Schriften zu Genetischen Ressourcen - Genres

Schriften zu Genetischen Ressourcen - Genres Schriften zu Genetischen Ressourcen - Genres


B. PICKERSGILL, M.I. CHACÓN SÁNCHEZ and D.G. DEBOUCK POLHILL, R.M. and L.J.G. VAN DER MAESEN (1985): Taxonomy of grain legumes. In: R.J. SUMMERFIELD and E.H. ROBERTS (Eds.): Grain Legume Crops, pp. 3-36. Collins, London. SINGH, S.P., P. GEPTS and D.G. DEBOUCK (1991): Races of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, Fabaceae). - Econ. Bot. 45: 379-396. STACE, C.A. (1986): The present and future infraspecific classification of wild plants. In: B.T. STYLES (Ed.): Infraspecific Classification of Wild and Cultivated Plants, pp. 9-20. Oxford University Press, Oxford. TOHME, J., D.O. GONZALEZ, S. BEEBE and M.C. DUQUE (1996): AFLP analysis of gene pools of a wild bean core collection. - Crop Sci. 36: 1375-1384. TREHANE, P., C.D. BRICKELL, B.R. BAUM, W.L.A. HETTERSCHEID, A.C. LESLIE, J. MCNEILL, S.A. SPONGBERG and F. VRUGTMAN (1995): International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants - 1995. - Regnum Vegetabile 133: 175 pp. Quarterjack Publishing, Wimborne, UK. VANDERBORGHT, T. (1983): Evaluation of P. vulgaris wild types and weedy forms. - Plant Genet. Resour. Newsl. 54: 18-25. ZEVEN, A.C., J. WANINGE, TH. VAN HINTUM and S.P. SINGH (1999): Phenotypic variation in a core collection of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the Netherlands. - Euphytica 109: 93-106. 83

Ethnobotanical studies on cultivated plants. A theoretical approach Ethnobotanical studies on cultivated plants. A theoretical approach (Studies on Ethnobiodiversity, 6.) A. SZABÓ T. 1 In memory of Rudolf Mansfeld Abstract In continuation of former studies on ethnobiodiversity the following (theoretical) questions are briefly examined in the paper: • May ethnobotany be useful in understanding crop-plant and human (biological, linguistic, cultural, religious) evolution in a time of raising ethnocultural conflicts? • Which possibilities are offered by ethnobotany in promoting mutual ethnocultural empathy and understanding? • Is it possible to integrate ethnobotanical concepts, the evolution of man-and-plant relations with emerging theories of general (biological, cultural) evolution? • How the science of ethnobotany really emerged in form of an independent printed book based on dedicated and conscious field studies? • Are the basic concepts of ethnobotany well defined? • Is the North American ethnobotanical approach the right model to follow? Motto: No perfect discovery can be made upon a flat or a level … BACON (1605, cf. WILSON 1998) 1 Biological Database Laboratory (MTA-TKI, Budapest/Veszprém) University of Veszprém Institute of Biology, Dept. Botany H-8200 Veszprém, Egyetem u. 10 Hungary 84

Ethnobotanical studies on cultivated plants. A theoretical approach<br />

Ethnobotanical studies on cultivated plants. A theoretical approach<br />

(Studies on Ethnobiodiversity, 6.)<br />

A. SZABÓ T. 1<br />

In memory of Rudolf Mansfeld<br />

Abstract<br />

In continuation of former studies on ethnobiodiversity the following (theoretical) questions<br />

are briefly examined in the paper:<br />

• May ethnobotany be useful in understanding crop-plant and human (biological,<br />

linguistic, cultural, religious) evolution in a time of raising ethnocultural conflicts?<br />

• Which possibilities are offered by ethnobotany in promoting mutual ethnocultural<br />

empathy and understanding?<br />

• Is it possible to integrate ethnobotanical concepts, the evolution of man-and-plant<br />

relations with emerging theories of general (biological, cultural) evolution?<br />

• How the science of ethnobotany really emerged in form of an independent printed<br />

book based on dedicated and conscious field studies?<br />

• Are the basic concepts of ethnobotany well defined?<br />

• Is the North American ethnobotanical approach the right model to follow?<br />

Motto: No perfect discovery can be made upon a flat or a level … BACON (1605, cf.<br />

WILSON 1998)<br />

1<br />

Biological Database Laboratory (MTA-TKI, Budapest/Veszprém)<br />

University of Veszprém<br />

Institute of Biology, Dept. Botany<br />

H-8200 Veszprém, Egyetem u. 10<br />

Hungary<br />


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