESMAN | SUMMER 2009 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

NEW ENGLAND TEAMSTERSTHE BOARD OFDIRECTORSJohn A. MurphyChairmanSean O'Brien1st Vice ChairmanMark A. HarringtonTreasurerRobert B. McAllisterSecretaryErnest C. Sheehan, Jr.John PerryJoseph ContiTom MariAlice Riley-KingSUPERVISORYCOMMITTEEGeorge SlicisChairmanRobert E. BayusikJoseph J. BairosSteven J. SouthRichard LaughtonAreyouonourTEAM?At the TEAMsters Credit Union we help our members every day!Save money for a rainy day.Save money for retirement.Lower Auto Loan r<strong>at</strong>es.Lower Mortgage r<strong>at</strong>es.No fee Checking Accounts.No fee Visa Cards.Become a member of our TEAM!• Open a Savings Account Today• Apply to refinance your Auto or Mortgage Today!• Sign up for Payroll Deduction.ATTENTION RETIREESEffective June 15, 2009 the New England <strong>Teamsters</strong> Pension Fund will nowallow retirees to Split their monthly check to be Direct Deposited to the NewEngland <strong>Teamsters</strong> Federal Credit Union and your <strong>Local</strong> Bank.Call 1-800-343-7126 Opt # 6 for more details.

<strong>Teamsters</strong>CareProviding comprehensive health care to <strong>Teamsters</strong> and their families.Board of Trustees<strong>Teamsters</strong> Union <strong>25</strong>Health Services &Insurance PlanSean M. O’BrienUnion Co-ChairmanMark A. HarringtonUnion TrusteeJohn A. MurphyUnion TrusteeThomas G. MariUnion TrusteeCharles F. ArbingEmployer Co-ChairmanJohn RemillardEmployer TrusteeTom J. VenturaEmployer TrusteeJohn D. O’ReillyEmployer Trustee<strong>Teamsters</strong>Care NotesThank you Stop & Shop…for invitingus to particip<strong>at</strong>e in your annual HealthFair! Staff from our Pharmacy, Dental,Mental Health, Audiology, and MemberServices Departments joined BusinessAgent Bob Fabrizio onsite to shareinform<strong>at</strong>ion about <strong>Teamsters</strong>Care benefits.Below are some candid shots fromthis event.36TeamsterKids’ ears examined <strong>at</strong> another successful HearingScreening Day <strong>at</strong> the <strong>Teamsters</strong>Care Audiology Office inCharlestown. Good hearing is an important tool for learning.If you missed the event and want to have your child’shearing checked, please call the Charlestown Appointment Desk. Goto www.teamsterscare.com to see photos of Kid’s Hearing Day.159The number of men who particip<strong>at</strong>ed in the Prost<strong>at</strong>e ScreeningClinic <strong>at</strong> <strong>Teamsters</strong>Care last year. Prost<strong>at</strong>e screening should beconsidered for men age 50 and above and those age 40 andabove who are <strong>at</strong> increased risk (African American men and/orthose with a family history of prost<strong>at</strong>e cancer). If you have questions aboutprost<strong>at</strong>e screening, you should discuss them with your primary care physician.Remember, you must schedule an appointment for the Prost<strong>at</strong>e Cancer Screening.<strong>Teamsters</strong>Care 2009 Prost<strong>at</strong>e Cancer ScreeningsCharlestown<strong>Local</strong>: 617-241-9220Within MA: 800-442-9939Out of St<strong>at</strong>e: 800-2<strong>25</strong>-6135Chelmsford<strong>Local</strong>: 978-<strong>25</strong>6-9728Toll Free: 800-<strong>25</strong>8-2111Stoughton<strong>Local</strong>: 781-297-7360Toll Free: 877-326-1999S<strong>at</strong>urday, September 26, 2009S<strong>at</strong>urday, November 7, 2009Monday, November 9, 2009S<strong>at</strong>urday, November 14, 20099am–11am9am–11am6pm–8pm9am–11am16 | The SPOKESMAN | SUMMER 2009 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

