List of supporting documents for application for a Schengen visa in ...

List of supporting documents for application for a Schengen visa in ... List of supporting documents for application for a Schengen visa in ...


Harmonised list of supporting documents to be submitted by applicants for aSchengen visa in the Russian Federation: business/work1) Harmonised visa application form completed and signed by the applicant. 12) Travel document valid for at least three months after the intended date of (last) departure from theSchengen area, containing at least two blank pages and issued within the previous ten years.3) Photograph in line with ICAO guidelines( Visa fee in line with the categories of the visa facilitation agreements with Russia and the VisaCode. Certain Member States apply optional visa fee waivers as provided for in Article 16(5) of theVisa Code.5) Travel medical insurance covering the entire period of intended stay, valid for all SchengenStates and covering any expenses which might arise in connection with repatriation for medicalreasons, urgency medical attention, emergency hospital treatment or death during the stay. Theminimum coverage must be €30.000.6) Copy of the internal passport (issued at the age of 14): pages concerning the applicant's biodata,foreign passport(s) issued to him/her, his/her marital status and registration in Russia.7) In cases of minors:i. Copy of the birth certificate.ii. Consent of the parental authority or legal guardian should be required only if the minortravels alone or only with one parent. Exceptions should be made to this if the single parentwith whom the minor is to travel holds the parental authority alone (i.e. in cases where theother parent has deceased or been deprived of custody, e.g. a death certificate of the otherparent or a court degree vesting custody exclusively in the parent who is signing theapplication would be requested).iii. Copy of the valid Schengen visa of the parent(s) travelling with the minor for whom avisa is not applied at the same time with the parent(s).8) In cases of third-country nationals, proof of legal residence in the Russian Federation in line withfederal legislation (e.g. residence permit, long-term visa or FMS registration), valid for at leastthree months after the planned return from the Schengen area or a document proving that theapplicant has applied for a renewal of proof of legal residence. If not resident, proof of legalpresence in the Russian Federation and justification for submitting visa application in the RussianFederation instead of the country of residence.9) As per category of traveller:a) Members of official delegations:i) Letter (e.g. verbal note) issued by a competent Russian authority (e.g. MID) confirmingthat the applicant is a member of its delegation travelling to the Schengen Member State.1 In cases of minors, the application form shall be signed by a person exercising permanent or temporary parental authorityor legal guardianship.1

Harmonised list <strong>of</strong> <strong>support<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>documents</strong> to be submitted by applicants <strong>for</strong> a<strong>Schengen</strong> <strong>visa</strong> <strong>in</strong> the Russian Federation: bus<strong>in</strong>ess/work1) Harmonised <strong>visa</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>for</strong>m completed and signed by the applicant. 12) Travel document valid <strong>for</strong> at least three months after the <strong>in</strong>tended date <strong>of</strong> (last) departure from the<strong>Schengen</strong> area, conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g at least two blank pages and issued with<strong>in</strong> the previous ten years.3) Photograph <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e with ICAO guidel<strong>in</strong>es(http://www2.icao.<strong>in</strong>t/en/MRTD/Downloads/Technical%20Reports/Annex_A-Photograph_Guidel<strong>in</strong>es.pdf).4) Visa fee <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e with the categories <strong>of</strong> the <strong>visa</strong> facilitation agreements with Russia and the VisaCode. Certa<strong>in</strong> Member States apply optional <strong>visa</strong> fee waivers as provided <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong> Article 16(5) <strong>of</strong> theVisa Code.5) Travel medical <strong>in</strong>surance cover<strong>in</strong>g the entire period <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>tended stay, valid <strong>for</strong> all <strong>Schengen</strong>States and cover<strong>in</strong>g any expenses which might arise <strong>in</strong> connection with repatriation <strong>for</strong> medicalreasons, urgency medical attention, emergency hospital treatment or death dur<strong>in</strong>g the stay. Them<strong>in</strong>imum coverage must be €30.000.6) Copy <strong>of</strong> the <strong>in</strong>ternal passport (issued at the age <strong>of</strong> 14): pages concern<strong>in</strong>g the applicant's biodata,<strong>for</strong>eign passport(s) issued to him/her, his/her marital status and registration <strong>in</strong> Russia.7) In cases <strong>of</strong> m<strong>in</strong>ors:i. Copy <strong>of</strong> the birth certificate.ii. Consent <strong>of</strong> the parental authority or legal guardian should be required only if the m<strong>in</strong>ortravels alone or only with one parent. Exceptions should be made to this if the s<strong>in</strong>gle parentwith whom the m<strong>in</strong>or is to travel holds the parental authority alone (i.e. <strong>in</strong> cases where theother parent has deceased or been deprived <strong>of</strong> custody, e.g. a death certificate <strong>of</strong> the otherparent or a court degree vest<strong>in</strong>g custody exclusively <strong>in</strong> the parent who is sign<strong>in</strong>g the<strong>application</strong> would be requested).iii. Copy <strong>of</strong> the valid <strong>Schengen</strong> <strong>visa</strong> <strong>of</strong> the parent(s) travell<strong>in</strong>g with the m<strong>in</strong>or <strong>for</strong> whom a<strong>visa</strong> is not applied at the same time with the parent(s).8) In cases <strong>of</strong> third-country nationals, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> legal residence <strong>in</strong> the Russian Federation <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e withfederal legislation (e.g. residence permit, long-term <strong>visa</strong> or FMS registration), valid <strong>for</strong> at leastthree months after the planned return from the <strong>Schengen</strong> area or a document prov<strong>in</strong>g that theapplicant has applied <strong>for</strong> a renewal <strong>of</strong> pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> legal residence. If not resident, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> legalpresence <strong>in</strong> the Russian Federation and justification <strong>for</strong> submitt<strong>in</strong>g <strong>visa</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>in</strong> the RussianFederation <strong>in</strong>stead <strong>of</strong> the country <strong>of</strong> residence.9) As per category <strong>of</strong> traveller:a) Members <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial delegations:i) Letter (e.g. verbal note) issued by a competent Russian authority (e.g. MID) confirm<strong>in</strong>gthat the applicant is a member <strong>of</strong> its delegation travell<strong>in</strong>g to the <strong>Schengen</strong> Member State.1 In cases <strong>of</strong> m<strong>in</strong>ors, the <strong>application</strong> <strong>for</strong>m shall be signed by a person exercis<strong>in</strong>g permanent or temporary parental authorityor legal guardianship.1

