Part 2 - AMORC

Part 2 - AMORC

Part 2 - AMORC


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conquer them, then that is the way everydayproblems in adulthood will be met.This is not the way for you, though. Wehave known for a long time that you have the bornability to meet anything squarely and make gooduse of it. You will soon find, with your fine talentfor discriminating between the worthwhile andthe useless, that anyone who is going anywherementally, physically or materially will respectyou for being an individual. They will come todepend on your good judgment and acclaimyou for your strength.This is a big step for you to take now and atremendous effort will have to be made on yourpart. No one can make you do it; no one can makeyou do anything. They can only threaten, punishand beg. However, unless you have a deep,driving desire for accomplishment, you will beone of those who have to be eternally pushed.Later, the time comes when no one cares enoughabout us to push.You have great promise. It shines in youreyes; it is evident in how you deal with things thatare desirable to you and in your good way of life.Live up to your promise. Start now, by makingyour own decisions, by meeting the challenges ofunpleasant tasks and becoming the victor. Don’tbe one of those who just go along for the ride.Tremendous effort will have to be madeon your part.Know too that there are those who careenough to petition the great Cosmic Consciousnesson your behalf and they are but a phone callaway. The work must be yours and it won’t beeasy, but the God of your greatest understandingwith infinite loving care, can at least awaken thespark within you that will make all your workbear fruit.The blessed warmth of radiant sun,the beauty of a task well done,the peace that comes to set us free,through synthesis and unity.To join with those whose mission wemust share in truth and harmony;then on to meet our destinythrough merging with divinity.-- The Nameless OneThe Rosicrucian Beacon -- June 2008

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