Administrator Guide - Noetix Technical Support

Administrator Guide - Noetix Technical Support

Administrator Guide - Noetix Technical Support

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Columns in Key Flexfield ViewsA key flexfield view has one column for each segment of each structure of thecorresponding key flexfield. The view returns one row for each code combination ofthe key flexfield. Because a code combination belongs to only one key flexfieldstructure, only the structure-specific columns in the row will return information, andthe other columns will return the null value.If the key flexfield view returns segment values, the following will be returned:• The primary key column for a code combination (Multiple columns will bereturned for a composite primary key.)• Columns that provide segment values and whose names begin with the SV$prefix• A column that returns the concatenated segment values and whose namebegins with the CV$ prefix• The Segment_Name_List column that concatenates the labels of thesegments that are relevant to a row• The Structure_ID column that provides the identifier of the structure that isrelevant to the row• The Structure_Name column that provides the label of the structure that isrelevant to the row• A join-to column for the view• The columns for qualifier segment values and whose names begin with theQV$ prefix if the view is for the Accounting key flexfieldIf the key flexfield view returns segment descriptions, in addition to the previouslylisted columns, the following will be returned:• A column that returns the concatenated segment descriptions and whosename begins with the CD$ prefix• Columns that provide segment descriptions and whose names begin withthe SD$ prefixChapter 2: Forms of <strong>Noetix</strong> Views 25

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