ii) Copy <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>in</strong>vitation.b) Participants <strong>in</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial tw<strong>in</strong> city programmes:i) Written request from the head <strong>of</strong> adm<strong>in</strong>istration/mayor <strong>of</strong> the city where the tw<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gactivity is to take place.ii) Written request from the head <strong>of</strong> adm<strong>in</strong>istration/mayor <strong>of</strong> the send<strong>in</strong>g city with full details<strong>of</strong> the participant.c) Employees travell<strong>in</strong>g on bus<strong>in</strong>ess:i) Written request from a host<strong>in</strong>g firm or organisation, an <strong>of</strong>fice or branch, state or localauthority <strong>of</strong> the Russian Federation and the Member State or organis<strong>in</strong>g committees <strong>of</strong>trade and <strong>in</strong>dustrial exhibitions, conferences and symposia to attend meet<strong>in</strong>gs, conferencesor events connected with trade, <strong>in</strong>dustry or work; if no such written request can beobta<strong>in</strong>ed, other pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> purpose <strong>of</strong> stay (e.g. <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation on participation <strong>in</strong> conference,entrance ticket to trade fair, bus<strong>in</strong>ess correspondence, programme <strong>of</strong> the bus<strong>in</strong>ess trip).ii) In case not already sufficiently demonstrated <strong>in</strong> the written request, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> employment.d) Self-employed people:i) Written request from a host<strong>in</strong>g firm or organisation, an <strong>of</strong>fice or branch, state or localauthority <strong>of</strong> the Russian Federation and the Member State or organis<strong>in</strong>g committees <strong>of</strong>trade and <strong>in</strong>dustrial exhibitions, conferences and symposia to attend meet<strong>in</strong>gs, conferencesor events connected with trade, <strong>in</strong>dustry or work; if no such written request can beobta<strong>in</strong>ed, other pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> purpose <strong>of</strong> stay (e.g. <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation on participation <strong>in</strong> conference,entrance ticket to trade fair, bus<strong>in</strong>ess correspondence, programme <strong>of</strong> the bus<strong>in</strong>ess trip).ii) Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> economic activity (e.g. 2NDFL or 3NDFL <strong>for</strong>m, extract from the trade/fiscalregistry or certificate <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>dividual bus<strong>in</strong>ess) or bank statement(s) cover<strong>in</strong>g at least threepreced<strong>in</strong>g months.e) Drivers (<strong>in</strong>ternational cargo and passengers):i) Written request from the Russian national association <strong>of</strong> carriers (ASMAP or RAS) or thenational association <strong>of</strong> carriers <strong>of</strong> the Member State stat<strong>in</strong>g the purpose, duration andfrequency <strong>of</strong> trips.f) Members <strong>of</strong> tra<strong>in</strong>, refrigerator and locomotive crews:i) Written request from the competent Russian railway company (OAO-RZD with itsbranches and OAO "Refservice") or a competent railway company <strong>of</strong> the Member Statestat<strong>in</strong>g the purpose, duration and frequency <strong>of</strong> trips.g) Air crews (if <strong>in</strong> need <strong>of</strong> a <strong>visa</strong>):i) Letter from the operat<strong>in</strong>g body.h) Journalists:i) A certificate or other document issued by a pr<strong>of</strong>essional organisation prov<strong>in</strong>g that theperson is a qualified journalist.2

