1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany

1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany 1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany


BSIPTetraploa and Microthyriaceaeare also recorded.Carried out pollen analytical investigation of 12 glacier dust samples fromDunagiri Glacier, Garhwal Himalaya. The broad-leaved components are represented by Quercus, Betula, Alnus, Carpinus, Ulmus and Celtis, Pinus, Abies, Piceaand Cedrus are low in values. Poaceae, alongwith Cheno/Ams, Ranunculaeeae,Asteraceae, Rosaceae, etc. are the prominent herbaceous elements.Chhaya Sharma and M.S. ChauhanStudy of 5 surface samples from Nachiketa 1'dl, Garhwal Himalaya reveals thedominance of Pinus and Quercus, Alnus, Betula, Carpinus, Rhododendron, Celtis,Acer, etc. are in very low values. Poaceae, Cheno/Ams, ASleraceac, Caryophyllaceae,etc. are poorly represented.Pollen ana lysed a 2 meter deep profile (NT-4) from Nachiketa TIll, GarhwalHimalaya. Quercus, Pinus, Alnus, Betula, Juglans, etc. are the main arboreal constituents,whereas non-arboreals such as Poaceae, Cheno/Ams, Caryophyllaceae,etc. are represented in low values.Pollen analysis of a new profile (NT-2) from Nachiketa Tal, Garhwal Himalayahas been undertaken.Chhaya Sharma and Asha GuptaI'rogramme 7.3: History of mangrove vegetation in IndiaObjective,To study palynostratigraphy and Dispersed OrganicMatter analysis of the sediments from ChilkaLake in Mahanadi - Brahmani - Baitarini deltaicregion in OrissaPalynology of 4.30 meter deep profile dated 3,800 years B.P. from Rambha onsouth cast flank of Chilka Lake has been completed. The study has enabled todivide whole time span into two phases. The first phase between 3,800 - 2,000 yearsB.I'. records the existence of well developed core-mangrove forest and the secondphase from 2,000 years B.P. till date records the overall degradation of core-mangrovevis-a-vis uprise in the val ues of hinterland taxa. The arrival of Casuarina andAnacardium in relatively higher values at 700 years B.P. indicates that the anthropogenicactivities were accelerated and over exploitation of natural resourcesbegan.Asha Khandelwal and H.P. GuptaThe palynology of 3.75 meter deep profile from muddy island Nalabana withinChilka Lake was completed. It exhibited poor occurrence of both core and peripheralmangroves rather than the island was inhabited althrough its development bynon-arborcals such as Poaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Cyperaeeae, etc. characterizingthe existence of salt-marshes.Pollen analysed eight samples from Andaman and Nieobar Islands which exhibitedpoor occurrence of pollen grains. However, the core-mangrove taxa, suchas Rhizophora, Avicennia, Heritiera, etc. are poorly represented as compared to42

1991·92A. Fungal hyphae degrading the organic matler, B, amorphous organic matter after complete biodegradation.peripheral mangrove taxa, such as Phoenix, Salvadora, Meliaceae, Myrtaceae, etc.Casuarina, hinterland and fresh water taxa are moderate while microforaminiferaltest, dinoOagellate cysts, etc. showed variation in quality and quantity.H.P. Gupta and Asha KhandelwalProgramme 7.4Objective: Dendrochronology of temperate and tropicaltrees and seasonality of cambium activity: To carry out a detailed survey and preparation ofa catalogue of fossil woods, producing growth·rings from Palaeozoic to Cenozoic Era in Indiansubcontinent: To analyse growth rings of fossil woods to under·stand change in productivity of trees in relation toclimate during geological pastTree samples of Cedrus deodara from Harshil in Uttarkashi have been dated43

<strong>1991</strong>·<strong>92</strong>A. Fungal hyphae degrading the organic matler, B, amorphous organic matter after complete biodegradation.peripheral mangrove taxa, such as Phoenix, Salvadora, Meliaceae, Myrtaceae, etc.Casuarina, hinterland and fresh water taxa are moderate while micr<strong>of</strong>oraminiferaltest, dinoOagellate cysts, etc. showed variation in quality and quantity.H.P. Gupta and Asha KhandelwalProgramme 7.4Objective: Dendrochronology <strong>of</strong> temperate and tropicaltrees and seasonality <strong>of</strong> cambium activity: To carry out a detailed survey and preparation <strong>of</strong>a catalogue <strong>of</strong> fossil woods, producing growth·rings from Palaeozoic to Cenozoic Era in Indiansubcontinent: To analyse growth rings <strong>of</strong> fossil woods to under·stand change in productivity <strong>of</strong> trees in relation toclimate during geological pastTree samples <strong>of</strong> Cedrus deodara from Harshil in Uttarkashi have been dated43

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