1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany

1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany 1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany


BSIPthe Indian Tertiary sedimentsObjective,To evaluate all published taxa and to identifyvalid taxa for use in stratigraphical and palaeoecologicalstudies: To circumscribe and delineate the valid taxaHolotypes and other specimens of selected Indian Tertiary pollen have beenstudied.R.K.SaxenaA taxonomic assessment of 38 monocolpate and tricolpate Indian Tertiarygenera was completed.S.K.M. Tripathi and Madhav KumarA critical morphotaxonomic study of tricolpate angiosperm pollen taxa (31genera and 94 species) from the Indian Tertiary sediments has been completed.J.P. MandaI and M.R. RaoCritical morphotaxonomic evaluation of selected porate pollen grains, viz.,Cryptopolyporites, Varispinitriporites, Thymelaepollis, Rarispinitriporites, Semitecto/riporf/es,Myricipites, and Polyporina was carried out.SamirSarkarMore than 400 gencra and 1000 species of angiosperm pollen have beendescribed from the Tertiary sediments of India. A large number of these taxa havebeen proposed and described on the basis of one or few specimens and meagremorphological differentiation based on insignificant criteria. Thus their usefulnessis limited. The holotypes, para types and other specimens available at therepository of the Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, have been restudied,critically evaluated and their morphological limits circumscribed to make themmore useful and applicable for age determination and stratigraphic correlation aswell as for palaeoenvironmental interpretations with emphasis on their affinitywith extant taxa.B.S. Venkatachala, R.K. Saxena, H.P. Singh, R.K. Kar, S.K.M.Tripathi, M. Kumar, S. Sarkar, J.P. MandaI, M.R.Rao, R.S. Singh,B.D. Mandaokar and K. AmbwaniProgramme 9.7Objective: Patterns of lear architecture and cuticle insome tropical dicotyledonous families,To study leaf architecture and cuticle of sometropical angiospermous families Magnoliaceae,Annonaceae, Dilleniaceae, Combretaceae, Lauraceae,Myrtaceae and FabaeeaeLeaves of Magnolia saulangiana Hort, M. compbellii Hook. r. & Thoms., M.globosa Hook. r. & Thoms, M. hypoleuca SZ., M. maingayi King, M. candollii (BI.)H. Keng. vaT. Candollii, M. candollii (BI.) H. Keng. vaT. obovata (Korth) NODI,50

1991-92Michelia velutina DC., M. cathcartii Hook. E, M. kisopa Buch-Ham ex DC. and M.nilagirica Zenk were processed. Slides of their cu ticle and moun ts of leaf venationpattern were prepared. Morphology, venation pattern and cuticular feature weredescribed. The leaf architectural pattern and cuticular feature are constant withina species. It is therefore inferred that these features are useful taxonomic charactersin the Magnoliaceae family.D.C.SainiProgramme 9.8Objective,Inventory of Type and Figured palaeobotanicalspecimens/slides (megafossils) available with Repositoryof BSIP Museum,Publication of inventory and a guide book to theBSIP MuseumPublished lYpe and Figured specimens at the repository - An inventory Part I,1991.a.p. SrivastavaProgramme 9.9Objective,Catalogue of Indian Fossil Plants 1971·1990,To prepare an inventory of plantmegafossils reported from Indiansequences during the period 1971-1990micro-andsedimentary, To publish the inventory as a Birbal Sahni Centenarycontribution'A Catalogue of Fossil Plants from India' in I I fascicules was published.Part·1 ,Archaean and Proterozoic PalaeobiologyPart·2Part-3Part-4Part·5Part·6Manoj Shukla and Rajendra Bansal, Palaeozoic and Mesozoic MegafossilsShaila Chandra and Rajni Tewari, A. Palaeozoic and Mesozoic spores and pollenSureshC. SrivastavaB. Palaeozoic and Mesozoic megasporesRajni Tewari, Cenozoic (Tertiary) MegafossilsRashmiSrivastava, Cenozoic (Tertiary) A. Spores and PollenB. FungiR.K. Saxena, Cenozoic (Quaternary) Palynology and Palaeobotany51

<strong>1991</strong>-<strong>92</strong>Michelia velutina DC., M. cathcartii Hook. E, M. kisopa Buch-Ham ex DC. and M.nilagirica Zenk were processed. Slides <strong>of</strong> their cu ticle and moun ts <strong>of</strong> leaf venationpattern were prepared. Morphology, venation pattern and cuticular feature weredescribed. The leaf architectural pattern and cuticular feature are constant withina species. It is therefore inferred that these features are useful taxonomic charactersin the Magnoliaceae family.D.C.SainiProgramme 9.8Objective,Inventory <strong>of</strong> Type and Figured palaeobotanicalspecimens/slides (megafossils) available with Repository<strong>of</strong> BSIP Museum,Publication <strong>of</strong> inventory and a guide book to theBSIP MuseumPublished lYpe and Figured specimens at the repository - An inventory Part I,<strong>1991</strong>.a.p. SrivastavaProgramme 9.9Objective,Catalogue <strong>of</strong> Indian Fossil Plants 1971·1990,To prepare an inventory <strong>of</strong> plantmegafossils reported from Indiansequences during the period 1971-1990micro-andsedimentary, To publish the inventory as a <strong>Birbal</strong> <strong>Sahni</strong> Centenarycontribution'A Catalogue <strong>of</strong> Fossil Plants from India' in I I fascicules was published.Part·1 ,Archaean and Proterozoic PalaeobiologyPart·2Part-3Part-4Part·5Part·6Manoj Shukla and Rajendra Bansal, Palaeozoic and Mesozoic MegafossilsShaila Chandra and Rajni Tewari, A. Palaeozoic and Mesozoic spores and pollenSureshC. SrivastavaB. Palaeozoic and Mesozoic megasporesRajni Tewari, Cenozoic (Tertiary) MegafossilsRashmiSrivastava, Cenozoic (Tertiary) A. Spores and PollenB. FungiR.K. Saxena, Cenozoic (Quaternary) Palynology and <strong>Palaeobotany</strong>51

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