ii) Letter from his/her employer stat<strong>in</strong>g that the purpose <strong>of</strong> the journey is to carry outjournalistic work.(Freelance journalists: pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> journalistic activity (e.g. a press card or work contract) andpro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> economic activity/f<strong>in</strong>ancial means (e.g. 2NDFL or 3NDFL <strong>for</strong>m, excerpt from thetrade/fiscal registry, certificate <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>dividual bus<strong>in</strong>ess, bank statement(s) cover<strong>in</strong>g at least threepreced<strong>in</strong>g months).i) Other short-term (90/180 days) labourers (if permissible with <strong>Schengen</strong> <strong>visa</strong> and relevantnational law):i) Letter from the employer, employment contract and/or other document <strong>in</strong> accordancewith the legislation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Schengen</strong> Member State concerned.3

Harmonised list <strong>of</strong> <strong>support<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>documents</strong> to be submitted by applicants <strong>for</strong> a<strong>Schengen</strong> <strong>visa</strong> <strong>in</strong> the Russian Federation: tourism/other private visits1) Harmonised <strong>visa</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>for</strong>m completed and signed by the applicant. 22) Travel document valid <strong>for</strong> at least three months after the <strong>in</strong>tended date <strong>of</strong> (last) departure from the<strong>Schengen</strong> area, conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g at least two blank pages and issued with<strong>in</strong> the previous ten years.3) Photograph <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e with ICAO guidel<strong>in</strong>es(http://www2.icao.<strong>in</strong>t/en/MRTD/Downloads/Technical%20Reports/Annex_A-Photograph_Guidel<strong>in</strong>es.pdf).4) Visa fee <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e with the categories <strong>of</strong> the <strong>visa</strong> facilitation agreements with Russia and the VisaCode. Certa<strong>in</strong> Member States apply optional <strong>visa</strong> fee waivers as provided <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong> Article 16(5) <strong>of</strong> theVisa Code.5) Travel medical <strong>in</strong>surance cover<strong>in</strong>g the entire period <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>tended stay, valid <strong>for</strong> all <strong>Schengen</strong>States and cover<strong>in</strong>g any expenses which might arise <strong>in</strong> connection with repatriation <strong>for</strong> medicalreasons, urgency medical attention, emergency hospital treatment or death dur<strong>in</strong>g the stay. Them<strong>in</strong>imum coverage must be €30.000.6) Copy <strong>of</strong> the <strong>in</strong>ternal passport (issued at the age <strong>of</strong> 14): pages concern<strong>in</strong>g the applicant's biodata,<strong>for</strong>eign passport(s) issued to him/her, his/her marital status and registration <strong>in</strong> Russia.7) In cases <strong>of</strong> m<strong>in</strong>ors:i.Copy <strong>of</strong> the birth certificate.ii.Consent <strong>of</strong> the parental authority or legal guardian should be required only if the m<strong>in</strong>ortravels alone or only with one parent. Exceptions should be made to this if the s<strong>in</strong>gle parentwith whom the m<strong>in</strong>or is to travel holds the parental authority alone (i.e. <strong>in</strong> cases where theother parent has deceased or been deprived <strong>of</strong> custody, e.g. a death certificate <strong>of</strong> the otherparent or a court degree vest<strong>in</strong>g custody exclusively <strong>in</strong> the parent who is sign<strong>in</strong>g the<strong>application</strong> would be requested).iii.Copy <strong>of</strong> the valid <strong>Schengen</strong> <strong>visa</strong> <strong>of</strong> the parent(s) travell<strong>in</strong>g with the m<strong>in</strong>or <strong>for</strong> whom a <strong>visa</strong>is not applied at the same time with the parent(s).8) In cases <strong>of</strong> third-country nationals, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> legal residence <strong>in</strong> the Russian Federation <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e withfederal legislation (e.g. residence permit, long-term <strong>visa</strong> or FMS registration), valid <strong>for</strong> at leastthree months after the planned return from the <strong>Schengen</strong> area or a document prov<strong>in</strong>g that theapplicant has applied <strong>for</strong> a renewal <strong>of</strong> pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> legal residence. If not resident, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> legalpresence <strong>in</strong> the Russian Federation and justification <strong>for</strong> submitt<strong>in</strong>g <strong>visa</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>in</strong> the RussianFederation <strong>in</strong>stead <strong>of</strong> the country <strong>of</strong> residence.9) As per category <strong>of</strong> traveller:i. Visitors <strong>of</strong> military and civil burial grounds:2 In cases <strong>of</strong> m<strong>in</strong>ors, the <strong>application</strong> <strong>for</strong>m shall be signed by a person exercis<strong>in</strong>g permanent or temporary parental authorityor legal guardianship.4

