Schriften zu Genetischen Ressourcen - Genres

Schriften zu Genetischen Ressourcen - Genres Schriften zu Genetischen Ressourcen - Genres


References D. ENNEKING and H. KNÜPFFER ARIAS, G., REINER, A.; A. PENGER and A. MANGSTL (1983): Directory of barley cultivars and lines. Stuttgart: Eugen Ulmer. BAUM, B.R., L.G. BAILEY and B.K. THOMPSON (1985): Barley register. Canada Governm. Publ. Centre. Cat. No. A53-1783/1985. BAUMER, M. and R. CAIS (2000): Abstammung der Gerstensorten. Freising: Bayerische Landesanstalt für Bodenkultur und Pflanzenbau. ENNEKING, D. (1999-2002): Evaluation and conservation of barley genetic resources to improve their accessibility to breeders in Europe. Project homepage: ENNEKING, D. (2001-2002): The ECP/GR European Barley Database. ENNEKING, D. and H. KNÜPFFER (2001a). Fishing in the gene pool: Evaluation of barley genetic resources in Europe. In: Abstracts, EUCARPIA Section Genetic Resources Symposium “Broad Variation and Precise Characterization – Limitation for the Future”, May 16-20, 2001, Poznan, Poland, pp. 79-80. ENNEKING, D. and H. KNÜPFFER (2001b): The European Barley Database. In: H. KNÜPFFER, R. VON BOTHMER, M. AMBROSE, R. ELLIS, A.M. STANCA, D. ENNEKING, L. MAGGIONI and E. LIPMAN (compilers): Report of a Working Group on Barley. Sixth Meeting, 3 December 2000, Salsomaggiore, Italy. IPGRI, Rome, pp. 50- 62. ENNEKING, D.; E. SCHLIEPHAKE and H. KNÜPFFER (2001): Documentation and evaluation of barley genetic resources in Europe. 4 th International Triticeae Symposium, Córdoba, Spain. Junta de Andalucía. Consejera de Agricultura y Pesca, Córdoba, p. 26. KNÜPFFER, H. and TH. VAN HINTUM (1995): The Barley Core Collection - an international effort. In: T. HODGKIN, A.H.D. BROWN, TH.J.L. VAN HINTUM and E.A.V. MORALES (Eds.), Core Collections of Plant Genetic Resources. John Wiley and Sons, U.K., pp. 171-178. KNÜPFFER, H. and TH.J.L. VAN HINTUM (2003): Summarised diversity - the Barley Core Collection. In: R. VON BOTHMER, T.J.L. VAN HINTUM, H. KNÜPFFER and K. SATO (Eds.), Diversity in Barley (Hordeum vulgare). Elsevier Science, pp. 259-267. 221

E.N. SINSKAYA’S inventory of plant taxa E.N. SINSKAYA’S inventory of plant taxa in the basic and dependent areas of the historical development of the flora of cultivated plants A.A. FILATENKO 1 , K. PISTRICK 2 , H. KNÜPFFER 3 and K. HAMMER 4 Abstract The theory of centres of origin of domesticated plants was established and developed by N.I. VAVILOV, based on many years of systematic study of cultivated plants by the staff of the N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Production (VIR), involving hundreds of cultivated plant species collected from all over the globe. This theory was methodically verified. The boundaries of these centres or areas and the geographical ranges of the crops grown in them were continually updated by N.I. VAVILOV to gain precision, with the help of infraspecific (‘differential’) systematics. SINSKAYA (1969), in her basic work “Historical geography of the cultivated flora (at the dawn of agriculture)”, performed a ‘differential’ analysis of the composition of cultivated plant resources on the specific and infraspecific levels. She also traced the distribution and endemism of genera, thus expanding the methods for defining centres of origin, and thereby drew our attention to the fact that VAVILOV’S concept of a centre of origin was increasingly associated with wide geographic areas. SINSKAYA described the African area of historical development of the flora of cultivated plants for the first time and introduced the term ‘dependent area’. The documentation of domesticated plants by the methods of SINSKAYA gives new inspiration for further research on the evolution of the flora of cultivated plants. Introduction 1 13-Linija 12, kv. 7 St. Petersburg 199 034, Russia 2 Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Taxonomy Department Corrensstraße 3 D-06466 Gatersleben, Germany 3 Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Genebank Department Corrensstraße 3 D-06466 Gatersleben, Germany 4 Universität Kassel Fachbereich 11, Fachgebiet Agrarbiodiversität Steinstr. 19 D-37213 Witzenhausen, Germany 222

References<br />


ARIAS, G., REINER, A.; A. PENGER and A. MANGSTL (1983): Directory of barley cultivars<br />

and lines. Stuttgart: Eugen Ulmer.<br />

BAUM, B.R., L.G. BAILEY and B.K. THOMPSON (1985): Barley register. Canada<br />

Governm. Publ. Centre. Cat. No. A53-1783/1985.<br />

BAUMER, M. and R. CAIS (2000): Abstammung der Gerstensorten. Freising: Bayerische<br />

Landesanstalt für Bodenkultur und Pflanzenbau.<br /><br />

ENNEKING, D. (1999-2002): Evaluation and conservation of barley genetic resources<br />

to improve their accessibility to breeders in Europe.<br />

Project homepage:<br />

ENNEKING, D. (2001-2002): The ECP/GR European Barley Database.<br /><br />

ENNEKING, D. and H. KNÜPFFER (2001a). Fishing in the gene pool: Evaluation of barley<br />

genetic resources in Europe. In: Abstracts, EUCARPIA Section Genetic Resources<br />

Symposium “Broad Variation and Precise Characterization – Limitation<br />

for the Future”, May 16-20, 2001, Poznan, Poland, pp. 79-80.<br />

ENNEKING, D. and H. KNÜPFFER (2001b): The European Barley Database. In: H.<br />


L. MAGGIONI and E. LIPMAN (compilers): Report of a Working Group on Barley.<br />

Sixth Meeting, 3 December 2000, Salsomaggiore, Italy. IPGRI, Rome, pp. 50-<br />

62.<br />

ENNEKING, D.; E. SCHLIEPHAKE and H. KNÜPFFER (2001): Documentation and evaluation<br />

of barley genetic resources in Europe. 4 th International Triticeae Symposium,<br />

Córdoba, Spain. Junta de Andalucía. Consejera de Agricultura y Pesca,<br />

Córdoba, p. 26.<br />

KNÜPFFER, H. and TH. VAN HINTUM (1995): The Barley Core Collection - an international<br />

effort. In: T. HODGKIN, A.H.D. BROWN, TH.J.L. VAN HINTUM and E.A.V.<br />

MORALES (Eds.), Core Collections of Plant Genetic Resources. John Wiley and<br />

Sons, U.K., pp. 171-178.<br />

KNÜPFFER, H. and TH.J.L. VAN HINTUM (2003): Summarised diversity - the Barley Core<br />

Collection. In: R. VON BOTHMER, T.J.L. VAN HINTUM, H. KNÜPFFER and K. SATO<br />

(Eds.), Diversity in Barley (Hordeum vulgare). Elsevier Science, pp. 259-267.<br />


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