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)f.ilriiieT$e\fPGOVERNMENT OF KERALAAbstractInclustries DePartment - Margin fufo.*y f-oan - One Time Settlement Scheme -sanction accurcled - Orclers issued'ffiTRrEs (B) DEPARTMENTc.orRtiNo .206 /2011/lD.Dated,rEg"ulu"thapuram:10 0212t\1'1j'ID - dated \7/ .!0-/,2:!22. c.o.int.irrr c.1427:/20a7 /rD' riated a6177/2047 '3. c.o.(Rt.)No.6SS/ 20087 ID' dated a4 i'i7 I 2908'4. G.o. (Rt.) No- Eell0elID daied 19/9? l.?|y? .5. Letter No.FC 1/524'I/'10 dated 18/CIu2011 from the Direc<strong>to</strong>r ofInd-ustries anC Cornmerce' Thiruv ananthapu ram'o n-ll E-RI'he tenn of the One Time Settiement Scheme for closing thc li::rg i.'t'nili'-:garfears of Margin MoneV i-oan sanctlonecl as pel the Government Order reaci aslst paper above was subsequently extendecl as per the Government Orcier read aslplt ,i[[rd a,rd IVth papers abr.rve. The term lagt extended was in fcrce ell10/ 10/2009.(2) The Direc<strong>to</strong>r c[ inrft:stries and commercc as pel letttrr reaci al'ove' hasreported that under the iast ()ne Time Settlement Scheme, as Inai.ry as 4'14 cerses.*rere settled, realising dfi sTno'dflt of i{s' 3,40,56,607r'- iRupees T}"r:ee Crci:r': FortVI-akhs Fi{tv Six Thousan'i Six }iilndred, ar.d Seven oruy} and wai';ing an amount ctfl?.s.3,3il,36,7071- $upeesT-tu'ee Crore Thirw iakhs Thirty Six il''ousand Ser''enHunclreci ancl Seven onll') ii:waitis interest, etc' It is aiso repcrteti that durrrg theplan re<strong>view</strong> conference the Generai Managers of District lndustries Ccnirein{'rmed that more than 5C00 period cvet cases were still pendirig anrl the an<strong>to</strong>r:trtdue <strong>to</strong> Government was rnort: than its.50$0,00,000/-(Rupeu's Fifiy Crcx*-'' oniy)'i{ence the Direc<strong>to</strong>r of intlustries anrl Commerce has requested <strong>to</strong> revivt' th*- Onc'fime Settlement Scheme.

t3)," accord sanction <strong>to</strong> revive and reintroduce the One Time Settlement Scheme:2:Government have examined the proposal in detail and are pleased <strong>to</strong>envisaged in the Government Order read as Lst paper above for the period till31i03/2011, subject <strong>to</strong> the cond-itions stipulated in the annexure appended <strong>to</strong> thisordcr. Thc arrears of lv{argin Money Loan pending after thc expiry of the OIS shallbe referred <strong>to</strong> Revenue Recovery action without further notice,'l'ou- *o*,1ffiGovernor'I. BALAKITIST]NANADDL. CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOV I'Finance (Ind. &PWA) dated 07 /02/20'I"D> The Public Relations Department (for vide publicity).! S<strong>to</strong>ck File.(,Forwarded/By OrderSection Offfcer

3AFINEXUREONE TIME SETTLEMEINT SCHEME FOR MARGIN MONEY LOANThe scheme shall be in force for a period of three months from the date of theGovernment Order.ELIGIBILI'FY:L The scheme ofl OTS shall be applicable <strong>to</strong> all period over cases ie wherethe normal repayment period spread over 8 years and 3 months fhom thedate of disburscrnent of the Margin Money Loan stands expire+ as perthe loan agreement executed by the loanee/enterprise on thc date ofapplying for OTS. Normal repayment period is spread over 8 years and 3manths. ie an enterpriseiloanee become period over case only af1.er Iyears and 3 months.U- LoaneesAndustrial enterprises who/that have availed Margin MoneyLoan floans as per the terms of erstrvhile schemes of Margin MoneyLoan issued vide G.O. (MS) No. 232i79llD dated ?UA3|W79 and G.0.(MS) No. 170/93/lD dated 28/12/1993 and G.O. (MS) No. l02l951iDdated 061A711995 are eligihle for the present OTS.The concessions <strong>to</strong> be extended <strong>to</strong> each category are indicated as follows:CATEGORFNO. r:-' if the odginal loanse has expired and the enterprise is defunct and thereis no asset at its disposal as weli as assets of it does not exist, the entire amount ofPrincipal, interest and Penal lnterest will be written off r'waived as a specialconcession, provided any iegal heirs/surviving famiiy member submits application forclosure of loan account along with certifrcate of death issued by the competentauthority. Decision of the Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Industries and Commerce will be tjnal for thepurpose.

2+CATEGORY NO. I I:-Industrial enterprises which do not exist and are <strong>to</strong>tally defunct and industrial \..assets are_ not available will be permitted <strong>to</strong> settle and close the loan account bymaking a one time payment of the remaining principal due in lump. The entire amoun<strong>to</strong>f interest and penal interest due will be waived.CATEGORY NO.I I I:*If the original loanee has expired and the enterprise is functioning, the legaiheirs/surviving family members will be permitted <strong>to</strong> settle and close the loan accountby making one time payment of the remaining amount of principal due in lump. 50 %of the interest and penal interest due will be waivcd.CATEGORY NO. tr V:-Loanee,{ndustrial enterprises who have availed of Margin Money Loan /loansand where the enterprise set up with such loans are working but with a negative networth and running on loss for the last three accounting years, as evidenced by auditedbalance sheet duly recommended by the Manager, District Industries Centre will bepermitted <strong>to</strong> settle and close the loan account by making one time payment of theentire amouilt of principal due and 50 % of the interest and penal interest in lump ason the date of OTS,CATEGORY NO, V:-In the case of closed down enterprises and registered as sick under SURP, theIiollowing conqessions rvitl be extended, provided the enterprise undertakes revivalprogramme and resume produtiorloperation before 30106/20t 1.a) 50% of principal amount shall be paid in three equal installments within oneyar. Balance wili be deferred for 2 years. Amount of interest and penalinterest will be waived.b) In the above cases, if remittances af,e not made within the stipulated date, ailthe OTS concessions offered will stand au<strong>to</strong>matically withdrawn and thebeneficiary shall remit all the dues as per the original terms of the ioan.

3CATEG\RY NO. Y I:-Loanee/enterprises who have availed Margin Money Loansiand where theenterprise set up with such loans are now <strong>to</strong>tally defunct beyond revival in the presentconditions as duly certified by the lvlanager, District Industries Centre will be allowed<strong>to</strong> settle/close the loau account by making a One tirne payment of the amount ofprincipal due in lump and 50 % of the interest and penal interest as on the date of OTSwill be waived.A(.,

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