i) Official document confirm<strong>in</strong>g the existence and preservation <strong>of</strong> the burial ground andrelationship between the applicant and the buried.ii) Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> employment (with salary <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation); if not available, other pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> f<strong>in</strong>ancialmeans and will to return (e.g. bank/credit card statement(s) cover<strong>in</strong>g at least threepreced<strong>in</strong>g months, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> real estate property <strong>in</strong> Russia or pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sponsorship 3 ).ii.Property owners <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Schengen</strong> area and their close relatives:i) Relevant national document (e.g. recent extract from the real estate register, copy <strong>of</strong> thepurchase contract/deed <strong>of</strong> sale, etc.) prov<strong>in</strong>g that the applicant possesses the property <strong>in</strong>question.ii) In cases <strong>of</strong> close relatives, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the relationship.iii) Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> employment (with salary <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation); if not available, other pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> f<strong>in</strong>ancialmeans and will to return (e.g. bank/credit card statement(s) cover<strong>in</strong>g at least threepreced<strong>in</strong>g months, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> real estate property <strong>in</strong> Russia or pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sponsorship 4 ).iii.Tourists and other private visitors:i) Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> accommodation (e.g. an <strong>in</strong>vitation/sponsorship <strong>for</strong>m from the host if stay<strong>in</strong>g withone; 5 document from the establishment provid<strong>in</strong>g accommodation or any other appropriatedocument <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g the accommodation en<strong>visa</strong>ged <strong>in</strong> accordance with the legislation <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Schengen</strong> Member State concerned); if not available, adequate written description <strong>of</strong> theplanned journey.ii) Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the it<strong>in</strong>erary (e.g. a confirmation <strong>of</strong> the book<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> an organised trip or any otherappropriate document <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g the en<strong>visa</strong>ged travel plans such as a reserved returnticket) 6 ; if not available, adequate written description <strong>of</strong> the planned journey.iii) Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> employment (with salary <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation); if not available, other pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> f<strong>in</strong>ancialmeans and will to return (e.g. bank/credit card statement(s) cover<strong>in</strong>g at least threepreced<strong>in</strong>g months, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> real estate property <strong>in</strong> Russia or pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sponsorship 7 ).3 <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g with a national <strong>for</strong>m on pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sponsorship and/or private accommodation used by the follow<strong>in</strong>g countries:BE, PT, DE, IT, NO.4 <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g with a national <strong>for</strong>m on pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sponsorship and/or private accommodation used by the follow<strong>in</strong>g countries:BE, PT, DE, IT, NO.5 <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g with a national <strong>for</strong>m on pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sponsorship and/or private accommodation used by the follow<strong>in</strong>g countries:BE, PT, DE, IT, NO. For visits to distant relatives/friends (not residents <strong>of</strong> the country be<strong>in</strong>g visited): pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> legalresidence.6 If the reserved accommodation/return ticket is not deemed sufficient, the applicant can be requested <strong>for</strong> a pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>payment there<strong>of</strong>.7 <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g with a national <strong>for</strong>m on pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sponsorship and/or private accommodation used by the follow<strong>in</strong>g countries:BE, PT, DE, IT, NO.5

