English for Today II - englishbd.com

English for Today II - englishbd.com English for Today II - englishbd.com

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52 ENGLISH FOR TODAYALesson 2Shahanara Begum’s daily routineRead the passage.Shahanara Begum gets up early everyday. Then she collects the drinking water fromthe village tubewell. Next she cooks the breakfast and washes the dirty clothes. Thenshe sweeps the floors and keeps the house and yard clean. After that she feeds thechickens and does the shopping.B Take it in turns to ask and answer questions about Shahanara’s daily routine like this :A What does Shahanara do first everyday?B She gets up early. What does she do then?A Then she collects the drinking water from the village tubewell. What doesshe do next?CNow use the pictures to talk about Sabina’s routine.D Now use the pictures to write about Sabina’s daily routine. Start like this :Sabina gets up early everyday. Then ..................... .Lesson 3My daily routineA Read and act out the dialogue :A What do you do everyday at home be<strong>for</strong>e you <strong>com</strong>e to school?

UNIT FIVE 53BABABABABWell, I wake up at six o’clock.Then what do you do?I wash myself, brush my teeth and put on my clothes.What do you do after that?Then I have my breakfast.What do you have?Oh, I eat some rutis with vegetable curry and drink tea.What do you do next?Then I <strong>com</strong>e to school.BCNow talk to your partner about her/his daily routine in the same way.Now write a paragraph about what your partner does everyday be<strong>for</strong>e she/he<strong>com</strong>es to school. Use these words to join your sentences :then after that nextBegin like this :(Name) ................................ wakes up every morning and .............Lesson 4Telling the timeALook at the clocks.a Now write the correct time in the blanks. The first three are done <strong>for</strong> you :1 Half past ten 2 A quarter to five3 Ten past eight 4 ...........................5 ........................... 6 ...........................7 ........................... 8 ...........................

54 ENGLISH FOR TODAYbNow draw the correct time on the clocks.9 Twelve o’clock 10 A quarter past eleven11 Twenty-five past five 12 Ten to threeBLook at the chart below. What were you doing yesterday? What about your partner?1 First fill in the chart <strong>for</strong> yourself.2 After each pair of question / answers, fill in the chart <strong>for</strong> your partner.Time yesterday :ActivityMorning Yourself Your partner7.00 I was ........... .......... was ...........11.15 I was ...........Afternoon2.45 I was ...........4.30 I was ...........Evening7.00 I was ...........9.30 I was ...........Turn the numbers (i.e. 3.45) into words (i.e. “a quarter to four”)3 Then take it in turns to ask and answer questions with your partner like this :Q What were you doing yesterday morning at seven o’clock?A I was ............................... What about you?Lesson 5At the shopATalk about the picture. Then read and act out the dialogue.Mrs Kamal is in Mr Alam’s Shop :Mr Alam : May I have some vitamintablets, please?Mr Alam : Yes, certainly. Salam willfind them <strong>for</strong> you.How’s he doing atschool, Mrs Kamal?Mrs Kamal : Well, he’s a good boy......... usually!

UNIT FIVE 55Mr AlamMrs KamalMr AlamMrs Kamal: Oh dear! Is he sometimes naughty?: I’ve never seen a boy who’s always good, Mr Alam!But usually he’s good. He’s clever too.: Really!: Oh yes. Ah good. Here <strong>com</strong>e my tablets. I knew he was clever!BCDAsk and answer the questions. Where the answer is ‘No’, give the correctin<strong>for</strong>mation :1 Is Salam good everyday? 2 Is he sometimes naughty?3 How is he clever? 4 Are boys always good?5 What did Salam bring?Use usually and sometimes to ask and answer questions about the chart onpage 54 like this :Q What do you usually do everyday at seven o’ clock?A I usually .........., but sometimes I ........ . What about you?Read and act out the dialogue.Salam : What do you usually eat everyday, Sabina?Sabina : Usually I eat rice with vegetables and small fish.Salam : Do you ever eat mutton or chicken?Sabina : Sometimes I eat chicken, but I don’t usually eat mutton.How about you, Salam?1 Now write down what you usually (a) eat, (b) drink, (c) play everyday.2 Then ask and answer questions with your partner like Salam andSabina. Begin like this :What do you usually drink everyday, (name of partner) ..............?

56 ENGLISH FOR TODAYLesson 6Yesterday and todayATalk about the pictures like this.Example : 1 What were Shahanara and her family doing at home yesterday?2 What are they doing at home today?YesterdayShahanara Sabina Mohammad Ali Arif<strong>Today</strong>BCComplete the sentences.1 Shahanara sometimes ............ chapatis, but she ............ the drinking waterfrom the tubewell everyday.2 Sabina ............ the floor everyday, but she only ........... her clothes twice a week.3 Mohammad Ali ............... n’t ................ saris very often but he .............. inthe fields everyday.4 Arif ............ his mat up everyday, but he only .............. his nails once a week.Read the paragraph about Shahanara. Then make similar paragraphs <strong>for</strong>Sabina, Mohammad Ali and Arif.1 Shahanara was making chapatis yesterday, but she doesn’t make themeveryday. Now she is collecting drinking water. She collects it everyday.2 Sabina was .......................................................................... .

UNIT FIVE 57Lesson 7AThe old woman and the young womanTalk about the picture. Then read the poem and answer the questions on it.There was an old womanWho lived in a shoe.She has so many childrenShe didn’t know what to do,So she gave them some soupWithout any bread,And beat them all soundlyAnd sent them to bed.There was a young woman,Who lived in a shoe,She had only two childrenSo she knew what to do.She gave them small fish,Dal, rice or bread,And played with them nicelyAnd put them to bed.1 Where did the old woman live?2 What did she give her children everyday?3 What did she do to them everyday?4 What did the young woman give her children everyday?5 What did she do with them everyday?ALesson 8Mr Alam’s shopTalk about the pictures and read the passage. Then label and point to things inthe pictures.

58 ENGLISH FOR TODAYMr Alam’s shop is in Sherpur. It is near the river. He bought it about five years ago. It is ageneral store. Mr Alam sells all kinds of things in his shop. It is on a corner and has two doors.He keeps all his things on the shelves. There are many rows of tins, packets and bottles. Hekeeps them all neat and tidy. He keeps some small things on the large wooden counter too.BTake it in turns to ask and answer these questions.1 What does Mr Alam do? 2 What can you buy in a general store?3 Why does Mr Alam’s shop have two doors? 4 What does he keep in rows?5 What does he keep them on? 6 How dees he keep the rows?7 What kind of counter does Mr Alam have?Lesson 9Mr Alam’s daily routine chartAListen and match.Listen to the following passage about Mr Alam’s daily routine. As you listen,<strong>com</strong>plete the table. It shows what he does everyday.MorningAfternoon/EveningTime Activity Time Activity5.30 Gets up Has lunch6.00 4.00Has breakfastGoes to market7.00 9.00Open his shop10.00BCNow check your chart with your partner.Ask and answer questions.Listen to the passage again. Then take it in turns to check the in<strong>for</strong>mation onthe chart like this :A What does Mr Alam do at half past five?B He ................... What does he do then?

