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BE QUIET!Let Whitford’s new “Low-Noise Technology” go to work for you...

Noise (and what to do about it) are the hottopics among auto manufacturers thesedays. And now, thanks to a breakthrough,there is some very good news.“Itch and squeak” is the noise generated bymicromovement between mating surfaces suchas the car door and the door sealing system.And this is precisely where Whitford has put itsemphasis.Tightening the screws on testsUntil recently, there was a GM standard of 45dBA as a maximum for noise generation on coatedsealing systems. Whitford met this standardwith its new product, Xylan ® 2022, by developinga brand new technology. Then GM moved to anew and more demanding standard: a maximumof 40 dBA.In ongoing developmental programs basedon extensive Analysis of Variances (ANOVA)studies and highly specific Design of Experiments(DOEs) employing the latest in computersoftware, Whitford has been able to dig deeplyinto the mysteries of noise generation resultingfrom stick/slip. As a consequence, Whitford hasbeen able to correlate its results with actual onvehiclenoise generation.Whitford set itself a target of below 40 dBA, inanticipation of lower limits being introduced byGM. Whitford’s understanding of the phenomenonof itch and squeak has made it possible toachieve coatings in the region of 37 dBA — agood thing, since the 40 dBA standard was likelyto be reduced again, to somewhere in the area ofambient noise in a moving vehicle.Meet “LNT”Further, Whitford has been able to incorporatethis new technology, referred to as “Low-Noise Technology” (LNT), across its wide rangeof weatherstrip and glass-run coatings.Conventional wisdom led to the use of particulatetechnology (hard lumps protruding throughthe surface of the conventional coatings) toreduce contact with the mating surface area and,as a consequence, reduce stick/slip. But there isa problem inherent in so-called “particulate”technology: The very roughness of the surfacehas a propensity to wear the internal mating surfaceof the vehicle door.This has been exacerbated by the costreductionprograms of manufacturers, who haveremoved the tough, clear top coat from such surfaces,leaving the relatively soft (and easilyscratched) colour coats exposed to the abrasivewear of the particulates. Whitford turned thistechnology on its head by creating coatings withsmooth surfaces. Of course, these smooth coatingsmeet the demanding standards of allaspects of the performance specifications — butthe surface is quiet and non-abrasive.What tests revealThe first two graphs (below) reflect tests performedby an independent laboratory to determinethe amount of noise reduction achieved bythe newest versions of Xylan 2022 and Xylan2121 against the previous versions. Additionaltests were run in two of Whitford’s laboratories todetermine the ratio of static to kinetic frictionbetween pieces of EPDM coated with Xylan 2022and Xylan 2121 as compared with EPDM coatedwith a typical urethane material.Decibels (dBA)50454035302520OldNewDry WetRandom VibrationsXylan 2022NewDryWetSine VibrationsA comparison between the older and newer versionsof Xylan 2022 demonstrate the noise reduction a-chieved (both wet and dry tests in random and sinevibrations are below Whitford’s standard of 37 dBA).Decibels (dBA)50454035302520OldNewOld OldDry WetRandom VibrationsWhitford’s standard: 37 dBAThese graphs show an initial, large spike infriction that represents the energy required toovercome inertia and set the coated pieces inmotion. Once movement is achieved, the energyrequired to maintain it is minimized, representedOldXylan 2121NewOldDryNewNewOldOldNewWhitford’s standard: 37 dBANewWetSine VibrationsA comparison between the older and newer versionsof Xylan 2121 show similar improvements innoise reduction, all well below 37 dBA.

y the essentially flat lines, which also representthe continuous movement of the coated pieces.Coefficient of frictionCoefficient of frictionThe following chart shows the same kind ofmeasurement, this time on a typical urethane.Coefficient of friction0. 20220.000 16 32 49 66 83 100Distance (mm) 21210.000 17 34 51 68 84Distance (mm) urethane coating0.001 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89Distance (mm)What about “stick-slip”?To determine the difference between Whitford’scoatings and typical urethane coatings, thefollowing test (ASTM D1984) was conducted.Virtually the same amount of energy isrequired to overcome inertia and achieve movement.But, as the typical urethane coating isdragged over standard painted steel, frictionsuddenly stops the movement and additionalenergy is required to restore movement (representedby the additional spikes). Each spikerepresents a “stick” in the “stick-slip” process.Coefficient of friction0. generation via stick-slipNote: White linesindicate stick-slipTypical urethane coatingOld XylanOther Whitford coatingsnow incorporate new LNTLNT has been engineered into many otherWhitford flexible finishes, bringing the samebenefits of reduced noise to the entire range.Among them are:Weatherstrip2020: Whitford’s one-pack, waterborne weatherstripcoating, engineered to give excellentnoise suppression, low friction, freeze-release,outstanding abrasion resistance and weatheringcharacteristics. Little or no pretreatment isrequired on dense substrates. Suitable for offlineand on-line application. Easy to apply.2022: Similar to 2020 but in a robust two-componentformulation.2320: Whitford’s most widely used weatherstripcoating, offering low friction, excellent freezerelease,good noise suppression and excellentabrasion resistance. 2320 products are twocomponent,solvent-borne coatings that areeasy to apply and have a proven track recordfor over 10 years.2525: Whitford’s unique UV-cure coatings performsimilarly to Xylan 2020 and 2022 but areUV-cured instead of thermally cured. Thisenables a significant increase in line speed,major waste reductions, lower energy costsand huge savings in space (up to 30 percent).Glass-RunXylan 2022Xylan 21212121: A waterborne, two-component version of2321 offering low friction and excellent abra-