189The number of <strong>Teamsters</strong>Care Active Members whohave earned $100 HIP $$$ (HealthyIncentive Program for Active Members)by completing a PersonalHealth Assessment online. This $100 is addedto your HIP account to use for reimbursementfor qualified healthcare expenses. A PersonalHealth Assessment is a confidentialquestionnaire about lifestyle, medical history,family history and other importantfactors which helps you actively manageyour health. It takes only 20 minutes tocomplete and details are available @www.teamsterscare.com.1,158The number of <strong>Teamsters</strong>Care Memberswho received flu vaccines through our WellnessProgram <strong>at</strong> <strong>Teamsters</strong>Care in 2008. Ifyou are interested in receiving the flu vaccinethis fall <strong>at</strong> one of our <strong>Teamsters</strong>Care loc<strong>at</strong>ions, please note the d<strong>at</strong>es andtimes below. Vaccines are open to eligible members, spouses, andretirees only; dependent children are not covered through this program.<strong>Teamsters</strong>Care 2009 Flu Vaccine ProgramCharlestown<strong>Local</strong>: 617-241-9220Within MA: 800-442-9939Out of St<strong>at</strong>e: 800-2<strong>25</strong>-6135Stoughton<strong>Local</strong>: 781-297-7360Toll Free: 877-326-1999Chelmsford<strong>Local</strong>: 978-<strong>25</strong>6-9728Toll Free: 800-<strong>25</strong>8-2111Thursday, October 8, 2009S<strong>at</strong>urday, October 24, 2009Thursday, October 15, 2009S<strong>at</strong>urday, October 17, 2009Thursday, October 29, 2009S<strong>at</strong>urday, October 31, 200910am – 2pm10am – 4pm10am – 2pm10am–4pm10am–2pm10am–4pmwww.teamsterscare.com<strong>Teamsters</strong>Care DirectoryCharlestown Office16 Sever St.Charlestown, MA 02129Administr<strong>at</strong>ion • AudiologyDental • Member Services<strong>Local</strong> Tel: 617-241-9220Within MA: 800-442-9939Out of St<strong>at</strong>e: 800-2<strong>25</strong>-6135Fax: 617-241-8168Charlestown Pharmacy552 Main St.Charlestown, MA 02129<strong>Local</strong> Tel: 617-241-9024Toll Free: 800-235-0760Fax: 617-241-50<strong>25</strong>Stoughton Pharmacy1214 Park St.Stoughton, MA 02072Tel: 781-297-9764Fax: 781-297-9370Stoughton Dental Office1214 Park St.Stoughton, MA 02072Tel: 781-297-7360Toll Free: 877-326-1999Fax: 781-297-7830Chelmsford Dental Office4 Meeting House Rd.Chelmsford, MA 01824Tel: 978-<strong>25</strong>6-9728Toll Free: 800-<strong>25</strong>8-2111Fax: 978-<strong>25</strong>6-9846Mental Health Office16 Sever St./Sullivan SquareCharlestown, MA 02129-130524-hour Toll FreeTel: 800-851-8326Fax: 781-321-6501www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | SUMMER 2009 | The SPOKESMAN | 17

A Message from Steven R. SullivanDirector of Organizing & Government AffairsOur organizing efforts <strong>at</strong> HorizonAir Freight finally came to fruitionin May after a four-day work stoppage.The drivers voted 35-15 on August 7, 2008 tojoin <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>. After the labor stoppage, the workersreceived the <strong>Teamsters</strong> Health & Welfare plan,increased wages, an additional holiday, and betterovertime language. The Horizon Air Freight case is aperfect case study about why workers who want tojoin unions need the Employee Free Choice Act.The Employee Free Choice Act covers the following:1. Certific<strong>at</strong>ion on the basis of signed authoriz<strong>at</strong>ioncards2. <strong>First</strong> contract medi<strong>at</strong>ion and arbitr<strong>at</strong>ion3. Stronger penalties for viol<strong>at</strong>ions while employeesare <strong>at</strong>tempting to organize or obtain a firstcontract4. Mand<strong>at</strong>ory applic<strong>at</strong>ions for injunctions5. Back pay (3 times back pay for wrongfuldismissal)6. Civil penalties up to $20,000The Continental fleet service workers have beenreaching out to the <strong>Teamsters</strong> in large numbers andthe <strong>Teamsters</strong> are ready to fully support them in ajoint Teamster/ramper effort to build a strong union.The <strong>Teamsters</strong> currently represent the mechanics<strong>at</strong> Continental who enjoy one of the best contracts inthe industry. Continental fleet service workers needtheir own strong contract to ensure fair, consistentand respectful tre<strong>at</strong>ment.It’s time rampers had a strong voice th<strong>at</strong> only astrong Teamster contract can bring. <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> hasalmost 100 Continental fleet service workers in ourjurisdiction.I want to thank President O’Brien for his p<strong>at</strong>iencewith the Organizing Staff. These are unprecedentedeconomic times and workers have been very reluctantto put their necks on the line to join a union. <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>continues to be a selection for workers, we just needsome time for the economy to turn in our favor.18 | The SPOKESMAN | SPRING 2009 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

<strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> RemembersGREGORY MACDONALDFive Years L<strong>at</strong>erNewly FormedTEAMSTER HORSEMENMotorcycle Club Raises $2,400TEAMSTERThe newly formed Teamster HorsemanMotorcycle Club raised $2,400 for AutismSpeaks as a result of their first annual“Ride for Autism” held on June 7.HORSEMENOn March 16, 2004, Gregory MacDonald was killedon the job while working <strong>at</strong> Breyers Good-HumorIce Cream in Framingham. Brother MacDonaldwas crushed to de<strong>at</strong>h by a forklift while packing icecream onto a shipping skid.“Our goal <strong>at</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> is do everything in ourpower to make sure our members go home fromwork to their families everyday,” said Sean M.O’Brien, President of <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>.“Unfortun<strong>at</strong>ely for Greg MacDonald, he did not gohome th<strong>at</strong> f<strong>at</strong>eful day in March of 2004. It is importantto make sure our members take advantage andcre<strong>at</strong>e safety committees in their workplaces.”A special thanks goes out to:Craig WilcoxJohn Linscott, PresidentSteve Victoria, Secretary/TreasurerRob LeeLynn SoaresTom LavoieBill TarushkaRusty FrizzellDoug FranceyKerry MasonCarl MasonRichard DoyleDanny VaudryKarin MelloPaul WeidenbachVirgil TroianiJim & C<strong>at</strong>hy WilliamsJohn ManleyTEAMSTERHORSEMENTEAMSTERHORSEMENwww.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | SPRING 2009 | The SPOKESMAN | 19

Name Company Times/Gallons Name Company Times/GallonsBlood BankTim Ahearn YRC 7 0.875Rick Anderson Manfi Leasing /Stop & Shop 27 3.375Sarojini Anderson General Public 1 0.1<strong>25</strong>Mary Ann Arabadjis Union Hall 1 0.1<strong>25</strong>William Asaro, Jr. C<strong>at</strong>alano 7 0.875Richard Baldsy General public 1 0.1<strong>25</strong>Irving P. Balkman Retired 165 20.6<strong>25</strong>Jefferey Bamford NE The<strong>at</strong>rical 9 1.1<strong>25</strong>Anthony Barrone RIS Paper 58a 7.<strong>25</strong>Alice Bavaro Retired 30 3.75John Benson General Public 16 2Warren Boisvert Yellow 30 3.75Jerry Bolton Retired 63 7.875K<strong>at</strong>herine Bourque General Public 2 0.<strong>25</strong>Tina Boyd General Public 1 0.1<strong>25</strong>Leo Breen Retired 2 0.<strong>25</strong>Robert Burns Retired 88 11William Campbell Waldo Brothers 6 0.75Frank Cause UPS - Chelmsford 2 0.<strong>25</strong>Joe Cerilli Shaughnessy & Ahern 3 0.375William Chambers General Public 11 1.375Karen Chapdelaine General Public 3 0.375Jason Clark DiSilva Trans 2 0.<strong>25</strong>Joe Cochran Retired 42 5.<strong>25</strong>Jim Coggins Retired 28 3.5Myles Colleran Waste Management 1 0.1<strong>25</strong>Paul F. Copithorne Retired 82 10.<strong>25</strong>John Curran YRC 37 4.6<strong>25</strong>Fred Dean Retired 15 1.875Dan Dellucci Ris Paper 13 1.6<strong>25</strong>Joe Destasio Retired 55 6.875Daniel Donohoe Global 9 1.1<strong>25</strong>Michael Downey General Public 19 2.375Stephen S. Drago US Foodservice 44 5.5K<strong>at</strong>herine Durfee Retired 17 2.1<strong>25</strong>Mike Erelli Yellow Freight 33 4.1<strong>25</strong>Paul Fawcett <strong>Local</strong> 653 2 0.<strong>25</strong>Robert J. Ferrara NE The<strong>at</strong>rical 43 5.375Richard Foppino Retired 43 5.375Doug Francey APM 32 4Dick Frank Cambridge DPW 41 5.1<strong>25</strong>Elizabeth Fula FEDEX 8 1Greg Gigg YRC 34 4.<strong>25</strong>Edward Giglio General public 10 1.<strong>25</strong>Helen Giglio Everett 10 1.<strong>25</strong>Janet Guazzaloca UPS 15 1.875Philip Haley Marr Scaffolding 5 0.6<strong>25</strong>John W. Hannon Retired 65 8.1<strong>25</strong>Jim Harris He<strong>at</strong>ing Oil Partners 9 1.1<strong>25</strong>Bob Harty Retired 46 5.75Roger Hendrix Manfi Leasing /Stop & Shop 29 3.6<strong>25</strong>Ed Hilton City of Cambridge 7 0.875Amber Hoeft General Public 6 0.75Eugene Hurley YRC 37 4.6<strong>25</strong>Richard Janerico Retired 4 0.5Charles Johnson Retired 30 3.75Thomas Jurgen UPS 3 0.375John Juszkiewicz UPS 21 2.6<strong>25</strong>Bill Kelley United Liquors 30 3.75Don Kelley Admiral Metals 15 1.875Greg Kerwood UPS - Somerville 14 1.75Paul Kirby Admiral Metals 24 3Eleanor Laffey UPS - Somerville 7 0.875J.P. Lally Union Hall 1 0.1<strong>25</strong>Kevin Lally Retired 77 9.6<strong>25</strong>Dave Langan Retired 148 18.520 | The SPOKESMAN | SUMMER 2009 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

