Part 2 - AMORC

Part 2 - AMORC

Part 2 - AMORC


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of us when we must take stock, and then devoteourselves to the attainment of spiritual growth onhigher levels. And as long as we work in harmonywith the Cosmic and obey the laws of the universe,we will be helped.There are as many missions as there arefields of endeavour. The Rosicrucian teachingstouch upon all knowledge: the arts, sciences,comparative religions, various philosophies andhealing. Rosicrucians can study and specialise inthe fields to which they are attracted accordingto their talents, and can apply their knowledgeand experience in the service to the Order andmankind.Rosicrucians come from all walks of life andare of different ages and temperaments. From manyexperiences in the past we have learned numerouslessons, and there are still many more lessons to belearned. Yet, what Rosicrucians have in commonforges a mighty bond: the desire to grow spirituallyand to reach ultimate mastership, however distantit may be. The Path stretches out ahead. At times itis a steep path, but we press onward and upward,setting our gaze on the heights above us.Many of us were guided to the Orderbecause we were hungry for enlightenment andeager to find real meaning in life. We progressthrough study, meditation and the conscientiousperformance of experiments. By learning to listen,the wisdom of the divine inner self is imparted andwe become aware of our talents and life’s work.What are our talents and our missions? Wehave all heard the adage: “Seek and you will find!”Where there is desire, there exists correspondingability, though it may be latent. The human mindis part of the system and processes of the Cosmic.When we turn inward in meditation, the answerwill come. In meditation we find our lost connectionwith the Creator. The plan for humanity is morebeautiful than our loftiest dreams.True ExpressionFortunate is the one who can earn his daily breaddoing what he loves. When the outer pattern of ourobjective self is in harmony with the Master Within,“miracles” can take place. True expression of theself within is necessary for mental and physicalhealth. Constant anxiety eliminates any chance ofhappiness. If joy has left you, how can you be awareof the beauty of the moon and the stars? If you keepyour eyes fixed on the dust at your feet, how canyou see the glory overhead?Sometimes we incur opposition andcriticism from the outer world. In that case we arestrengthened by keeping to our principles and notcompromising ourselves. By allowing others tochoose for us and dictate to us, we may consentwith a degree of unwillingness and resentment,True expression of the self within isnecessary for mental and physicalhealth.and then no one profits, for whatever is donegrudgingly cannot bear fruit.The basis of the mystical approach to life,the foundation of everyday practice of someonewho lives the life of obedience to esoteric lawis the reversal of most usual ways of thinking,speaking and doing. We must dare to be differentand true to our inner self, yet we must also feelperfect tolerance of other’s ways. Each stage ofour inner growth has given us a higher concept ofwhat is right, resulting in a higher ideal. The lightof awakened consciousness illuminates the roadand makes the ideal a point to be worked towardand ultimately attained.The way will open up before us, obstacleswill be pushed aside. Every sound we hear, everyperson we meet, every book we read, everymission we accomplish will be revealed to us insome way, and the inner urge will be ever-presentuntil the work is completed and valuable lessonslearned.The Role of GeniusGenius always heeds the voice of the inner selfand offers itself as a willing channel for divinemanifestation. Ralph Waldo Emerson startledNew England when he resigned his pastorate anddevoted the rest of his life to travel, lecturing andwriting, stressing always strong reliance on theinner spirit and its freedom. Had he not found hisown niche and talents, the world would have losta literary genius.The Serbian-American scientist NikolaTesla forsook the joys of love and family and livedfor his experiments and inventions. He conceivedthe alternating current method that brought aboutnew uses for electricity. The idea came to himin a flash one day during his youth while hewas admiring a sunset. His greatest achievementwas the discovery of the rotating magnetic field:the fundamental elements of the alternating32The Rosicrucian Beacon -- June 2008

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