UNIT FIVE 59Lesson 10Help ! Fire ! : Part 1ATalk about the pictures. Then read the story and answer the questions.1 Where was Sabina ? 2 Was she alone ?3 Why did she drop the pot ?1BSabina was in the kitchen. Her mother was not in the house, but Sabina wanted tomake some soya luchi <strong>for</strong> her family.First she mixed some soya flour with some rice flour. Then she put some jutesticks in the chula and made a good fire. She picked up the pot. She wanted to putit on the fire, but smoke went into her eyes. The smoke hurt her eyes and shecouldn’t see. She dropped the pot and the sticks fell onto her feet. She shouted,“Help ! Help ! Fire! Fire!Ask and answer questions.1 Look at the table. Then ask and answer the questions.put the soya luchi on the fire.Sabina wanted to make some soya luchi.help her family1 What did Sabina want to do?2 What did Sabina want to be?2 Now use the dialogue on pages 54 and 55 to ask and answer these questions.3 What did Mrs Kamal want to buy in Mr Alam’s shop?4 What did Mr Alam want to know about his son?C Now write down five things you want to do this week. Use these verbs :play meet read go writeThen tell them to your partner.

60 ENGLISH FOR TODAYLesson 11Help ! Fire ! : Part 2ABAContinue reading the story.Shahanara Begum heard Sabina and ran into the kitchen. She took Sabina outsideand said. “Don’t cry, Sabina. It’s all right.” Then she went back into the kitchenand put out the fire.Sabina wasn’t hurt, but she was frightened. She said, “I wanted to make somesoya luchi, but the smoke went into my eyes.”Her mother said, “Yes, the smoke always goes into my eyes too. I want to changethe chula. We’ll make a new one. I learnt about it at my co-operative.”Right or wrong? If wrong, give the correct answer.1 Sabina’s mother heard her shouting, Help! Help ! Fire! Fire!2 Sabina put out the fire.3 Sabina wasn’t firightened.4 The chula always made smoke.5 Shahanara Begum wanted to make a new chula.Use suitable words from Lesson 8 to fill in the gaps :Monjur helps his mother.It was half past one in the afternoon. Mr Alam was asleep so Mrs Alam wasworking in the shop behind the, ........... Monjur was helping her as usual. “Putthese tins on a, ........ Please, Monjur,” she said. She pointed to some large ........in a corner of the store. “There are a lot of tins, .......... and ......... on these ..........,”said Monjur. “I want you to put them here”, said Mrs Alam. “Be neat and tidy andput them in a ........ .”Lesson 12The new chulaTalk about the picture and read the story. Then label the picture.Mohammad Ali and Shahanara Begumcollected some mud and cut some bamboo.They also bought a pipe. Then they made theirnew chula. They made two small holes <strong>for</strong> thepots. They put the pipe into the new chula <strong>for</strong>the smoke. The pipe took the smoke outside.Under the pots the fire burnt nicely so the potsgot hot. The smoke didn’t go into the kitchen.It went outside, so everyone was happy.

AUnit sixTravelling and visitingLesson 1Around Sabina’s houseTalk about the picture and read the pasage.Sabina is writing about her village and her house.My house is in the village of Nurgonj. It is not very far away. It is only threekilometres from Sherpur. There are many trees around our village. Near my housewe have a tubewell. There is also a pond near my house.At the side of my house we have the kitchen. There is a vegetable garden in frontof it. We grow green vegetables and carrots. There is a fence around the vegetablegarden.We keep the cows in a shed behind the house. There is also a latrine at the side ofthe cowshed.Underline these words in the passage :In behind in front of around near far at the side ofB Now ask and answer questions about the :tubewell trees pond kitchen cowshedvegetable garden latrinelike this :A Where is the tubewell?B It’s at the side of Sabina’s house. Where’s the duck pond?

64 ENGLISH FOR TODAYB Ask and answer these questions :1 Where does Karim live?2 How is Karim’s house similar to Hasan’s?3 Where is Karim’s vegetable garden?4 How is Karim like Hasan?C Use the picture of Karim’s house and the prepositions below to fill in the gaps :beside around behind at the side of in front ofKarim’s house has a straw roof, but is doesn’t have a veranda. The kitchen is just.......... the house. Karim’s mother cooks there. ........... the kitchen there are fivetall palm trees. There are also five tall palm trees ........ it. Karims’ mother is veryfond of coconuts. Just ................. the kitchen there is a small fence and just............ it is the vegetable garden. The fence goes ......... the vegetable garden.Lesson 3Karim visits HasanATalk about the picture and read the passage.This month Karim is staying with Hasan.Now they are relaxing on the veranda.The veranda is along the front of thehouse. They can see the vegetable gardenfrom there. It is just in front of the house.B. Read and act out the dialogue :Karim : What are those growingover there, Hasan?Hasan : Where, Karim?Karim : Over there, beside the gate.Hasan : Oh, they’re carrots, Do you like them?Karim : Yes, I do.

UNIT SIX 65Now make and act out similar dialogues. Use your own names and thefollowing clues :I behind kitchen lau2 along the side fence egg plants3 on the other side of pond pineapples4 in front of the house chilisStart like this :A What are those growing over there, (partner’s name) ........?B Where (partner’s name) .........?A Over there behind the kitchen.B Oh they’re ................................C Talk about the picture and <strong>com</strong>plete the passage :This is a vegetable. Hasan and Karim grow it in their gardens. It is called a..................... . They both like carrots. They arevery ................ <strong>for</strong> you, because they contain alot of vitamin A. Vitamin A is good ......... youreyes. Green vegetables contain a lot of vitaminA. We ............ eat them everyday.Lesson 4Captain CookA Talk about the picture and read the dialogue :Hasan : You’re reading a nice book, Karim. What’s that?Karim : Oh, it’s a ship.Hasan : Really! it looks strange.It’s not like a Bangladeshiship, is it? What’s the bookabout?Karim : Captain Cook.Hasan : Captain Cook? Who’s he?Karim : Captain Cook was an<strong>English</strong>man. He lived about two hundred years ago and was afamous explorer.He explored the world in a ship like this.Hasan : So he was a sailor?

66 ENGLISH FOR TODAYKarim : Yes. He was the captain of this ship.Hasan : Why was he famous?Karim : Because he was the first white man to reach Australia. Hereached it in 1768.BNow use the question clues to ask and answer questions.a Ask about : b Question clues :1 The ship in Karim’s book Why + ship + strange ?2 Captain Cook’s life When + Cook + live?3 Captain Cook’s nationality Where + <strong>com</strong>e from?4 Captain Cook’s occuptation What + job?5 Capitan Cook’s journeys Where + sail?1 First write your questions down.2 Leave a space <strong>for</strong> the answers.3 Then ask and answer them.4 Then write your answers down.Example : Q Why did the ship look strange?A Because it’s not like a Bangladeshi ship.Lesson 5The importance of vitaminsATalk about picture 1 and read the passage.1Long journeys in ships were dangerous and many sailorsdied. There were many dangers. Disease was one of the<strong>com</strong>mon dangers. A <strong>com</strong>mon disease was scurvy. Manysailors died of it.In 1768, Capitan Cook did something very strange. He tooksome barrels of lemons with him on his journey toAustralia. On that journey the sailors did not die of scurvy.No one knew why, but now we do. It is because lemonscontain vitamin C. Vitamin C prevents scurvy. Good food contains vitamins andvitamins prevent disease. We know that carrots and green vegetables contain vitaminA and C. Mola fish also contains vitamin A. Vitamin A is good <strong>for</strong> your eye sight.There are five vitamins : A, B, C, D and E. Some food contains a lot of vitamins. Otherfood doesn’t.

UNIT SIX 67Right or wrong ? If wrong, give the correct answer.1 Many sailors died on long sea journeys.2 Captain Cook took many lemons with him to Australia3 Many sailors died of vitamin C.4 Many vegetables contain vitamin A.5 Vitamin A prevents scurvy.BThere are some things you can count and some things you cannot count. Forexample, you can count :an animal a carrot a lemon a barrel a glassa plate an eggNow look at Picture 2 and point and say what you can see, like this :Example :A I can see a tiger. What can you see?B I can see two eggs on a plate. What else can you see?2C Here are some things you cannot count :food water lemon / orange juice rice breadNow look at the picture. Point and say what you can see :3DLook at picture 2 and 3 again. What can you see? Is it/Are they countable oruncountable?