Name Company Times/Gallons Name Company Times/GallonsJoseph Laplante GD M<strong>at</strong>hews 14 1.75P<strong>at</strong>ti Lapointe <strong>Teamsters</strong> care 64 8Helio Leah YRC 1 0.1<strong>25</strong>Sandra Libby General public 1 0.1<strong>25</strong>Jamie Litchfield HHCC 3 0.375Al Littlefield Stop & Shop 14 1.75Brian MacLeod Shaughnessy & Ahern 10 1.<strong>25</strong>Ron Mahoney Retired 65 8.1<strong>25</strong>John Manley Manfi Leasing /Stop & Shop 3 0.375Bob McAllister <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> 116 14.5Andrew McDonnell General Public 1 0.1<strong>25</strong>Tom McGarty NE The<strong>at</strong>rical 6 0.75Mike McGr<strong>at</strong>h US Foodservice 45 5.6<strong>25</strong>Paul McGr<strong>at</strong>h General Public 13 1.6<strong>25</strong>James Mercogliano C. Gilman 2 0.<strong>25</strong>Gail Michalski Alliance 18 2.<strong>25</strong>Marcelino Miranda UPS 13 1.6<strong>25</strong>Robert Monteforte UPS - Somerville 11 1.375Ronnie Moran Retired 124 15.5Tom Moskaluk Arlington Coal & Lumber 7 0.875Hugh Murphy DCR 35 4.375John J. Murphy Retired 170 21.<strong>25</strong>Tom Murray City of Everett 6 0.75Kevin R. Nangle NPME 36 4.5Greg Perkins City of Boston 3 0.375Eddie Petit, Jr. Union Hall 23 2.875Kevin Power Brewer 89 11.1<strong>25</strong>Ed Reale Retired 16 2Denise Robicheau General Public 4 0.5John Rogers UPS - Somerville 3 0.375Henry Ros<strong>at</strong>i Retired 15 1.875Philip Savoy Coan Oil 39 4.875Paul Sharpe Retired 91 11.375Dan Splaine Retired 130 16.<strong>25</strong>Tom Sullivan Global - Chelsea 48 6Fred Sutera Union Hall 56 7Annabelle Torino General Public 21 2.6<strong>25</strong>Robert Torino General Public 20 2.5James Torrey UPS- Chelmsford 19 2.375Charlie Vaughn Retired 40 5Peter Walsh General Public 1 0.1<strong>25</strong>Jack Ward Retired 114 14.<strong>25</strong>E.P. Wedge Retired 2 0.<strong>25</strong>Angela Withun General Public 7 0.875Greg Wood Coan Oil 11 1.375Jim Woods Retired 41 5.1<strong>25</strong>*Donors highlighted in red are monthly clock winners.Tommy Nasson Global - Chelsea 100 12.5George Newman BLET <strong>Local</strong> 57 1 0.1<strong>25</strong>Joseph Nolette City of Everett 3 0.375Steve Nordahl Aggreg<strong>at</strong>e 21 2.6<strong>25</strong>John O'Connor Admiral metals 15 1.875Joseph O'Connor Freemon Braintree 1 0.1<strong>25</strong>Michael Pagliano New Penn 84 10.5Tom Pennell Retired 57 7.1<strong>25</strong>Armand Pepin Manfi Leasing /Stop & Shop 8 1

<strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Public Sector Members Meet with House SpeakerGroup Talks About Key Legisl<strong>at</strong>ion on Beacon HillOn May 5, 2009 seven membersof the newly formed <strong>Teamsters</strong><strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Public Sector Legisl<strong>at</strong>iveAction Committee held a meetingwith Massachusetts Speakerof the House Robert A. Deleo(D-Winthrop).The purpose of the meetingwas to discuss st<strong>at</strong>e legisl<strong>at</strong>ionth<strong>at</strong> would adversely affect ourmembers in the public sector.Members of the committeediscussed with the SpeakerMay 6, 2009Speaker of the House Robert A. DeLeoRoom 356, St<strong>at</strong>e HouseBoston, MA 02133L to R, Front Row: Tom Mari, Business Agent <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>; Maureen Morris, Steward,City of Cambridge; Carol Douglas, Steward, Town of Winthrop; Massachusetts House SpeakerRobert A. Deleo; and Renalda Chambers, City of Cambridge. L to R, Back Row: Frank Barrett,Steward Town of W<strong>at</strong>ertown; Steve Sullivan, <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Director of Organizing and GovernmentAffairs; and Dave Pietroforte, Business Agent.Dear Speaker Deleo:I am writing to thank you for hosting a meeting on Tuesday May 5th, 2009with members of the newly formed <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Public Sector Legisl<strong>at</strong>iveAction Committee. As st<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> the meeting, <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> is committed to workingwith you as you try to balance the st<strong>at</strong>e budget during these tough and unprecedentedeconomic times.The members of our Public Sector Legisl<strong>at</strong>ive Action Committee are allkeenly aware of the financial hardships their respective municipalities are facing.We all know th<strong>at</strong> there is an undercurrent of conserv<strong>at</strong>ives who don’t believe inpublic service, and proper funding of government programs. To continue ourdialogue, we would like to make our membership available to you and your leadershipteam to discuss the impact of any and all pieces of legisl<strong>at</strong>ion you are consideringth<strong>at</strong> could adversely or favorably affect our local union.We are allies in this mission to properly fund the cities and towns of theCommonwealth of Massachusetts.Thank you again, for setting aside your valuable time to speak with ourmembers.Sincerely,SEAN M. O’BRIENPresident / Principal Officerhow important local aid was to the cities andtowns, the benefits of destin<strong>at</strong>ion resort casinos,and the ongoing practice of misclassifyingworkers in the Commonwealth.“We had a gre<strong>at</strong> meeting with the Speaker,”said Carol Douglas, steward for the Town ofWinthrop Clerical workers. “He listened andappreci<strong>at</strong>ed our concerns as public sectorworkers.”St<strong>at</strong>e officials predict an almost $2 billionshortfall in revenue for the fiscal year 2010st<strong>at</strong>e budget.“It is important for our rank and filemembership to be part of our lobbyingefforts on Beacon Hill,” said Sean M.O’Brien, President and Principal Officer of<strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>. “Our members put aface to wh<strong>at</strong> these proposed budget cutsmean to our local union.”

Ed JohnsonSteward, Costa FruitAbout a year and a half ago, Ed Johnson wasdiagnosed with prost<strong>at</strong>e cancer. His solid rel<strong>at</strong>ionshipwith his co-workers, who helped himout during his recovery, shows the Teamsterbond th<strong>at</strong> can develop between a good stewardand his fellow workers.“They really came through for me,” Johnson said. “They gottogether and don<strong>at</strong>ed a bunch of their personal days to me so Icould have more time for my recovery. It helped out and was gre<strong>at</strong>lyappreci<strong>at</strong>ed.”At Costa Fruit for 26 years now, Johnson said he enjoys his joband his co-workers, but his Teamster-negoti<strong>at</strong>ed benefits are anotherimportant advantage to the job.“You can’t be<strong>at</strong> the kind of benefits we have, but it’s not onlyth<strong>at</strong>. My wages are guaranteed for the next three years,” Johnsonsaid. “In an economy like the one we’ve got today, how manynonunion people can say th<strong>at</strong>?”Johnson has been a steward <strong>at</strong> Costa Fruit for about 10 years. Itdidn’t take him long to settle into the responsibilities and buildgre<strong>at</strong> rel<strong>at</strong>ionships with his fellow <strong>Teamsters</strong>.“I respect my guys and they respect me back,” he said. “It can bea challenging job, but I enjoy it.”<strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>at</strong> Costa Fruit include a day crew consistingof warehouse and receiving workers, and a night crew th<strong>at</strong> picks uporders and loads trucks, plus truck drivers. Johnson is a truck driverand delivers to hotels, schools and other loc<strong>at</strong>ions in the area.“I think <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> does a fantastic job,” Johnson said, citing thelocal’s leadership as one of its gre<strong>at</strong> <strong>at</strong>tributes. “President O’Brien isa dedic<strong>at</strong>ed union man. At membership meetings <strong>at</strong> the local, youcan see the passion he brings to this job.”Joe FotiSteward, UPSJoe Foti, a 16-year package-car driver for UPSin Chelmsford, has always been involved inhis union. Starting out as an altern<strong>at</strong>e stewardin 1993, Foti learned the ropes, and has beenleading his co-workers by example ever since.“It’s been the gre<strong>at</strong>est joy of my life serving<strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> and the Intern<strong>at</strong>ional, trying to educ<strong>at</strong>e the membersand get them more involved,” Foti said. “We’re kind of insul<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong>UPS from the outside world because of our good jobs with securityand benefits. It’s important to me to make my co-workers aware ofwh<strong>at</strong> they have, who fought for those benefits and privileges, andabout the gre<strong>at</strong> contract they enjoy.”As a shop steward, Foti deals with day-to-day concerns andenforcement of the contract. UPS is a constantly changing business,with new managers, staff and technology appearing regularly; therefore,Fotiandhisco-workershavetobepreparedtoadapttothejoband to protect their rights <strong>at</strong> work.“No m<strong>at</strong>ter wh<strong>at</strong>, our <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> President, Sean O’Brien, hasimpressed upon us th<strong>at</strong> we always need to be above the fray, be professionalin the room no m<strong>at</strong>ter how management behaves, and do thejob the best we can,” Foti said.Foti works on a daily basis with a wide range of people, from newTeamster members to 30-year <strong>Teamsters</strong>. Foti urges everyone to getinvolved in their union.“I tell everyone th<strong>at</strong> each member is a steward. I implore them toget involved, no m<strong>at</strong>ter where they work. It’s gre<strong>at</strong> to be in a union likethe <strong>Teamsters</strong>, and every member should recognize th<strong>at</strong> it is theirresponsibility to get involved,” Foti said.Tom AleksSteward, Stop & ShopSteward Tom Aleks has been with Stop &Shop since 1989. He is currently the stewardfor 35 members for the second shift inthe Grocery side of the Freetown distributionfacility.Aleks is a high-lift oper<strong>at</strong>or, and heenjoys his job as a steward. “I find the job as Steward to be bothgr<strong>at</strong>ifying and rewarding,” Aleks said in a calm demeanor. Tom is inhis ninth year as steward.Aleks is very impressed with the leadership team in place <strong>at</strong><strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>.“I am very pleased and impressed with President Sean O’Brienand his team <strong>at</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>. I am glad we had <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> representing uswhen we negoti<strong>at</strong>ed the most recent contract.” St<strong>at</strong>ed Aleks, “It wasa daunting task, I think we got a very fair deal for everybody and weclosed the gap on the two-tier wage system. I am so happy to bepart of <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>.”Tom Aleks feels bad when he can’t deliver for his brothers andsisters in the workplace.“The worst part of my job is when our members are not completelys<strong>at</strong>isfied with the result of a grievance or an issue I was called into help with,” Aleks said.However, Aleks works hard on behalf of his co-workers and issuccessful much of the time.The former United St<strong>at</strong>es Marine and Toys For Tots volunteerlives in East Bridgew<strong>at</strong>er with his wife and two sons.www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | SUMMER 2009 | The SPOKESMAN | <strong>25</strong>

