A Discussion with Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky on “SSA” - Hakirah.org

A Discussion with Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky on “SSA” - Hakirah.org A Discussion with Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky on “SSA” - Hakirah.org


44 : Hạkirah, the Flatbush Journal of Jewish Law and Thoughtdividuals can positively affect the direction of society and make adifference in our world.We discussed several current examples where religious individualsor organizations were punished for upholding their religious beliefsagainst the current secular societal views. One example involvedhow homosexual activists successfully applied “nondiscrimination”or “hate” laws to a Christian family-owned photographybusiness. In a complaint brought before New Mexico’sHuman Rights Commission, the photographer’s privately ownedcompany was ordered to pay close to $7,000 for declining a demandto take pictures at a same-sex “commitment ceremony” in Taos,N.M., despite the fact that neither marriage nor civil unions are legalfor members of the same sex ong>withong>in New Mexico. In a New Jerseycase, two lesbian couples succeeded in having a property tax exemptionremoved from the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Associationafter they refused to permit their facilities (exempted on religiousgrounds) to be used for a same-sex commitment ceremonyeven though such a ceremony directly violated their religious principles.Rhetorically, the Rosh Yeshiva wondered whether a frumphotographer or a kosher catering hall’s action would be consideredequally liable. 22The Rosh Yeshiva then asked, how long will it be before rabbisare persecuted for presenting Torah-based views? I responded byciting an incident in 2010, when ong>Rabbiong> Mendel Kaplan, the spiritualleader of Chabad’s Flamingo synagogue in Thornhill, Ontario andthe Jewish chaplain for the York Regional Police, north of Toronto,had a complaint filed against him by a homosexual advocacygroup (Kulanu Toronto) asking the police to remove ong>Rabbiong> Kaplan22Recognizing that these examples are simply the tip of a huge number ofsimilar incidents and to show how far societal norms have gone, manyother cases can be cited. In Canada, Sportsnet TV host Damian Goddardwas fired the day after he stated his opposition to “gay marriage” in aTweet and expressed his view that traditional marriage was the only truemarriage. And, after Olympic gold-medalist gymnast Peter Vidmar signedon as the United States’ “chief of mission” for the 2012 London Olympicsin April, he was forced to step down under pressure after news reportsshowed he had donated $2,000 to help pass California’s Proposition 8, aballot initiative that prohibited same-sex marriages in California.

A ong>Discussionong> ong>withong> ong>Rabbiong> ong>Shmuelong> ong>Kamenetskyong> on “SSA” : 45from his position for allegedly making “homophobic” remarks. InFebruary 2011, after a five-month investigation, the police departmentallowed ong>Rabbiong> Kaplan to remain in his position and determinedthe statements made were a “technically correct interpretationof Scripture through his role as rabbi” and “were not viewed ashateful.” The case shows, however, how far a homosexual activistgroup will go to achieve its goals.As this topic progressed, the Rosh Yeshiva expressed surpriseand dismay when I cited a measure to ban male circumcision (brismilah) in San Francisco that is slated to appear on this November’sballot. If passed, the measure would make it a misdemeanor to circumcisea boy before he is 18 years old. The maximum penaltywould be a year in jail and a $1,000 fine. No religious exemptionsare permitted.Obligation of the Righteous to Act Affirmatively:“It is incumbent upon all Jews, particularly the righteous, to havetheir voices heard on behalf of Torah values.” (ong>Rabbiong> ong>Shmuelong> ong>Kamenetskyong>)According to the Rosh Yeshiva, we need to distinguish betweenindividuals struggling ong>withong> their identity, and the ever-expandingmovement to use the power of government, media, and secularschools to impose a new order of morality in America. This neworder treats traditional views of gender, sexuality, and marriage ashateful and discredited bigotry; it also refuses to recognize G-d’smajesty. We discussed, for example, how non–Torah-observant secularJews may ignore the sovereignty of Hashem by quoting theAleinu prayer out of context. Secularists use certain words of theprayer as support for the claim that G-d seeks tikkun ha’olam(world repair—often referring to social policy legislation that providesextra protection to those potentially at a disadvantage). However,such individuals often neglect to mention the end of the sentencein the Aleinu: b’malchut Shadai (under the regency of the Almighty),thereby denying G-d’s sovereignty and His commandments.The Rosh Yeshiva expressed distress over the current onslaughtof immorality that is sweeping the world. An aggressive movementexists today to provide those practicing immoral behaviors ong>withong>

44 : Hạkirah, the Flatbush Journal of Jewish Law and Thoughtdividuals can positively affect the directi<strong>on</strong> of society and make adifference in our world.We discussed several current examples where religious individualsor <strong>org</strong>anizati<strong>on</strong>s were punished for upholding their religious beliefsagainst the current secular societal views. One example involvedhow homosexual activists successfully applied “n<strong>on</strong>discriminati<strong>on</strong>”or “hate” laws to a Christian family-owned photographybusiness. In a complaint brought before New Mexico’sHuman Rights Commissi<strong>on</strong>, the photographer’s privately ownedcompany was ordered to pay close to $7,000 for declining a demandto take pictures at a same-sex “commitment cerem<strong>on</strong>y” in Taos,N.M., despite the fact that neither marriage nor civil uni<strong>on</strong>s are legalfor members of the same sex <str<strong>on</strong>g>with</str<strong>on</strong>g>in New Mexico. In a New Jerseycase, two lesbian couples succeeded in having a property tax exempti<strong>on</strong>removed from the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Associati<strong>on</strong>after they refused to permit their facilities (exempted <strong>on</strong> religiousgrounds) to be used for a same-sex commitment cerem<strong>on</strong>yeven though such a cerem<strong>on</strong>y directly violated their religious principles.Rhetorically, the Rosh Yeshiva w<strong>on</strong>dered whether a frumphotographer or a kosher catering hall’s acti<strong>on</strong> would be c<strong>on</strong>sideredequally liable. 22The Rosh Yeshiva then asked, how l<strong>on</strong>g will it be before rabbisare persecuted for presenting Torah-based views? I resp<strong>on</strong>ded byciting an incident in 2010, when <str<strong>on</strong>g>Rabbi</str<strong>on</strong>g> Mendel Kaplan, the spiritualleader of Chabad’s Flamingo synagogue in Thornhill, Ontario andthe Jewish chaplain for the York Regi<strong>on</strong>al Police, north of Tor<strong>on</strong>to,had a complaint filed against him by a homosexual advocacygroup (Kulanu Tor<strong>on</strong>to) asking the police to remove <str<strong>on</strong>g>Rabbi</str<strong>on</strong>g> Kaplan22Recognizing that these examples are simply the tip of a huge number ofsimilar incidents and to show how far societal norms have g<strong>on</strong>e, manyother cases can be cited. In Canada, Sportsnet TV host Damian Goddardwas fired the day after he stated his oppositi<strong>on</strong> to “gay marriage” in aTweet and expressed his view that traditi<strong>on</strong>al marriage was the <strong>on</strong>ly truemarriage. And, after Olympic gold-medalist gymnast Peter Vidmar signed<strong>on</strong> as the United States’ “chief of missi<strong>on</strong>” for the 2012 L<strong>on</strong>d<strong>on</strong> Olympicsin April, he was forced to step down under pressure after news reportsshowed he had d<strong>on</strong>ated $2,000 to help pass California’s Propositi<strong>on</strong> 8, aballot initiative that prohibited same-sex marriages in California.

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