68 ENGLISH FOR TODAYALesson 6ThingsTalk about the things in the picture. There are some things you can count andsome things you cannot count.BLook at the picture and Table 1. Then point and ask about as many things as youcan, like this :Example : A What’s this?B That’s an egg/some rice. What’s this?1 Countableducka/antabletpumponionThat’sUncountablesugarsomemilkmedicinesaltC Now use the picture and Table 2 to ask and answer like this :Example : A How many bananas can you see?B Four/Not many. How much bread can you see?A Quite a lot/Not much. How .......

UNIT SIX 692 Countableglasses of milkHow manyloaves/slices of breadbottles of medicinecoconutsHow muchUncountable *milkdalfruitcan you see?* Here are some other <strong>com</strong>mon uncountable nounsfood sugar oil flour tea meat chalkD Now fill in the blanks with the following words :some many much lot<strong>Today</strong> Sabina’s mother is very busy. She is making a ........... of bread in herkitchen. She gave Sabina ........... slices of old bread. “Give these to the ducks,”she said. “There aren’t .........., but we must use them.”Sabina went to the pond. Near the house there were .......... chickens. Thereweren’t ........... of them and they were hungry as usual. But Sabina didn’t have............ bread, so she gave it all to the ducks.ABLesson 7Discovering a vitaminLook at the questions. Then listen to the story and answer them.1 Who discovered a vitamin?2 Which vitamin was it?3 Where did he discover it?Complete the questions. Then listen to the story again and ask and answerthem.1 ........................ did the good doctor live?2 ........................ did the village people keep?3 ........................ did most of the village people eat?4 ........................ didn’t the very poor people get sick?5 ........................ discovered vitamin B?

70 ENGLISH FOR TODAYC Now choose the best answer ?1 ............ village people raised chickens.a. A few b Some c A lot of d None of2 A lot of the village people atea a few vegetables b a lot of dal. c a little white rice d a lot of brown rice.3. There aren’t any vitamins ina white rice b dal. b brown rice. d vegetables.D Listen to the story again. Then <strong>com</strong>plete the paragraph :The village people raised chickens. Theirchickens were sick. The village people................ doctor. The doctor said, “Give........... rice.” The chickens got ............ . Thedoctor ..................... vitamin B.ALesson 8Karim reads a newspaperTalk about the picture and read the newspaperKarim is reading a newspaper.Mola fish have aboys lot of vitamin A. a teacherricket Bangladeshi seientists find that model <strong>for</strong>beat Udi there is a lot of vitamin A in some students’and so fishes. Rui, Katla and Hilsa do not good exarunson have much, but Mola fish has a lot. we shouldday. 117 Without any vitamin A people can words heall out <strong>for</strong> go blind. Vitiman A protects you help and18 runs. against blindness. So eat Mola fish Schoolsoften and you will protect your eye BangladeshSquash sight. happier

72 ENGLISH FOR TODAYB Look at the table. You can use it to ask <strong>for</strong> :lemon/s flour milk sugar lemonjuice tea and other thingsCan I have a/an/two (packet/s of) orange juice?some (tin/s of) orange?a few (bottle/s of) oranges?C Now imagine you are either a shopkeeper or a customer and write two lists :1 Make a shopkeeper’s list (i.e. what you’ve got in your shop).2. Make a customer’s list (i.e. what you want in the shop).Example : Shopkeeper CustomerFlourA packet of flourOrange juiceA little teaWrite down 8 things.D Now take it in turns to ask and answer like this :Example : Shopkeeper : Can I help you?Customer : Yes, please. Can I have a packet of flour?Shopkeeper : Yes, certainly.Customer : Oh good. Can I also have some tea, please ?Shopkeeper : I’m afraid I haven’t got any.Customer : Oh, never mind. Can I have a few ................Lesson 10The strange big bean : part 1ARead the dialogue and act it out. Then read the story.Anwar Hussain is talking to Hasan and Karim :Grandfather : I know a story about a boy and a garden.I heard the story in Brazil.Hasan : Where’s Brazil, grandfather?Grandfather : It’s in South America. It’s a very big, hot country.Karim : Can we hear the story, grandfather?Grandfather : Yes, of course you can.

74 ENGLISH FOR TODAYIn Brazil plants grow very quickly. After one week, Paulo’sbean was one metre high. After two weeks it was two metreshigh.Then Paulo’s parents saw it. “What is it?” they asked. “It’s abean stalk,” Paulo answered. “It’s very strange,” said hisfather. “It makes me nervous,” said his mother. “Don’tworry,” said Paulo. “It’s a good bean stalk. It will bring usgood luck.”Paulo loved his bean stalk. Everyday he gave it water andcowdung.B Ask and answer the questions :1 What did paulo give to his bean?2 When did the bean <strong>com</strong>e up?3 Where do plants grow very quickly?4 Who worried about the bean stalk?5 Why did Paulo love the bean stalk?C Make sentences.Look at the table :The shopkeeper gave some tea to Karim.Karim some tea.1 Make two sentences from the table.2 Now use the clues to make up more sentences like them.Dr. Flctcher brown rice chickensGrandfather book HasanBird bean PauloPaulo water plantHe a coin parentsExample :a Dr. Fletcher gave brown rice to the chickens.b Dr. Fletcher gave the chickens brown rice.

UNIT SIX 75ALesson 12The strange big bean : part 3Talk about the picture and continue reading the story.After two months no one could see the top of the bean.Paulo’s parents looked at it. “All that water and fertilizer,but no beans !” they said angrily. Paulo said nothing.The next morning Paulo got up very early. The sun wasjust rising. He began to climb up the bean. He climbedand climbed. He climbed through the clouds to the top ofthe bean. At the top he found a beautiful blue flower. Inthe flower there was a gold coin. Paulo took the gold coinand climbed all the way down.Paulo gave the gold coin to his parents. “Now weunderstand.” they said. And so everyday Paulo climbedup his bean through the clouds and found a gold coin ina flower.B Complete, ask and answer the questions :1 ......................... could no one see the top of the bean?2 ......................... were Paulo’s parents angry?3 ......................... did Paulo feel?4 ......................... did he do?5 ......................... was the flower like?C Revise a and the :1 Find the first use of ‘a’ in the story. Why is it ‘a’ and not ‘the’?2 Now put either ‘the’ or ‘a’ in the gap :Grandfather told ........... story about ........... boy called Paulo. ........... boy lived inBrazil. One day he saw ........... bird in his garden. ........... bird gave Paulo ...........strange big bean. He planted ........... bean and after a month it began to grow veryquickly. It grew up through ........... clouds. Paulo climbed up to ........... top andsaw ........... gold coin in ........... blue flower. He gave ........... coin to his parents.They were very happy.

Unit sevenAt schoolLesson 1Salam goes to schoolALook at the diagram and fill in the gaps.<strong>Today</strong> is .............................. .Tomorrow will be .............................. .Yesterday was .............................. .DiagramBNow talk about the pictures and read the passage.<strong>Today</strong> is Saturday and Salam is walkingto school. School starts at ten o’clock andSalam arrives there at a quarter to ten. Hisfirst lesson is Bangla. Tomorrow his firstlesson will be <strong>English</strong>.CNow use the following notes to write asimilar paragraph about Sabina :Day : TuesdayTravel : rickshawArrive at school : 9.30First lesson : ScienceYesterday : <strong>English</strong>Tomorrow : MathsDAsk and answer questions.Ask and answer questions about Salam and Sabina like this :Example : A What did Salam do on Saturday?B He walked to school. What was his first lesson?C Bangla. What was his first lesson on ............. .

