1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany

1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany 1991-92 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany



1991-92Birbal Sahni Birth Centenary CelebrationsThe inaugural function was held at the Sahni Institute on November 14, 1991amidst a galaxy of distinguished guests and scientists, both from India and overseas.His Excellency Sri B. Satyanarayan Reddy, Governor of Ullar Pradesh was theChief Guest. Sri Reddy reminded us that Birbal Sahni belonged to that generationof individuals who lived for ideals and worked with intense passion and devotionto realize them. Professor H.Y. Mohan Ram, in his welcome speech, pointed outthat Profcssor Birbal Sahni's interests were wide and interdisciplinary. He leftbehind a rich legacy of a scientific fervor which should ever remain a maller ofpride for the nation. Inaugurating the birth centenary programmes, Professor S.Z.Qasim, Member Planning Commission said that in remembering Professor BirbalSahni we were honouring science and a great visionary of science. Dr B.P.Radhakrishna, Chief Editor, Geological Society and Dr A.P. Mitra, former Director-Generalof the CS1R paid glowing tributes to Professor SahnL Delivering theBirth Centenary Lecture, Professor T.S. Sadasivan, a former Chairman, GoverningBody, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, who had the honour to be a studentof Professor Sahni, said that the futuristic vision and interdisciplinary directionenvisioned by Professor Sahni had a great bearing on the present day science. DrHarsh K. Gupta, Adviser, Department of Science and Technology released "IndianGondwana", a Volume dedicated to Professor Birbal Sahni, published by the GeologicalSociety of India.Floral-tributes (Puslrpolljo/i)to Professor Sahni at his" Salnadhi".1

<strong>1991</strong>-<strong>92</strong>BIRBAL SAHNIBIRTH CENTENARY

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