1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany

1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany

1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany

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<strong>1991</strong>-<strong>92</strong>Mandaokar, B.D. - Palynological investigation <strong>of</strong> Jeypore Colliery, Tikak ParbatFormation, Oligocene, Assam, India. Geobios.Misra, B.K. - Tertiary coals <strong>of</strong> Makum Coalfield, Assam, India: petrography,genesis and sedimentation. Palaeobotanist.Misra, B.K. - The genesis <strong>of</strong> Indian Tertiary coals and lignites: a biopetrologicaland palaeobotanical view point. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> Symposium on Four Decades<strong>of</strong> Indian <strong>Palaeobotany</strong>, Palaeobotanist.Misra, B.K. & Singh, B.D. - Liptinite macerals in Singrauli coals (India): theircharacterization and assessment. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> <strong>Birbal</strong> <strong>Sahni</strong> Birth CentenaryPalaeobotanical Conference, Geophytology.Prasad, M. - Plant megafossils in the Siwalik sediments <strong>of</strong> Hard war, Uttar Pradeshand their bearing on palaeoclimate and phytogeography. Himalayan Geology.Prasad, M. - Siwalik plant fossils from Kalagarh area in the Himalayan foot hillsand their bearing on palaeoclimate and phytogeography. Rev. Palaeobot.Palynol.Prasad, M. & Khare, E.G. - Occurrence <strong>of</strong> Dipterocarpus in the Siwalik sediments<strong>of</strong> Hardwar, U.P., India. Curro Sci.Rajanikal1th, A. - Rock building calcareous Cretaceous-Tertiary algae from India: an ecological perspective. Palaeobotanist.Ram·Awatar - Palynological dating <strong>of</strong> subsurface sequence <strong>of</strong> Pali Formation inSohagpur Coalfield, M.P. , India. Geophytology.<strong>Sahni</strong>, A" Venkatachala, n.s., Kar, n..K., Rajanikanth, A., Prakash, T., Prasad,G.V.R. & Singh, R.Y. - New palynological data from the Deccan Intertrappeans: implications for the latest record <strong>of</strong> dinosaurs and synchronousinitiation <strong>of</strong> volcanic activity in India. Cretaceous Research.Saraswat, K.S. - Archaeological plant remains in Ancient cultural and socia-economicaldynamics <strong>of</strong> the Indian subcontinent. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> Symposium onFour Decades <strong>of</strong> indian <strong>Palaeobotany</strong>, Palaeobotanist.Sarkar, Samir & Singh, Il.P. - Palaeoecology <strong>of</strong> the Siwalik palynonoras fromKundlu and adjoining areas, Himachal Pradesh, India. Him. Geol.Saxena, R.K. -Neyveli lignites and associated sediments: their palynology, palaeoecology,correlation and age. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> Symposium on Four Decades<strong>of</strong> Indian <strong>Palaeobotany</strong>, Palaeobotanist.Saxena, R.K. - A catalogue <strong>of</strong> fossil plants from India - Part SA. Cenozoic (Tertiary)spores and pollen. 5B. Cenozoic (Tertiary) fungi.Saxena, R.K. - Hypoxylonites Elsik, a correct name for Hypoxylonosporites Kumarand its Indian records. Geophytology.Sekar B., Rujugopulun, G., Nautiyal, B.D. & Dube, R.K. - Chemical analysis <strong>of</strong> asediment core from Paradip, Orissa and its application to environmentalreconstruction for the past 450 years. Curro Sci.Sharma, Chhaya - Vegetation dynamics and palaeoclimate <strong>of</strong> Quaternary lacustrinesediments in Himalaya. Curro Sci.63

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