Harmonised list <strong>of</strong> <strong>support<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>documents</strong> to be submitted by applicants <strong>for</strong> a<strong>Schengen</strong> <strong>visa</strong> <strong>in</strong> the Russian Federation: close relatives'/family members' visits1) Harmonised <strong>visa</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>for</strong>m completed and signed by the applicant. 82) Travel document valid <strong>for</strong> at least three months after the <strong>in</strong>tended date <strong>of</strong> (last) departure from the<strong>Schengen</strong> area, conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g at least two blank pages and issued with<strong>in</strong> the previous ten years.3) Photograph <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e with ICAO guidel<strong>in</strong>es(http://www2.icao.<strong>in</strong>t/en/MRTD/Downloads/Technical%20Reports/Annex_A-Photograph_Guidel<strong>in</strong>es.pdf).4) Visa fee <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e with the categories <strong>of</strong> the <strong>visa</strong> facilitation agreements with Russia and the VisaCode. Certa<strong>in</strong> Member States apply optional <strong>visa</strong> fee waivers as provided <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong> Article 16(5) <strong>of</strong>the Visa Code.5) Travel medical <strong>in</strong>surance cover<strong>in</strong>g the entire period <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>tended stay, valid <strong>for</strong> all <strong>Schengen</strong>States and cover<strong>in</strong>g any expenses which might arise <strong>in</strong> connection with repatriation <strong>for</strong> medicalreasons, urgency medical attention, emergency hospital treatment or death dur<strong>in</strong>g the stay. Them<strong>in</strong>imum coverage must be €30.0006) Copy <strong>of</strong> the <strong>in</strong>ternal passport (issued at the age <strong>of</strong> 14): pages concern<strong>in</strong>g the applicant's biodata,<strong>for</strong>eign passport(s) issued to him/her, his/her marital status and registration <strong>in</strong> Russia.7) In cases <strong>of</strong> m<strong>in</strong>ors:i. Copy <strong>of</strong> the birth certificate.ii. Consent <strong>of</strong> the parental authority or legal guardian should be required only if the m<strong>in</strong>ortravels alone or only with one parent. Exceptions should be made to this if the s<strong>in</strong>gle parentwith whom the m<strong>in</strong>or is to travel holds the parental authority alone (i.e. <strong>in</strong> cases where theother parent has deceased or been deprived <strong>of</strong> custody, e.g. a death certificate <strong>of</strong> the otherparent or a court degree vest<strong>in</strong>g custody exclusively <strong>in</strong> the parent who is sign<strong>in</strong>g the<strong>application</strong> would be requested).iii. Copy <strong>of</strong> the valid <strong>Schengen</strong> <strong>visa</strong> <strong>of</strong> the parent(s) travell<strong>in</strong>g with the m<strong>in</strong>or <strong>for</strong> whom a<strong>visa</strong> is not applied at the same time with the parent(s).8) In cases <strong>of</strong> third-country nationals, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> legal residence <strong>in</strong> the Russian Federation <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e withfederal legislation (e.g. residence permit, long-term <strong>visa</strong> or FMS registration), valid <strong>for</strong> at leastthree months after the planned return from the <strong>Schengen</strong> area or a document prov<strong>in</strong>g that theapplicant has applied <strong>for</strong> a renewal <strong>of</strong> pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> legal residence. If not resident, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> legalpresence <strong>in</strong> the Russian Federation and justification <strong>for</strong> submitt<strong>in</strong>g <strong>visa</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>in</strong> the RussianFederation <strong>in</strong>stead <strong>of</strong> the country <strong>of</strong> residence.9) As per category <strong>of</strong> traveller:a) Close relatives visit<strong>in</strong>g Russian citizens resid<strong>in</strong>g legally <strong>in</strong> a <strong>Schengen</strong> Member State:8 In cases <strong>of</strong> m<strong>in</strong>ors, the <strong>application</strong> <strong>for</strong>m shall be signed by a person exercis<strong>in</strong>g permanent or temporary parental authorityor legal guardianship.6