sion resistance to meet the most arduousperformance requirements for glass-runseals. It also withstands corner-mouldingoperations.2321: A well-established glass-run coating,offering low friction and excellent abrasionresistance. 2321 products are two-component,solvent-borne coatings that are particularlyeasy to apply.Appearance2222: A decorative finish for rubber, leather,vinyl and other synthetics. It comes in manycolours, creating opportunity for eye-catchingapplications, such as iridescent seats.In addition to their appearance, 2222 productsoffer low friction and outstanding resistanceto weather and to wear. These are single-component,waterborne coatings.2322: Whitford’s most widely used decorativefinish for rubber, leather, vinyl and othersynthetics, available in a wide range ofattractive colours. In addition to theirappearance properties, 2322 products offerlow friction, excellent abrasion resistanceand excellent freeze-release properties.These are two-component, solvent-bornecoatings that are particularly easy to apply.For more information, as well as a copyof the test results, contact your Whitford representativeor the Whitford location nearestyou (see the back cover).Xylan 1642 to Xylan 2320: A quiet revolutionXylan 1642 is one of Whitford’s most popularproducts, used to coat weatherstripand glass runs for low friction, wearresistance, etc. To improve performancebeyond what has been highly successful,1642 was subjected to the new LNT technology(with all its excellent properties, itis a noise generator under wet conditions).The results are outstanding.Decibels (dBA)Viscosity (Pa.s)807060504030203.00E+002.50E+002.00E+001.50E+001.00E+005.00E-011642232016422320Dry WetRandom VibrationsXylan 1642Xylan 2320New standard: 37 dBA1642Dry23201642Wet2320Sine VibrationsMixed Pot Life @ 25˚CMaximum sprayable viscosityXylan 23200.00E+000 6:00 12:00 18:00 24:00 30:00 36:00 42:00 48:00Time (hours)Look at the astounding change in potlife (see chart).The revolution in the transition fromXylan 1642 to Xylan 2320 doesn’t stopthere. Other improvements in the new versionof this product are equally impressive(see below):Characteristic 1642 2320 %Gloss Matte LowCrosshatch Pass PassToluenedouble rub 50 200+ 400CoFStatic 0.21 0.10 40Soapy water @ 60 3-4 5 >40Cataplasm Test Pass PassWater Immersion(96 hrs @ 80˚C)Appearance Pass PassCross hatch Pass PassPot life (mixed) 4 hrs 48 hrs 1200Of course, Xylan 1642 remains availableto those who wish to use it. Nevertheless,based on all the significantimprovements made, Whitford recommendsthat new and old users alikeshould test and evaluate Xylan 2320 forboth ongoing and new applications. It is agenuinely superior product.

Interiors sparkle withbright colours andtextures of Xylan2222 or 2322Noise is dampenedduring operation withXylan 2121 or 2321Chemicals, autofluids are noproblem withXylan 2222 or 2322Xylan flexible finishes at workMicromovement “itch andsqueak” are eliminatedby Xylan 2020, 2022, or2320Door seals don’tstick, even in thehottest weather, withXylan 2020, 2022,2320 or 2525Profiles maintain theirsheen for years, whateverthe weather conditions,with Xylan 2222 or 2322Windows operatesmoothly, consistently,with Xylan 2121 or 2321Glass-run profilesgive years of extrawear with Xylan2121 or 2321Icy doors open easilyin the coldest weatherwith Xylan 2020, 2022,2320 or 2525

Shhhh...Whitford’s new “Low-Noise Technology” could be working for you...How to contact WhitfordWhitford manufactures in 8 countries, has employees in 7 more and agentsin an additional 25. To find the office nearest you, please contact:Asia-PacificWhitford Ltd.22nd Floor, Oterprise Square26 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong• Tel: +852 2559-3833• Fax: +852 2857-7911• Email: sales@whitfordww.com.hkEuropeWhitford Plastics Ltd.10 Christleton Court, Manor ParkRuncorn, Cheshire, WA7 1ST England• Tel: +44 (0) 1928 571000• Fax: +44 (0) 1928 571010• Email: sales@whitfordww.co.ukNorth AmericaWhitford Corporation33 Sproul RoadFrazer, PA 19355• Tel: +1 (610) 296-3200• Fax: +1 (610) 647-4849• Email: sales@whitfordww.comSouth AmericaWhitford Comercio e Industria Ltda.Avenida Sao Carlos 620, 1 Distrito IndustrialAmerico Brasiliense, SP, CEP 14820-000, Brazil• Tel: +55 (16 ) 3392 6885• Fax: +55 (16) 3392 6646• Email: sales@whitfordww.com.brVisit us on the internet at www.whitfordww.comDykor, Excalibur, QuanTanium, Superglide, Ultralon, Xylac, Xylan, and Xylar are registered trademarks of Whitford.NON-WARRANTY: THE INFORMATION PRESENTED IN THIS PUBLICATION IS BASED UPON THE RESEARCH AND EXPERIENCE OFWHITFORD. NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY IS MADE, HOWEVER, CONCERNING THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OFTHE INFORMATION PRESENTED IN THIS PUBLICATION. WHITFORD MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTIC-ULAR PURPOSE, AND NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION SHALL BE IMPLIED BY LAW OR OTHERWISE. ANY PRODUCTS SOLDBY WHITFORD ARE NOT WARRANTED AS SUITABLE FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE TO THE BUYER. THE SUITABILITY OF ANYPRODUCTS FOR ANY PURPOSE PARTICULAR TO THE BUYER IS FOR THE BUYER TO DETERMINE. WHITFORD ASSUMES NORESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SELECTION OF PRODUCTS SUITABLE TO THE PARTICULAR PURPOSES OF ANY PARTICULAR BUYER.WHITFORD SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.WC10/04

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