Part 2 - AMORC

Part 2 - AMORC

Part 2 - AMORC


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www.amorc.org.ukne can’t help notice how powerful a clear, personalphilosophy of life can be; how everything seems to flow soharmoniously for those who have dared to take control overtheir lives. Analysing real needs rather than ephemeral wants,such people know that they need more than anything else, to relyupon their own insights rather than those of others, to take their owndecisions rather than rely on those taken by others, and above all, tolive with the consequences of their own thoughts, words and deeds.If you are searching for a deeper understanding of yourself,and especially if you seek to gain greater mastery over your life,the Rosicrucian Order is a good place to start your journey. Forcenturies, Rosicrucians have assisted people to find within themselvesa “higher knowledge” which exists embryonically in all humanbeings. Developing this inner understanding to its limits leads towhat religions and philosophies of all ages have referred to simplyas “Illumination,” a state of joy, perfection and achievement beyondour wildest dreams.Gaining this knowledge and experience is not merely anacademic exercise; it is a graded series of practical steps we need totake in order to gain first proficiency and eventually full mastery overour daily thoughts, words and actions.The Rosicrucian approach to inner development has broughthappiness, peace and success into the affairs of thousands of peopleover the centuries, and you too can benefit from it. If you wish to knowmore about the Rosicrucian system of inner development, contact theRosicrucian Order using the details given below, and request a copyof the free introductory booklet entitled “The Mastery of Life.”This will explain the Rosicrucian Order and its approach to lifein greater detail and you can decide for yourself whether or not thispath is for you.Mail To: Rosicrucian Order, Greenwood Gate, Blackhill,Crowborough TN6 1ZX, ENGLANDTel: 01892-653197 -- Fax: 01892-667432Email: membership@amorc.org.ukWebsite: www.amorc.org.ukThe Rosicrucian Beacon -- June 2008

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