UNIT SEVEN 77ALesson 2Sabina’s timetableTalk about Sabina’s timetable.Time 10.00 10.40 11.20 12.00 1.00 1.40Saturday Maths <strong>English</strong> Bangla Social General <strong>English</strong>Studies Science R.R.*Sunday Bangla Religous <strong>English</strong> Bangla Maths GeneralStudiesScienceMonday <strong>English</strong> Maths Maths Social Religious <strong>English</strong>Studies StudiesTuesday Maths Bangla <strong>English</strong> Religious <strong>English</strong> SocialStudiesStudiesWednesday Social <strong>English</strong> Bangla Maths Bangla GeneralStudiesScienceThursday <strong>English</strong> Maths Bangla Religious Social Bangla* RR = Rapid ReaderStudies Studies R.R.B Ask and answer questions about Sabina’s timetable like this :A What does Sabina study at twenty to two on Tuesdays?B Rapid Reader. What does she study at ....................................C Now write your own timetable :My timetableTime :StaturdaySundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayD Ask and answer questions about your own timetables :Example : A What do you study at (time) .......... on (day of the week)B I study ............... .What do you study at ................. .

78 ENGLISH FOR TODAYALesson 3Sherpur High SchoolTalk about the picture and read the passage.Sabina and Salam go to Sherpur High School. It has a large yard with a vegetablegarden, a tubewell and many trees. Inside there is an office <strong>for</strong> the headmistress anda room <strong>for</strong> the teachers. There are twenty teachers altogether. The school has twentyclassrooms <strong>for</strong> the five hundred students. Two hundred and <strong>for</strong>ty of them are girls andtwo hundred and sixty of them are boys.B 1 Point to the picuture and say what you can see.2 Use the passage to <strong>com</strong>plete the table :Headmistress’s office 1Staff roomNo. of students 20No. of boys 2403 Now write a similar table <strong>for</strong> your own school.C Write a short description of your school. Begin it like this :I go to ................. (Name of school). It has ................ .

UNIT SEVEN 79ALesson 4Mrs Rabeya ChowdhuryTalk about the picture and read the passage.Mrs Rabeya Chowdhury is the headmistress of Sherpur HighSchool. She is proud of her school and works very hard.“My job is to look after the students and teachers,” she said.“I have good teachers and they like teaching here. Thestudents are well-behaved and their classrooms are good.Come and see.”In Sherpur High School every classroom has a blackboard with a duster and somepieces of chalk. There are desks and chairs <strong>for</strong> the students and a table and a chair<strong>for</strong> the teacher. “You can see many pictures on the walls,” said Mrs Chowdhury.“My students painted them. They’re beautiful and the teachers use them in their lessons.”BRight or wrong? If wrong, give the correct answer.1 Mrs Rabeya Chowdhury is proud of her students and teacher.2 She is lazy.3 Her teachers like Sherpur High School, because the students are wellbehavedand their classrooms are good.4 The students painted the walls of their classrooms.5 The teachers use pictures in their lessons.CNow write 2 or 3 sentences about your own classroom.A Talk about the pictures :Lesson 5Morning in SherpurIt is half past nine on Wednesday morning. Look at the pictures and talkabout what everyone is doing.

80 ENGLISH FOR TODAYBRead and <strong>com</strong>plete.1 Read about what Mrs Rabeya Chowdhury was doing at 9.30.At half past nine, Mrs Rabeya Chowdhury was returning to school in a rickshaw. She wascarrying her large bag. It was full of books and papers. She was thinking and makingplans. “<strong>Today</strong> I must talk to Mrs Sufia Kamal and give her this book about Nasruddin.”2. Now <strong>com</strong>plete the second paragraph by filling in the gaps. Use the pastcontinuous <strong>for</strong>m of the following verbs (i.e. was/were ....ing).stand look think passShe ................. Mr Alam’s general store. Mr Alam .............. at the headmistress,but Mrs Chowdhury did not see him.Mr Alam ............... behind the counter in his shop. He .......... through the opendoor in front of him. He ...............“We are lucky to have a hardworking headmistress like that.”CNow ask and answer questions about what Mrs Chowdhury and Mr Alamwere doing. Use the following verbs :going carrying passing thinking looking standingExample :A Where was Mrs Chowdhury going?B She was going to school. How was she going there?A By rickshaw. What was she. ...............Lesson 6NumbersA Look at the table and practise saying these numbers :A B C D1 one 1st first2 two 2nd second3 three 3rd third4 four 4th fourth5 five 5th fifth6 six 6th sixth7 seven 7th seventh8 eight 8th eighth9 nine 9th ninth10 ten 10th tenth11 eleven 11th eleventh12 twelve 12th twelfth13 thirteen 13th thirteenth

UNIT SEVEN 81B Now read and act out the dialogue :It is morning at Sherpur High School. Maya is talking to her friend, Selina, be<strong>for</strong>e herfirst lesson :Maya : What’s the date today, Selina?Selina : The 13 th of June.Maya : Really? It’ll be my birthday soon.Selina : When is it, Maya?Maya : 21 st June I’ll be 12.Selina : Your 12 th birthday?Maya : No. I’ll be 12, but it’s my 13 th birthday.Selina : Oh yes, of course.Maya : When’s your birthday, Selina?Selina : 2 nd of August. I’ll be 13, so it’s my 14 th birthday.C Use a calendar and the tables below to ask and answer questions like this :A When is (name of festival) .......................... this year?B On the (date) ............................... .Table ATable BFestivalsMonthsBirthday January JulyEid-ul-Fitre February AugustEid-ul-Azha March SeptemberVictory Day April OctoberBuddha Purnima May NovemberDurga Puja June DecemberChristmas Day

82 ENGLISH FOR TODAYLesson 7A day in the life of Mrs KamalA Talk about the picture and read table A.Table ATime Activity At 5.00 pm.Morning7.00 Cook breakfast8.00 Breakfast9.30 Go to school10.00 Teach12.30 LunchAfternoon1.00 Teach2.20 Go home4.00 Tea5.00 Paint picture7.00 Cook supper9.00 Supper10.30 BedBMake sentences.What has Mrs Kamal done?1 Look at table B.Table Bhashasn’tcooked eaten gone taught drunk painted2 Use Table A and B to make sentences. Say one thing Mrs Kamal has doneand one thing she hasn’t done, like this :1 At seven o’clock in the morning Mrs Kamal has got up, but she hasn’tcooked the breakfast.2 At eight o’ clock in the morning she has cooked the breakfast but shehasn’t ........................ .3 Copy the examples in your exercise book. Complete No 2. Then writemore sentences down in your exercise book.

UNIT SEVEN 83ALesson 8Nasruddin : part 1Talk about the picture and read the story.Mrs Kamal wanted to tell her class astory. “I’ve read a very interesting book,”she said. “Mrs Chowdhury gave it to melast week. It’s about a man calledNasruddin. Now I want to tell you a storyabout him.”B Look at these questions. Then listen tothe story and answer them :1 Who was Nasruddin?2 Which country did he visit?3 Why was he tired?C Listen to the story again and answer these questions :4 Why was he famous?5 Where did he stay?6 What did the teachers and students want him to do?7 Why didn’t he do it?D Use the tables to make true sentences. Write five of them in your exercise book.1 The students Nasruddin2 Nasruddin her students3 The teachers and students asked4 Mrs Chowdhury the teachers and students5 Mrs Kamal Mrs Kamaltowait.tell them a story.read her book.listen to a story.<strong>com</strong>e to their school.Example :The students asked Mrs Kamal to tell them a story.

