Schriften zu Genetischen Ressourcen - Genres

Schriften zu Genetischen Ressourcen - Genres Schriften zu Genetischen Ressourcen - Genres


A. DIEDERICHSEN, D. KESSLER, P. KUSTERS, J.P. RANEY and K.W. RICHARDS combination. Computerised databases can handle this detailed information very efficiently and substitute to some degree the classical approach of infraspecific classification. The four convarieties defined by KULPA and DANERT (1962) are represented in the PGRC flax collection (Table 2). The linseed cultivars grown widely in Canada fall into the group of intermediate flax; their growing season is shorter than of the large seeded Mediterranean flax. The actualisation of the concepts outlined for plant systematics by N.I. VAVILOV (1935) or R. MANSFELD (1962) is based on observations as presented here. Tab. 2: Representation of the four convarieties of Linum usitatissimum L. subsp. usitatissimum in the PGRC flax collection Convariety Common name Accessions convar. crepitans (Boenningh.) Kulpa et Danert Dehiscent flax 4 convar. elongatum Vav. et Ell. Fibre flax 296 convar. mediterraneum (Vav. ex Ell.) Kulpa et Danert Mediterranean flax 63 convar. usitatissimum Intermediate flax 2427 Total classified 2790 Acknowledgements This project was supported by the Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission and the Matching Investment Initiative of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. References ALEFELD, Fr.(1866): Landwirthschaftliche Flora. Wiegandt and Hempel, Berlin. CERNOMORSKAJA, N.M. and A.K STANKEVIC, 1987: To the problem of infraspecific classification of common flax (Linum usitatissimum L). (Russ.). - Selekcija i genetika techn. kult. 113, 53-63. DIEDERICHSEN, A. (2001): Comparison of genetic diversity of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) between Canadian cultivars and a world collection. - Plant Breeding 120, 360- 362. 217

Genetic diversity and infraspecific classification in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) DIEDERICHSEN, A. and J.P. RANEY (2001): Final Report for the project: “Flax Germplasm Characterization and Screening for Seed-Oil Quality”. Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission, Saskatoon, Canada. DIEDERICHSEN, A. and K.W. RICHARDS (2001): Cultivated flax and the genus Linum L. – Taxonomy and germplasm conservation. In: A. MUIR and N. WESTCOTT (eds.): Flax, the genus Linum. Harwood Acad. Publ., Amsterdam (in press). DILLMAN, A.C. (1953): Classification of flax varieties, 1946: USDA, Technical Bulletin No. 1054. USDA, Washington. ELLADI, V.N. (1940): Linum usitatissimum (L.) Vav. consp. nov. Len. (Russ.). In: E.V. VUL’F and N.I. VAVILOV (eds.) Kul’turnaja flora SSSR, fibre plants. Vol. 5, Part 1, pp. 109-207. Sel’chozgiz, Moskva, Leningrad. HAMMER, K. (2001): Linaceae. In: P. HANELT and INSTITUTE OF PLANT GENETICS AND CROP PLANT RESEARCH (eds.): Mansfeld’s Encyclopedia of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops. 2, pp. 1106-1108. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. HOWART, G.L.C. (1924): Studies in Indian oil seeds No. 2 linseed. India Dept. Agriculture, Memoirs Botanical Series 12, 134-183. KULPA, W. and S. DANERT (1962): Zur Systematik von Linum usitatissimum L. - Kulturpflanze, Beiheft 3, 341-388. LINNAEUS, C. (1753): Species plantarum. Holmiae [Stockholm]. MANSFELD, R. (1962): Über „alte“ und „neue“ Systematik der Pflanzen. - Kulturpflanze, Beih. 3, 26-46. VAVILOV, N.I. (1935): The phytogeographical basis for plant breeding. In: Theoretical Basis for Plant Breeding. Vol. 1, pp. 17-75. Sel’chozgiz, Moskva, Leningrad. 218


combination. Computerised databases can handle this detailed information very efficiently<br />

and substitute to some degree the classical approach of infraspecific classification.<br />

The four convarieties defined by KULPA and DANERT (1962) are represented in the<br />

PGRC flax collection (Table 2). The linseed cultivars grown widely in Canada fall into the<br />

group of intermediate flax; their growing season is shorter than of the large seeded<br />

Mediterranean flax. The actualisation of the concepts outlined for plant systematics by<br />

N.I. VAVILOV (1935) or R. MANSFELD (1962) is based on observations as presented<br />

here.<br />

Tab. 2: Representation of the four convarieties of Linum usitatissimum L.<br />

subsp. usitatissimum in the PGRC flax collection<br />

Convariety Common name Accessions<br />

convar. crepitans (Boenningh.) Kulpa et Danert Dehiscent flax 4<br />

convar. elongatum Vav. et Ell. Fibre flax 296<br />

convar. mediterraneum (Vav. ex Ell.) Kulpa et<br />

Danert<br />

Mediterranean flax 63<br />

convar. usitatissimum Intermediate flax 2427<br />

Total classified 2790<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

This project was supported by the Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission and<br />

the Matching Investment Initiative of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.<br />

References<br />

ALEFELD, Fr.(1866): Landwirthschaftliche Flora. Wiegandt and Hempel, Berlin.<br />

CERNOMORSKAJA, N.M. and A.K STANKEVIC, 1987: To the problem of infraspecific classification<br />

of common flax (Linum usitatissimum L). (Russ.). - Selekcija i genetika<br />

techn. kult. 113, 53-63.<br />

DIEDERICHSEN, A. (2001): Comparison of genetic diversity of flax (Linum usitatissimum<br />

L.) between Canadian cultivars and a world collection. - Plant Breeding 120, 360-<br />

362.<br />


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