RAHAN MONASTIC SITE - Offaly County Council

RAHAN MONASTIC SITE - Offaly County Council

RAHAN MONASTIC SITE - Offaly County Council

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4.0 ASSESSMENT and STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCEDECFBGAHIJKPlate 53. A: Mythical beast’s head. B: Ape-like animal head. C: Ram-like animal head. D: Exhibitionist figure. E: Possible bishop’s head.F: Possible monk’s head. G: Mythical beast’s head. H: Monks’ heads. I: Side view of inner face of window surround showing chevrons, beadingand profile of possible bishop’s head. J: Inner face of bottom voussoirs showing chevrons, beading and floral motif. K: External face of uppervoussoirs showing chevrons, beading and chequerboard pattern.58

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