1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany

1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany 1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany


BSIPbetween 1002-944 m show an almost uniform distribution of taxa. SignificantMaastrichtian marker taxa, namely Diporoconia iszkazentgyoergyi, Ariadnaesporitesariadnae, Gabonisporites vigourouxii, PeriretisyncoipilfS magnosagenatus, Tercissusgrandis, Longaperlites margino/us, etc. arc recorded.These marker taxa disappear at 958 m level and an abundance of pteridophyticspores is noticed. Thus a major change in noral co~position is recorded at thislevel marking Krr boundary, which is characterized by the disappearance ofMaastrichtian marker taxa and presence of a fern spike. Such major noral changeis attributed to possible innuenee of Krr events.Palynological investigations on the "infratrappean" sediments and equivalentshave been carried oul. A Maastrichtian palynoassemblage from the KallameduFormation has been detailed oul.B.S. Venkatachala, R.K. Kar and A. RajanikanthProgramme 6.10 : Biodiagenesis of Tertiary coals from Nagalandand kerogen study from Tertiary sequence ofAssam-Arnkan BasinObjective : To evaluatekerogen studyArakan BasinTertiary coalsfrom Tertiaryfrom Nagaland andsequence of Assam -A biopetrographic investigation carried out on the exploitable coal seam No.1 and NO.3 from the Makum Coalfield indicates that they were formed mainly fromBand and discrete bodies of yellow, ochre-yellow and orange nuorescing resinites with sporinites in theTertiary coal of Assam.40

1991-92the tree-dominated autochthonous mangrove-mixed angiospermous vegetationgrowing under moderately per-humid tropical climate. The vegetal accumulationtook place in a rheotrophic peat-swamp on. a lower delta plain in a near-shorelagoon. The affect of anaerobic 'degradation under alkaline mileau was morepronounced and resulted in pyrite-rich perhydrous coals by the inOuence of putrefactioninstead of normal humification. Anaerobic alkaline conditions facilitatingsevere biodegradation of organic mailer were not only responsible for the formationof fine-grained authigenic partings within the seams as well as roof and Ooorof the seams but also for the termination of the coal seams.B.K.MisraPROJECT 7Programme 7.1,RECONSTRUCTION OF QUATERNARYVEGETATIONAL PATTERNS, History of vegetation and climate in tropicalmontane forests in south IndiaObjective ,To build up a complete palynofloral succession ofthe Shola forest / grassland in Annamalai Hills,Palni Hills and Silent ValleyTen surface samples from Bombay Shola, Palni Hills were pollen analysed andrevealed high yield of pollen/spores. The common feature of this study is that thesamples collected within the forested zone have recorded higher frequencies forarboreal taxa which decline proportionately in the samples investigated fromoutskirt and away from the forest.1\venty five profile samples from Bombay Shola were pollen analysed andrecorded preponderance of non-arboreals which is almost matching with compositionof the surface samples. Allhough shola trees are inadequately present butImpatiens, a close associate of shala woods, is regularly present in the samples whichsignifies tile existence of silola woods.H.P. Gupta and S.K. BeraPollen morphology of 27 modern trees from Silent Valley has been completedunder LM.H.A.KhanProgramme7.2 : Depositional environment andthe Quaternary Period in thepalynological approachclimate duringHimalaya : AObjective,To build up a fine resolution climatic sequence ofQuaternary Period in tile Himalayan regionPollen analysed 8 samples from 2 meter deep profile (GT-l) from Gola Thppar,Dehradun. The study has revealed the occurrence of Holoptelea, Bauilinia,Murraya, Ficus, Mallotus and Meliaceae. Strobilantiles, Fabaceae and Urticaceaeare scanly. The ground vegetation is composed of grasses, sedges, Chen~/Ams,Brassicaceae, Artemisia, etc. Besides, fungal spores of Alternaria, Curvularia,41

BSIPbetween 1002-944 m show an almost uniform distribution <strong>of</strong> taxa. SignificantMaastrichtian marker taxa, namely Diporoconia iszkazentgyoergyi, Ariadnaesporitesariadnae, Gabonisporites vigourouxii, PeriretisyncoipilfS magnosagenatus, Tercissusgrandis, Longaperlites margino/us, etc. arc recorded.These marker taxa disappear at 958 m level and an abundance <strong>of</strong> pteridophyticspores is noticed. Thus a major change in noral co~position is recorded at thislevel marking Krr boundary, which is characterized by the disappearance <strong>of</strong>Maastrichtian marker taxa and presence <strong>of</strong> a fern spike. Such major noral changeis attributed to possible innuenee <strong>of</strong> Krr events.Palynological investigations on the "infratrappean" sediments and equivalentshave been carried oul. A Maastrichtian palynoassemblage from the KallameduFormation has been detailed oul.B.S. Venkatachala, R.K. Kar and A. RajanikanthProgramme 6.10 : Biodiagenesis <strong>of</strong> Tertiary coals from Nagalandand kerogen study from Tertiary sequence <strong>of</strong>Assam-Arnkan BasinObjective : To evaluatekerogen studyArakan BasinTertiary coalsfrom Tertiaryfrom Nagaland andsequence <strong>of</strong> Assam -A biopetrographic investigation carried out on the exploitable coal seam No.1 and NO.3 from the Makum Coalfield indicates that they were formed mainly fromBand and discrete bodies <strong>of</strong> yellow, ochre-yellow and orange nuorescing resinites with sporinites in theTertiary coal <strong>of</strong> Assam.40

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