Alexandria X-2 Series 2 - Wilson Audio

Alexandria X-2 Series 2 - Wilson Audio

Alexandria X-2 Series 2 - Wilson Audio

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S e c t i o n 2 . 2 – R o o m R e f l e c t i o n sin the room where your voice transitions from bass-heavy and diffuse toneutral. Mark this point with tape. Continue your progression until thereis an obvious interaction with the opposite wall in front of you and markthis point with tape. The four pieces of tape now form a rectangle that establishesthe Zone of Neutrality for the loudspeaker located on that side ofthe room. Using the four marks as your guide, tape an outline to define theboundaries of the rectangle.6. Repeat this process for each speaker location individually. These are yourZones of Neutrality, one for each channel.Theoretically, the Zone of Neutrality for any room runs like a path, parallel to thewalls all around the room. Adjacent to very large windows and open doors, the outeredge of the Zone of Neutrality moves closer to the wall and becomes wider. If you wereto extend the inner and outer boundaries of the Zone for the sidewalls and the front wall(behind the speakers), they would intersect. After you complete this procedure for theother loudspeaker, you will now have two rectangles, one on the floor on either side ofthe room.Note: The more reflective or “live” sounding the room is, the more difficult it will beto detect the changes in your voice; thus, you may have to repeat this process untilthe zones have been determined.Section 2.2 – Room ReflectionsNote: The following section contains general information on room acoustics and loudspeaker/roominteraction. The concepts outlined below are equally relevant whendealing with multi-channel audio or home theater. The careful application of theseconcepts, as you evaluate the acoustical characteristics of your own room configuration,will allow you to optimize the performance of your <strong>Alexandria</strong>s.Slap EchoProbably the most obnoxious form of reflection is called “slap echo.” With slapecho,primarily midrange and high frequency sounds reflect off of two parallel hard sur-<strong>Wilson</strong> <strong>Audio</strong> Specialties21

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