RAHAN MONASTIC SITE - Offaly County Council

RAHAN MONASTIC SITE - Offaly County Council

RAHAN MONASTIC SITE - Offaly County Council

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3.0 PHYSICAL EVIDENCEThis tree appears to have been suppressed by adjacent vegetation and extremely dense ivygrowth leaving a tree which lacks vigour and aesthetic appeal. Tree surgery would be beneficial inrejuvenating the tree and improving its appearance. By carrying out a crown reduction and repeatingthe process cyclically, this would avoid the tree affecting the walls or roof of the church.Yew leaves and seeds contain the poison Taxine which can be fatal to animals if eaten in largequantities. The red berries are not poisonous but the seeds contained within them are extremelypoisonous.This tree does not appear to be having an adverse effect on the adjacent headstones. If one looksacross the graveyard, the majority of the headstones are leaning considerably with no trees besidethem so it is more likely to be the ground conditions that are affecting them.A lone hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna; in Irish, Sceach gheal) is growing just outside the boundarywall of the church. It is a well-formed specimen that has extremely dense ivy that is causingcompetition and suppressing it. A second hawthorn stands near the river. Both are suffering fromrubbing and soil erosion from stock.A beech hedge has recently been planted at the entrance to the site in front of an existing younghawthorn hedge. Beech is not a native species, and the management and improvement of theexisting native hedge is recommended, as this would be more appropriate to the general characterof the site.Jays and mistle thrushes were present at the site.3.5 FolkloreThere is limited folklore associated with the site compared to the rich historical and physicalremains.The Bell of MochudaThe bell of Mochuda, which the saint rang against Blathmac, was called the glassan of Hui Suanaigin later times. 52 According to local tradition the Bell Hole was located in the Clodiagh River.Expulsion of St Carthage 53Mochuda, with his following, next visited the cross already mentioned and here, turning to theking, addressed him thus: Behold the heavens above you and the earth below. The king looked atthem: then Mochuda continued: Heaven may you not possess and even from your earthly principalitymay you soon be driven and your brother whom you have reproached, because he would not lay handson me, shall possess it instead of you, and in your lifetime. You shall be despised by all - so muchso that in your brother’s house they shall forget to supply you with food. Moreover yourself and yourchildren shall come to an evil end and in a little while there shall not be one of your seed remaining.Then Mochuda cursed him and he rang his small bell against him and against his family, whencethe bell has since been known as The Bell of Blathmac’s Extinguishing, or The Bell of Blathmac’sDrowning, because it led to the death of Blathmac and all of his descendents.Martyrology of OengusAccording to the Martyrology of Oengus this expulsion was one of the — three bad stories of thesaints of Erin. The three worst counsels that were done through the counsel of the saints, i.e. cuttingshort of Ciaran’s life, and banishing Colum Cille, and putting Mochutu out of Rathen. 5453

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