84 ENGLISH FOR TODAYLesson 9Nasruddin : part 2ATalk about the picture and read more about Nasruddin.The next day Nasruddin got up early and walked to theschool. The teachers and students were very happy tosee him. They asked him to <strong>com</strong>e in and sit down. SoNasruddin went in and sat down.“What can I do <strong>for</strong> you? “ he said. The students askedhim to teach them. “What can I teach you?” askedNasruddin. “We don’t know,” replied the students. “Wedon’t know anything.”Nasruddin was surprised. “You are students, but youdon’t know anything! You haven’t learnt anything, so I can’t teach you anything!”Then Nasruddin stood up, walked out of the classroom, and went home.BComplete the questions and answers.1 Why ........ the teachers and students very happy?Because Nasruddin ......... to their school.2 What ........ the students ask Nasruddin to .........?They ......... him to ........... them.3 Why ......... Nasruddin surprised?Because the students .......... know anything.C Complete the sentences using these verbs in the correct <strong>for</strong>m :teach go sit want knowNasruddin ............... to the school and ............. down in the classroom. Thestudents ............ him to teach them, but they didn’t .......... anything. So Nasruddincouldn’t .......... them anything.

UNIT SEVEN 85ALesson 10Nasruddin : part 3Talk about the picture and read more about Nasruddin.“Can you <strong>com</strong>e back another day? the students asked. “I’ll <strong>com</strong>e back tomorrow.”Nasruddin replied and went away.The next day Nasruddin went to the school again. He went into the classroom andsaid. “Do you know anything today, students? What can I teach you?”This time they were ready. They all said, “Yes, Sir, we do”. “Then you don’t needme, do you?” said Nasruddin, and he stood up and went out of the classroomagain.The students were shocked. “Nasruddin has <strong>com</strong>e to our school,” said thestudents, “and now he’s gone away again. What can we do?”BRight or wrong? If wrong, give the correct answer.1 Nasruddin returned to the school the next day.2 The students wanted Nasruddin to teach them.3 The students were shocked because Nasruddin came to their school.4 Nasruddin taught the students.CAsk and answer questions.1 Ask, “What has Nasruddin done so far?”2 Then answer using these clues :visited travelled to gone to spoken towalked out of returnedExample : A What has Nasruddin done so far?B He’s travelled to Persia. What else has he done?3 Write your answers in your exercise book.

86 ENGLISH FOR TODAYLesson 11Nasruddin : part 4ATalk about the picture and read more about Nasruddin.The students wanted to learn very much and again they asked Nasruddin to <strong>com</strong>e. Sothe next day Nasruddin returned to their school and asked the same questions. Thistime the students were ready. “Some of us know and some of us don’t,” they said.“Very good,” said Nasruddin. “Some of you know. You can teach the otherstudents. They can learn from you.” And he went home.The students were sad. They thought and thought. Then they went to Nasruddin’shouse near their school.“Sir, we want to ask you some questions,” they said. “Good,” said Nasruddin.“What do you want to ask? The students began to ask him, “Where do you <strong>com</strong>efrom?” and “What do you do?”“Good,” said Nasruddin. “You’re asking questions and beginning to learn. NowI’ll <strong>com</strong>e and teach you!”B Ask and answer questions :1 What did Nasruddin ask the students to do?2 Why were the students sad?3 Why was Nasruddin happy to teach the students at last?4 Was Nasruddin a good teacher?C Use the table to ask and answer questions about :The students Mrs Sufia Kamal NasruddinExample :A What did the students want?B They wanted to learn from Nasruddin.A What did Mrs Sufia Kamal want to do?

UNIT SEVEN 87Alearn from Nasruddin.make pictures of the students.Theyanswer the students’ questions.She wanted to ask Nasruddin some questions.Hemake the students think.tell the students about Nasruddin.read a book about Nasruddin.Then write down six sentences from the table in your exercise book.Lesson 12NewspapersTalk about the picture and read the passage and dialogue.Everyone liked Mrs Sufia Kamal’s story about Nasruddin. Now all her studentswant to ask her many questions.The next day Mrs Kamal came to school with some newspapers.Her students asked, “Why have you brought newspapers to school miss?” ‘Because I want to talk about them.” Mrs Kamal replied. “Who’s read a newspaperin my class?” She asked. A few students put up their hands.Mrs Kamal : Karim, tell me what you’ve read about in a newspaper.Karim : I’ve read about a scientific discovery, miss.Mrs Kamal : What was it?Karim : A Bangladeshi scientist discovered vitamin A in Mola fish.Mrs Kalam : Good, Karim. How about you, Sabina? What have you seen ina newspaper?Sabina : My grandfather’s written a letter to a newspaper.Mrs Kamal : Really, Sabina? What was it about?Sabina : Brazil, He’s been there.Mrs Kamal : Have you ever been there.Sabina : No, I haven’t miss, but I want to.B Find in the passage. Then wirte out in full :1 Who’s read a newspaper?2 Tell me something you’ve read about in a newspaper.3 I’ve read about a scientific discovery.

88 ENGLISH FOR TODAY4 My grandfather’s written a letter.5 He’s been there.Example : 1 Who has read a newspaper?CRead <strong>for</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mationLook at a newspaper*1 Find and write down :(i) The name of the newspaper : ......................................(ii) The cost of the newspaper : ......................................(iii) The number of the page(s) :a with Bangladeshi news : ......................................b with world news : ......................................c with sports news : ......................................d with letters : ......................................e with advertisements : ......................................(iv) The important news about Bangladesh and say what it is.(v) The important news about the world and say what it is.* Bring a newspaper to school <strong>for</strong> this lesson.ALesson 13Learning and earningTalk about the pictures and read the passage.Mrs Rabeya Chowdhury is talking about her school :“In Sherpur High School all the students learn and earn. For example, the schoolhas bought a loom. We buy cotton from Narayanganj and the students maketowels on the loom. The towels are quite easy to make and the school sells them.We also buy exercise books and our students bind them, so that they’re good and strong.Some students make torches from bamboo. Others print cloth or make paper bags.

UNIT SEVEN 89We also work outside. We’ve made a vegetable garden and the school has boughtsome small animals. The students look after these things. It is interesting anduseful <strong>for</strong> the students, and we make money too. We can use the money toimporve our school.”BRead the passage again and find five things that the students make.Now write them down in your exercise book.C Fill in the gaps with either the present perfect or present simple of :take give think read learn buyMrs Rabeya Chowdhury ..................... a book about Nasruddin and ......... it toMrs Sufia Kamal. Mrs Chowdhury and Mrs Kamal regularly ............ books. They............. they are interesting.Mrs Sufia Kamal ................ a newspaper everyday.She .................. some of them to her class. Now her class ........... some usefulthings about newspaper.Lesson 14Who has seen the wind ?ARead and listen to the poem.Who has seen the wind?Neither I nor you.But when the leaves hang trembling,The wind is passing through.Who has seen the wind?Neither you nor I.But when the trees bow down their heads.The wind is passing by.Christina RossettiBAnswer the questions.1 Have you ever seen leaves trembling?2 What is the head of a tree?3 When does a tree bow its head?4 Have you ever seen the wind?

