RAHAN MONASTIC SITE - Offaly County Council

RAHAN MONASTIC SITE - Offaly County Council

RAHAN MONASTIC SITE - Offaly County Council

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4.0 ASSESSMENT and STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCEor that English clerics were responsible for commissioning this building. Could this link with the English churchbe associated with the twelfth century reformation of the Irish church under the patronage of the O’Kelly’s of UíMáine, who at that time were abbots of Rahan?Analysis of the historic fabric, records several phases of development and reveals much about the evolution ofthe building since the twelfth century. The masonry of the smaller church incorporates some original stone tiles,possibly from the twelfth century stone roof of the Church of St Carthage. The presence of this feature, alongwith its fine Romanesque doorway and fifteenth century decorated windows, all contribute to the architecturalsignificance of the smaller church at Rahan. A combination of highly unusual and distinctive features suggeststhat the nave and chancel church at Rahan was an unusual building at the time of its construction and one thatwas obviously intended to convey the high status of the monastery (pers. comm. Dr Rachel Moss).Artistic SignificanceThe human faces on the capitals of the chancel arch of the larger church have been described by Francoise Henryin 1940 as - beautiful pieces of carving, strong, haughty faces, with curling moustache and beard. This is native artat its best. 59 The uniqueness, quality and condition of the carving of the chancel arch, together with the circularwindow and the west doorway of the smaller church makes Rahan one of the most important group of Romanesquechurches in Ireland.The graveyard at Rahan contains some of the finest eighteenth and nineteenth century memorials in <strong>County</strong><strong>Offaly</strong>. These contain important folk art and religious symbolism distinctive to the region. The quality of thestone carving on the memorials is a testimony to the skill of the local stone carvers.Social and Spiritual SignificanceRahan monastery has been a sacred place of worship for over 1500 years, the lack of development and grounddisturbance within the monastic enclosure contributes to the sense of place and enhances the social significanceof the monastery. This original function is maintained today through the on-going use as a place of ChristianWorship.Plate 47. Bulbous bases of engaged columns and decorative floral motif of the chancel arch. The floral motif is only foundon the base of the north side of the chancel arch.55

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