i) Written request from the host person, whose authentic signature must be proved by thecompetent authority, <strong>in</strong> accordance with the legislation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Schengen</strong> Member Stateconcerned.ii) Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the legal residence <strong>of</strong> the <strong>in</strong>vit<strong>in</strong>g person and family tie <strong>in</strong> accordance with thelegislation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Schengen</strong> Member State <strong>of</strong> residence.iii) Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> employment (with salary <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation); if not available, other pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> f<strong>in</strong>ancialmeans and will to return (e.g. bank/credit card statement(s) cover<strong>in</strong>g at least threepreced<strong>in</strong>g months, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> real estate property <strong>in</strong> Russia or pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sponsorship 9 ).b) Close relatives visit<strong>in</strong>g EU (EEA & Swiss) citizens:i) Written request from the host person, whose authentic signature must be proved by thecompetent authority, <strong>in</strong> accordance with the legislation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Schengen</strong> Member Stateconcerned.ii) Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the nationality <strong>of</strong> the <strong>in</strong>vit<strong>in</strong>g person and family tie <strong>in</strong> accordance with thelegislation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Schengen</strong> Member State concerned.iii) Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> employment (with salary <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation); if not available, other pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> f<strong>in</strong>ancialmeans and will to return (e.g. bank/credit card statement(s) cover<strong>in</strong>g at least threepreced<strong>in</strong>g months, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> real estate property <strong>in</strong> Russia or pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sponsorship 10 ).c) Family members <strong>of</strong> EU (EEA & Swiss) citizens (not resident <strong>in</strong> their home country <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e withDirective 2004/38/EC):i) Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the family tie accord<strong>in</strong>g to the legislation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Schengen</strong> Member State <strong>of</strong>residence and <strong>of</strong> the EU.9 <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g with a national <strong>for</strong>m on pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sponsorship and/or private accommodation used by the follow<strong>in</strong>g countries:BE, PT, DE, IT, NO.10 <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g with a national <strong>for</strong>m on pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sponsorship and/or private accommodation used by the follow<strong>in</strong>g countries:BE, PT, DE, IT, NO.7

Harmonised list <strong>of</strong> <strong>support<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>documents</strong> to be submitted by applicants <strong>for</strong> a<strong>Schengen</strong> <strong>visa</strong> <strong>in</strong> the Russian Federation: transit1) Harmonised <strong>visa</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>for</strong>m completed and signed by the applicant. 112) Travel document valid <strong>for</strong> at least three months after the <strong>in</strong>tended date <strong>of</strong> (last) departure from the<strong>Schengen</strong> area, conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g at least two blank pages and issued with<strong>in</strong> the previous ten years.3) Photograph <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e with ICAO guidel<strong>in</strong>es(http://www2.icao.<strong>in</strong>t/en/MRTD/Downloads/Technical%20Reports/Annex_A-Photograph_Guidel<strong>in</strong>es.pdf).4) Visa fee <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e with the categories <strong>of</strong> the <strong>visa</strong> facilitation agreements with Russia and the VisaCode. Certa<strong>in</strong> Member States apply optional <strong>visa</strong> fee waivers as provided <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong> Article 16(5) <strong>of</strong>the Visa Code.5) Travel medical <strong>in</strong>surance cover<strong>in</strong>g the entire period <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>tended stay, valid <strong>for</strong> all <strong>Schengen</strong>States and cover<strong>in</strong>g any expenses which might arise <strong>in</strong> connection with repatriation <strong>for</strong> medicalreasons, urgency medical attention, emergency hospital treatment or death dur<strong>in</strong>g the stay. Them<strong>in</strong>imum coverage must be €30.000.6) Copy <strong>of</strong> the <strong>in</strong>ternal passport (issued at the age <strong>of</strong> 14): pages concern<strong>in</strong>g the applicant's biodata,<strong>for</strong>eign passport(s) issued to him/her, his/her marital status and registration <strong>in</strong> Russia.7) In cases <strong>of</strong> m<strong>in</strong>ors:i. Copy <strong>of</strong> the birth certificate.ii. Consent <strong>of</strong> the parental authority or legal guardian should be required only if the m<strong>in</strong>ortravels alone or only with one parent. Exceptions should be made to this if the s<strong>in</strong>gle parentwith whom the m<strong>in</strong>or is to travel holds the parental authority alone (i.e. <strong>in</strong> cases where theother parent has deceased or been deprived <strong>of</strong> custody, e.g. a death certificate <strong>of</strong> the otherparent or a court degree vest<strong>in</strong>g custody exclusively <strong>in</strong> the parent who is sign<strong>in</strong>g the<strong>application</strong> would be requested).iii. Copy <strong>of</strong> the valid <strong>Schengen</strong> <strong>visa</strong> <strong>of</strong> the parent(s) travell<strong>in</strong>g with the m<strong>in</strong>or <strong>for</strong> whom a<strong>visa</strong> is not applied at the same time with the parent(s).8) In cases <strong>of</strong> third-country nationals, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> legal residence <strong>in</strong> the Russian Federation <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e withfederal legislation (e.g. residence permit, long-term <strong>visa</strong> or FMS registration), valid <strong>for</strong> at leastthree months after the planned return from the <strong>Schengen</strong> area or a document prov<strong>in</strong>g that theapplicant has applied <strong>for</strong> a renewal <strong>of</strong> pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> legal residence. If not resident, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> legalpresence <strong>in</strong> the Russian Federation and justification <strong>for</strong> submitt<strong>in</strong>g <strong>visa</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>in</strong> the RussianFederation <strong>in</strong>stead <strong>of</strong> the country <strong>of</strong> residence.9) If applicable, <strong>documents</strong> related to the onward journey to the f<strong>in</strong>al dest<strong>in</strong>ation (<strong>visa</strong> or otherentry permit <strong>for</strong> the third country <strong>of</strong> dest<strong>in</strong>ation; tickets <strong>for</strong> onward journey).10) Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> employment (with salary <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation); if not available, other pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> f<strong>in</strong>ancial meansand will to return (e.g. bank/credit statement(s) cover<strong>in</strong>g at least three preced<strong>in</strong>g months, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>11 In cases <strong>of</strong> m<strong>in</strong>ors, the <strong>application</strong> <strong>for</strong>m shall be signed by a person exercis<strong>in</strong>g permanent or temporary parental authorityor legal guardianship.8

