Part 2 - AMORC

Part 2 - AMORC Part 2 - AMORC


y Marcus Aurelius(Roman Emperor 121 – 180 CE)EPRESENT incessantly theuniverse to yourself as a single livingbeing composed of one sort of matter,and of one soul. This is how all thatpasses in it is referred to one principle of feeling.This is how one single impulse makes the wholemove, and this is why all its products are an effectof a number of causes. O Universe! O Nature!You are the source of all, the ultimate terms ofall. The same species of soul has been assignedto all animals, and the same intellectual soul toall reasoning beings, just as all terrestrial bodiesare made of the same terrestrial matter, are as allthat sees and breathes, sees but one and the samelight, and breathes but one and the same air.The light of the sun is one, though we seeit dispersed on walls, on mountains, and on athousand different objects. Although dividedinto thousands of separate bodies, this is butone sort of matter. There is but one intelligentSoul, though it seems to divide itself. We are allunited by a common participation in the sameintelligence. You have forgotten that the soul ofeach of us is a god who has emanated from theSupreme Being.Just as bodies after a brief sojourn on earthbecome changed and at last dissolved so theymay make way for others, so do souls after theirsojourn in the air become changed as they returnto the fertile bosom of Universal Reason. All soulsform a portion of the same spiritual element, justas all seas belong to the element of water. Oneand the same Reason gives light to them all, justas the sun gives light to the earth and ocean.10The Rosicrucian Beacon -- June 2008

y Bill Anderson, FRC-- PART 1"Al cap dels sèt cent ans, verdejara lo laurèl."The laurel will flourish again in 700 years(Belibaste)In Christianity, the laurel, once sacred to Apollo,is said to symbolise the Resurrection of Christand the triumph of Humanity.PART 1 of this trilogy about the Cathars, amystical and gnostic form of Christianity,deals with the better-known aspects ofCathar history in the south of France.PART 2 will deal with their faith and life,widening its scope to include Italy andSpain, and we will discover why the churchperceived them as such a great threat.PART 3 will be the story of one of the mostfamous Cathars: Esclarmonde de Foix.he word Cathar derives fromthe Greek word Καθαρός (katharosmeaning “pure.”) Catharism itself wasa gnostic and dualist Christian religiousmovement that appeared in the Languedoc regionof France, called Occitània at the time, around themiddle of the 11 th century. The movement wasbranded by the Catholic Church as heretical, withsome authorities denouncing them as not beingChristian at all. It existed throughout much ofWestern Europe, including Aragon and Catalonia inSpain, the Rhineland and Flanders, and Lombardyand Tuscany in Italy.In the early 13 th century, the area of theMidi or southern France known as the Lengadòc(Languedoc) stretched from the Rhone valley inThe Rosicrucian Beacon -- June 200811

y Marcus Aurelius(Roman Emperor 121 – 180 CE)EPRESENT incessantly theuniverse to yourself as a single livingbeing composed of one sort of matter,and of one soul. This is how all thatpasses in it is referred to one principle of feeling.This is how one single impulse makes the wholemove, and this is why all its products are an effectof a number of causes. O Universe! O Nature!You are the source of all, the ultimate terms ofall. The same species of soul has been assignedto all animals, and the same intellectual soul toall reasoning beings, just as all terrestrial bodiesare made of the same terrestrial matter, are as allthat sees and breathes, sees but one and the samelight, and breathes but one and the same air.The light of the sun is one, though we seeit dispersed on walls, on mountains, and on athousand different objects. Although dividedinto thousands of separate bodies, this is butone sort of matter. There is but one intelligentSoul, though it seems to divide itself. We are allunited by a common participation in the sameintelligence. You have forgotten that the soul ofeach of us is a god who has emanated from theSupreme Being.Just as bodies after a brief sojourn on earthbecome changed and at last dissolved so theymay make way for others, so do souls after theirsojourn in the air become changed as they returnto the fertile bosom of Universal Reason. All soulsform a portion of the same spiritual element, justas all seas belong to the element of water. Oneand the same Reason gives light to them all, justas the sun gives light to the earth and ocean.10The Rosicrucian Beacon -- June 2008

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