Schriften zu Genetischen Ressourcen - Genres

Schriften zu Genetischen Ressourcen - Genres Schriften zu Genetischen Ressourcen - Genres


Central register for biological research collections in Germany - ZEFOD Central Register for biological research collections in Germany - ZEFOD S. ROSCHER 1 , I. BRAKE 2 , W. BRAUN 1 , E. GROß 3 , D. GUTWEIN 1 , F. KLINGENSTEIN 3 and K.-H. LAMPE 2 Abstract Only occasional overviews and analyses of botanical and zoological research collections in Germany exist at the moment, but individual collections are in various stages of self documentation. The existing data will be combined by ZEFOD systematised and, together with new data, presented via the Internet as an expandable, interactive information network for a broad range of users in science, administration, and the general public. Apart from an overview of collections, the ZEFOD information system will provide a structural and content-oriented description of biological research collections in Germany based on metadata provided by collection holders. To record the metadata, questionnaires have been designed, mailed to the collection holders, and made available via the ZEFOD homepage. Metadata areas covered include data on the institution or collection holder (address, contacts, staff), general information about the collection (taxonomic and geographical foci, state of documentation), and a description of the collection’s contents (number of objects, degree of computer recording, number of nomenclatural types). ZEFOD stands for “Zentralregister biologischer Forschungssammlungen in Deutschland”. Current state of the database of national zoological collections The questionnaires for zoological collections in museums or universities were mailed in three batches to 214 institutions. The questionnaires for zoological gardens have 1 Zentralstelle für Agrardokumentation und –information (ZADI) Abt. IBV Villichgasse 17 D-53177 Bonn, Germany 2 Zoolog. Forschungsinstitut u. Museum Alexander Koenig Adenauerallee 160 D-53113 Bonn, Germany 3 Botanisches Institut u. Botanischer Garten Univ. Bonn Meckenheimer Allee 171 D-53115 Bonn, Germany 314

S. ROSCHER, I. BRAKE, W. BRAUN, E. GROß, D. GUTTWEIN, F. KLINGENSTEIN and K.H. LAMPE been mailed in November, because these institutes usually have more time to do paper work in winter. By October 9, 2001, 20% of the institutions had answered the questionnaires (42 institutions with 102 collections), 13% announced that they intend to participate, but need more time, and 10% do not hold the sort of collections required for participation in the ZEFOD database. In all 43% of the institutions responded to our initiative within the first four months. A further increase of coverage is expected, because the response rate for the first batch of questionnaires (mailed in June) has reached 82%. Some of the museums were visited in order to explain the aims of the project and to obtain the data. Similarly several scientific as well as other meetings within the community of collection holders, curators, etc. were attended. Representatives of Naturweb (Austria) and BIODIV (Belgium) were contacted in order to exchange experience with regard to online databases carrying meta information about biological collections. A representative of ISIS (International Species Information System), a database for zoological gardens, was contacted to check the possibility of using some of their data for ZEFOD. Current state of the database of national botanical collections Questionnaires were mailed to 70 herbaria. For Botanic Gardens, data from 435 special collections in 71 gardens have already been collected in previous projects (see, e.g., RAUER et al. 2000). The survey for living collections will be based on this information, so the gardens will obtain partly filled-in questionnaires to complete their data in a next step. An Access2000 database application is used for interim data collection and the data existing for Botanical Gardens have been transformed into the ZEFOD data format and integrated into the data bank. The database already accepts queries for different collection characteristics like taxonomy, geography, biotopes, and functional types. It also allows a detailed analysis and shows the amount, variety, and diversity of living plant collections in Germany and different spectra of the representation of diversity in nature and in collections. To ensure support for the project and to achieve maximum data quality, the Association of Botanical Gardens (VBG) has been informed about the objectives and working plan of ZEFOD. Sixteen Botanic Gardens and six herbaria have already been visited to inform directors and staff about ZEFOD and to give practical support in answering the questionnaire. Moreover, the project has been presented in four meetings within the botanical collection community. Within this audience ZEFOD is now well known and the utility of its aims is widely accepted. 315

Central register for biological research collections in Germany - ZEFOD<br />

Central Register for biological research collections in Germany -<br />

ZEFOD<br />

S. ROSCHER 1 , I. BRAKE 2 , W. BRAUN 1 , E. GROß 3 , D. GUTWEIN 1 , F. KLINGENSTEIN 3 and<br />

K.-H. LAMPE 2<br />

Abstract<br />

Only occasional overviews and analyses of botanical and zoological research collections<br />

in Germany exist at the moment, but individual collections are in various stages<br />

of self documentation. The existing data will be combined by ZEFOD systematised<br />

and, together with new data, presented via the Internet as an expandable, interactive<br />

information network for a broad range of users in science, administration, and the<br />

general public. Apart from an overview of collections, the ZEFOD information system<br />

will provide a structural and content-oriented description of biological research collections<br />

in Germany based on metadata provided by collection holders. To record the<br />

metadata, questionnaires have been designed, mailed to the collection holders, and<br />

made available via the ZEFOD homepage. Metadata areas covered include data on<br />

the institution or collection holder (address, contacts, staff), general information about<br />

the collection (taxonomic and geographical foci, state of documentation), and a description<br />

of the collection’s contents (number of objects, degree of computer recording,<br />

number of nomenclatural types).<br />

ZEFOD stands for “Zentralregister biologischer Forschungssammlungen in Deutschland”.<br />

Current state of the database of national zoological collections<br />

The questionnaires for zoological collections in museums or universities were mailed<br />

in three batches to 214 institutions. The questionnaires for zoological gardens have<br />

1<br />

Zentralstelle für Agrardokumentation und –information (ZADI)<br />

Abt. IBV<br />

Villichgasse 17<br />

D-53177 Bonn, Germany<br />

2<br />

Zoolog. Forschungsinstitut u. Museum Alexander Koenig<br />

Adenauerallee 160<br />

D-53113 Bonn, Germany<br />

3 Botanisches Institut u. Botanischer Garten Univ. Bonn<br />

Meckenheimer Allee 171<br />

D-53115 Bonn, Germany<br />


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