Unit eight Town and villageLesson 1Hidden treasure : part 1ATalk about the pictures and read the story.Once upon a time there was a farmer. He was old and weak, but clever. He hadtwo sons. They were young and strong, but lazy.One day the old farmer called his sons to his bed. “Now, my sons he said. “I’mvery old and sick and soon I will die. But I’m rich so you can also be rich.” Thetwo sons were surprised. “Where are all your riches?” they asked. “You’ll findall my riches in our fields,” the oldman replied, and a few days later he died.The two sons were very sad, but they were also greedy. “We can be rich,” theysaid. “We have riches in our fields.” The two sons thought that there was gold intheir fields. So they quickly began to dig and dig.BAsk and answer the questions.abcComplete the answers.Practise aksing and answering them.Then write the answers in your exercise book.1 Why were the two sons surprised?Because they didn’t ............. that their ....................2 Why were they sad?Because their .........................3 Why did the lazy sons begin to work hard?Because they ..............................................

UNIT EIGHT 91CComplete the questions and answers.Write the verb in the gaps. Use the correct <strong>for</strong>m.1 Who did the old farmer .........................?He ...................... his two sons to his bed.2 What did the old farmer ........................?He .................. “I will soon die.”3 What did the greedy sons ...................?They ......................... their father’s riches.4 What did the two sons ...................?They ........... there was gold in their fields.5 What did the two sons ..................?They .................... their father’s fields.Now practise asking and answering the questions.ALesson 2Hidden treasure : part 2Continue reading the story.The old man’s sons dug and dug. They dug all their fields, but they didn’t find anygold. They found nothing. “Let’s try again” they said. So they dug their fieldsagain and again. Sill they found nothing. The boys got very angry and threw awaythe seeds on the fields.The next year, the two sons were surprised. “Look !’ they said. “Look at our fields!So many good crops! We can keep some and sell the rest.”So the two sons keptsome of their crops and sold the rest. Then they were very happy and worked hard.B Ask and answer the questions :1 Why were the two sons surprised?2 Why were they happy?3 What was the ‘hidden treasure’?C Ask and answer the questions :1 a Ask : “What have the two sons done?”b Then answer from Table 1.c Then ask : “What is the result?”d And answer from Table 2.

92 ENGLISH FOR TODAYTable 1Table 2They haveworked very hard in their fields.sold many crops.dug their fields again and again.grown many good crops.found hidden treasure in their fields.their soil ispoor.they arerich.Now they aren’t fertile.lazyhappyExample : A What have the two sons done?B They have worked very hard in their fields.A What is the result?B Now they are happy.2 Now join your two answers with ‘so’, to make five true sentences. Begin yoursentences : The two sons ................. .Write them in your exercise book.Example : 1 The two sons have worked very hard in their fields, so now theyare rich.Lesson 3Work on the farmARead and match with the pictures.1 Good farmers work hard in theirfields.Their wives work hard too.They plough their fields many times.

UNIT EIGHT 932 They put cowdung and fertilizer ontheir fields.bc3 They water and irrigate them.d4 They plant seedlings in rowsand grow a lot of food.B Ask and answer questions :Use Section A 1 - 4 to ask, “What have Mohammad Ali and ShahanaraBegum done?Example : 1 A What have Mohammad Ali and Shananara Begum done?B They’ve worked hard in their fields. What else have they done?2 A They’ve ..................... .C Make sentences. 1 Write your answers in your exercise book.2 Now read them out and ask, “What’s the result?”Then answer from the table :Nowtheir family can eat good food.they can grow many good crops.their soil is very fertile.they have a lot of crops to sell.Example : A They’ve worked hard in their fields. What’s the result?B Now they have a lot of crops to sell. They’ve ploughed ................................................................................Can you think of any more results ?

94 ENGLISH FOR TODAYALesson 4What farmers needRead the passage.Farming is hard and difficult. Often the sun is hot and the soil is hard. How canfarmers help themselves?Farmers can use machines and tools. Here are three examples.1 The New Plough digs and turns over the soil. It weighs nine kilograms. It takes eighthours to plough four bighas.2 The Weeder takes weeds out of the soil. It takes eight hours to weed four bighas. Thereare two types : one <strong>for</strong> dry crops (in the picture), and one <strong>for</strong> wet ones.3 The Membrane Pump pumps water three metres up to the ground above. Itcan water nine bighas of paddy in the dry season.BTalk about the pictures and match 1, 2 & 3 with the pictures.C Answer the questions :1 Why is farming hard and difficult?2 What do farmers need?3 a What do some farmers use?b Give three examples.c What do they do? (Give three verbs.)d Do you know any more machines or tools that farmers use?DSolve the riddles.1 It doesn’t have legs but helps farmers to travel.2 It doesn’t have a mouth but can tell you the news.3 It doesn’t have eyes, but can show you a picture.What are all these things?

UNIT EIGHT 95ALesson 5No rain : part 1Talk about the picture and read the story.Many years ago Sabina’s grandfather travelled to Thailand. He stayed there <strong>for</strong> a fewweeks and saw many things. He saw the farmers in their fields. The sun was very hot.“There is no rain, but the crops are green. Where does the water <strong>com</strong>e from?grandfather asked. “Come and see,” said a Thai farmer.The Thai farmer showed Anwar Hussain a new pump. It pumped water into thefarmer’s fields. “Is it expensive? asked Sabina’s grandfather. “No.” said the Thaifarmer, “It’s cheap.” “Then we can use this pump in my country” said Anwar Hussain.BRight or wrong? If wrong, give the correct answer.1 Anwar Hussain has travelled to Thailand.2 Thailand is a cold country.3 It rains all the time in Thailand.4 Some Thai farmers use pumps in their fields.5 Sabina’s grandfather wanted to use the pump in Bangladesh.C Fill in the gaps with the following verbs :see eat <strong>com</strong>e give show go visitUse the correct <strong>for</strong>m. The first one is done <strong>for</strong> you :

96 ENGLISH FOR TODAYMany years ago Sabina’s grandfather visited the Philppines. He ............ to thecountryside and .............. many interesting things there.The animals looked very healthy. “What do they ...................... ?” grandfatherasked. “Come and see” said a Philppino farmer.The Philppino farmer .............. some leaves and seeds to Anwar Hussain. “We............ these to our cows, goats and chicknes,” he said. “Where do they ............from?” asked Sabina’s grandfather. “They ............... from the Ipil-Ipil tree,”answered the farmer.ALesson 6No rain : part 2Talk about the picture and continue reading the story.Many years ago the summer was very hot and dry in Nurgonj. The monsoon waslate and there was no rain. The farmers sat under an old banyan tree and talkedabout rain. But sill it did not <strong>com</strong>e.The children painted themselves with mud. They danced and sang. But still therain did not <strong>com</strong>e.Salma’s grandfather had no work. He looked up at the sky. It was blue. He lookeddown at the earth. It was brown. He looked at his crops in the fileds. They wereyellow. “What can I do?” he asked.BAsk and answer questions.Complete the questions to the answers. Then ask and answer them :1 Why was it very ........................................ ?Because the monsoon was late.2 Why did the farmers ............................... ?

UNIT EIGHT 97Because there wasn’t any work.3 Why did the children ...................................... ?Because children like mud.4 Why were the ...................................... ?Because there wasn’t any rain.CRead (or sing) and listen to the poem.Farmer JamilFarmer Jamil had five cows,With a moo moo here and a moo moo there,Five big cows and five small calves,With a moo moo here and a moo moo there.Farmer Jamil had five goats,With a baa baa here and a baa baa there,Five mother goats and five little kids,With a baa baa here and a baa baa there.Farmer Jamil had five hens,With a cluck cluck here and a cluck cluck there,Five fat hens and five little chicks,With a cluck cluck here and a cluck cluck there.Lesson 7No rain : part 3ABLook at the questions. Then listen to the story, and answer them.1 How many people are there in the story?2 What are their names?3 Who are they?Listen to the story again and answer these questions.1 Where did Anwar Hussain return to ?2 What did he bring with him?3 Why did he bring it?4 Who was surprised?