PensionersName Company Effective D<strong>at</strong>e TypeThomas W Allen Manfi Leasing Corp Special Service Plan D 04/01/2009James Andrews Manfi Leasing Corp Special Service Plan D 01/10/2009Michael J Arnold U S Foodservice Inc. Early Retirement Pension 04/2009Salv<strong>at</strong>ore Basile SCA Services Inc St<strong>at</strong>utory Pension 02/01/2009Manuel H Branco Bird Inc./Northeast Roofing Regular Pension 02/2009Robert M Brennan Jan Transport Inc. St<strong>at</strong>utory Pension 03/2009Dana J Brueggeman Sr. Central Artery Tunnel Project St<strong>at</strong>utory Pension 04/2009Denis W Buckley United Parcel Serv. Inc. Disability Pension 12/2008Thomas F Burns U S Foodservice Inc Disability Pension 11/01/2008DanielJCain UnitedParcelServ.Inc. EarlySt<strong>at</strong>utory 04/2009Richard P Crosby Mass Disp<strong>at</strong>ch Inc St<strong>at</strong>utory Pension 03/01/2009William P Dooley Stop & Shop Supermarket Co Special Service Plan D 01/01/2009Robert J Fitzgerald SIWP/A J.V. Regular Pension 03/01/2009Paul R Flebotte McCourt Construction Early Retirement Pension 03/2009William T Fosdick United Parcel Serv. Inc. Regular Pension 04/2009Tommy Gardner Butter & Co, Harry Early St<strong>at</strong>utory 05/2009John C Giddings Tech Weld Corp Early St<strong>at</strong>utory 05/2009Richard M Hamilton Purity Supreme Inc. Early St<strong>at</strong>utory 05/2009Brian J Hayden Purity Supreme Inc. Early St<strong>at</strong>utory 03/2009Bernard J Hebert Americold Corp. Early Retirement Pension 05/2009Robert M Keaney Smiths Transfer Corp. St<strong>at</strong>utory Pension 05/2009Frank A Kimball U S Foodservice Inc. Year Special Service Plan D 05/2009Delmar Lawson Warehouse Transport Inc. St<strong>at</strong>utory Pension 04/2009Charles W Libbey DHL Express (USA Inc.) Regular Pension 01/2009Walter O Loud Star Market Companies Inc Early Retirement Pension 01/01/2009John C Lynn United Parcel Serv. Inc. St<strong>at</strong>utory Pension 05/2009Robert H McCullough Jr. Hutchinson Industries Inc Regular Pension 01/01/2009Roderick M McLellan Manfi Leasing Corp Year Special Service Plan C 04/2009James L Morin Brigham’s Inc. Early Retirement Pension 05/2009John P Moylan James Ferrera & Sons Inc. Early St<strong>at</strong>utory 04/2009Marcellus Newkirk Bennett & Co Inc St<strong>at</strong>utory Pension 04/01/2009ThomasFParsons IngallsCroninCompany EarlySt<strong>at</strong>utory 05/2009Anne E Paul-Schlegel United Parcel Serv. Inc. Disability Pension 03/2009Richard Prader, Sr. Stop & Shop Supermarket Co Early St<strong>at</strong>utory 03/01/2009Charles R Queen Consolid<strong>at</strong>ed Frtwys Corp Disability Pension 04/01/2009John C Rawson BFI/Allied Waste Ind Inc Year Special Service Plan C 03/01/2009Clair A Raymond DHL Express (USA Inc.) St<strong>at</strong>utory Pension 04/2009Wayne A Rubino Americold Corp Early Retirement Pension 01/01/2009Frederick H Ryer, Sr. USF Red Star Express, Inc. Early Retirement Pension 05/2009Albert J Santamaria Hutchinson Industries Inc Early Retirement Pension 01/01/2009Luis A Santiago G A F M<strong>at</strong>erials Corp. Early Retirement Pension 03/2009Peter F Shinney Central Artery Tunnel Project St<strong>at</strong>utory Pension 04/01/2009Robert T Shone, Sr. Lindenmeyr Munroe DV Regular Pension 04/2009Richard M Slack Diehl Hardware & Lumberyard Early St<strong>at</strong>utory 05/2009David C Smallidge The 357 Corp. Disability Pension 04/2009Robert C Stewart A-P-A Transport Corp St<strong>at</strong>utory Pension 03/01/2009Edmund M Street Roadway Express Inc St<strong>at</strong>utory Pension 04/01/2009Frank C Sylvia Purity Supreme Inc. Early St<strong>at</strong>utory 03/2009John R Tango, Jr. Friend Lumber Corp of Medford Early St<strong>at</strong>utory 03/01/2009Richard C Trabucco Eckel Industries Inc. Early Retirement Pension 05/2009Joseph J Zeletsky, Jr. Signal Delivery Service Inc St<strong>at</strong>utory Pension 03/01/200926 | The SPOKESMAN | SUMMER 2009 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

