Schriften zu Genetischen Ressourcen - Genres

Schriften zu Genetischen Ressourcen - Genres Schriften zu Genetischen Ressourcen - Genres


H. GRAUSGRUBER, H. BOINTNER, R. TUMPOLD and P. RUCKENBAUER HÄNSEL, H. (1982): Getreidezüchtung - Erwartungen für das Jahr 2000. Wintertagung Österr. Ges. Land- u. Forstwirtschaftspolitik, Wien, 9-23. MARTINIELLO, P., G. DELOGU, M. ODOARDI, G. BOGGINI and M. STANCA (1987): Breeding progress in grain yield and selected agronomic characters of winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) over the last quarter of a century. - Plant Breeding 99, 289-294. OBERFORSTER, M. (1997): Organisation und Durchführung der Sortenprüfung bei Getreide in Österreich - Ausgewählte Ergebnisse des Landeskulturellen Wertes. - Vortr. Pflanzenzüchtg. 39, 34-50. RIGGS, T.J., P.R. HANSON, N.D. START, D.M. MILES, C.L. MORGAN and M.A. FORD (1981): Comparison of spring barley varieties grown in England and Wales between 1880 and 1980. - J. Agric. Sci. 97, 599-610. WYCH, R.D. and D.C. RASMUSSON (1983): Genetic improvement in malting barley since 1920. - Crop Sci. 23, 1037-1040. 273

Wild species as a source for introgression - the case of Allium Wild species as a source for introgression of interesting characters into crop plants - the case of Allium E.R.J. KELLER 1 , A. SENULA 1 and H. SCHULZ 2 Abstract A set of distant hybrids between various Allium species has been established in the recent years in the IPK genebank. It is interesting because of differences within the spectrum of sulphur compounds and aroma substances. The hybrids were produced by means of embryo rescue. Characteristic spectra of substances can be introduced by crossing from the parents to the hybrids. Susceptibility to virus infection, which is an important agricultural feature, is also species-specific. The differences can be recognized in hybrids as well. Introduction The genus Allium comprises several important species, which are used as vegetables and/or spices, such as onion and shallot (Allium cepa L.), leek (A. ampeloprasum L. s.l.), garlic (A. sativum L.), bunching onion (A. fistulosum L.), chives (A. schoe noprasum L.) and others. Nowadays, the medicinal application of Allium species becomes more and more evident. It is especially a group of sulphur compounds, the cysteine sulfoxides called alliin and its derivatives allicin, ajoen and several alk(en)yl(poly)sulfides, which are important. Furthermore, useful aroma substances are present. Amongst the sulphur compounds, but also within the aroma substances, some molecular species are more interesting than others. Therefore, the relative contents of the different fractions are of interest. Crosses have been attempted between Allium species since 1935 (EMSWELLER and JONES 1935). So far, low crossability has been reported for species of this genus. Therefore, any novel crosses, in part facilitated by means of embryo rescue, are interesting for introgression of new characters into the main crop species. Besides disease resistance characters and plant structure and colour, the latter mainly interesting for ornamental breeding, product quality for food and medicinal uses are the main targets in species crosses of Allium. 1 Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK) Corrensstr. 3 D-06466 Gatersleben, Germany 2 Bundesanstalt für Züchtungsforschung an Kulturpflanzen (BAZ) Institut für Pflanzenanalytik Neuer Weg 22-23 D-06484 Quedlinburg, Germany 274


HÄNSEL, H. (1982): Getreidezüchtung - Erwartungen für das Jahr 2000. Wintertagung<br />

Österr. Ges. Land- u. Forstwirtschaftspolitik, Wien, 9-23.<br />

MARTINIELLO, P., G. DELOGU, M. ODOARDI, G. BOGGINI and M. STANCA (1987): Breeding<br />

progress in grain yield and selected agronomic characters of winter barley<br />

(Hordeum vulgare L.) over the last quarter of a century. - Plant Breeding 99,<br />

289-294.<br />

OBERFORSTER, M. (1997): Organisation und Durchführung der Sortenprüfung bei Getreide<br />

in Österreich - Ausgewählte Ergebnisse des Landeskulturellen Wertes. -<br />

Vortr. Pflanzenzüchtg. 39, 34-50.<br />


(1981): Comparison of spring barley varieties grown in England and Wales between<br />

1880 and 1980. - J. Agric. Sci. 97, 599-610.<br />

WYCH, R.D. and D.C. RASMUSSON (1983): Genetic improvement in malting barley<br />

since 1920. - Crop Sci. 23, 1037-1040.<br />


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