1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany

1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany 1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany


BSIP";jEuryphy/lum whilt;anum Feistmantel (rom TalchirCoalfield, Orissa.plants in Son-Mahanadi GrabenObjective: To study morphotaxonomy, [loristics, biostratigraphyand palaeoclimate of the Permian Gondwana formationsin the area: To study fructifications in order to understand theevolutionary aspect of Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms: To establish palaeobotanical succession in theSingrauli Coalfield areaA plant fossil assemblage from Gopal Prasad locality in Thlcher Coalfield wasstudied. The assemblage includes Glossopteris karanpuraensis, G. communis, G.subtili, G. indica, G. retifera, G. gigas, G. leptoneura, G. arberi, G.tenuifoiia, G.14

1991-92•conspicua, G. nimishea, G. vulgaris, G. browniana, Dichotomopteris sp.,Neomariopteris hughesii and Schizoneura gondwanensis. Plant fossils indicate LatePermian age.Programme 2.3ObjectiveShaila Chandra and K. J. Singh: Evolutionary perspective of meganoral diversificationin the Nidl'ur plant bed: To carry out fine resolution morphotaxonomicalinvestigations and decipher affinities and interrelationof different plant organs: To attempt whole plant reconstructionsTho genera, viz., Pterophyllum and Pseudoctenis have been studied for theirmorphographic tharacters. The specimens of Rhabdotaenia are also being studiedin order to find out its precise affiliations.Fertile organs have also been studied and among these the finding of themegasporophy II is quite significant because it shows its affinity with the Cycadales.Shyam C. Srivastava and S.R. ManikProgramme 2.4 : Palynostratigraphy of Gondwana Sequence inSon-Mahanadi Graben•Objective: To systematically collect samples and to analysepalynoassemblages with a view to interpret floralchanges, boundary transitions and agedetermination at a finer level in the intraformationalsuccession of Johilla Coalfield: To identify Talcher/Athgarh relationship in theTalcher Coalfield and Athgarh BasinPalynological analysis of bore-hole SPB-18 from Middle Pali sequence nearBurhar area, Sohagpur Coalfield shows a Late Permian palynoassemblage whichreveals a closer relation with the assemblage from Raniganj Formation. Presenceof Leiosphaeridia in few samples indicates a probable marine influence in this area.So far, the samples from Lower Pari proved to be barren. Processing of the samplesfrom bore-hole SPB-14 has been completed.Ram-AwatarThe palynological analysis of samples from 450 m deep bore-hole TCW-25 inthe northern part of the Thlcher Coalfield has revealed the presence of three• distinct palynoassemblages based on FADs, LADs and pattern of species distribution.They are comparable to the Marker Assemblage-Zones identified inDamodar-Rajmahal area. The lowermost assemblage -Parasaccites korbaensisAssemblage-Zone represents the Upper Thlchir, and Scheuringipollenitesbarakarensis Assemblage-Zone and Faunipollenites varius Assemblage-Zone representLower and Upper Barakar, respectively. The palynological observations forclimatically sensitive morphological characters reveal a relatively cooler climate15

<strong>1991</strong>-<strong>92</strong>•conspicua, G. nimishea, G. vulgaris, G. browniana, Dichotomopteris sp.,Neomariopteris hughesii and Schizoneura gondwanensis. Plant fossils indicate LatePermian age.Programme 2.3ObjectiveShaila Chandra and K. J. Singh: Evolutionary perspective <strong>of</strong> meganoral diversificationin the Nidl'ur plant bed: To carry out fine resolution morphotaxonomicalinvestigations and decipher affinities and interrelation<strong>of</strong> different plant organs: To attempt whole plant reconstructionsTho genera, viz., Pterophyllum and Pseudoctenis have been studied for theirmorphographic tharacters. The specimens <strong>of</strong> Rhabdotaenia are also being studiedin order to find out its precise affiliations.Fertile organs have also been studied and among these the finding <strong>of</strong> themegasporophy II is quite significant because it shows its affinity with the Cycadales.Shyam C. Srivastava and S.R. ManikProgramme 2.4 : Palynostratigraphy <strong>of</strong> Gondwana Sequence inSon-Mahanadi Graben•Objective: To systematically collect samples and to analysepalynoassemblages with a view to interpret floralchanges, boundary transitions and agedetermination at a finer level in the intraformationalsuccession <strong>of</strong> Johilla Coalfield: To identify Talcher/Athgarh relationship in theTalcher Coalfield and Athgarh BasinPalynological analysis <strong>of</strong> bore-hole SPB-18 from Middle Pali sequence nearBurhar area, Sohagpur Coalfield shows a Late Permian palynoassemblage whichreveals a closer relation with the assemblage from Raniganj Formation. Presence<strong>of</strong> Leiosphaeridia in few samples indicates a probable marine influence in this area.So far, the samples from Lower Pari proved to be barren. Processing <strong>of</strong> the samplesfrom bore-hole SPB-14 has been completed.Ram-AwatarThe palynological analysis <strong>of</strong> samples from 450 m deep bore-hole TCW-25 inthe northern part <strong>of</strong> the Thlcher Coalfield has revealed the presence <strong>of</strong> three• distinct palynoassemblages based on FADs, LADs and pattern <strong>of</strong> species distribution.They are comparable to the Marker Assemblage-Zones identified inDamodar-Rajmahal area. The lowermost assemblage -Parasaccites korbaensisAssemblage-Zone represents the Upper Thlchir, and Scheuringipollenitesbarakarensis Assemblage-Zone and Faunipollenites varius Assemblage-Zone representLower and Upper Barakar, respectively. The palynological observations forclimatically sensitive morphological characters reveal a relatively cooler climate15

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