eal estate property <strong>in</strong> Russia or pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sponsorship 12 ).12 <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g with a national <strong>for</strong>m on pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sponsorship and/or private accommodation used by the follow<strong>in</strong>g countries:BE, PT, DE, IT, NO.9

Harmonised list <strong>of</strong> <strong>support<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>documents</strong> to be submitted by applicants <strong>for</strong> a<strong>Schengen</strong> <strong>visa</strong> <strong>in</strong> the Russian Federation: study or tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g, events or activities1) Harmonised <strong>visa</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>for</strong>m completed and signed by the applicant. 132) Travel document valid <strong>for</strong> at least three months after the <strong>in</strong>tended date <strong>of</strong> (last) departure from the<strong>Schengen</strong> area, conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g at least two blank pages and issued with<strong>in</strong> the previous ten years.3) Photograph <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e with ICAO guidel<strong>in</strong>es(http://www2.icao.<strong>in</strong>t/en/MRTD/Downloads/Technical%20Reports/Annex_A-Photograph_Guidel<strong>in</strong>es.pdf).4) Visa fee <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e with the categories <strong>of</strong> the <strong>visa</strong> facilitation agreements with Russia and the VisaCode. Certa<strong>in</strong> Member States apply optional <strong>visa</strong> fee waivers as provided <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong> Article 16(5) <strong>of</strong>the Visa Code.5) Travel medical <strong>in</strong>surance cover<strong>in</strong>g the entire period <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>tended stay, valid <strong>for</strong> all <strong>Schengen</strong>States and cover<strong>in</strong>g any expenses which might arise <strong>in</strong> connection with repatriation <strong>for</strong> medicalreasons, urgency medical attention, emergency hospital treatment or death dur<strong>in</strong>g the stay. Them<strong>in</strong>imum coverage must be €30.000.6) Copy <strong>of</strong> the <strong>in</strong>ternal passport (issued at the age <strong>of</strong> 14): pages concern<strong>in</strong>g the applicant's biodata,<strong>for</strong>eign passport(s) issued to him/her, his/her marital status and registration <strong>in</strong> Russia.7) In cases <strong>of</strong> m<strong>in</strong>ors:i. Copy <strong>of</strong> the birth certificate.ii. Consent <strong>of</strong> the parental authority or legal guardian should be required only if the m<strong>in</strong>ortravels alone or only with one parent. Exceptions should be made to this if the s<strong>in</strong>gle parentwith whom the m<strong>in</strong>or is to travel holds the parental authority alone (i.e. <strong>in</strong> cases where theother parent has deceased or been deprived <strong>of</strong> custody, e.g. a death certificate <strong>of</strong> the otherparent or a court degree vest<strong>in</strong>g custody exclusively <strong>in</strong> the parent who is sign<strong>in</strong>g the<strong>application</strong> would be requested).iii. Copy <strong>of</strong> the valid <strong>Schengen</strong> <strong>visa</strong> <strong>of</strong> the parent(s) travell<strong>in</strong>g with the m<strong>in</strong>or <strong>for</strong> whom a<strong>visa</strong> is not applied at the same time with the parent(s).8) In cases <strong>of</strong> third-country nationals, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> legal residence <strong>in</strong> the Russian Federation <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e withfederal legislation (e.g. residence permit, long-term <strong>visa</strong> or FMS registration), valid <strong>for</strong> at leastthree months after the planned return from the <strong>Schengen</strong> area or a document prov<strong>in</strong>g that theapplicant has applied <strong>for</strong> a renewal <strong>of</strong> pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> legal residence. If not resident, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> legalpresence <strong>in</strong> the Russian Federation and justification <strong>for</strong> submitt<strong>in</strong>g <strong>visa</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>in</strong> the RussianFederation <strong>in</strong>stead <strong>of</strong> the country <strong>of</strong> residence.9) As per category <strong>of</strong> traveller:a) Participants <strong>in</strong> scientific, cultural and artistic activities:i) Written request from the host organisation <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Schengen</strong> Member State on participation<strong>in</strong> such activities.13 In cases <strong>of</strong> m<strong>in</strong>ors, the <strong>application</strong> <strong>for</strong>m shall be signed by a person exercis<strong>in</strong>g permanent or temporary parental authorityor legal guardianship.10