InMemoriamNameCompanyArthur M. CarusoN<strong>at</strong>ional TransRobert W. DannaMarch TransportAnthony A. Dellefr<strong>at</strong>te Warehouse TransRonald DiFazioDHLJoseph M. DuranDHLFrank W. FerolaBoston SandWilliam T. Gallagher A.A.AJames P. GerakinesNorth Reading Police DepartmentEdwin F. GormanSchiauone ConstructionGregory Mark Hamilton GlobalChristopher Haynes <strong>Local</strong> 379John KeaneStop & ShopAlfred D. L<strong>at</strong>our, Jr. Bardon TrimountOtto LeggPie N<strong>at</strong>ionwideRaymond D. Libby SealtestWilliam A. MagillHOPJoseph F. MahoneyBrockway-SmithJohn ManningPurity SupremeFrancis A. Martinis Axton CrossJohn V. O’ Callaghan AtlasJohn R. PetersonStop & ShopJames J. RoselPurity SupremeJohn J. RussellRiverside TransRocco R. SarnoPreston TruckingStephen S. Sinawski Franklin FieldRobertF.SmithRyerson&SonDante SpezzaferoWarehouse TransHenry W. Thompson D&O Trans Co.Armando TraniSignal DeliveryJoseph VonerWhyte’s LaundryJames M. WhiteDooley Disposalwww.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | SUMMER 2009 | The SPOKESMAN | 27

RetireeChapter News<strong>25</strong><strong>Teamsters</strong><strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>Retiree ChapterRetiree NewsRetiree NewsThe we<strong>at</strong>her was gre<strong>at</strong> and 220 members <strong>at</strong>tendedthe breakfast meeting. President Conti readthe names of 16 deceased members since our Januarymeeting. Chuck Durfee read the TreasurersReport and it was accepted unanimously as read.Joe introduced Nurse Marie McCune fromMt. Auburn Hospital. She gave a very inform<strong>at</strong>ivetalk on strokes, which is the number one cause ofdisabilities. She spoke of how important it is toSt<strong>at</strong>istics show there is a higher risk to you ifthere are strokes in your family. Also, more menthan women have strokes and with age strokesincrease. She said it is very important th<strong>at</strong> youkeep track of your blood pressure and cholesterol;stop smoking as you will have a higher riskof stroke; if you have a head injury you should goto the hospital; and blood pressure medicinesneed to be taken all the time. She gave us a lot ofgood inform<strong>at</strong>ion and stayed after her talk toanswer lots of questions.Joe turned the meeting over to the Nomin<strong>at</strong>ionChairman Joe Evans, who did an excellentJoe ContiPresidentChuck DurfeeSecretary-TreasurerFormer <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Business Agent Gene Todd enjoys the retiree chapter annual St. P<strong>at</strong>rick’sDay boiled dinner in the Day Room on March 17th 2009.John "Johnny B"BuonaugurioVice Presidenthavealevelofawarenesstobeabletopreventstrokes. The circul<strong>at</strong>ory system, high blood pressure,and very importantly Atrial Fibrill<strong>at</strong>ion canall cause strokes but can be controlled. She saidthere are warning signs th<strong>at</strong> everyone should beaware of like vision changes, garbled speech,unusual headache, sagging face, and numb andtingling arm. You have to call 911 and go to theemergency room with any of these signs. By gettinghelp fast, the risk of disability may go down.job assisted by Tom Downing. After the nomin<strong>at</strong>ionsthere was no opposition, so Chairman JoeEvans declared the nomin<strong>at</strong>ions closed and th<strong>at</strong>the candid<strong>at</strong>es were elected by acclam<strong>at</strong>ion toserve another 3 years through 2012.The Teamster clock was won by Sunny Nuzzo.The $<strong>25</strong> door prize was won by Ron Martis, JoeTamtrosio, Joe Wells and Rickey White. Joe Evanswon the 50/50 drawing and don<strong>at</strong>ed $100 to fightAutism.28 | The SPOKESMAN | SUMMER 2009 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