98 ENGLISH FOR TODAY5 Why was he surprised?6 Why is everyone in Nurgonj happy now?CWrite the sentences in the correct order to <strong>for</strong>m two paragraphs.It was hot and dry in Nurgonj and the farmers needed water. Many years agoSabina’s grandfather went to Thailand.It was like the pump in Thailand.Anwar Hussain and his son used the pump in their fields.Anwar Hussain returned to his village in Bangladesh.Then their crops became green and the farmers were happy.A Thai farmer showed him a new pump there.He brought a new pump with him.It pumped water into his fields.Begin like this :Many years ago ...........................................ALesson 8SalamRead the dialogue and act it out.Mr Alam is talking to his son in his shop.Mr. AlamSalamMr AlamSalamMr AlamSalamMr Alam: Have you done your homework, Salam?: No, father, I’ve lost my school bag.: Where did you put it?: I don’t know.: What’s this? Look, it’s here.: Who put it there?: You, of course, but I put these large tins in front of it.B Ask and answer threse questions :1 Has Salam done his homework?2 What has he lost?3 Where did Salam put his bag?4 Why couldn’t he see it?

UNIT EIGHT 99CNow act out the dialogues below.1 First fill in the gaps from tables 1-3 to make meaningful sentences.Mrs Kamal : Have you done your homework, Salam?Salam : No, miss, I’ve (Table 1) ................. .Mrs Kamal : When did you (Table 2) ................. ?Salam : This (morning / afternoon) ............... at school.Mrs Kamal : Well, now you must (Table 3) ..................Table 1 broken my pen. Table 2 break it?given my book to Karimgive it to him?cut my finger.cut it?lost my textbook.lose it?Table 3buy a new one.go and get it from him.clean it so you can write again.2 Now write the dialogues in your exercise book. Write two each (withyour partner)Lesson 9City and village lifeATalk about the picture and read the passage.Sabina’s grandfather has been to manycountries and knows many things. Heknows about the Ipil-Ipil tree. Animals caneat the leaves and seeds and the wood isgood <strong>for</strong> firewood, paper and houses. Hehas seen many towns and cities and toldhis granchildren about them.“I’ve seen large mosques, temples andother beautiful buildings,” saidgrandfather. “Now I stay here. It’s quiet and peaceful in the village. Cities are

100 ENGLISH FOR TODAYnoisy and dirty. There are many people and there’s a lot of traffic. Work in thefields is very hard, but the air is fresh and clean.”B Write down :1 Three things grandfather has done.2 Two kinds of buildings.3 Two things grandfather likes in the village.4 One thing grandfather likes and one thing he dislikes in large cities.CMake sentences.1 Practise making sentences from the table.The Thai farmerBangkok.Mr Alam and Salam hasn’t been NurgonjAnwar Hussain has been SherpurSalma’s grandfather have been to ThailandShahanara Begum haven’t been Bangladesh.Sabina and Hasan2 Now write five of your sentences down.3 Then ask and answer questions about them like this :Example : A Has the Thai farmer been to Bangladesh?B No, he hasn’t.Dhaka.DMake sentences about yourselves.1 Ask similar questions (to Section C 3) about yourselves like this :Example : A Have you been to (name of place ..........?B Yes, I have/No, I haven’t. Have you been to .........2 Now write down one place you and your partner have been to and oneplace you and your partner haven’t been to. Number your sentences 6-9Example : 61 I have been to (name of place) ............. .

UNIT EIGHT 101Lesson 10The floating marketATalk about the picture and read the passage.Sabina’s grandfather has visited Thailand two or three times. Once he stayed inBangkok with his Thai friend, Niran. Niran took him around the city everyday.They always travelled by boat.There are many canals in Bangkok. They are called ‘klongs’. Many people, likeNiran and his family, live beside the klongs and travel on them in boats. Bangkokis a large noisy city, but the klongs are peaceful and quiet.Anwar Hussain liked the klongs. One day he travelled with Niran on a largeklong. He saw something strange. It was a large market in the middle of the klong.It was the famous floating market of Bangkok.B Ask and answer the questions :1 How often has Anwar Hussain been to Thailand?2 How often has he stayed with Niran?3 How often did Niran take Anwar around Bnngkok?4 Where did Anwar Hussain stay in Bangkok?

102 ENGLISH FOR TODAY5 Where does Niran’s family live in Bangkok?6 Where did Anwar Hussain see the famous floating market?C Write a suitable word in each gap :Anwar Hussain has a Thai friend. His name is Niran.He <strong>com</strong>es from ......... and lives in ............. . He andhis family live .............. a klong in the city. It ispeaceful and quiet ............. . They travel around by......... .NiranD Ask and answer questions about yourself with your partner :1 Where have you been?2 How many times have you been there?3 Who did you stay with?

ATalk about the map.Unit nineGoing placesLesson 1Sabina’s villageBAsk and answer questions.Ask and answer questions like this about the map :on the other side ofthe kitchen?What is in front of Sabina’s house?at the side ofthe road?behindthe cow-shed?Example :A What is at the side of Sabina’s house?B The kitchen. What is behind the kitchen?Make up more questions of your own and answer them.CFill in the gaps with suitable words. The first one is done <strong>for</strong> you.Look at the map of Sabina’s village. You can see two houses on it. Sabina’s houseis on the ......... . A ....... leads from her house to the road. The road goes to ........ .Belal’s house is on the other side of the ....... . Belal’s family ........ the roadeveryday to ........ water from the village tubewell. The tubewell is on a path. Thepath ........ from the road to Sabina’s house. There is also a pond ....... the tubewell,but the pond water is not <strong>for</strong> drinking.

104 ENGLISH FOR TODAYLesson 2Following directionsA Read and follow Sabina’s directions on your map (see Lesson 1).Maya visited Sabina last Friday. She came by herself from Sherpur on a rickshaw:Sabina gave her these directions :Sabina’s directions to Maya1 Take the road to Nurgonj.2 After three kilometres look <strong>for</strong> a large duck pond on your left.3 Get off the rickshaw and walk along the path on your left.4 Walk towards the tubewell.5 Go past it. Our house is straight ahead of you.B Now use your map to ask and answer these questions ?1 Maya came to Nurgonj and got off the rickshaw. What was on her right?2 She turned left and walked towards the tubewell. What did Maya see on her right?3 She came to the tubewell. What did she see on her left?4 She saw Sabina. Sabina was working in front of her house.What was Sabina working in?CRead the directions and fill in the gaps.Where have they gone?Read where each person went and use map to fill in the gaps correctly :1 Mohammad Ali went out of the back door of his house and walked along thepath on the right until he came to the ............. .2 Shahanara Begum went out of the side door of her house and walked straightahead to the ............ .3 Hasan went out of the front door of his house and walked straght ahead to the........... .4 Sabina walked past the tubewell towards the road. She then crossed the roadand went straight ahead to ....... .5 Arif went out of the front door of the kitchen, walked straight ahead, thenturned left into the .......... .

