1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany

1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany 1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany


BSIPPapers PublishedAgarwal, A. 1991. Fossil wood of Grewia from Neyveli Lignite deposits, India.Vegetos 4 : 5-7.Awasthi, N. & Srivastava, R.1992. Additions to the Neogene flora of Kerala Coast.Geophytology 20 (2) : 148·154.Bajpai, Usha & Maheshwari, U.K. 1991. On two enigmatic infructescences from thePermian Gondwana of Rajmahal Basin. Palaeobotanist 39 : 9·19.Bhattacharyya, A. 1991. Ethnobotanical observations in the Ladakh region ofnorthern Jammu and Kashmir State, India. Economic Botany 45 : 305-308.Caratini, C., Kar, R.K., Saar, R., Tissot, C. & Venkatachala, B.S. 199L Palaeocenepalynoflora from Walalane bore hole, Senegal. Palaeoecol. Africa 22 : 123­133.Caratin; C., Pascal J.P., Tissot C. & Rajagopalan, G. 1990. Palynological recon·struction of wet evergreen forest in the Western Ghats (India) from c.180010 c.1400 years B.P. J. Palynol. 26 : 123-138.Chanchala 199L A Catalogue of Fossil Plants from India, Part II (Archaeobotany).Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow .9080 70 00 !50 40 30 20 1087-8881Year of PublleallonResearch papers published from 1987·88 to 1991-92.68

1991-92Chandra, A. 1991. A Catalogue of Fossil Plants from India. Part 8 - Diatom andSilicoflagellates. Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow : 1-41.Chandra, Shaila & Tewari, R. 1991. Palaeozoic and Mesozoic megafossils A Catalogueof Fossil Plants from India Part-2, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany,Lucknow : 1-81.Chauhan, M.S. 1991. A Catalogue of Fossil Plants from India Part - 6, Cenozoic(Quaternary) Palynology and Palaeobotany. Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany,Lucknow: 1-50.Chauhan, M.S. & Bera, S.K. 1990. Pollen morphology of some important plants oftropical deciduous Sal forests, district Sidhi, Madhya Pradesh. Geophytology20(1) : 30-36.Chauhan, M.S. & Sharma, Chhaya 1991. Modern pollen/spore rain in KumaonHimalaya, India. In Agrawal, O.P. & Dhawan, S. (editors) - Biodeteriorationof Cultural property. Proc. Int. Conf Biodet Cult. prop., NRLC, Lucknow: 412-426.Guleria, J.S. 1991. On the occurrence of carbonised woods resembling Terminaliaand Sonneratia in Palaeogene deposits of Gujarat, western India. Palaeobotanist39 (1) ; 1-8.Guleria, J.S. 1991. Research papers of Birbal Sahni and Birbal Sahni Institute ofPalaeobotany ; A catalogue : Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany,Lucknow: 1-79.Gupta, Asha 1991. Sporeling development of some bryophytes. In Trivedi, R.N. etal. (editors) - En. As. Ma. Soc. Fo. Tr. Re. : 119-129.Gupta, II.P. & Sharma, C. 1992. Vegetational history and palaeoenvironment ofNingle Nullah, Lower Karewa, Kashmir. Geophytology 20(2) : 103-105.Jafar, S.A. & Singh, O.P. 1992. Krr boundary species with Early Eocene nannofossilsdiscovered from Subathu Formation, Simla Himalaya, India. Curro Sci.62(5) : 409-415.Jain, K.P. 1991. Fossil phytoplankton: importance in palaeo-oceanography. CurroSci. 61 : 697-700.Jain, K.P. & Garg, R. 1991. The fossil floras of Kachchh - IV. Tertiary palynostratigraphybyRanajit K. Kar (1985) : A critique on dinoflagellate cysts.Palaeobotanist 39(1) : 57- 85.Jain, K.P., Garg, R. & Khowaja-Ateequzzaman 1991. Hystrichokolpoma indicumKhanna & Singh 1981, a junior homonym of Hystrichokolpoma indicumiSalujha & Kindra 1981. Geophytology 20(1): 75.Kapoor, H.M., Bajpai, Usha & Maheshwari, ILK. 1992. Kashmiropteris meyeniiKapoor: A probable cycadalean leaf from the Early Permian Mamal Formationin the Kashmir Himalaya. Palaeobotanist 39 ; 141-148.Kapoor, H.M. & Maheshwari, ILK. 1991. Early Permian palaeogeography of thePeri· Gondwana in the Indian segment. Curro Sci. 61 : 648-653.Kar, R.K. 1990-91. Palynology of Miocene and Mio-Pliocene sediments of north·east India. J. Palynol. Silver Jubilee Comm. Vol. : 171-217.69

BSIPPapers PublishedAgarwal, A. <strong>1991</strong>. Fossil wood <strong>of</strong> Grewia from Neyveli Lignite deposits, India.Vegetos 4 : 5-7.Awasthi, N. & Srivastava, R.19<strong>92</strong>. Additions to the Neogene flora <strong>of</strong> Kerala Coast.Geophytology 20 (2) : 148·154.Bajpai, Usha & Maheshwari, U.K. <strong>1991</strong>. On two enigmatic infructescences from thePermian Gondwana <strong>of</strong> Rajmahal Basin. Palaeobotanist 39 : 9·19.Bhattacharyya, A. <strong>1991</strong>. Ethnobotanical observations in the Ladakh region <strong>of</strong>northern Jammu and Kashmir State, India. Economic Botany 45 : 305-308.Caratini, C., Kar, R.K., Saar, R., Tissot, C. & Venkatachala, B.S. 199L Palaeocenepalyn<strong>of</strong>lora from Walalane bore hole, Senegal. Palaeoecol. Africa 22 : 123­133.Caratin; C., Pascal J.P., Tissot C. & Rajagopalan, G. 1990. Palynological recon·struction <strong>of</strong> wet evergreen forest in the Western Ghats (India) from c.180010 c.1400 years B.P. J. Palynol. 26 : 123-138.Chanchala 199L A Catalogue <strong>of</strong> Fossil Plants from India, Part II (Archaeobotany).<strong>Birbal</strong> <strong>Sahni</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Palaeobotany</strong>, Lucknow .9080 70 00 !50 40 30 20 1087-8881Year <strong>of</strong> PublleallonResearch papers published from 1987·88 to <strong>1991</strong>-<strong>92</strong>.68

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