ii) In case not <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> the written request, a separate statement on sponsorship eitherfrom the send<strong>in</strong>g or receiv<strong>in</strong>g party (or other pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> f<strong>in</strong>ancial means). 14b) Pupils, students, post-graduate students and accompany<strong>in</strong>g teachers:i) Written request or certificate <strong>of</strong> enrolment or student card by the host university,academy, <strong>in</strong>stitute, college or school or certificate <strong>of</strong> the courses to be attended.ii) In case not <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> the written request, a separate statement on sponsorship eitherfrom the send<strong>in</strong>g or receiv<strong>in</strong>g party (or other pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> f<strong>in</strong>ancial means). 15c) Participants <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>ternational sports events and accompany<strong>in</strong>g persons <strong>in</strong> their pr<strong>of</strong>essionalcapacity:i) Written request from the host organisation (competent authority, national sport federationor national Olympic committee), <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation on the role <strong>of</strong> the persons.ii) In case not <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> the written request, a separate statement on sponsorship eitherfrom the send<strong>in</strong>g or receiv<strong>in</strong>g party (or other pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> f<strong>in</strong>ancial means). 1614 <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g with a national <strong>for</strong>m on pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sponsorship and/or private accommodation used by the follow<strong>in</strong>g countries:BE, PT, DE, IT, NO)15 <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g with a national <strong>for</strong>m on pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sponsorship and/or private accommodation used by the follow<strong>in</strong>g countries:BE, PT, DE, IT, NO)16 <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g with a national <strong>for</strong>m on pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sponsorship and/or private accommodation used by the follow<strong>in</strong>g countries:BE, PT, DE, IT, NO)11

A "written request" referred to above shall conta<strong>in</strong> the items mentioned <strong>in</strong> Article 4(2) <strong>of</strong> the EU-Russia Visa Facilitation Agreement as well as <strong>of</strong> the correspond<strong>in</strong>g Article <strong>of</strong> the Denmark-Russia,Iceland-Russia, Norway-Russia and Switzerland-Russia Visa Facilitation Agreements on the <strong>in</strong>vitedperson and <strong>in</strong>vit<strong>in</strong>g person/organisation.Follow<strong>in</strong>g Article 14(6) <strong>of</strong> the Visa Code, the consulate may waive one or more <strong>of</strong> the requirementsabove <strong>in</strong> the case <strong>of</strong> an applicant known to it <strong>for</strong> his <strong>in</strong>tegrity and reliability, <strong>in</strong> particular the lawfuluse <strong>of</strong> previous <strong>visa</strong>s, if there is no doubt that he will fulfil the requirements <strong>of</strong> Article 5(1) <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Schengen</strong> Borders Code at the time <strong>of</strong> the cross<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> the external borders <strong>of</strong> the Member States.Follow<strong>in</strong>g Article 21(8) <strong>of</strong> the Visa Code, the consulate may dur<strong>in</strong>g the exam<strong>in</strong>ation <strong>of</strong> an <strong>application</strong><strong>in</strong> justified cases request additional <strong>documents</strong>, which are not mentioned <strong>in</strong> the above list, such as e.g.<strong>documents</strong> enabl<strong>in</strong>g an assessment <strong>of</strong> the applicant's <strong>in</strong>tention to leave the <strong>Schengen</strong> territory be<strong>for</strong>ethe expiry <strong>of</strong> the <strong>visa</strong> applied <strong>for</strong>, or request <strong>in</strong>dividual personal <strong>in</strong>terviews. The applicant is hereby<strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>med that submitt<strong>in</strong>g the abovementioned <strong>documents</strong> does not guarantee automatic issuance <strong>of</strong> a<strong>visa</strong>.12

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