UNIT NINE 105Lesson 3Then and nowA Read Table 1. Then ask and answer the questions :Table 1Sabina has lived in Nurgonj all her life.She has been a student at Sherpur High School <strong>for</strong> five years andfour months.Salam has lived in Sherpur <strong>for</strong> five years.Salam and Sabina have been in class 6 <strong>for</strong> four months.Mrs Chowdhury has lived in Sherpur <strong>for</strong> many years.She has been headmistress of Sherpur High School <strong>for</strong> seven years.Mrs Kamal has taught class 6 at Sherpur High School <strong>for</strong> three years.1 Where does Sabina live now?2 What does Sabina do now?3 Where does Salam live now?4 Where does Mrs Chowdhury live now?5 Who is the headmistress of Sherpur High School now?6 Who teaches Sabina and Salam now?A Now read table 2 :Table-2 Last year Sabina was in class 5.Six years ago Salam lived in a village near Sherpur.Eight years ago Mrs Chowdhury was asstt. headmistress of SherpurHigh School.Four years ago Mrs Kamal taught at a primary school in Chittagong.Now use table 2 to make sentences like this :1 Last year Sabina was in class five but now she’s in class sixShe’s been in class six <strong>for</strong> four months.First take it in turns to say the sentences.Then write them in your exercise book.

106 ENGLISH FOR TODAYLesson 4Sabina and SalamALook at the pictures and read about Sabina and SalamSabina has lived in Nurgonj all her life. She likes itthere, because it is peaceful and quite. She has manyfriends in the village and she likes the small animals.Everyday she goes to school in Sherpur by rickshaw.She has been a student at Sherpur High School <strong>for</strong> fiveyears. Now she is in class six.Salam has lived in sherpur <strong>for</strong> five years. His father is ashopkeeper. He bought his shop in Sherpur five yearsago. Salam likes it there, because everything is near. Itis easy to walk to school and go shopping. Sometimeshe swims in the river with his friends. Life in the townis enjoyable.BAsk questions from the table and then answer them.go to school ?Howlive now?Why does Sabina enjoy herself/himself?Where Salam want to live in the town?want to live in the village?want to live?Example :Q How does Sabina go to school?A She goes by rickshaw.C Ask and answer these questions with your partner :1 Where do you live now?2 How long have you lived there?3 Do you like it? Why / Why not?4 What does your father (or uncle) do?5 How long has he been a (name of job) .........?

UNIT NINE 107D Write down your partner’s answers to make a short paragraph. Begin like this :(name of partner) .......... has lived in (name of town / village)........................<strong>for</strong>(number of years / months) .................... .ALook at the map.Lesson 5SherpurBRead and label.1 Read about where Mrs Chowdhury, Mrs Kamal and Mr Alam live.2 Then label the places on your map.Mrs Rabeya Chowdhury’s house is on the corner of School Road and the road toNurgonj. It is inside the school, opposite the large tank. The school vegetablegarden and tubewell are on the other side of the school.The large tank is just behind Mrs Sufia Kamal’s house. At the side of her houseis the mosque. At the end of her road, on the corner, is the post office. Next to thepost office, on the other corner, is the bank.Mr Alam’s shop is on the corner of School Road and Bazar Road. Salam livesabove the shop. From his window he can see the bank opposite. From anotherwindow he can also see the river. Beside the river there is a park with more trees.

108 ENGLISH FOR TODAYC Listen to and give directions. Ask <strong>for</strong> :1 the mosque from Mr Alam’s shop.2 the post office from Mrs Chowdhury’s house.3 Mrs Kamal’s house from the school.And give directions.Example :A Excuse me. Where is the mosque please?B Cross over to the bank and turn left. Turn right at the corner. Then you’re inMosque Road. The mosque is on your right.A Thank you.Follow these directions on your map and say either :A I’ve found it. Now you ask me <strong>for</strong> directions.or :A I haven’t found it. Give me the directions again.Lesson 6More mapsA Listen to and give directions. Use the map in lesson 5.Take it in turns to give directions from Mrs Chowdhury’s house to :the bank Mr Alam’s shop the school tubewellthe mosque Mrs Kamal’s house the post office1 Choose a place (but don’t tell your partner).2 Then take it in turns to give directions.BDraw a map of your own village or town area. Write the names of importantplaces on the map. Talk about your map with your partner.

UNIT NINE 109Lesson 7North, South, East or West ?AListen to and give directions.1 Write down the directions from your school to your house (like Sabina’sdirections to Maya in Lesson 2)2 Then take it in turns to ask “Where is your house?” and give directions.BTalk about a map of Bangladesh. (You need a map of Bangladesh <strong>for</strong> thislesson.)1 Look at a map of Bangladesh.2 Name two towns north/south/west/east of Dhaka.3 Show where you live on the map.C Use the map to write north, south, east, or west in the gaps :1 Most of India is ......... of Bangladesh, but ........... of China.2 Pakistan is ............ of India, but .......... of Afghanistan.3 Sri Lanka is ............... of India and Bangladesh.4 Burma and Thailand are ............ of Bangladesh.5 Nepal is ........... of India, but .......... of Bangladesh.

110 ENGLISH FOR TODAYLesson 8Flying to DhakaARead the passage and answer the questions on it.All the countries on the map in lesson 7 are in Asia. The country south of Thailandis Malaysia. (Mark it in your map.) Musa Hitam and Patrick Chong <strong>com</strong>e fromthere. They flew from Kuala Lumpur to Dhaka through Bangkok. They stayed inBangkok <strong>for</strong> a week. Then they flew over Thailand and Burma to Bangladesh.Navin didn’t fly all the way to Dhaka. He travelled from Kathmandu to Calcuttaby bus. It took about thirty hours. Then he flew to Dhaka from Calcutta. It tookabout <strong>for</strong>ty minutes.Anwarul and Runa also flew to Dhaka from there. They have visited manycountries in Asia and written about them.Now they are writing about Bangladesh.1 Where is Thailand?2 Who lives in Bangkok? (See Unit 8, Lesson 10)3 Which country is east to Bangladesh and west to Thailand?4 Where is Kathmandu?BLabel your map of Asia. (You need a map of Asia <strong>for</strong> this lesson.)1 Find the following places and write them on your map :Kathmandu Calcutta Kuala Lumpur Bangkok Dhaka2 Now mark on your map the journeys that (a) Navin and (b) Patrick andMusa made to Dhaka.

UNIT NINE 111ALesson 9Our CountryListen to what Anwarul & Runa have written about Bangladesh.First look at these questions. Then listen to the passage and answer them.1 When did Bangladesh be<strong>com</strong>e independent?2 What kind of country is Bangladesh?3 What basic rights do we have?Write your answers down.BListen to the passage again and answer these questions.1 What is small and what is large?2 Who are free in Bangladesh?3 When did Bangladesh be<strong>com</strong>e free ?4 Why isn’t it easy to have basic rights?5 What are the basic rights that the countries have to give to their people?Write your answers in your exercise book.Lesson 10Your money can grow : part 1AAsk and answer these questions.1 What do people grow in Bangladesh?2 How can countries make money?3 How can money grow?BRead about what Monjur did and <strong>com</strong>plete his <strong>for</strong>m*.*1 Age : See Unit 2, Lesson 62 Class : Guess from his age.3 School : Same as his brother, Salam.

112 ENGLISH FOR TODAYMonjur has helped his father in his shop <strong>for</strong> many years. His father gives himmoney every month. Monjur has saved some of his money. Now he wants to puthis savings into the bank. So he got a <strong>for</strong>m from the bank and filled it in.Photo Account No :Date :Dear Sir,Please open an account in my name at your bank. I shall obey all the rules.Name .........................................................School .........................................................Age and Class .........................................................Yours faithfully,C Now take it in turns to ask and answer questions :1 Ask, “What has Monjur done?” and answer with each of theseverbs in turn :helped saved gone got filled signed opened2 Then write five of your answers down.Lesson 11Your money can grow : part 2ATalk about the picuture. Then read and act out the dialogue.Monjur took his <strong>for</strong>m and money to the bank.Bank Office : Good morning. Can Ihelp you?

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