Welcome Aboard!James DonovanStar MarketRobert GioffredaGioffreda TrkJohn IannuzziStop & ShopJohn K<strong>at</strong>herAllied SystemsJohn LynnUPSTerry PisaniRoadwayMark StrongNew PennRetiree EventsA Saint P<strong>at</strong>rick’s Day dinner was held in the dayroomand there was a gre<strong>at</strong> turnout with approxim<strong>at</strong>ely 50people <strong>at</strong>tending. The meal was excellent and the porkshoulders and vegetables were perfectly cooked thanksto Retiree President Joe Conti, Whitey Chambers andRon Simpson. Thanks to Joe (Bananas) LoGrippo andJohnny B. for don<strong>at</strong>ing the vegetables. For dessert wehad a large cake with green frosting with the retiree<strong>Teamsters</strong> logo. Also thanks to the members whostayed and helped with the cleanup.Teamster’s day <strong>at</strong> the races <strong>at</strong> Suffolk Downs was aperfect day with a gre<strong>at</strong> turnout thanks again to JohnnyB. Everyone had a gre<strong>at</strong> meal and a super time.The <strong>25</strong> Year anniversary of our Retiree Chapterdinner/dance held <strong>at</strong> the Irish American Club on June20 was a huge success thanks to the efforts of PresidentJoe Conti and the executive board. Joe Conti thankedeveryone for coming out to celebr<strong>at</strong>e th<strong>at</strong> terrific milestoneof <strong>25</strong> years. He asked all to stand for a momentof silence for our deceased members. Dinner wasserved and there was an abundance of food servedfamily style. The DJ was dancing and singing allevening and kept everyone entertained. We receivedmany compliments about the food and entertainmentfrom our retired members, their families and guests.Assistant Director Carl (Hands) Paullet broughtgreetings from Intern<strong>at</strong>ional President James P. Hoffain Washington, D.C. He spoke of how our retireechapter is well run and respected. A special thanksgoes to the President of <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Sean O’Brien for takingtime out of his busy schedule for <strong>at</strong>tending andhelping celebr<strong>at</strong>e our <strong>25</strong>th anniversary. Also thanks tothe active <strong>Teamsters</strong>, their spouses and officers. Asusual Sean had nothing but praise for the <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>Retiree Chapter saying th<strong>at</strong> it is the best in the country.Sean and the O’Brien sl<strong>at</strong>e presented a $1,000 check tothe Retiree Chapter. The Teamster clock was won byMary Ann Kempton. There was a 50-50 raffle won byBonnie Lally. Two door prizes of $50 each were won byMargie MacDonald and Ann Nastasca.Bill BurpeeRecording-SecretaryKevin LallyTrusteeHerb AndrewsTrusteeNext Breakfast Meeting October 8, 2009Dan SplaineTrusteewww.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | SUMMER 2009 | The SPOKESMAN | 29

The SpokesmanSummer 2009The Spokesman (USPS 613-400)is published by<strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>,Intern<strong>at</strong>ional Brotherhood of<strong>Teamsters</strong>, 544 Main Street,Boston, MA 02129-1113.Telephone (617) 241-88<strong>25</strong>.Periodicals Class Postage Paid<strong>at</strong> Boston, MATHE SPOKESMANPeriodicalsPOSTAGE PAIDBoston, MAPOSTMASTERPLEASE SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO:TEAMSTERS UNION LOCAL <strong>25</strong>Topic: Wh<strong>at</strong> was the worst job you or a family member ever held, and howwould a labor union, such as the <strong>Teamsters</strong>, have made the situ<strong>at</strong>ion better?THE JAMES R. HOFFAMEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND2009 Essay ContestDeadline for submissions is September 30, 2009For Students <strong>at</strong>tending a communitycollege, 4-year institution or a technical/voc<strong>at</strong>ionalprogram, Age 23and Younger, who are Children orGrandchildren of Teamster Members.For an applic<strong>at</strong>ion, contact your <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> Union office or visit www.teamster.org

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